View Full Version : Matt and I

November 28th, 2017, 00:48
I've been a member of the board for nigh on 10 years. I'd like to think that in that time I've built up a certain credibility - I am actually who I claim to be. An Irishman who drinks too much (I know, the exception to the rule), too prone to falling in love with a cute go-go boy, prone to depression when at home, and who's had a challenging couple of years.

Matt joined the board at roughly the same time, give or take a year. At first, I thought he was a really nice guy, defying his parents' wishes and striking out on his own in a strange country. I admired and envied that. I totally believed his accounts of his daily life in Pattaya with Kim. He wasn't afraid to admit making mistakes, but generally seemed happy with his life. I can't remember what prompted the split with Kim.

Then came the move to Khon Kaen, which seemed a bit odd to me. Why would a young Western man move from Pattaya, where one can access support networks of farang business men, since he was building up his business. And of course, the usual pleasures of Pattaya. Seemed an odd choice to me, but then again, we've all made odd choices in our lives. Sometimes those choices take us closer to where we wanted to be, and sometimes they take us to places we never even knew about, and are happier for the experience.

The kicker for me was the blindness. You can't judge the decisions a person makes in that situation, but we all do. I can only speak for myself. Had I been rendered blind by a fall, and told there was no treatment, I would have gone home, no matter how much I didn't really want to. Just to have the support of family and friends (which I already have right now) but also access to services such as guide dogs, etc, which can give a blind person a greater level of independence. But Matt (apparently) decided to stay on his own in a strange town, in a (relatively) strange country, without a support network of any kind. A rational decision? I think not.

So once the doubts about his credibility begin to creep in, it becomes harder to believe anything
he says. I finally decided a little while ago that I didn't believe any of what he posted.

So why did I say I would go to KK to confirm (or otherwise) the reality of the person we know as Matt? He needed to be called out on his bullshit. And I hoped in the expected long discussions here about that visit, he would reveal more about his alternate persona.

The final straw was this morning, when he said I was still welcome to visit KK, but the rest of you could all fuck off. I couldn't maintain my pretence of believing his lies anymore.

Well, this went on a bit longer than I thought. I've tried to write as honestly as I can. Does it matter whether you believe what I've written? Well, yes, it does. I'd like to think that over the last 10 years I've made a couple of friends (even if we don't physically meet) and these are important to me.

So we all make our own decisions in these matters. I've made mine. I'm staying in Pattaya - spending the early part of the day in the Beer Garden, and trying to find a replacement for All of Me bar.

Now, I'm off to have a deep fried Mars bar with bacon for my tea.

November 28th, 2017, 01:05
I gave you a like for the content of your post - not for "calling Matt out".

I have no idea if Matt is genuine or not and I care even less - I take everybody at face value until the point where there's real proof to the contrary and even then, so what if someone wants to live a Walter Mitty existence - how does their doing that diminish me?

You have formed your own opinion from a great distance Joe - but what if Matt is genuine, however bizarre or unlikely you find his story - won't you feel a bit guilty?

I would - and that's why I don't judge from 6000 miles away


November 28th, 2017, 01:43
We have nothing to go on in judging other posters apart from what they write here. You're only a few/couple (no idea) miles from me. Ronan apparently lives within a 5 minutes walk from me. a447 apparently lives in Australia, bob in Saigon. How do I know if any of you are genuine? The fact that Matt says he lives in KK doesn't make it true.

Over the years, some members build up the level of their credibility - you, being an example. Does anyone not believe your VN BF and his father are visiting you? I don't think so.

Matt's credibility, on the other hand, has diminished, to the point where I believe very few posters believe him. Should we do a poll? Would that make him more or less real? Maybe we should take a vote - does Joe go to KK or not?

What do you think?

This might seem like I;m backtracking which I don't think I am. I usually include a couple of days out of Pattaya in my holiday with my friend of the night, so actually on a personal level I wouldn't mind a trip to KK. So if I get a sense that people would prefer I go, I'll certainly think about that.

November 28th, 2017, 04:24
Joe you and other posters proliferate his Bullshit by continuing posting on his threads ie. Sleeping in the villages".....

November 28th, 2017, 04:37
Sorry to hear you wont be going Joe, it would have madd ea good story at least...

Now what will we talk about when we meet up in Pattaya?

But in fairness, I would be reluctant to make that commitment to go, when you are never quite certain whether or not you are on a wild goose chase or not.

November 28th, 2017, 05:33
Ronan, I have lots of questions to ask about colmx's stamina, and where the fuck he gets his energy from. And of course, being 3 Irishmen abroad, we'll complain about the Guinness, and not a sign of Bacon & Cabbage for Sunday dinner. No, the rest of you, it's not Sunday lunch.

And since we're meeting in a popular Boyztown venue, there might be a young man of indeterminate means to talk about. There'll inevitably be the fight about how many pints of Guinness and whisky chasers, not to mention the Pina Coladas, each of us actually had. Then we'll head off for a burger and chips.

When you put it like that you think, why the fuck am I lashing out 2 grand? I can do it here for under €100, and sleep in my own bed. Have I depressed you yet?

Brad the Impala
November 28th, 2017, 05:35
Matt's credibility, on the other hand, has diminished, to the point where I believe very few posters believe him. Should we do a poll? Would that make him more or less real?

We just did that! Damned if I can find it though as with all the cutting, pasting and moving of threads, this forum is beginning to resemble a Burroughs novel, although not quite as stimulating. As I recall the results of the poll, for what they were worth, were that half the members were either unsure or believed Matt while the other half didn't.

Maybe we should take a vote - does Joe go to KK or not?

If I was Matt you would have slipped into the creepy column now. You affected to believe him, and got to exchanging emails, and telephone numbers, but now you write that you haven't believed him for some time and were just luring him into a meeting so that you could "call him out on his bullshit"!

November 28th, 2017, 05:43
blah, blah, blah Joe.

Put up or shut up, Joe. You had / have an open invitation from me to meet in KK and confirm. You also have my personal e-mail address, and both, my home and work phone numbers.

Don't expect me to defend the fact I went blind, because that's bullshit, and I just won't do it.

November 28th, 2017, 06:00
Yes Brad, that's exactly what I was doing. Does that make me creepy or just tired of the fucking bullshit?

Matt, in all of the hundreds of posts you've made since you went blind, you've never mentioned a hospital, doctor, a rehabilitation service - any of the things a person with an acquired disability might engage with. I've lived in my apartment for a number of years, and if blindfolded, could with some practise and a helping hand, make my way to the local store alone, a year after going blind. But you're doing it all alone.

I call bullshit.

Brad the Impala
November 28th, 2017, 06:06
Yes Brad, that's exactly what I was doing. Does that make me creepy or just tired of the fucking bullshit?

It certainly makes you dishonest and less worthy of trust, whatever your motivation. As an attempt at being Poirot it was more like Mother on the Orient Express.

November 28th, 2017, 06:07
Yes Joe, I was in the hospital, have an eye specialist, got an MRI, and the whole bit.

It's optic nerve damage. You can't fix it. It's not like wandering into a Canadian hospital is going to help. Canadian doctors don't have the knowledge to regenerate nerve cells, and are just being malicious and keeping it from the Thai doctors. Doesn't quite work like that.

Get a better memory Joe, because I've said this probably 100 times on this forum now.

November 28th, 2017, 06:41
Try saying this out loud: Na na na, Na na na na, Na na na, Na na na na

November 28th, 2017, 06:56
Ok, invitation revoked. Have fun with the hookers in Pattaya.

November 28th, 2017, 06:58
Thanks sweetie

November 28th, 2017, 07:01
Scale of 1 - 10, how drunk are you right now? I'm guessing around and 8.

I had a bad day yesterday, and already apologized for it. Move on. Looks like after you get some sleep, it will be your turn to apologize to the forum. Can't wait!

November 28th, 2017, 07:22
What do I have to apologise for? My drinking is, as they say, a matter of record. I'm quite prepared to "pull an all-nighter" as the Murcans say. I don't have a job, so I can sleep all day. I guess it roughly 7am in KK. What time are going to stop bullshitting and doing some work? You need to save money for your new "family"

November 28th, 2017, 07:35
Have you checked the price of bitcoin lately? We're fine for money.

On top of that, any idea of how many new found millionaires there are out there (I'm not one of them)? It's not exactly difficult for me to pickup good paying clients anymore.

November 28th, 2017, 09:34
Matt I've no idea how bitcoin works, in the same way I don't know how a car engine works. I don't need to know.

Now I'll be honest, it's time for me to go to bed

November 28th, 2017, 14:20
Joe you and other posters proliferate his Bullshit by continuing posting on his threads ie. Sleeping in the villages".....

Agree with you MFAS and it is not just Matt who posts BS.

November 28th, 2017, 14:24
francois, I've asked before - can you point me in the direction of a post of yours which had any substance? Info on a local bar or restaurant, an experience with a boy, or just a trip to the pharmacy to get that cream for your piles. That sort of thing.

November 28th, 2017, 15:30
Joe. Why don't you take a step back and when you are sober have a read at your posts over the past few weeks. You appear to desire to be centre of attention but to me it's all just a bit sad.

November 28th, 2017, 16:02
pennyboy, I'm sad that I made you feel sad.

November 28th, 2017, 16:48
francois, I've asked before - can you point me in the direction of a post of yours which had any substance? Info on a local bar or restaurant, an experience with a boy, or just a trip to the pharmacy to get that cream for your piles. That sort of thing.

I posted info on mobile phones in response to your post and you thanked me. Also posted in response to your posts on location of a particular restaurant and a number of other posts you made. :devilsh:

I don't make posts about boyz I have been with as a courtesy to them. As for piles in my ass, I think you are beginning to become one. :mocking_mini:

November 28th, 2017, 17:53
I apologise, francois, you're entirely correct.

November 28th, 2017, 18:00
Matt you posted about wanting to make a difference in the world. But what have you actually done?

A bit of my history: at 22 I spent six months with the Irish Army in Lebanon as part of the peacekeeping force. At 24 I volunteered at a Group Home for teenagers in Fort St. John, BC. After college (in my 30s) I worked at a Community Development project in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the NE of England. When I came home I worked for Amnesty International, and Co-operation Ireland, a non-profit cross border peace organisation.

What have you done?

November 28th, 2017, 18:19
I started up a MLM software company, and helped tons of people setup pyramid schemes that ripped other people off, and gave them false hope.

Does that count, Joe?

That's all the recent vitriol about Joe? Feeling guilty about backing out of our meet, so your resolution to this is to be a dick towards me? Gosh darnit, and I though we were friends Joe.

November 29th, 2017, 03:57
I don't know what a MLM software company is Matt. But you're right, I do feel bad about pulling out of our meeting. Here's my proposal. There are about half a dozen members here who I respect, and I'm going to ask for their advice. I'm now going to name them, but will not reveal what they say in their PMs. All are long term members of the board. If they think I should go through with the original plan to visit you, would you be ok with that?

Ok,, in no particular order: arsenal, scottish-guy, NIrish guy, bobsaigon, Ronan, colmx, Smiles, christian, a447,. I may PM other members whose names aren't included.

Would you guys mind sending me a PM saying whether you think I should/should not go to KK to see Matt? As I said, I won't reveal what you say in your PM.

November 29th, 2017, 04:40
Just to add to the above, if any other member is interested in this, feel free to PM me and I'll note your views.

November 29th, 2017, 04:54
Oh well, this really feels like such a responsibility!

To be nominated as one of the "Electors" is such an honour. Now I know but it must have felt like to be one of the great Electors of the Holy Roman Empire (by the way, to make an already very obscure historical reference even more so, if we have to choose a Holy Roman Elector we want to identify with, I bagsy the Cardinal-Archbishop of Mainz. I am sure he had the best outfits).

Of course they had the responsibility of choosing an Emperor, which is hardly a greater responsibility to the one you have entrusted to us, Joe.

Well, I have sent you my vote but I’ll honouring the confidentiality of the ballot, I won’t tell anybody have I voted....

November 29th, 2017, 05:00
Ronan, you might be surprised by how many here know of the Cardinal-Archbishop of Mainz. It's not all about offing boys, where to get a cheap breakfast (well,that was me). We have your proper educated people here (though they tend to forget that when they post).

Thanks for taking part in my little experiment.

November 29th, 2017, 05:01
I posted info on mobile phones in response to your post and you thanked me. Also posted in response to your posts on location of a particular restaurant and a number of other posts you made. :devilsh:

I don't make posts about boyz I have been with as a courtesy to them. As for piles in my ass, I think you are beginning to become one. :mocking_mini:

Piles in my ass !!
I’m impressed francois, perhaps one of best put downs I’ve seen in a dogs age and very appropriate.

Nirish guy
November 29th, 2017, 07:46
I'm now going to name them, but will not reveal what they say in their PMs. ............. in no particular order: ....NIrish guy, .

Just to be clear you'll be getting no PM from me re this, so you can leave me out of your weirdness re all of this. Your behaviour of late Joe has been bizarre to say the least, I think perhaps it was Brad who commented earlier that the whole way you've dealt with this meeting Matt thing and playing him along etc actually speaks more about you and your ways perhaps than Matt's nearly.

So work away, go or don't, up to you, but I'll happily have no part in whatever weird and twisted game you now seem to be playing on Matt ( or us all too ?) ..... like I say all a bit bizarre to say the least.

November 29th, 2017, 07:50
What a pity, I was really looking forward to what would be the most important meeting in the history of the board (exaggerating, I have been reading since 2009 and don't know what happened before), Joe552 and cdnmatt.

But not it's not going to take place, or is it, or not?

Joe, you are becoming as much as an attention whore as cdnmatt, or is it just the alcohol?

But in fairness, I would be reluctant to make that commitment to go [to KK to meet Matt], when you are never quite certain whether or not you are on a wild goose chase or not.
I had wild goose chases with Thai boys I went to meet in the provinces, that's why I always have a plan what to do when the boy (cdmatt in this case) does not show up.

Piles in my ass...
I don't get it.

November 29th, 2017, 08:42
PM not necessary. As for the 'visit' ... knock yourself out.

November 29th, 2017, 10:09
PM not necessary. As for the 'visit' ... knock yourself out.

What? Is he running around the board sending people PMs about going for a 3 day trip to Khon Kaen?

Joe, you're mistaking me for someone who gives a shit what you think, especially after your last couple days of ramblings and public attacks. Again, you're probably better off just hanging out in Pattaya with the hookers.

November 29th, 2017, 10:40
NIrish, you are one of the few people here whose opinion matters to me. Your post above is a wake up call. I realise that my behaviour here recently has been erratic. I apologise for that.

I will PM Matt and the rest of it will remain private.

Sorry again. Btw, I will send you a PM.

November 29th, 2017, 11:06
Joe, check your e-mail. Quit sending PMs, use my e-mail, please.

Navigating that inbox is a pain in the ass for me, whereas Gmail is no problem.

November 29th, 2017, 15:21
I don't get it.

Piles - Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers.