View Full Version : Prince Harry's engagement

November 28th, 2017, 15:57
Well, it's all over the UK papers that Prince Harry have finally announced his engagement to Ms Merkel.

I always thought he was the better looking of the royal princes, and obviously takes after his father.

November 28th, 2017, 16:54
Who is?

November 28th, 2017, 23:14
Well, it's all over the UK papers that Prince Harry have finally announced his engagement to Ms Merkel.

I always thought he was the better looking of the royal princes, and obviously takes after his father.

Harry's family must be thrilled that he's going back to his German roots and the corpulent Chancellor is no doubt ecstatic that she is finally getting a root. (cue in the geronto-stud from Down Under to question my use of the Australianism)

I don't find either of the princes attractive. They're not ugly but without the titles, privilege and celebrity status, I doubt either would get much of a second look if he were to walk into a major London club.

November 29th, 2017, 00:11
We won't have long to wait till they start breeding to produce a few more parasites

November 29th, 2017, 01:15
Well, it's all over the UK papers that Prince Harry have finally announced his engagement to Ms Merkel.

I always thought he was the better looking of the royal princes, and obviously takes after his father.
Marrying into the Merkels is just another part of the plot to thwart Brexit I bet.
You can't trust the Hanovarian roots.
He should have stuck with the White/African American lady Ms Markel.
But on second thoughts....

November 29th, 2017, 01:23
Do you really think the House of Windsor or Saxe Coburg Gothe would accept a part African into the family? 'After spending hundreds of years of subjugating them. Something's not quite right here.

Anyway, the German papers are reporting that Ms Merkel is relieved to stand down as Chancellor, and take up the more glamorous role as a Princess.

November 29th, 2017, 11:14
With William's receding hairline and rounded out face -- and those lips! -- he looks quite a lot like George III ... as he should I suppose George being his GGGG+(?) Grandfather and all.


Strictly on the Handsome side Harry is definitely a few steps up the ladder on his bro.

November 29th, 2017, 11:30
Royals marrying their mistresses is frankly to be discouraged - very middle class. How did he propose? "My father married his mistress, my brother married his mistress, I suppose I should marry you"? As for the question of his paternity, just look at his mother's brother if you want to know where he gets those genes from

November 29th, 2017, 13:00
Charles ii didn't stand on ceremony and produced 14 or 15 illegitimate children with his many mistresses.
Lady Diana is a direct double decendant of 2 of them.
Good news for Scottish-guy;
Her son William will be the 1st half - Stuart on the throne since Queen Anne.
Up your's House of Hanover....Ring out ye Bells of the Kirk!

November 29th, 2017, 13:21
(cue in the geronto-stud from Down Under to question my use of the Australianism)

Just wondering why one Australian would question the use of an Australianism by a fellow Australian.


And as for the engagement, who cares?

It's on a par with Matt's news from KK. And the photos will be just as staged, no doubt.

November 29th, 2017, 13:31
That's as maybe a447, but would you suck his cock? I certainly would

November 29th, 2017, 13:40
The engagement was front page news here and led all the news bulletins. I'm sick of it already.

All we need now are the tea-towels and the mugs - and photos of the mugs buying all that shit.

The baby bump will be next year's big news.

Pass me the fucking fruit knife!

November 29th, 2017, 14:41
I love it..the original reality TV..and yes...harry is most definitely the most gorgeous manly butch one..can park his shoes under my bed any time..any day

November 29th, 2017, 23:52
I love it..the original reality TV..and yes...harry is most definitely the most gorgeous manly butch one..can park his shoes under my bed any time..any day

The Lucky Lady is already divorced.
She's a proud feminist.
She's very pushy and mouthy.
She has Irish and Black ancestry.
Everything the Head of the Royal Family, Prince Philip, could hope for coming up to Christmas.

November 30th, 2017, 00:18
u forgot the biggest no no...she's CATHOLIC...

November 30th, 2017, 07:05
I think you'll find she's actually protestant, but went to a catholic school.

November 30th, 2017, 10:21
oh dear...i stand corrected...for a change a447 is correct...

November 30th, 2017, 11:32
It's quite evident from the Palace announcement that she's a Nothing if she's yet to be baptised. She may call herself Protestant or indeed anything else she likes, but if she has to be baptised then so far she's a Nothing. There's nothing uniquely C of E about baptism - any church's baptism will do - so the statement that she will be baptised and confirmed means she's never been baptised before

November 30th, 2017, 12:28
i could just scratch the bitches eyes out...harry is soooo gorgeous...

November 30th, 2017, 12:32
Lord! being Romanish Catholic would have been a step too far.
Good she met Harry or she would've ended up in Hell, Limbo or Purgatory- not sure which.
God forbid but if anything happens to William, Harry will be King and head of the Church and she, as yet a Pagan, will be Queen....hope they don't honeymoon in Paris.

November 30th, 2017, 12:52
...ignoramus...will already has kids...

November 30th, 2017, 12:54
Lord! being Romanish Catholic would have been a step too far.
Good she met Harry or she would've ended up in Hell, Limbo or Purgatory- not sure which.
God forbid but if anything happens to William, Harry will be King and head of the Church and she, as yet a Pagan, will be Queen....hope they don't honeymoon in Paris.
I forgot that William has an Heir.
That's good- they can honeymoon in Paris no problem.

November 30th, 2017, 13:41
I forgot that William has an Heir.He actually has two, with a third on the way

November 30th, 2017, 15:37
That's a feat of shagging!

He clearly gets his voracious sexual appetite from his late mother ?

November 30th, 2017, 20:32
I think Harry is now about 5th in line, after young George and his sister. SG for a Scots Nat, you seem to care too much about that family. Do you work at Balmoral?

November 30th, 2017, 23:52
I think Harry is now about 5th in line, after young George and his sister. SG for a Scots Nat, you seem to care too much about that family. Do you work at Balmoral?
But the hard facts about this family which were forgotten by me have been filled in by 'frequent' and ....You.

December 1st, 2017, 00:48
I don't care about them at all other than, like all UK taxpayers, I have to support them without any choice in the matter and that they are there by accident of birth rather than on any merit whatsoever

December 1st, 2017, 03:32
I don't care about them at all other than, like all UK taxpayers, I have to support them without any choice in the matter and that they are there by accident of birth rather than on any merit whatsoever

But as a mere man, do you find Harry attractive or not?

December 1st, 2017, 04:50
He's far more attractive than his half-brother, but the facial hair rules him out of being in any way fuckable in my eyes.

December 1st, 2017, 08:09
The People's Republic of Scotland. Sounds inviting.

December 1st, 2017, 13:03
...ignoramus...will already has kids...
Not being up to speed on the breeding record of royalty does not make one an 'ignoramus'.
However writing the proper noun 'Will' as 'will' testifies to some degree of ignorance in the strict sense of that word.

December 1st, 2017, 14:18
He's far more attractive than his half-brother...Half-brother? How do you account for William being almost the spitting image of his father's younger brother while Harry is the spitting image of his mother's brother? It's just the way the genes express themselves. Apart from wanting Diana to be a fool and a slut, as well as the bimbo she undoubtedly was?

But the hard facts about this family which were forgotten by me have been filled in by 'frequent' and ....You.Thank you, FarangRuMak. Here's some more trivia for you. Queen Elizabeth sends the same member of the royal family to every event where the Thai royal family are marking something of note - King Bhumibhol's sixtieth jubilee on the throne, for example, or the cremation of the King's sister, to name but two. Andrew is Queen Elizabeth's go-to prince to maintain the personal relationship between the British and Thai royal families. He again represented The Queen at the recent cremation of Rama IX. I fully expect him to represent her at the enthronement of Rama X. The word I'm looking for to describe this further representation is, I think, "apposite"

Don't take my word for it. a447 and arsenal are keen devotees of the Thai royal family and can readily confirm every word of what I've just written ... Can't you, boys?!

December 1st, 2017, 14:23
frequent, even I, an ex-colonial, can affirm your comments.

December 1st, 2017, 14:35
frequent, even I, an ex-colonial, can affirm your comments.How kind Joe but on this Forum a447 and arsenal are the sine qua non plus ultra of everything pertaining to the Thai Royal Family

December 1st, 2017, 14:42
I don't care about them at all other than, like all UK taxpayers, I have to support them without any choice in the matter and that they are there by accident of birth rather than on any merit whatsoeverOn the contrary, scotty, they support you, you don't support them. They surrendered their right to income from their hereditary properties in exchange for a tiny annual grant. All of that income goes to you so you pay less tax. As for having a hereditary monarch as a figurehead at the apex of the pyramid - almost any hereditary but powerless figure would be better than any American president in the past thirty years. I exempt Ludwig, of course, but then he wasn't exactly powerless

December 1st, 2017, 14:46
When was Ludwig an American President? I must have been asleep.

December 1st, 2017, 15:10
Not asleep, just looking in the wrong country.

Although there is a connection with Disneyland.

December 1st, 2017, 15:37
Ah now a447, I've obviously had too much to drink or not enough. I suspect the latter.

December 1st, 2017, 15:51
Frequent wrote.
"On the contrary, scotty, they support you, you don't support them. They surrendered their right to income from their hereditary properties in exchange for a tiny annual grant. All of that income goes to you so you pay less tax."
Yep, that'll do it.

December 1st, 2017, 15:55
Half-brother? How do you account for ....

It's well known that his mother had an affair with Captain James Hewitt, so I "account for" my half-brother remark like this:


December 1st, 2017, 15:58
Like this:


As I say - include a picture of Earl Spencer before his hair turned grey and let the punters decide

December 1st, 2017, 16:12
are you suggesting her brother is Harry's father?

December 1st, 2017, 16:13
But I think you'll find her affair with Hewitt began 2 years after Harry was born.

December 1st, 2017, 16:50
And who's word do we have on that a447?

As Miss Keeler said of Profumo "...Well he would say that, wouldn't he?"

December 1st, 2017, 16:51
And one only needs to look at photos of Tsar Nicholas and King George V to see how those royal genes bounce about all over Europe.

December 1st, 2017, 16:56
I personally look at photos of Tsar Nicholas and George V every day - both are hot!

I look at them whilst waiting to hear if I will be sending £50 worth of Xmas dinners to the Thai orphans - but it looks as if Len the Liar will be letting them starve instead.

December 1st, 2017, 17:18

December 1st, 2017, 17:36
I plan to do as much as I can for the Thai orphans when I'm in Pattaya, and off as many as I can.

December 1st, 2017, 17:58
Clearly your talking about much older orphans that I was - and even when it comes to those, I was talking about feeding them a meal, not a length dear

December 1st, 2017, 18:14
But I think you'll find her affair with Hewitt began 2 years after Harry was born.I'm surprised scotty hasn't trotted out the old story that Prince Andrew is Lord Porchester's son. The royal family are quite capable of handling inconvenient situations; were Harry deemed not to be the son of Prince Charles something would have happened during the pregnancy. She was already bulimic; a medication to force a miscarriage would not be that difficult to administer unbeknown to her. Let's not forget the the royal family euthanised King George V to ensure that his death would be reported in The Times and not those beastly afternoon tabloids

December 1st, 2017, 18:15
We all do our bit in different ways. Anyway, have you seen my cock? Hardly describe it as a length.

December 1st, 2017, 18:19
I plan to do as much as I can for the Thai orphans when I'm in Pattaya, and off as many as I can.Orphans are many and varied. A distant cousin of mine was orphaned when almost a teenager; I think some nuns took him in briefly. Over-reaction to his parents' death, I suspect, but he worked many long hours as an altar boy. I believe he toyed with the priesthood

December 1st, 2017, 18:38
I was an altar boy, but I never toyed with the priesthood. Had a Christian Brother once (not).

December 1st, 2017, 19:08
My father was educated by the Christian Brothers and when I said I might be interested in the religious life, he suggested joining them. Little did he know.

December 1st, 2017, 19:38
I wonder, bob, I wonder.

December 1st, 2017, 20:18
... have you seen my cock?...

I feel compelled to respond that I have not - and that with the greatest respect and with no offence intended whatsoever, I have no desire to.

I do notice however that you frequently offer to suck off other board members or have them fellate you. I would discourage this as it's what's known as "scraping the barrel" or in cases like Len it's otherwise known as "raising the dead"


December 2nd, 2017, 01:37
..some of the comments are in bad taste...even for me...when the word orphans is used automatically one thinks of a sad looking 5 year old boy... dont give the haters reason to hate..

December 2nd, 2017, 01:51
..some of the comments are in bad taste...even for me...when the word orphans is used automatically one thinks of a sad looking 5 year old boy... dont give the haters reason to hate..Haters will always hate, reason or no reason. And gays are often their own worst enemies in that regard, referring to strapping youths of sixteen or seventeen as "young boys"

I was an altar boy, but I never toyed with the priesthood. Had a Christian Brother once (not).A friend of mine once picked up a man he knew to be a priest in a "cottage", took him home and couldn't stop calling him "Father" throughout their carnal episode

December 2nd, 2017, 01:59
latin, you sometimes just amaze me.

December 2nd, 2017, 06:07
my whole education from the age of 6 until the graduating from high school at 17 was all in private catholic boy schools..not once was I even touched let alone molested by a priest or a brother...much to my annoyance as some of the brothers were oh so hot.
Maybe I should sue the church for not being totally inclusive and molesting even the ugly knobbly kneed boys like me...

December 2nd, 2017, 06:10
..and joe..why do i amaze u??
I have no predelictions/fantasies concerning teens....and best u and frequent keep yours under control...
I do enjoy toying with money boys...to the point that u may find distasteful...but this is between consenting adults..
Jokes and sexual inuendos concerning orphans are in my opinion distasteful...Im sure u agree with me...

December 2nd, 2017, 07:52
No latin, I don't agree with you.

December 3rd, 2017, 00:33
ok, thats a worry

December 3rd, 2017, 00:44
You're talking about child orphans and I agree with you there. I'm talking about orphans above the age of consent. Happy now?