View Full Version : Airport delays - Canadian style

November 22nd, 2017, 09:17
My kind of flight delay


November 22nd, 2017, 09:26
Just from listening to that video, I can't tell if it was filmed in Canada or Scotland. :)

November 22nd, 2017, 12:56
'Tis Newfoundland laddie! Where someone slips down an escalator and they all break into song.
Lovely, lovely people they are...but not entirely our brightest.


November 22nd, 2017, 13:03
Surfcrest wrote
"Lovely, lovely people they are...but not entirely our brightest."

We've got a bunch like that in the UK.

November 23rd, 2017, 02:53
I think Newfies are of Irish descent, while those from Nova Scotia are more, well Scottish.

November 23rd, 2017, 14:40
I meant that very tongue in cheek.They are a lovely people, they've invented some lovely names for the little towns and villages hugging this rock, they call home. I'm not sure where they're from, when you're on the East Coast with the Acadians, the Cape Bretoners and the Quebecois, it's hard to understand any of them, which is where a bottle of Screetch comes in handy, if they've run out of things to sing about. They've been the brunt of "newfie" jokes (a version of "your momma" jokes), since Joey Smallwood took them kicking and screaming into confederacy. They've got a great sense of humor, half the time they don't even know you're laughing at them instead of with them.


November 23rd, 2017, 19:03
My kind of flight delay

Very good.
Even in the West there are still surviving pockets of real human beings.
Real humans are so rare now that a perfectly sensible response to a delayed flight becomes BBC news.
The expected response is everyone sitting around looking like lock-jawed grave-diggers.