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November 22nd, 2017, 03:33
I guess by the PFC that christian served in the army. bobsaigon was in the Peace Corps, which I think is a great idea. So anyone else do military service? I'm sure there must be a couple of ex SAS or Seal Team members here.

I just got in touch with a Military Police Assoc here in Ireland. I spent 6 years in the Army (18-24), which included one of the best periods in my life - 6 months in Lebanon with the UN. Great times.

November 22nd, 2017, 04:06
Gotta admit, I never really had the ambition to head over to some place like Iraq to spread some freedom by killing a bunch of people.

There was a time when I really wanted to join the Un though, and go on actual peacekeeping missions though. Never happened though, and too old now. Don't think they take 36yo recruits.


November 22nd, 2017, 04:14
When I was in Lebanon I spoke to a civilian UN worker, and really wanted to do the same thing when I got home. It didn't happen for one reason or another

Nirish guy
November 22nd, 2017, 04:31
I was in the special forces section of the Salvation Army but resigned as they refused to issue me with the latest model of assault tambourine !

November 22nd, 2017, 05:40
I'm sure you looked gorgeous in your uniform on a Sunday

November 27th, 2017, 09:02
I was in the Navy, 1982-86, most of that time in Asia. This included two trips to Pattaya and one to Phuket. Those were the days.....

November 27th, 2017, 12:27
I shagged a junior officer off the Dunoon car ferry in his uniform - does that count as Military Service?

November 27th, 2017, 13:17
Of course SG. In case of war, the ferry could be requisitioned as a troop carrier.

November 27th, 2017, 14:33
I shagged a junior officer off the Dunoon car ferry in his uniform - does that count as Military Service?only if it involved another man in uniform - the Salvation Army perhaps?

November 27th, 2017, 15:16
I think he was past saving TBH