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November 17th, 2017, 23:27
Was thinking, and realized, I've never slept in a village before. I've been out to the villages lots with Kim, but they were always just day trips, and we never actually slept there. However, I'm going to have to in the near future. Will need to get to know Leo's family, he wants to do a wedding / celebration of life type of thing in his village, plus I want to hang out with his nephews while they're in the comfort of their home so I can observe how big of shitheads they are, if at all. :)

Although quite disrespectful, I think I'm just going to buy a tent, air matress, some little office fans, and if I can find it, one of those small coolers with built-in fan that utilize the ice packs to blow cold air. That's quite rude, but I don't care... I don't want to sleep on his mother's floor on one of those little straw mats, while having cockroaches, ants, and mice crawl all over me while I sleep. No thanks, I'll go hang out in my tend with my comfortable air mattress.

Anyway, who here has slept out at the villages? Did you grab a hotel? Did you maybe end up in a decent house with a proper bedroom with mattress, and everything? Was there a bathroom? Or did you sleep on the cement floor with everyone, and have to shit in the jungle?

November 17th, 2017, 23:58
When I went to visit my friend's family in Si Saket, I stayed in a local,,very basic,, hotel. His parents would come every morning to pick me up, and we'd head out for that day's tour to wherever.

I think your idea of pitching a tent would be more insulting than if you stayed in a local hotel. They'll understand you're a farang and not comfortable with village life. It will also show a bit of "status", you have money to look after their son.

November 18th, 2017, 00:13
Nah, I think the closest decent hotel is about 70km away in Savannahkey, so that's out. Plus, I want to spend a decent amount of time in that village to get to know his nephews and their parents. We'll take the kids to Savannahkey for a trip and everything, but they'll be on their best behavior. I want to see them at home, when they're comfortable enough to their true selves, warts and all.

It should be fine though. I was never insulted when Kim's family slept at our house, and instead of using one of the spare bedrooms, just sprawled themselves out over the living room floor. I didn't care, and whatever makes you comfortable, kind of thing.

We'll just make up a story that Canadians love to camp, and I haven't been camping in almost a decade. It should be fine.

Besides, what are people going to do? Give me dirty looks? I don't care, I can't see them. Plus I'm sure they will appreciate if anything. This way, I can be up bright and early in the morning, helping get breakfast going, do the dishes, help clean the house, etc.

November 18th, 2017, 00:54
Will need to get to know Leo's family, he wants to do a wedding / celebration of life type of thing in his village, plus I want to hang out with his nephews while they're in the comfort of their home so I can observe how big of shitheads they are, if at all. :)

Besides, what are people going to do? Give me dirty looks? I don't care, I can't see them.

How are you going to reconcile the above sentiments? How will you "observe" the shithead nephews being unable to see and in an unfamiliar environment where people speak a language you don't understand? From your posts, it seems that you barely understand Thai despite having lived full time in a Thai suburb for several years so how are you going to understand Lao - and probably a dialect of Lao peculiar to that region?

You don't know whether they have toilets in village houses despite having made "lots of day trips"? Never had the urge to go while you were there?

And you're going there for your own wedding? Rim, Pim or Ole never told you that the family always sets up a special bedroom for the happy couple no matter how modest their circumstances (you'll be footing the bill anyway)? Gin wouldn't be able to advise his family as to what would be comfortable for you? Doesn't he know you well enough - I mean this is a guy who understands different types of pasta that I've never even heard of.

November 18th, 2017, 01:33
Well, it's not hard. I'll be able to tell if the brothers love each other, or hate each other and are constantly fighting with each other. I'll be able to tell if the mother has a good relationship with them, or is constantly screaming at them to settle down and quit being shitheads. When I need to go to the store, I'll be able to tell if they're respectful to help me get there and back, or if there's a huge sigh with an ensuing argument that basically amounts to, "what the fuck? why do I have to help the stupid farang get to the store?". You don't need eye sight to pick up on that type of thing...

Oh, and finally managed to peel Leo away from his computer game. He also thinks turning our village trips into camping trips is an excellent idea. :) I guess we'd be staying at his father's house, not his mother's place, and he literally lives in a small 1 bedroom tin shack without even a toilet. There's no way I'd be comfortable there, but let me bring a tend and air mattress, and I'll be good to go for 4 or 5 days if needed. :)

November 18th, 2017, 01:42
You don't need eye sight to pick up on that type of thing...

Telepathy? Sixth sense?

And you're going to "pick up on (all) that" in a matter of a few days? You assume that people will behave naturally around a total stranger, one with a disability at that, who's also their guest-of-honour for a few days?

What about the toilets? The wedding boudoir? Never heard of those? I see you've deleted the claim that you will be staying in a tin shack belonging to his father. Why not a big shoe?

November 18th, 2017, 01:44
From my experience there is a "resort" within a few miles of every village

Its not the kind of resort that you would find in Vegas... Basically its a small guesthouse with 4-5 bungalows

Not much in the way of furnishings, double bed, giant towel like duvet, Aircon and a Thai style wet room

The rooms are very often rented out by the hour and used by Husbands & wives to get some private time, Husbands & Giks for their affairs or the local bike/hooker and her customers... But they also rent out by the night.

I'm sure that there is one Near Leos village too... after all how else to the Laos people have those 15 child families!

November 18th, 2017, 01:53
Weirder and weirder! Now they are going "camping" when visiting Leo and family.
Just how absurd are Matt's posting going to be ? And then there are those who post responses as if he were to be believed! :dash:

November 18th, 2017, 02:06
From my experience there is a "resort" within a few miles of every village

Its not the kind of resort that you would find in Vegas... Basically its a small guesthouse with 4-5 bungalows

Not much in the way of furnishings, double bed, giant towel like duvet, Aircon and a Thai style wet room

The rooms are very often rented out by the hour and used by Husbands & wives to get some private time, Husbands & Giks for their affairs or the local bike/hooker and her customers... But they also rent out by the night.

I'm sure that there is one Near Leos village too... after all how else to the Laos people have those 15 child families!

Probably is some basic hotel somewhere close by, but it'd be without A/C, etc. Not to mention, we're talking about rural Laos, not rural Thailand. From the stories Leo has told me, it's far poorer out there than in the villages of Thailand.

That, and I would actually want to stay in the village if I could. Heading out to a hotel at 5pm every day I'd say is quite disrespectful as well. However, let me have my tent with air mattreess, and I'm good for 4 - 5 days. After that, I'll want to get home to have a nice hot shower, and sleep in my own bed again, but I'd be totally find for a handful of days like that.

Plus it'd be awesome just to hang out, start a small fire, cook up some smores with the kids, etc. I'd love doing that.

November 18th, 2017, 02:34
colmx, I think you're exactly right. That's just the kind of place I stayed in up at Si Saket.

Matt/s idea of camping out is just ridiculous.

November 18th, 2017, 04:26
Matt's novel is full of strange twists, I'll give him that.

November 18th, 2017, 05:17
colmx, I think you're exactly right. That's just the kind of place I stayed in up at Si Saket.

Matt/s idea of camping out is just ridiculous.

Why? Just because it's a tad eccentric, doesn't make it ridiculous.

I could easily argue that it's extremely rude that come say 6pm you basically tell your father-in-law, "your house sucks, so I'm taking your son to a hotel, and see you tomorrow for lunch". That seems quite rude to me.

And the father has tons of land. I've never been there before, but do know his farm produces about 11 tonnes of rice per-harvest, which makes it a massive farm. No reason I can't pitch a tent somewhere close. That way, I get to sleep in an enclosed area without all the insects, plus get an air mattress instead of a cement floor.

Plus in that case I'm happy to hang out there 24x7 for days, instead of disappearing to a hotel each afternoon. When Leo says we need to visit the family, instead of thinking to myself, "oh shit, I gate the village" I will think, "fuck yeah, camping trip!". :)

November 18th, 2017, 07:10
Not sure why anyone is giving Cndmatt advice on this camping-out-in-Lao nonsense. This is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!
It's simply Cndmatt's never-ending self-absorption kicking into high gear. As he mentions in the post above Cndmatt sees himself as "eccentric". I suggest a more down-to-earth characteristic ... more Fantasy Island twee.

November 18th, 2017, 08:04
Well, then what do you do Smiles? You must have in-laws, right? And if I remember correctly, they're close to Surin, correct? So day trips are out, as Hua Hin to Surin is too far.

Are the in-laws maybe well off, and already have a comfortable house with extra spare room for Pot and yourself? Or have you maybe already built them a house, and ensured there was an extra bedroom for Pot and do yourself? Or do you guys just stay at a hotel, and only see the family during the day, or?

Do tell...

November 18th, 2017, 08:37
cndmatt and those that post as if he were real make a joke of this board as do those that have authority to do something and continue to do nothing about this charade.

November 18th, 2017, 09:05
cndmatt and those that post as if he were real make a joke of this board as do those that have authority to do something and continue to do nothing about this charade.

You guys are just being old and bitchy again.

It's actually a good idea, and even Leo thinks so as well. Then if I get really lucky, we'll be close enough to his father's house to string an extension cord, and I'll even have electricity. Gather some rocks to make a little fire pit, get a cooler full of beer, pop, hot dogs, etc., grab some lawn chairs, etc... and I'm good to go. Leo can take off to visit his friends, and I'll be just fine hanging out there, will tether my phone so I have internet, will have lots of drinks and food on hand, won't have to bother his father, and so on.

It's actually a good idea. You guys are just being old.

November 18th, 2017, 10:07
My reply to this thread just means that I find the subject interesting, not that I think the question is genuine.

Most of the time I travel I stay in hotels in the 300-500 THB price range, and mostly in provincial capitals.

The few exceptions are: Sakon Nakon (staying at the abbot of a wat's place, comparable standard to hotel);

a long-time Thai friend in Srisaket (Kantararom, about 10 km out of town), I got my own room with a bed with mattrass, the first time I went there in 2014 (?) only cold water for shower, now hot as well, but there is little chance I will go again (nothing to do in the village, and it finally turned out my friend is not out to his family whereas I was hoping he could organize some village boys for sex, and being dependent on him for transport from/to railway or bus station);

my friends in Nakon Sawan (Chum Saeng, about 10 km out of town), bedroom ok:
bathroom a bit basic:

and ultimately sleeping at "Burmese Woman's" place in a refuge camp in Tak province:



That would be the standard of living I would expect in a Lao village. Bummer you can't see the pictures!

No problems with animals at any of these places. My problems are completely different: I want to set the aircon temperature and I want all lights off when I sleep.

November 18th, 2017, 21:32
Confirmed again with Leo this afternoon, this is actually a good idea. You guys are just being old.

From what Leo describes, it's a massive farm, but his father's house is the equivalent of a tin garden shed, so no, I don't want to sleep there. At least let me bring an enclosed tent with air mattress, let me make a fiew, let me roast some marshmallows with the village kids that I'm sure will come around when they see the farang, etc. Should be fun. Much better than moaning, and thinking, "oh shit, a village trip".

November 19th, 2017, 01:52
I'll be able to tell if the mother has a good relationship with them, or is constantly screaming at them to settle down and quit being shitheads. )

Good attitude for a potential foster parent...suppose you won’t have them if they behave like a shithead, even for a few minutes?

Don’t forget it is YOU that is also under scrutiny, wanting to foster THEIR kids. All I have read about for far is how this will affect me, Me, ME...

You know, I’m not sure I would be happy to let you look after my cat for a day!

November 19th, 2017, 01:56
.. I don't want to sleep on his mother's floor on one of those little straw mats, while having cockroaches, ants, and mice crawl all over me while I sleep. No thanks, I'll go hang out in my tend with my comfortable air mattress.


They are poor and probably very House proud of what they can provide....

November 19th, 2017, 02:06
We'll just make up a story that Canadians love to camp, .

Give them some credit. I bet have heard of snow....

November 19th, 2017, 02:39
I caught a first glimpse of the photos above and I thought “ here are photos of Matt’s house/world” as one would expect.
But nay. They’re photos posted by a real human being living the true life that he outlines in detail in his posts and on his blogs.
Not a scintilla from Matt in terms of evidence of anything he posts but loads of guff.
FFS Matt post a photo of You, Leo and the dogs in the next 24 hours and make me and all the sceptics look like fools.

November 19th, 2017, 02:56
Good attitude for a potential foster parent...suppose you won’t have them if they behave like a shithead, even for a few minutes?

Don’t forget it is YOU that is also under scrutiny, wanting to foster THEIR kids. All I have read about for far is how this will affect me, Me, ME...

You know, I’m not sure I would be happy to let you look after my cat for a day!

Well, of course they're going to be shitheads. They're kids, that's what kids do. Weren't you a shithead when you were a kid? I know I was, and I was actually a really good kid compared to my older brothers.

Now it just depends, how big of shitheads are they? Do they like to murder animals for fun, or are they little arsonists who love it when fire dances for them? Or are they just normal, typical kids who act crazy sometimes, and like to push the boundaries to see what they can get away with? If the former, then no, I don't want them. If the latter, then awesome, and can't wait. From what Leo desribes, I'm quite confident it's the latter, so no worries. Nonetheless, I want to be 100% certain about everything myself first.

November 19th, 2017, 03:11
about coolers and other such things: if you are planning to make your "adventure" at high season, then on your place I will think about warm clothes: nights may be quite chill esp. at early morning hours...

about tent idea: are you sure what you are ready to find snake in your tent at some day?

about sleeping in village home: I did that few times in Isaan, in national park - in 50 km from Udon Thani and that been nice adventures... we (me and BF) had feelings like we are white elephants in circus - almost all villagers found reason to visit that family for to take a look at us, but in general it was great - we went to rice fields, rubber-tree farm, visited local temples and monasteries, had quite far side-tours to Vientiane, to some waterfalls, caves and lakes

November 19th, 2017, 03:16
I caught a first glimpse of the photos above and I thought “ here are photos of Matt’s house/world” as one would expect.
But nay. They’re photos posted by a real human being living the true life that he outlines in detail in his posts and on his blogs.
Not a scintilla from Matt in terms of evidence of anything he posts but loads of guff.
FFS Matt post a photo of You, Leo and the dogs in the next 24 hours and make me and all the sceptics look like fools.

Oh, for fuck sakes, am I ever getting tired of this shit. Here:


I'm having a blind moment again, so can't figure out how to embed that into a post, and I'm not uploading it to my own server. There you go, that was taken about 5 days ago when we got new iPhones. My dogs are in my avatar.

Happy now? Fuck fuck sakes you guys are relentless....

November 19th, 2017, 03:26
He's a cute guy Matt, and you're not too bad yourself.

November 19th, 2017, 03:33
Thanks Joe, it's nice to get a somewhat compliment, because according to Leo I'm old, fat, and ugly, lol.

November 19th, 2017, 04:00
Well of course Leo is absolutely right, I was just trying to be kind.

November 19th, 2017, 04:03
haha, fuck you Joe. :)

Come on, I'm not that bad. I might not still be my gorgeous 22yo self, but I'm just fine. Hell of a lot better than he's going to find elsewhere....

November 19th, 2017, 04:08
Thinking about it, come on Joe, post a photo of yourself. Same with you FarangRuuMak. Let's compare.

November 19th, 2017, 04:50
Matt I'll be happy to post a picture if I can figure out how to do it. Is it the same process as posting a video? I go to Google and have no idea where to go from there. Maybe I should Google it!https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p160x160/22228165_877396772419091_7436446740907398817_n.jpg ?oh=195bf1ff8488c0c0a0e6bc64d839ee44&oe=5A918778

Let me know if this works. I look too much like my father for my liking.]

November 19th, 2017, 05:03
I'll just leave this here again:


Scroll to about 2:50 to know what I mean. :( Ut;s hilarious as hell.

November 19th, 2017, 05:04
Matt. Marshmallows. Metaphorical? Actually, no.

I’m sure Matt will understand that the success of his long running reality show is due to the fact that readers are compelled to react to scenarios that are “unique”. Some might say unlikely or bizarre or absurd or paradoxical. The more so, the more we react.

Breaking news: Post 25 shows two people who are very likely Matt and Leo. However, the debate will continue, I’m sure, regarding the life decisions that Matt makes.

It has been suggested that the perceived lack of veracity in Matt’s “charade” should result in termination, but there is no posting guideline that would provide for that and it ignores the highly successful entertainment value of the KK Tales.

I had never tried to find outdoor gear in Thailand (or anywhere else), so I was surprised to see that it is quite widely available. But it’s not cheap. For a few days at the farm in Laos, Matt will probably spend more on equipment that he would spend for a couple of months’ living expenses.

Marshmallows: https://shoponline.tescolotus.com/groceries/en-GB/products/6073028185

Coleman coolers at Central (available online for delivery)

Camping gear: http://www.e-tankstore.com/ and http://www.fieldandcamping.com/sale_eng.php

Transport across the Mekong river at night with other belongings, dogs, Captain Leo at the helm of the raft: No suggestions to offer.

Set-up of camping gear at Khun Pa’s house in the village: Assuming all of the needed items are on hand, there is the fact that Leo knows nothing about camping gear and is going to have to follow Matt’s sight-challenged directions.

OK. I’m going back to bed. Thinking through this whole scenario has worn me out.

November 19th, 2017, 05:19
bob, are you suggesting Leo is also posting here? Ah me head is wrecked.

November 19th, 2017, 05:29
@Bob -- Now what the fuck do you want? I just provided photographic evidence of our existence. Go ahead and check the Exif details of that image. At the very least, they will give you the date and time the photo was taken, and if location services were turned on on that phone, then will also even give you GPS coordinates.

What the fuck more do you want?

And yes, I'm serious about setting up a little camp site for myself in his father's village. There's a good chance that once we get to Vientiane, I'm going to end up staying ~25days every year in that village. Considering that, I'm setting up a little camp site on his father's farm, and making myself comfortable.

November 19th, 2017, 05:37
cndmatt and those that post as if he were real make a joke of this board as do those that have authority to do something and continue to do nothing about this charade.

I don't care if cndmatt's post are real or fake. I enjoy reading about his real or fantasy world. If real then cndmatt is a real character (as in a an odd duck - in a good way), if fake then they are interesting that someone would put that much effort into creating an online persona and then taking so much abuse.

I fail to see how taking cndmatt's posts are possibly real and responding to them makes this board a joke.
He has elicited a strong response from you. Why the hostility toward his postings? They are harmless.

November 19th, 2017, 05:39
Oh, and now come on Bob, time for you to post a photo too. I want a photo of you in front of a sign in Vietanemese, proving you are who you say you are. I'll confirm the photo with Leo. Otherwise, I'm going to constantly follow you around the board, and call you a liar at every post you make, and we'll see hoe you like it.

Treat people how you want to be treated. Post proof of your existence, Bib! If you can demeand it from me, then I can do the same to you.

November 19th, 2017, 07:09
about tent idea: are you sure what you are ready to find snake in your tent at some day?

Funny you should say that Moses. Having seen cobras underneath the garaged car in which I was about to be a passenger - suburban Nonthaburi no less - I would be more than concerned that snakes may choose to share the warmth and shelter inside a tent, or maybe a nice cosy shoe.

November 19th, 2017, 07:15
FFS Matt post a photo of You, Leo and the dogs in the next 24 hours and make me and all the sceptics look like fools.

No-one needs to post photos to make sceptics look like fools. They can manage that all on their own. :yahoo_mini:

November 19th, 2017, 08:44
Ok, but how would a snake get into the tent? They're not going to chew through the nylon, and slither on in. That's kind of the whole point of the tent idea. I don't want to sleep with all the cockroaches, ants, mosquitos, snakes, scorpions, spiders, mice, and so on....

I guess I could maybe elevate the tent by a foot or so, and that's an idea worth considering...

November 19th, 2017, 09:19
must say leo is very do-able...I certainly wouldnt say no. But will only believe that this is them if they post a pic where both are making the peace sign.

November 19th, 2017, 09:27
Would you like us to wear spoons on our noses, and shoes on our heads too?

And considering your posts, get fucked if you think you're getting anywhere close to Leo.

November 19th, 2017, 09:36
Relax, Matt. I have accepted that fact that you and Leo are real. No doubt about that. However, I suspect that I will, along with others, continue to question the choices you make in your life, as they are sometimes truly remarkable.

Since I never asked for a photo of you, I decline to provide one of me.

And I would point put that I have never called you a liar. I simply expressed my feeling that the Matt character was the product of a very creative imagination. If you wish to see me in the same light, I would be pleased. Now we know that you are real. The only thing that remains questionable is the wisdom of some of your future plans.

At least I provided you with a couple of links for Marshmallows and Camping gear. :)


November 19th, 2017, 10:09
Matt I've no intention of staying in a tent - up to you. The hotel in KK you recommended will suit nicely. I think the last time I stayed in a tent was Neil Armstrong's moon landing. Wen were in Wiicklow with our boy's club, stayed up all night hoping to see them land on the moon. We didn't.

November 19th, 2017, 10:16
@Bob -- Ok, so you no longer question my existence. Thanks, as that's nice, I guess. But now you questions my decisions in life?

See, this is a prime example of why I'm still living in a Buddhist society like Thailand. You only need to look in the mirror to see how cynical you are, and for no reason. This type of attitude has completely permeated throughout the Western world, and there's nothing positive about it. At least where I am it's the other way around, and everyone does what they can to lift each other up, instead of tear each other down like you guys do.

Go look in the mirror, Bob. Quit being so cynical. It might give you a short burst of happiness, but it's not good for anything -- yourself, or society as a whole.

November 19th, 2017, 10:28
Ah come on Matt, you can't believe Thailand is the perfect society, with the amount of corruption that is common place.

November 19th, 2017, 10:33
Oh, of course it has it's share of problems, as all places do. However, I'd very much prefer living here than downtown Calgary, Manchester, or Leeds, that's for sure.

November 19th, 2017, 10:57
About living in a Buddhist society: “…everyone does what they can to lift each other up, instead of tear each other down…”. Wrong.

You ever hear about the bucket of crabs? Whenever one tried to claw its way to the top and escape to a better existence, some of the others would make sure he didn’t make it. This is a common story in Asian societies. People want everyone to be to be the same. Everyone does not do what they can to lift each other up.

You see me as cynical. I see you as having a rose tinted perspective. You and I have quite opposing views and we’ll just live with that.

The problem I have always had with the Matt character, the one which prevented me considering the character in an entirely sympathetic light, stems from your nigh on ex cathedra pronouncements about how to conduct relationships with Thai guys and how to adjust to living in Thai society. You knew it all. No one else knew as much, so you claimed. Often. But later you were proven to be quite lacking in knowledge about how to handle things.

None of us knows all the answers. Sometimes it helps to listen to what other people think. You’ve certainly been subjected to a variety of opinions by different board members. Some of them might be worth considering.

November 19th, 2017, 11:02
matty...to date I've rather enjoyed your posts...must admit im not totally certain about some details..u look far too young to be able to support yourself and someone else and 2 kids in Thailand..sure we have all heard of clever people who somehow are able to earn a decent living working remotely from home...but in my VAST experience almost all have to touch base in person with the real world..as in report in person to an office for a few days a week and /or actually meet with clients....something u somehow do not seem to have to do.
Ive met proof readers, book critics and even someone who re-marked university exam papers (so student would contest mark given for a paper and it would be rechecked) ...but all of these people would have to actually meet with their employers or clients at least once/quarter.

As for leo...what r u worried about?? That I'll entice him away...relax if he supposedly loves and adores u then what do u have to fear...remember the more u hold onto someone the more they will try to flee...let him fuck around..its healthy.
And Im still waiting for the pic I requested...and no photo shopping please...

November 19th, 2017, 11:04
Of course, Bob. Why do you think I've been making all these posts divulging personal details of my life lately? I'm on a learning curve here too, and don't worry, am taking everything in.

I'm the furthest thing from a closed minded individual. However, when it comes to people who are cynical or berating, then I immediately lose all respect, and shut down. Just ask my gather. He's showed up in Khon Kaen unannounced twice now, trying to get me to go back to Canada. Unfortunately for him, he acted like an ass both times, so everything he said fell on deaf ears with me.

Treat people how you want to be treated, and all that. Very simple, yet very important rule in life that many people seem to forget quite often.

November 19th, 2017, 11:18
matty...to date I've rather enjoyed your posts...must admit im not totally certain about some details..u look far too young to be able to support yourself and someone else and 2 kids in Thailand..sure we have all heard of clever people who somehow are able to earn a decent living working remotely from home...but in my VAST experience almost all have to touch base in person with the real world..as in report in person to an office for a few days a week and /or actually meet with clients....something u somehow do not seem to have to do.
Ive met proof readers, book critics and even someone who re-marked university exam papers (so student would contest mark given for a paper and it would be rechecked) ...but all of these people would have to actually meet with their employers or clients at least once/quarter.

As for leo...what r u worried about?? That I'll entice him away...relax if he supposedly loves and adores u then what do u have to fear...remember the more u hold onto someone the more they will try to flee...let him fuck around..its healthy.
And Im still waiting for the pic I requested...and no photo shopping please...

Whatcha talkin about? :)

I actually have a client / partner from Taiwan coming to meet me shortly. I have nice clotes already, and Leo has an extra 6000 baht in his wallet to get himself some nice clothes and cologne.

And you're forgetting, it's 2017, not 1970. Times are different, and no problem to earn a good living remotely if you know what you're doing. :)

Oh, and want to know when I made the most money? Back when I was 20, I was bringing in about $35,000 USD/month and had 5 full-time employees. I'm far poorer than that now, but we're just fine. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be rich again in my life, I don't know yet. I do know the online software industry moves at ligehtening speed, so it's possible if I conjure up the energy and ambition to actually do it.

November 19th, 2017, 11:34
@Bob -- Ok, so you no longer question my existence.
I wouldn't go getting a hard on about that if I was you (heaven forbid). All that really means is that there's someone out there typing. :))

So yes, there is indeed someone "out there".
That's the best you can do when it comes down to your existential needyness.

November 19th, 2017, 11:54
I wouldn't go getting a hard on about that if I was you (heaven forbid). All that really means is that there's someone out there typing. :))

So yes, there is indeed someone "out there".
That's the best you can do when it comes down to your existential needyness.

In that case, you're just a drumpy old man, and nothing I can do to resolve that.

Here you go Smiles, just for you. :)


November 19th, 2017, 12:46
Still waiting for others to post their photos. Come on guys, you pissed me off enough to post a photo of myself and Leo, so let's go....

That means youFarangRuuMark, a447, Christian, bobsaigon, arsenal, Joe, that mouse guy, fanciois, and the list goes on. Come on guys, your turn now...

Come on, that's only fair. If you guys are going to critize me to the point that you piss me off so much that I publicly post a [photo of myself on a board like this, then you can do the same. That's only fair. So come on boys, out with the photos...

November 19th, 2017, 12:51

Which one of you was driving the truck? Smiles or Matt? :)

November 19th, 2017, 13:05
Still waiting for others to post their photos. Come on guys, you pissed me off enough to post a photo of myself and Leo, so let's go....

It ain't gonna happen Matt but don't worry there are a few uneasy consciences out there, especially of those who made fun of your blindness.

November 19th, 2017, 13:25
Yeah, well I am actually blind, and I'm not defending it anymore, because that's pure bullshit. It's difficult enough going through this life in the dark without having to defend yourself to people as to whether or not you're blind, so I just won't do it anymore.

Still waiting from the photos from everyone else though. Come on boys, you had no problem bitching at me and telling me I'm a fake for years, so let's go, prove yourselves. I did, so your turn...

For some reason, I think my request will fall on deafening silence. Weird, eh? From here on in, nobody is allowed to bitch that I'm a liar or fake. That bullshit can stop, starting now.

November 19th, 2017, 13:31
It ain't gonna happen Matt but don't worry there are a few uneasy consciences out there, especially of those who made fun of your blindness.

Looking at the photo, how can you tell he is blind?

That is just a photo of 2 guys. We are on the internet so it could be anyone.

And assuming the photo is of you, how does that suddenly give any credence to the stories you post here?

Of course, I could post a photo of myself here, but how on earth would anyone know who it really was?

November 19th, 2017, 13:42
Looking at the photo, how can you tell he is blind?

That is just a photo of 2 guys. We are on the internet so it could be anyone.

The commander-in-chief of the board sceptics has spoken. It's much more fun hounding people with your comical Inspector Clouseau routine, isn't it?

November 19th, 2017, 13:45
Looking at the photo, how can you tell he is blind?

That is just a photo of 2 guys. We are on the internet so it could be anyone.

And assuming the photo is of you, how does that suddenly give any credence to the stories you post here?

Of course, I could post a photo of myself here, but how on earth would anyone know who it really was?

And you've more than proven yourself to be one of the lowest pieces of shit I've ever encountered in my life, so nothing you say matters to me.

Would you please go die in a fire already, or something?

November 19th, 2017, 13:47
You didn't answer my question.

How can you tell he is blind just by looking at the photo?

November 19th, 2017, 13:48
latin, did you miss the post where Matt shared a photo of himself and Leo:>

November 19th, 2017, 13:51
You didn't answer my question.

How can you tell he is blind just by looking at the photo?

Joe can confirm that come mid0January when he comes for a visit.

Fuck me, do I ever hate you.

You do know that I have more respect for a singular ant than I do you, right? What a piece of shit you are...

November 19th, 2017, 13:53
In post #37 matt wrote:

Treat people how you want to be treated, and all that. Very simple, yet very important rule in life that many people seem to forget quite often.

And now it appears he has forgotten his own advice.

And you've more than proven yourself to be one of the lowest pieces of shit I've ever encountered in my life, so nothing you say matters to me.

Would you please go die in a fire already, or something?

November 19th, 2017, 13:57
No a447, I haven't forgotten my own advice. I simply vehemently hate you, because you're a complete low life piece of shit.

And where's your photo, big boy? Come on, post it. I posted mine, and considering the ridicule you've passed my way over the years, it's only fair you post your photo. Come on big man, let's do it... too much of a pussy, or what's up?

November 19th, 2017, 14:01
You didn't answer my question.

How can you tell he is blind just by looking at the photo?

I can't tell for certain of course but I have no problem believing that the unfocused eyes of the person in that photo are blind. I appreciate that you, on the other hand, have your reputation to consider.

November 19th, 2017, 14:06
Still waiting for others to post their photos. Come on guys, you pissed me off enough to post a photo of myself and Leo, so let's go....

That means youFarangRuuMark, a447, Christian, bobsaigon, arsenal, Joe, that mouse guy, fanciois, and the list goes on. Come on guys, your turn now...

Come on, that's only fair. If you guys are going to critize me to the point that you piss me off so much that I publicly post a [photo of myself on a board like this, then you can do the same. That's only fair. So come on boys, out with the photos...

Still waiting from the photos from everyone else though. Come on boys, you had no problem bitching at me and telling me I'm a fake for years, so let's go, prove yourselves. I did, so your turn...

For some reason, I think my request will fall on deafening silence. Weird, eh? From here on in, nobody is allowed to bitch that I'm a liar or fake. That bullshit can stop, starting now.

And where's your photo, big boy? Come on, post it. I posted mine, and considering the ridicule you've passed my way over the years, it's only fair you post your photo. Come on big man, let's do it... too much of a pussy, or what's up?

cdnmatt why you asking for photos when you can't see em?

November 19th, 2017, 14:07
cdnmatt why you asking for photos when you can't see em?


November 19th, 2017, 14:10
... I appreciate that you, on the other hand, have your reputation to consider.

How would you know about my "reputation"? You've only been here around a month.

Unless, of course.......

November 19th, 2017, 14:14
cdnmatt why you asking for photos when you can't see em?

See that Asian guy sitting beside me in that photo I posted? His eyes work just fine, and I trust him with my life.

Come on a447, waiting on that beautiful photo of yours...

November 19th, 2017, 14:18
I have on several ocassions the past ten years. Usually two to three days at a time. And yes, I adapt quite well, sleep on the floor, shower by throwing ice cold water over myself and urinate in the open.

I eat the same things everyone else eats, and drink beerlao all day, just as everyone else.

In fact, I just got back from a two day visit to the inlaws.

The reason why only two to three days is sheer boredom. There is nothing to do short from drinking, and believe it or not, but my Lao telecom sim has a working internet connection about two kilometers south lf the village and again in Song Hong, four kilometers north of the village. Maybe next time I will get a Unitel sim, as they do seem to offer internet in the village....

November 19th, 2017, 14:19
Why do you want everyone's photo?

Leo can see them, but as Moses has already pointed out - you can't.

November 19th, 2017, 14:25
I eat the same things everyone else eats

Have you ever gotten sick? No upset stomach or anything like that?

And what about the water? Can you drink it?

I'd love to go bush - only for a very short time - but I'd be too afraid to eat or drink anything. Even in Bangkok I'm very careful.

November 19th, 2017, 14:43
Ah for fuck sake a447, Matt has posted a picture, as have I, how are we believe your posts about nights in the bars of Pattaya: What more do you want him to do:? Who can tell if your reports about nights in Eros, etc are genuine? Truth is we can't, we believe you. I could have saved a couple of thousand Euro by posting from memory - my few beers in the Beer Garden, my night at a bar in /sunee which name I;ve never bothered to learn?

I could write a trip report right now and you would have no way of knowing if it was fake or true

November 19th, 2017, 14:45
How would you know about my "reputation"? You've only been here around a month.

Unless, of course.......

Oh goodie, I've joined the list of posters you love to hound, what an honour. To confirm your suspicion, I've been around the gay boards long enough I can assure you. And before you quote with undiluted glee an earlier comment of mine that I am 'a relative newcomer' to the gay boards I would remind you that 'relative' is a relative term.

November 19th, 2017, 14:46
a447, they do have bottled water in the villages, you dumb muppet.

November 19th, 2017, 14:59
Never got sick, and yes I drink the water.

That reminds me:

The first time I visited my boyfriend's family was in august 2006 and after the first night when I woke up at around 6 am, my father in law offered me a beerlao !

I drank water instead :)

Turned out my boyfriend had told his father that I cannot drink the water, so that's why he offered beer instead !

I can drink that water just fine of course.

Personally, I find the tent idea ludicrous and disrespectful towards the family. Why can't you just adapt, I'm sure you will gain more respect.

As to Internet, be warned Lao mobile internet is much slower then Thailand, and coverage is spotty. It pays to ask Leo beforehand if there even is coverage and which provider. Then do a search online how about what codes to use to apply internet packages and how to activate data, and what APPN to use.

Bottom line, you would be lucky to even have coverage. My second Lao boyfriend (the one I no longer talk to) always had to walk ten minutes to what he called "internet area" just as everyone else in that village...

November 19th, 2017, 15:06
How would you know about my "reputation"? You've only been here around a month. Unless, of course.......

Exactly. Not sure which one, though. Narrowed it down to two.

November 19th, 2017, 15:15
Ah for fuck sake a447, Matt has posted a picture, as have I, how are we believe your posts about nights in the bars of Pattaya: What more do you want him to do:? Who can tell if your reports about nights in Eros, etc are genuine? Truth is we can't, we believe you. I could have saved a couple of thousand Euro by posting from memory - my few beers in the Beer Garden, my night at a bar in /sunee which name I;ve never bothered to learn?

I could write a trip report right now and you would have no way of knowing if it was fake or true

Easy. I write in great detail - too much for some - and mention the name of the bar and the number/name of the boys. If they aren't happy with being identified on the internet, you can always pm me, as many have over the years. Then you can go and check with the guys. No problem.

And yes, you could write a report, but if you visit the same bars as me, then I'd know if you were bullshitting or not. We are all well aware of what goes on at Eros and Goodboys.

What more do I want matt to do?

Nothing, really. I'm just waiting for your report after you have met him.

November 19th, 2017, 15:30
Sorry a447, but considering how much you've hounded me over the past year about going blind, doesn't cut it.

Either post a photo proving your existence, or shut the fuck up, and never post another negative word directed towards me.

And I am actually blind, you inconfident dick.

November 19th, 2017, 15:38
Two points, Matt.

First, I have not "hounded" you about going blind. The fact is, you haven't shut up about it over the past year - you mention it in just about every post. You even started a thread about your blindness. Every time you mention it, I respond. So if you don't like me doing that, stop endlessly posting about it.

Secondly, I have no need to prove my existence. Others could easily do it for me, as I have met many board members over the years.

Nobody has ever met you.

Oh, and one more point.

I don't hate you. I don't think you are an 'asshole" or "a piece of shit." I don't believe your stories for one minute, but I have never criticised you for posting them.

And I see that brad has arrived, right on cue! Lol

November 19th, 2017, 15:57
Ah for fuck sake a447, Matt has posted a picture, as have I, how are we believe your posts about nights in the bars of Pattaya: What more do you want him to do:? Who can tell if your reports about nights in Eros, etc are genuine? Truth is we can't, we believe you. I could have saved a couple of thousand Euro by posting from memory - my few beers in the Beer Garden, my night at a bar in /sunee which name I;ve never bothered to learn?

I could write a trip report right now and you would have no way of knowing if it was fake or true

Sorry Joe, but a447 is real. I have seen him and his stories about Eros are quite real.

As for me, here is my image

November 19th, 2017, 16:11
a447, uou didn't hound me? What the hell are you talking about? Are you simply retarded, or just convieniently forgetful? I remember it very clearly. For about 6 months I could barely make a post on this forum, because you'd constantly hound and troll me, and point out every spelling typo I made as if it was proof I didn't go blind.

I don't think you realizze how much that affected me, and how much I hate you. Like I've posted many times, words matter, so be careful with them.

Why don't you just man up, and apologize? Of course you'll never do that, because you're just a small, pitiful little man with no backbone.


November 19th, 2017, 16:19
words matter, so be careful with them.


hate you

pitiful little man with no backbone


piece of shit

you cunts

stop being a dick

So, you were saying?


November 19th, 2017, 16:25
Yep, that's pretty much what I'd expect from a lowlife piece of shit like you. You do realize you're just making yourself look like the lowlife scum you are in front of the entire membership, right?

You could always just be a real man and apologize, but of course you'll never do that...

Keep grasping at straws there, buddy. Only makes you look like more of an idiot, and let's your true colors shine.

November 19th, 2017, 16:43
Thanks for posting the photo.
This is somewhat of a milestone and puts an end to a lot of mostly negative comment. I see myself as sceptical not negative and I don’t do ad hominem.
But if I came across as such sorry.
If I post it would be a milestone for me so I’ll have to think about it.
But I probably won’t.
You have a keeper there in Leo and you look pretty fresh yourself.
Given this, your lifestyle is quite extra ordinary in terms of everyday things like cooking, reading and replying to posts looking after pets and so on.
I must say I’m more than taken aback.
I thought most of this if not all was a fictional biography in progress.
Looks like it can be published as the real thing.

Brad the Impala
November 19th, 2017, 16:44
And I see that brad has arrived, right on cue! Lol

Why are you dragging me into this thread?! I haven't even posted on it......

Are you having trouble with your sight? Perhaps it's contagious.

November 19th, 2017, 16:52
Don't worry Brad. You know that slime you find on the bottom of a rock while at the river? That's a447.

November 19th, 2017, 16:58
Why are you dragging me into this thread?! I haven't even posted on it......

Are you having trouble with your sight? Perhaps it's contagious.

My eyesight allowed me to see that you gave a " like" to Joe's post #74.

You remind me of Pavlov's dog. You automatically give a "like" when something negative about me appears.

Do you even read to the end of the post before you hit "like"?

November 19th, 2017, 17:06

November 19th, 2017, 17:24
A bit too chubby for my taste

Brad the Impala
November 19th, 2017, 17:25
Giving a like to a post counts as an "arrival" does it? How important my interest must be to you.

I try to respond to the post, not the poster, but you do make that hard with your obsessive and repetitive postings.

November 19th, 2017, 17:30
I'm surprised you haven't found matt's posts about his blindness "obsessive" and "repetitive."

November 19th, 2017, 17:44
I'm surprised you haven't found matt's posts about his blindness "obsessive" and "repetitive."

Yeah, being blind happens to be a pretty important aspect of my life now.

Go look through my post history, and try to find a post where I was trying to solicit pity or sympathy due to going blind. Have fun, vermin.

November 19th, 2017, 17:50
Matty boy, I am one of the very few posters on this thread to actually responded to the actual topic
the rest of the thread is some inane mudslinging contest.

Considering the average age on here, you would think this not to be a forum visited by over 50 year olds, but rather a bunch of children barely past 16....

Anyway, you mentioned going via Vientiane ? Now unless you absolutely have to be there, it makes vastly more sense to go to Mukdahan from Khon Kaen. It will save you a great deal of time, as going this way will get you in Savan in about six hours instead of 12 if going via Vientiane.

And unless you are lucky, the bus from vientiane to Savan will take 9 hours, will have no airco, and virtually no leg room.

Did you actually do any research beforehand ?

The biggest challenge you face is not sleeping there, but getting there and back.

Brad the Impala
November 19th, 2017, 17:51
I'm surprised you haven't found matt's posts about his blindness "obsessive" and "repetitive."

That's his life, not yours. Your obsessions are all about other people and perceived slights. Your obsession with Matt is about your determination to prove yourself right, and prove that he doesn't exist. Hence your forensic drooling over his posts to try to find inconsistencies, as if we didn't all have inconsistencies in our lives and our descriptions of them.

November 19th, 2017, 21:47

That means youFarangRuuMark, a447, Christian, bobsaigon, arsenal, Joe, that mouse guy, fanciois, and the list goes on. Come on guys, your turn now...


You are calling me a mouse? 55555

Matt, nice photo of two guys both of whom appear to be Asians. One does seem to have vision problems although you say you look normal, not blind.

I have no problem posting my photo but when you prove who you are. Meaning if Joe meets you and confirms that you are what/who you say you are.

As for photos of Christian there are many, many photos of him on his blog.

November 19th, 2017, 21:54
No, there is guy with "mouse" in his handle that flipped out on me before because I didn't want to meet him, and from there began saying I'm a liar.

Don't worry, I'm actually blind. Again, it's my optic nerve that got damaged, not my eyes, so of course I look normal. Don't worry, I'm sure within 5 minutes Joe will come to the conclusion that I am actually blind. It's not exactly something you can fake.

November 19th, 2017, 22:03
Matt, are you blind? Who knew? Why didn't you mention it sooner? Just joking.

Looking forward to my trip to KK. At least we can have dinner and a few beers together.

November 19th, 2017, 22:06
About living in a Buddhist society: “…everyone does what they can to lift each other up, instead of tear each other down…”. Wrong.

The problem I have always had with the Matt character, the one which prevented me considering the character in an entirely sympathetic light, stems from your nigh on ex cathedra pronouncements considering.

ex cathedra - I love it..I had to look that one up. I was familiar with the term papal infallibility but now I know its origins..ah..lovely.

November 19th, 2017, 22:14
kittyboy,, if you were a proper Catholic, you'd know the term "ex cathedra" from the age of 7. And Original Sin, and wanking is bad, unless it's being done by a priest or a Christian Brother (other brands of Brother are also available)

November 19th, 2017, 22:34
A few years ago I visited a small thai village with a guy. It was very very basic accommodations. I stayed one night in the family home. It was hot, noisy and full if insects. The next night I rented a hotel room which was about 15 KM away. I asked the guy I was with if I was insulting the family and he assured me that they understood I was a farang and was not used to living in the country..etc.. It did not seem to be a problem..face wise for me not to stay in the family home.

The main problem I had with staying at the family home was I felt like a zoo attraction. Lots of people coming by to get a look actually to stare. It was an interesting experience and I did get to check out lots of hot farm guys. If I ever do it again I would rent a hotel room.

Matt..I think you are off a bit to want to sleep in a tent..but that is just me. I like my climate controlled sleeping environment and the privacy.

November 19th, 2017, 23:24
No, there is guy with "mouse" in his handle that flipped out on me before because I didn't want to meet him, and from there began saying I'm a liar.

Sounds like Stalker-Fountainhole. Sent me love letters from the second or third day after I made my first post here - even booked a hotel and suggested an itinerary for us to travel up to Chiang Rai. I gave him no encouragement whatsoever and I think I replied to his PMs only once; it was all in his head. He went berserk and waged a campaign against me here (and later on GT under the name PeterRS) when I politely told him that I wasn't interested.

It was all in his fucking head.

November 19th, 2017, 23:28
I'd love to go bush - only for a very short time - .

Isn't going into the bushes for very short times what has got you arrested multiple times?

November 19th, 2017, 23:34
We are all well aware of what goes on at Eros and Goodboys.

Live geriatric porn of which your name appears above the marquee?

November 19th, 2017, 23:36
Sorry Joe, but a447 is real. I have seen him and his stories about Eros are quite real.

Which proves yet again that life can be stranger than fiction.

November 19th, 2017, 23:47
You remind me of Pavlov's dog. You automatically give a "like" when something negative about me appears.

This is rich coming from Fountainhole's tampon and bobsaigon's asswipe.

November 20th, 2017, 00:10
kittyboy, I had much the same experience when I visited my friend;s family in 'Si Saketl They had no problem with me staying in a local hotel.

November 20th, 2017, 00:22
kittyboy, I had much the same experience when I visited my friend;s family in 'Si Saketl They had no problem with me staying in a local hotel.

Yeah, shouldn't be a problem at all and for all you know, they might even appreciate it as accommodating a farang guest can be a burden for some although they'd never say it. If you have to, make an excuse like you snore or are a late riser. Try not to refer to any of the facilities or lack thereof. Make it sound as if YOU'RE the problem and your not wanting to impose. If they insist, you insist harder - it's just a politeness game.

Of course, it all depends on the village and the individual house. Some village houses are quite comfortable with great ventilation and with all the mod-cons you'd expect in a more urban home. Some village houses have great ventilation and with all the mod-cons you'd expect in a more urban home. I stayed with a friend in Chantaburi for a few days during summer break and it was great. His house was in the middle of a fruit orchard and I stuffed my face with mangoes, rambutans and durian, which his province was famous for. There was even a stream nearby where we went skinny dipping - well sort of.;)

November 20th, 2017, 00:44
@Justaguy and kittyboy -- Thanks for your proper responses. Discussed with Leo multiple times now, and camping it is! I guess there's a basic hotel about 4km away, but even Leo still thinks camping is a better idea, and so do I.

This isn't just going to be a one-time excursion, eh? Especially if we take those kids, which sounds more than likely, then we're going to be living in Vientiane for 10+ years until they're finished high school. That means we're in the village probably around 30 days/year for 10+ years. Leo says we'll only need to visit the village once a year, but I already know that's not right. His parents seem to be getting on in their years, because one of them seems to always be in the hospital nowadays. Then the kids will need to go back to the village once in a while to spend time with their mom and friends.

So that village is going to become enough of an integral part of my life to go out of my way, and make myself comfortable. I don't currently have the resources to build the father a house, and even if I did, I still wouldn't do it. Leo's told me stories of how his father used to punch him with a closed fist, so as far as I'm concerned, fuck him.

Then the father and myself I'm sure won't get along very well. We'll be polite and respectful towards each other and everything, but we'll have absolutely nothing in common. So I don't really want to intrude on his personal space, and without having to say it, I can tell Leo agrees with that sentiment. As long as his father and myself leave each other alone, we should get along just fine.

Plus this just works. I can be there from 6am when breakfast is getting started, until 10pm when everyone is stumbling home after a few too many beers. Leo can take off during the day to do his thing -- forrage for food, hang out with friends, or whatever, and I'll be totally fine. Just make sure there's lots of money on my phone so I can tether it to my computer for internet, and make sure the cooler is full of ice and beer, and I'm good to go. Leo can head out without having to worry about me, because it's not like I can go anywhere by myself anyway.

Then when we roll into the village, I'll have a large plastic container hidden away for me with the tent, air mattress, tarps, lawn charis, etc. I'll have my little fire pit already there, will probably get a picnic table or two built for me, etc. Yeah, it's actually a good idea, and Leo agrees with me. Besides, I love and miss camping.

Brad the Impala
November 20th, 2017, 00:49
When I first visited my bf's village, it was he who suggested that we should stay in a hotel, about 8 kms away, rather than the family home, as he knew that I would be more comfortable there. None of his family gave any indication of offence, and there was always someone, sometimes at the end of the phone, to take us back to the hotel when we wanted, even late in the evening.

We've always stayed in that hotel on every visit since. I wouldn't be happy with a camping scenario, as I'd rather have four walls around me, and I like my creature comforts. I can't quite decide whether the camping scenario would give offence, if presented in the right way, but in the end if you are sure that it's what suits both of you, and is going to make you enjoy your trip, just do it!

November 20th, 2017, 00:58
Then when we roll into the village, I'll have a large plastic container hidden away for me with the tent, air mattress, tarps, lawn charis, etc. I'll have my little fire pit already there, will probably get a picnic table or two built for me, etc.

Sounds like a trip to the Marabar Caves.

Brad the Impala
November 20th, 2017, 01:14
Hope it doesn't end in court!

November 20th, 2017, 01:22
Hope it doesn't end in court!

"He forced himself on me, Your Lordship. I could smell the stale toddy on his breath, I could feel his big, wet dick in me but...but...I couldn't see who it was."

Elsewhere in the courtroom...

a447: "Damn. Big, wet dick. I wish I could suck the good doctor off right here and now and teach these Indians real sex...fuck their kamasutra...what they need is a good dose of geronto sex from Down Under!"

joe552: "I wish I could have a swig of that toddy...hic"

bobsaigon2: "Memsaab, whose ass shall I wipe today?"

November 20th, 2017, 03:03
Matt did you just say Leo could go foraging for food? No market nearby?

Anyway, no intention of staying in a little village anytime soon. I've booked a hotel in KK, which looks good.

November 20th, 2017, 03:27
I've booked a hotel in KK, which looks good.

I can't believe you are going to miss my Birthday (15th)
I'm definitely NOT going to your birthday now! :-P

November 20th, 2017, 03:35
colmx will you be in Pattaya for your birthday? If so I can change the dates of my trip to see Matt.

November 20th, 2017, 03:47
Joe, don't be changing your dates willy nilly here. If Leo happens to be in Laos when you show up, then I can't meet you. As I've said many times, I need him here to get around town, so confirm your dates.

I have Jan 15th right now.

November 20th, 2017, 03:55
Matt did you just say Leo could go foraging for food? No market nearby?

Anyway, no intention of staying in a little village anytime soon. I've booked a hotel in KK, which looks good.

No, there's markets and everything out where his village is. He just simply loves to forrage for food. He really enjoys going out into the jungle to find some mushrooms, bamboo, snails, fish, frogs, whatever. He thinks it's great fun.


November 20th, 2017, 04:15
Joe, You will need to keep a diary for all your social engagements!

Remember, the only nights myself, yourself, and colmx cross-over in Thailand are from the 13th of January to the 16th, so you will need to at least one of those free for the big get-together of the Irish Gay Mafia of SGT!

November 20th, 2017, 04:25
Ronan I didn't know until tonight that colmx would be in Pattaya for his birthday on the 15th. You guys want to meet up for a few drinks?

Matt would you mind if I came a couple of days earlier, or later than the 15th:

November 20th, 2017, 04:34
Well, it's fine with me. I'm just hanging out with my dogs like a blind idiot, so no worries on my end.

However, again, confirm your dates. I need to ensure Leo is here, because I'm not going into town by myself, and I'm not showing you where I live.

November 20th, 2017, 04:43
Joe - we can meet earlier than the 15th... Ronan will be there from the 13th, so we can go out that night and you can then go to meet Matt!
I will even see if I can try to locate Martin911 for a few drinks
(I believe that NIrishGuy will be in the canaries at the time... Buying up property in Tenerife... so he can be your Rigsby type landlord once you move there!

November 20th, 2017, 04:54
Didn't know Nirsh was buying up property in Tenerife. I'd be happy to have him as a landlord - seems like a nice guy.

colm it's your choice. I can't do another 10 pages like this. Set a time and place, and Ronan and I will show up. Ronan, do you have a BF in Pattaya?

November 20th, 2017, 05:54
I am fancy free, no boyfriend....

Just aim to be in Pattaya for at least one night between the 13th and the 16th, Joe.

WE can arrange the venue close to the time.

November 20th, 2017, 06:25
Didn't know Nirsh was buying up property in Tenerife. I'd be happy to have him as a landlord - seems like a nice guy.

Only kidding about NIGuy being a landlord in the Canaries... but he is going there this Christmas... instead of Thailand (Boo & hiss @ NIGuy!)
As per Ronan's post above... life is too short to make firm plans this early, but for sure lets meet between the 13th-16th

November 20th, 2017, 08:07
about sleeping in village home: I did that few times in Isaan, in national park - in 50 km from Udon Thani and that been nice adventures... we (me and BF) had feelings like we are white elephants in circus - ...
That reminds me of another stay at friend's place in a village in Seka, Bueng Gan province. They had a nice house, but on the afternoon my friend proclaimed "I'm going to have a nap now, enjoy yourself the afternoon!" And there I was, left alone, with nothing to do! (Nowadays I always have a book for such occasions.) So I took his bicycle and cycled around village, and the villagers were shouting across the road, over my head: "There is a Farang on a bicycle!" "There is a Farang on a bicycle!" "There is a Farang on a bicycle!" ... It was sunny, and I got sunburn on my knees (hurts when you put on or take off your trousers!).

November 20th, 2017, 09:53
Staying in a Thai village is well worth doing for the experience but I found it very stressful. The one I went to many years ago was outside Udon Thani and fairly primitive. I was the first farang visitor in living memory and felt like an exhibit the whole time. On arrival I had no sooner settled into a corner of the family house than a bunch of old ladies turned up and just sat staring at me. I became very self-conscious and in the end just lay down to sleep. In the West this would have been considered rude behaviour but the old ladies grunted with approval and promptly left. My first lesson: different rules apply here.

On my first full day I went for a walk round the village on my own and had soon acquired a small following army of young kids. I wished I had brought some sweets to hand out. The compacted earth path was very slippery after rain and all my concentration went into ensuring that I didn't go arse over tit, which would no doubt have amused the kids but instilled a most unsatisfactory image of farangkind in their minds for all time. Later that day an elderly miserable-looking monk came to visit me at the house and the usual crowd of old crones gathered to watch. Embarrassment hardly conveys what I was feeling. With no more than a handful of words in common we just sat and looked at each other. Somehow or other it eventually came to an end. I slipped the monk a 500 baht note before he left. The boy I was with tut-tutted as at an inappropriate act but I noticed that the monk slipped the note into his robes readily enough.

Sleeping in the family home was extremely uncomfortable even though I was granted the honour of a slim and grubby mattress. I was constantly changing position during the night and the rain dripping through the corrugated metal roof didn't help. Terrible backache in the morning. Toilet arrangements - well, there was a mosquito-infested pool at the back of the house, one sight of which caused my bowels to seize up for the remainder of the stay. I ate enough of the food to keep hunger at bay and no more.

You won't be surprised to know that I was mightily relieved when we left after two days. I wouldn't care to repeat the experience but some pleasant memories have lingered. The boy I was with pouring jugs of cold water over himself for his morning shower, the constant affection given by all and sundry to a baby in its hammock, the happy, excited faces of those young kids following me, the hospitality on offer despite the meagre means. You'd have to be very hard-hearted not to feel humbled. But. yes, I was glad to get away!

November 20th, 2017, 10:02
...a bunch of old ladies turned up...
...acquired a small following army of young kids.
...usual crowd of old crones gathered to watch.
Same for all my trips. Old and young in large numbers, but where are the 18-25?

November 20th, 2017, 10:18
Later that day an elderly miserable-looking monk came to visit me at the house and the usual crowd of old crones gathered to watch. Embarrassment hardly conveys what I was feeling. With no more than a handful of words in common we just sat and looked at each other. Somehow or other it eventually came to an end. I slipped the monk a 500 baht note before he left. The boy I was with tut-tutted as at an inappropriate act but I noticed that the monk slipped the note into his robes readily enough.

Monks don't make house-calls without invitation (and for no reason) and rarely leave the temple after 12 noon. Exceptions would be if they were invited to bless a wedding, a new house or chant during a funeral in which case they would come in a group (I can't remember the exact numbers).

The above post reminds me very much of the "trip report" that frequent made here:


You don't know frequent, snotface. He left shortly before you appeared.

November 20th, 2017, 10:20
Same for all my trips. Old and young in large numbers, but where are the 18-25?


November 20th, 2017, 10:25
@Snotface -- Exactly, and thanks for helping prove my point. Your experience is exactly what I'm looking to avoid, because again, there's a good chance I'm going to be in that village for a good 30 days/year, so I'm going to make myself comfortable. I want to look forward to those village trips, instead of trying to come up with excuses as to why I can't go. Letting me make my own little camp site should do the job just fine.

Then I don't give a shit about the weird looks I'll get, because I'm blind now, so I don't give a shit. I know what you mean though. I remember at Kim's fathers village, Kim's grandma wouldn't stop pinching me. Yes lady, my skin is actually white. You can pinch it all you want, the white doesn't rub off and turn brown or anything. Geez.... :)

November 20th, 2017, 11:24
Just sleep on the floor and blend in. It is really not hard and you get used to it.

I never had trouble sleeping, and sitting on the floor all day is no problem either.

You sound like an old primadonna.

November 20th, 2017, 11:29
The above post reminds me very much of the "trip report" that frequent made here:


You don't know frequent, snotface. He left shortly before you appeared.

'Lord, what fools these mortals be.' (For anyone unfamiliar with the source - sglad will of course know it - it's said by that mischievous fairy Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream).

As for monks and house visits, I was a rarity in the village and no doubt that justified the call. Morning or afternoon? After so long I cannot remember with certainty. After my tour of the village doing my Pied Piper of Hamelin impression anyway.

November 20th, 2017, 11:32
Oh and about Lao internet, I am in my hotel in Vientiane, trying to book Uth-Bkk on thai smiles.

The hotel wifi is bad, so now using my Lao telecom sim using a data package, it is so slow and unreliable that the last step of the booking (cc verification) failed twice. Mulling about just calling them, that is how useless Lao mobile internet is.

November 21st, 2017, 00:01
Same for all my trips. Old and young in large numbers, but where are the 18-25?

They’re in Sunnee and Boyztown, Nongprue, Chonburi Province.

November 21st, 2017, 02:02
Oh and about Lao internet, I am in my hotel in Vientiane, trying to book Uth-Bkk on thai smiles.

The hotel wifi is bad, so now using my Lao telecom sim using a data package, it is so slow and unreliable that the last step of the booking (cc verification) failed twice. Mulling about just calling them, that is how useless Lao mobile internet is.

It'll be fine. A phone's internet connection tethered to Leo's laptop in his village is fast enough for him to play GoN (computer game -- Hereos of Neworth, or something), so I'm sure it'll be more than good enough for me to check e-mail, get some work done, etc.

November 21st, 2017, 07:08
It'll be fine. A phone's internet connection tethered to Leo's laptop in his village is fast enough for him to play GoN (computer game -- Hereos of Neworth, or something), so I'm sure it'll be more than good enough for me to check e-mail, get some work done, etc.

Ok, probably less congested then over here in Vientiane. I ended up going to a wired computer to book my tickets.

November 21st, 2017, 10:26
I don't care if cndmatt's post are real or fake. I enjoy reading about his real or fantasy world. If real then cndmatt is a real character (as in a an odd duck - in a good way), if fake then they are interesting that someone would put that much effort into creating an online persona and then taking so much abuse.

I fail to see how taking cndmatt's posts are possibly real and responding to them makes this board a joke.
He has elicited a strong response from you. Why the hostility toward his postings? They are harmless.

No-one needs to post photos to make sceptics look like fools. They can manage that all on their own. :yahoo_mini:
Just found this response.
There’s a distinct air of foolish thinking about it
So all skeptics/sceptics are fools?
I would posit the exact oposite.
Socrates might have been a fool to be a skeptic but his ideas were not often shared by fools.
To paraphrase an age-old saying;
All truth starts as heresy.

November 21st, 2017, 18:42
As for monks and house visits, I was a rarity in the village and no doubt that justified the call.

If the elderly monk wanted to see you for whatever reason, he would've sent for you. You would have been encouraged by the villagers to go see him and they would've probably taken you to the temple themselves. The monk is the one of the higher status, not you. Monks don't make housecalls just to gawk especially not a frail, elderly, senior monk.

After my tour of the village doing my Pied Piper of Hamelin impression anyway.

One of your many, I gather.

November 21st, 2017, 22:16
If the elderly monk wanted to see you for whatever reason, he would've sent for you. You would have been encouraged by the villagers to go see him and they would've probably taken you to the temple themselves. The monk is the one of the higher status, not you. Monks don't make housecalls just to gawk especially not a frail, elderly, senior monk.

How clever of you to know how all Thai monks behave in all circumstances. Tough shit if you don't believe me.

One of your many, I gather.

I've had one other handle. How many have you had I wonder? I could hazard a guess at one of them.

November 22nd, 2017, 00:14
If the elderly monk wanted to see you for whatever reason, he would've sent for you. You would have been encouraged by the villagers to go see him and they would've probably taken you to the temple themselves. The monk is the one of the higher status, not you. Monks don't make housecalls just to gawk especially not a frail, elderly, senior monk.

One of your many, I gather.

What are you talking about? Yes they do, all the time. Everytime someone is married, dies, a kid is born, buys a house, or anything else.... the monks make a house visit to do a blessing ceremony.

When Leo and myself manage to make it out to his village and have our wedding / celebration of life ceremony, the monks will come by and bless us.

November 22nd, 2017, 00:19
Tough shit if you don't believe me.

Believe it or not, this is not about you. I just wanted to shed light on monastic protocols and practices. Readers who are interested in these things are encouraged to do their own research and not apply what they see in Pattaya or in any local setting to the country and (Thai) Buddhism as a whole for eg the aberrant practice of blessing beer bars or the story of a monk accepting 500 Baht that wasn't put into his morning collection bowl..

November 22nd, 2017, 00:22
What are you talking about? Yes they do, all the time. Everytime someone is married, dies, a kid is born, buys a house, or anything else.... the monks make a house visit to do a blessing ceremony.

When Leo and myself manage to make it out to his village and have our wedding / celebration of life ceremony, the monks will come by and bless us.

See my post (#133) above.

November 22nd, 2017, 01:42
Believe it or not, this is not about you. I just wanted to shed light on monastic protocols and practices.

Don't give me that. Behind your know-it-all pronouncements about monastic behaviour in two separate posts is the clear implication that I made up my meeting with a monk in a village. That DOES concern me. You then proceeded to link me to a poster with whom I have no connection whatsoever. If you're going to stir the pot at least have the courage of your convictions and don't get all mealy-mouthed about it.

November 22nd, 2017, 04:38
What are you talking about? Yes they do, all the time. Everytime someone is married, dies, a kid is born, buys a house, or anything else.... the monks make a house visit to do a blessing ceremony.
When Leo and myself manage to make it out to his village and have our wedding / celebration of life ceremony, the monks will come by and bless us.
Monks will indeed come to one's house for various reasons ... you've named most of the obvious ones. But they don't come uninvited. These different blessings are not cheap and are not done gratis ... lots of loot is passed from household to temple, and monks themselves.
Some homestead visitations (as well as going to the temple) are hugely expensive and the poorer families can easily go into deep debt because of it. Happens all the time.

November 22nd, 2017, 06:09
Why is everyone caring about this LEO guy.....enough...

November 22nd, 2017, 09:08
Why is everyone caring about this LEO guy.....enough...

I think we've all fallen a little bit in love with him.

Btw, what's the longest thread on SGT been? We're at 15 pages now.

November 22nd, 2017, 09:11
Why is everyone caring about this LEO guy.....enough...

I think it has something to do with the fact that I won't shut up about him.

Sorry, that's what love does to you. :)

November 22nd, 2017, 09:58
Anyone who is interested in Thai buddhist ceremony (in this case my old man becoming a monk) you are invited to read this Sawatdee post from some years ago:


November 23rd, 2017, 02:13
Smiles, that was an awesome story and probably one of the best things I've read on the internet. Must have taken hours.

Thanks so much for an interesting and informative report on Thai life.

November 23rd, 2017, 08:08
I will start another thread as Matt's threads get derailed so badly.

I just returned from my last Pattaya trip and I stayed with the same guy the whole time. I had met him on my prior trip. There is a fair chance that this is THE guy.

On my next trip, he definitely wants to take me to his home place somewhere in the wilds north of Ayutthaya. He has long been "out" to his family, but as silly as it may sound, I am a bit nervous about how I will be received by the kinfolk. They have seen me as he has introduced me to some of them by picture phone. He is in his mid-thirties so there are no "robbing the cradle" issues. They seem to be a relatively prosperous farm family, apparently growing bananas and chili peppers for the most part. One family home is quite modern but the other is more typical rural Thai. His parents died early and he was raised by the extended family.

Did any of you have these feelings, especially on the first trip? As someone else mentioned, would it be rude to stay in the nearest town? I can handle the water barrel shower, but three days of a bombsight toilet and no English language TV---I am not so sure..... (No, I am not a Vanderbilt or a Rockefeller);

I think I would be much more comfortable if they were a Bangkok family.

November 23rd, 2017, 09:12
One thing I can suggest is if you're staying at a hotel, ensure you guys have secured your own transpartation. Whether your BF has a motorbike or car in the village, or can borrow from family / friends, or you rent, or whatever. Public transport stops everywhere around 6pm, so if you stay in the village past 6pm and don't have your own transportation, you'll be SOL for getting to your hotel.

As for how you will be received, all depends on them. Make sure to show up with a small food gift. Just ask your BF what the family likes. Ants were a favorite of Kim's family.

Don't worry about the fact you're a gay couple, as I have yet to experience that being even a minor issue in Thailand.

Then it all depends on them. For example, Kim's mother and step-father were great, very welcoming, kind, courteous, accomodating, and no issues at all with them. However, his father (different village) was more of a "tough guy farmer" type, and so were his friends and neighbors. He most likely viewed me as some lazy, no good, weak farang who doesn't know a hard day's work. For the most part, we just totally ignored each other, and generally got along fine. Only exception to this was when in the village, his friends were around, and the alcohol was flowing. Then they basically talked shit about me right in front of me. I don't know exactly what was said as I don't speak Laos, but it was pretty obviously about me, and wasn't exactly complimentary.

All in all, wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure it's definitely worth the trip, and hope you have a great time.

November 23rd, 2017, 09:23
I only visited one guy;s home village in Si Saket. There's no way I could have stayed there. I stayed in cheap local hotels, and they would come and pick me up every morning for that days tour to wherever. I don't believe it was seen as disrespectful.

November 23rd, 2017, 13:11
When I first went to see the family about 10 years ago, we did stay in a hotel. I do not feel that we were seen rude in the least. On subsequent trips, we did stay ini the family home where everyone slept on the floor with sheets hung up to separate each couple into their own little bedroom. There was me and my boyfriend, a sheet, his sister and her husband, then mom and dad, and then my bf's niece and her girlfriend. Do the math - that is 2 straight couples and 2 gay couples - how is that for a progressive family!

Seriously though - I think it is perfectly normal for your first trip to the village to be spent in the hotel. Remember - the family doesn't know you either. Inside, they will probably be relieved that you aren't staying there, as they will not know exactly what you need to be comfortable. Once you are all comfortable with each other, then you can stay there and everyone will be much happier. If you are going to stay at the family home, from now until mid-February is certainly the time to do it. The weather is nice at night and the bugs are minimized. Go any other time of the year and you are not likely to be a happy camper.

Report back and let us know how it goes - Treat it as an adventure - you are sure to have a great time.



November 23rd, 2017, 13:52
but it was pretty obviously about me, and wasn't exactly complimentary.
Surely you are used to that by now ... to wit: hanging out as easy bait on this Board.
I'm surprised you're so sensitive.

November 23rd, 2017, 16:41
As an aside I went to BFs village two years ago. We went over New Years Eve and had to wait days to get a bus or train back. All full....HUGE mistake.
I avoided it last year.
He now wants me to go again this year and I am determined not to.
Will it be a black mark?

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2017, 16:53
Surely as Thai new year ISN'T OUR new year you'd have valid reason to say bollox to that and suggest you both stay in patts etc as you could of course go back home then ANYTIME and it doesn't have to be what is a random date of 31st December ( to him) ?

November 23rd, 2017, 20:35
For crying out loud, what is the problem sleeping in some village ? You guys need to grow a pair.

November 23rd, 2017, 21:03
justaguy, as you'e described your own experience so well and in such detail, although I'm struggling to locate that actual post, I bow to your superior experience.

November 23rd, 2017, 23:14
For crying out loud, what is the problem sleeping in some village ? You guys need to grow a pair.

Or just buy a tent and air mattress. :)

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 02:33
Unless the tent and matress are like this I think I'd pass on the village camping trip thanks !

November 24th, 2017, 03:03
NIrish you're such a Queen sometimes (well, most times)

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 03:09
If that means sleeping in the above bed whilst Matt is lying outside in his wee tent, getting eaten my small animals and lying on his deflated air bed then all I can say is anyone who disagrees with my above and prefers Matt's camping trip can "arise and kiss my ring !" as I certainly know where I"D rather sleep any day of the week ! :)

November 24th, 2017, 04:06
To be honest, if I could afford it I'd prefer your option.

November 24th, 2017, 06:03
If that means sleeping in the above bed whilst Matt is lying outside in his wee tent, getting eaten my small animals and lying on his deflated air bed then all I can say is anyone who disagrees with my above and prefers Matt's camping trip can "arise and kiss my ring !" as I certainly know where I"D rather sleep any day of the week ! :)

You guys just think it's a crazy idea, because I'm the one who came up with it. If Smiles, Dodger, or bob posted about it you'd probably all say, "oh yeah, that is actually a good idea". I'm Canadian so have been camping tons in my life, and will ensure I'm setup comfortably.

And it is a good idea, because just look. Salewood is currently nervous, uncertain and worried thinking, "oh geez, a trip of the village? ummm, I don't know, not sure.... give me some time to think it over".

Whereas I'm thinking, "fuck yeah, camping trip, can't wait!" :)

Anyway, yo help get back to the OP. Personally, I wouldn't sleep in the village (excluding my camping idea). If they're farmers as you say, they're probably not going to be one of the rich families in the village. You'll most likely be sleeping on the equivalent of cement. You know those really thing straw Issam mats? Your bed will probably be that on a cement floor. You might get a blanket, but probably won't need or want it. You'll get some of those rectangular pillows I'm sure.

At best you will get a mosquito net, and maybe not even that. However, that net still doesn't keep out the cockroaches, ants, spiders, scorpions, mice, millipedes, etc.

I'd stay in a hotel, if I were you.

November 24th, 2017, 06:26
my memories of camping is that a dome type tent becomes unbearably hot as soon as the sun comes up... and that's during a miserable Irish summer!
So I can only imagine how hot it would be in Thailand? Surely the tent would be like a POW sweatbox?

November 24th, 2017, 06:42
my memories of camping is that a dome type tent becomes unbearably hot as soon as the sun comes up... and that's during a miserable Irish summer!
So I can only imagine how hot it would be in Thailand? Surely the tent would be like a POW sweatbox?

There's tarps to provide shade, there's portable battery powered fans, there's rechargable coolers with built-in fans that utilize the ice packs to blow cold air, and more. Or just simply positioning your temp properly makes a huge difference.

There's lots of ways. :)

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 08:07
You guys just think it's a crazy idea, because I'm the one who came up with it. ........... I'm Canadian so have been camping tons in my life, and will ensure I'm setup comfortably............ I'm thinking, "fuck yeah, camping trip, can't wait!" :)

Oh so can we take from your above that you've decided that this is the way you're going to go and that this camping trip is actually happening then ? If so, when is that all set up, before the big move I take it as the whole point is to see how you're received by the inlaws etc I presume yes ? So, if so that would be before the 5th of what is it February then sometime ??

November 24th, 2017, 08:18
I am probably wrong...but...out of all the posters in this forum...I would guess maybe 10, have long term BF's and love going to see papa and moma in the country side..I find it odd that someone who visits TH one time or two times...FALL IN LOVE.....meeting the parents, etc...I think it takes much time.....first or second time visitors are just thinking they are in love.....

November 24th, 2017, 08:38
I am probably wrong...but...out of all the posters in this forum...I would guess maybe 10, have long term BF's and love going to see papa and moma in the country side.Perhaps this Forum's membership is unusual but of the friends I have in Bangkok with long-term boyfriends, about 80% view with horror the notion that they would discommode themselves to the extent of spending a night in their boyfriend's village. Several stay in a hotel in the nearest large town and may go to the village for a few hours during the day (and see that as a sacrifice of their personal comfort). I've overnighted in Thai villages from time to time and can't recommend it but then I don't bunk in with the peasants in my home country just because I'm fucking one of their sons

November 24th, 2017, 08:47
There's lots of ways. :)My preference:

November 24th, 2017, 09:02
" ... discommode ... "
I have no doubt that the use of that scurrilous word on this Board will get you banned within hours.

PS ... just FYI , I am in the heart of Isaan as I write, the rice fields of of Surin and sleeping there as well ... OMG!!
Mama does not care whom I'm fucking , but I do.

November 24th, 2017, 09:30
I have no doubt that the use of that scurrilous word on this Board will get you banned within hours.Another apposite comment, Smiles

November 24th, 2017, 09:53
I have no doubt that the use of that scurrilous word on this Board will get you banned within hours.

PS ... just FYI , I am in the heart of Isaan as I write, the rice fields of of Surin and sleeping there as well ... OMG!!
Mama does not care whom I'm fucking , but I do.

My mother was in a nursing home for 18 months before her death. I'm sure this was a common word. "Carmel, you can use discommode"

November 24th, 2017, 10:11
How apposite,Joe

November 24th, 2017, 10:58
It didn't take long to get Dalewood's post derailed, as usual.

November 24th, 2017, 11:10
francois, I offered my experience on the first page . I'm still searching for your contribution to Dalewood's question.

November 24th, 2017, 12:11
In effort to not derail Dalewood's thread anymore than it already has been, I'll just add this reply here to my own thread:

Oh so can we take from your above that you've decided that this is the way you're going to go and that this camping trip is actually happening then ? If so, when is that all set up, before the big move I take it as the whole point is to see how you're received by the inlaws etc I presume yes ? So, if so that would be before the 5th of what is it February then sometime ??

No, camping will happen after we're settled into Vientiane. Why would I be worried about what Leo's family thinks of me? He's already chosen me over them, as I've done with my own family. That's why I'm still in Thailand instead of Canada, and why Leo is still with me instead of living in the village taking care of his elderly father. Besides, I already know... more than likely the father will dislike me because I'm a farang and not a rice farmer so I just "don't understand", and the rest of the family will at the very least thing I'm a good hearted, respectful individual.

I know, I know, I'm just a lair, and none of this is true, It's kind of ironic that aside from Smiles and maybe one or two others, I'm the only one to provide photographic evidence that both myself and my BF are real and together.

November 24th, 2017, 12:30
Matt, I'm confused (not for the first time, sez you). You say you don't care what Leo's family think of you, but you're going to pitch a tent in his father's back yard, and stay there while you get to know the 2 young kids you're going to adopt?

I have photos of my trip to Si Saket, but don't have a scanner.

November 24th, 2017, 13:04
Well, yeah. If I'm growing old with Leo, then I have to accept that his village, his childhood home where his parents live, will become an integral part of my life. I'd be a pretty shitty husband if I tried to ignore that fact, don't you think?

I'm sure the family will accept me just fine, so not worried about it. Decent chance myself and the gather won't have anything in common, so we'll just respectfully ignore each other, and I expect that as well. But we're going to be spending a good amount of time in that village, and that's especially true if we take his nephews in. They're going to need to go home and spend time with their mother and freinds quite often.

Again, I'm not thinking in terms of just a one-off trip and a meet & greet. I'm thinking of terms of a second home, so yeah, I'll make myself comfortable. I'm not building a house out there, but I'll put in say $2000 USD into building myself a comfortable little campsite.

And Leo agrees with me, so that's what we're doing, I'm sure. :)

PS. Factor in the fact that I'm now blind. I need a comfortable environment where I feel safe now. It's not like I can be left up to my own devices, and go wandering, and find my own way around. Get me setup with my little environment (camp site) where I know where everything is, and Leo can take off and do his own thing without having to worry about me.

November 24th, 2017, 13:12
You guys just think it's a crazy idea, because I'm the one who came up with it. If Smiles, Dodger, or bob posted about it you'd probably all say, "oh yeah, that is actually a good idea". I'm Canadian so have been camping tons in my life, and will ensure I'm setup comfortably.

Bob says: I assure everyone that my last camping experience, never to be repeated, was in 1960. I don’t know how eager Smiles or Dodger might be to get very close to nature right now.

Before the Matt/Leo photo, I did not hesitate to post comments or criticisms about the rationale of someone we assumed to be a fictional character. Now that we see he actually exists, I find I am even more concerned about Matt’s plans for his life in Laos, since he intends to care for three citizens of the country. I still feel that he would have benefited from regular face-to-face interaction with other native speakers of English, rather than leading his life on a very self-assured, but possibly flawed path in this SE Asia experience.

But I now realize I must accept the fact that Matt and I are on two very different, never-to-be-reconciled pages in this book of Life. So, no more comments from me about the KK and Lao Tales. Just a wish that things will work out as well as Matt assures us they will.


Sleeping in village: I've made numerous trips to the villages in Issan and the north of Thailand. The boys and their families always assumed I would be staying in a hotel/resort rather than in their homes. Of course, if the BF insists, I suppose you would have to give serious thought to sleeping en famille. Good luck.

November 24th, 2017, 13:36
Having posted a photo Matt has made himself real. Therefore members, especially the older senior and supposedly wiser ones should think twice before posting comments they would have done before. And Matt, you should stop attracting so much rancour now.

November 24th, 2017, 13:41
Bob, can I ask you something then? Maybe it'll help me get a better insight into what my family is thinking.

What am I supposed to do? Leave my husband who's saved my life, make my dogs homeless giving them a death sentence, then jet off to somewhere like Silicon Valley, grab a job at Google or Apple, and work my way up the corporate ladder? Do you have any idea of how dismal and depressing of a life that would be for me?

Or should I get rid of everything as mentioned above, move to say Vancouver, Canada, get a job with some IT start up, hang out in my condo lonely and depressed always, just so I can see my family 2 or 3 times each year during the holidays?

No offense or disrespect Joe, and no judgements here. However, notice how Joe is somewhat lonely and depressed in life right now? It's pretty obvious if you watch his posts. That would be me if I went back out West, and probably far moreso, considering I'm blind right now.

Instead, I'm happy, comfortable, mentally and emotionally strong, ambition, and can't wait to see what the future provides.

Also, please realize, when it comes to personal relationships, I only care what's inside their heart. Granted, Leo isn't going to become an aeronautical engineer anytime soon, and got that. However, he does happen to be one of the most down to earth, realistic, loving, compassionate, and empathetic individuals you'll ever meet. I've been through this life and world enough to know finding someone of his moral character and quality is next to impossible. Oh, we speak 90% English together, and he's near fluent. I guess I have to get him to spell out words sometimes due to his accent, but he knows English extremely well.

As for the kids, that wasn't my decision, and not like I went looking for them. Leo's the one who came into my room one day, and asked if I wanted a couple "servants". He wanted to help them, plus thought it'd be good to have them around due to me being blind, as they can run to the store for me, etc. I had to explain to him that there's no way either of us has the heart to treat a couple kids like servants, so if we take them, we're going to end up loving them, and they're going to become our adopted children. Don't worry about the language barrier, as they've been watching Thai TV programs since they were born and speak Thai like Laos folks, and it will be about all of 3 months before they know enough English for them to communicate in English.

So I'm asking, what's so crazy about this? Again, in your mind, what should I do? I don't have a home to go back to in Canada, as since 2005 I've only lived there for one year in 2008/9. So what do I do? I'm honestly curious, because my family has the same thoughts as you. They just can't understand why I'm not back in Canada, to the point they think I'm mentally ill. I'd love to understand better, because I have yet to hear any logical and rational arguments against my decision to stay.

November 24th, 2017, 13:49
Matt, it's entirely, absolutely up to you. You can only do what you think you should do. Only follow the path that you choose. Now that I see you are real, I do not recommend anything. It's your life, not mine.

November 24th, 2017, 13:56
And Matt, you should stop attracting so much rancour now.For myself no rancour at all. Just tedium now: photos or not this Matt dude has entered a maudlin Drama Queen territory and will be happy to know I'm exiting stage left. There ain't no more here, there must be better.

November 24th, 2017, 13:59
See, as always no answer, same as what I get from my family. They're dismayed that I stayed, but can' come up with a logical reason as to why. They're simply under the assumption that if I throw everything away that's good in my life, and head back to some unknown city in Canada, then everything will be great. I'm sorry, but that's simply not reality.

November 24th, 2017, 14:21
Matt for the $2000 you are proposing to spend on camping gear... You could probably build an actual home in the village... As long as Leo has the land and it doesn't need filling or piling

It wouldn't be the Ritz, but it would have 4 block walls and a roof!

November 24th, 2017, 14:24
Matt, I don't mind you mentioning my depression. It's my reality.

Look. (if that's not an inappropiate thing to say to a blind person). If your decision is to move to Laos with Leo, then go ahead, and be happy. It's not a choice I would have made. But "up to you". I genuinely wish you both the best for your future together.

Looking forward to seeing you on 15 January.

November 24th, 2017, 14:32
See, as always no answer, same as what I get from my family. They're dismayed that I stayed, but can' come up with a logical reason as to why.

OK. Answer: If you could not get relief for your vision situation in Canada, then there would be NO reason for you to return there, in my opinion. Stay where you are, stay with Leo. You need someone like him.

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 15:32
I'm the only one to provide photographic evidence that both myself and my BF are real and together.

Actually for clarity you posted a picture of a farang and an Asian guy sitting beside each other, nothing more.

Now, a pic of "you" and he, sitting at home, perhaps with your two lovely dogs in shot and at your computer with our very own Sawatdee forum open and on the screen and you both giving us the thumbs up ( or the Thai two fingers I guess ) etc, now THAT perhaps would start to narrow things down a little maybe I guess in terms of you being a farang there being with some Asian guy, as to "Matt's" life then existing thereafter is I guess a whole other story thereafter.

November 24th, 2017, 15:37
Thanks, Bob, and that was my rationale too. MRI scans don't lie, so with 100% certainty I have lesions in my right optic nerve, and no hospital in the world can fix that. Maybe in 10 - 20 years, but not now.

Members of my family have seem to have turned against me for my decision to stay here, and at the moment, there doesn't seem to be much of a way to reconcile that. I'll just have to wait until the coming Spring / Summer, and by then hopefully I can have Leo a VISA secured for VISA, we can make a visit, make our rounds to the family, and calm the tensions.

Especially now that some time has passed, and I'm finally on firm financial footing again, I'm absolutely certain I made the right decision by staying. I just sucks that they simply don't understand. Then again, for a good portion of my family, they've never lived outside of the Alberta, Canada oil patch bubble, so that's the only reality they know, when there's actually millions of different realities out there. I'm sure I'm right, and they're just being closed minded.

November 24th, 2017, 15:38
To be fair NIrish, how could he prove it was him and Leo - holding their passports with copies of the Bankok Post to confirm the date? Wait 6 weeks or so till I go to KK and we'll all know for sure. He's already agreed to pay for my hotel and provide a young companion for the duration of my visit.

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 15:47
Very nice of him, maybe hell if I knew that was the deal maybe I'd of joined you !

And no, no passports required ( think about that, might perhaps be a bit of a fatal mistake Overstayer Matt posting that no ?) - hence why I said the pic of sawatdee opened in the background just to provide context. And of course when you meet 'Matt" you know of course his name isn't ACTUALLY Matt don't you, just in case you come back screaming "he's a fake, his name is actually Fred ( randomly selected name, dont worry Matt if your name IS Fred that was just coincidence I assure you )!" lol. I think he his most hardened doubters would allow him that one. :)

November 24th, 2017, 15:53
Mr Arsenal advises Matt against providing personal information to the obsessive compulsive monomaniacs residing here.

Nirish guy
November 24th, 2017, 15:57
I totally agree, hence why I said specifically NOT to be showing his passport etc.

However as IS Matt who is telling us "Hey, I've already posted a pic of me", all by his own choice btw as no one asked him to. And then states "there you go, this is Leo and I" etc, all I'm doing is pointing out that "a pic" of two random people means nothing and so suggesting that if he IS going to the bother of posting pics then if he does so with some measure of SGF etc detail in them ( i.e the forum page open on his computer's window etc - or a big sign saying FUCK YOU N.IRISH GUY :-)) then might help put his next pic in a better context for us all, but that as they say is 'up to him", meanwhile when he posts "I posted my pic" I'll just remind him, no, you posted "A" pic. Seems quite reasonable to me. As to whether he actually DOES or not, I don't care either way.

November 24th, 2017, 16:50
How many members use their own names here? I do 'cos I was too lazy to think up a moniker. i know the real names of at least half a dozen members - well, they said it was their real name - this is the internet, how do you prove it?

November 24th, 2017, 17:24
I totally agree, hence why I said specifically NOT to be showing his passport etc.

However as IS Matt who is telling us "Hey, I've already posted a pic of me", all by his own choice btw as no one asked him to. And then states "there you go, this is Leo and I" etc, all I'm doing is pointing out that "a pic" of two random people means nothing and so suggesting that if he IS going to the bother of posting pics then if he does so with some measure of SGF etc detail in them ( i.e the forum page open on his computer's window etc - or a big sign saying FUCK YOU N.IRISH GUY :-)) then might help put his next pic in a better context for us all, but that as they say is 'up to him", meanwhile when he posts "I posted my pic" I'll just remind him, no, you posted "A" pic. Seems quite reasonable to me. As to whether he actually DOES or not, I don't care either way.

You didn't notice that I posted that photo after Joe decided publicly to meet me, and I decided to meet him?

You guys may think I'm an idiot who doesn't understand what he's doing, but I'm not. Granted, I'm quite sensitive, and do go off on an emotional tangent once in a while. However, the vast majority of things I do are well calculated.

I wanted to make Joe more comfortable about the meet, plus just assumed he's actually going to make the meet, hence will be able to confirm that photo is real and authentic.

November 24th, 2017, 20:02
Matt, thanks for agreeing to cover my hotel bill, and providing a young companion, when you're busy doing whatever it is you do with your bitcoins and computers.

I'm amazed the thread has now run to 20 pages. Anyone know the record number of pages?

November 24th, 2017, 20:30
justaguy, as you'e described your own experience so well and in such detail, although I'm struggling to locate that actual post, I bow to your superior experience.

There is no need to bow for anything.I have slept in my Lao boyfriend's village on and off for the past eleven years, and it's perfectly doable. No drama.

November 24th, 2017, 20:37
You guys just think it's a crazy idea, because I'm the one who came up with it. If Smiles, Dodger, or bob posted about it you'd probably all say, "oh yeah, that is actually a good idea". I'm Canadian so have been camping tons in my life, and will ensure I'm setup comfortably.

And it is a good idea, because just look. Salewood is currently nervous, uncertain and worried thinking, "oh geez, a trip of the village? ummm, I don't know, not sure.... give me some time to think it over".

Whereas I'm thinking, "fuck yeah, camping trip, can't wait!" :)

Anyway, yo help get back to the OP. Personally, I wouldn't sleep in the village (excluding my camping idea). If they're farmers as you say, they're probably not going to be one of the rich families in the village. You'll most likely be sleeping on the equivalent of cement. You know those really thing straw Issam mats? Your bed will probably be that on a cement floor. You might get a blanket, but probably won't need or want it. You'll get some of those rectangular pillows I'm sure.

At best you will get a mosquito net, and maybe not even that. However, that net still doesn't keep out the cockroaches, ants, spiders, scorpions, mice, millipedes, etc.

I'd stay in a hotel, if I were you.

I cannot speak for others, but in my view this is a bad idea, regardless of who came up with it.

It is insulting to the family, and for no other purpose then your own illogical fears. As I said, I have been visiting and staying at the village for 11 years, and don't recognize most of what you are claiming.

November 25th, 2017, 04:08
Matt, thanks for agreeing to cover my hotel bill, and providing a young companion, when you're busy doing whatever it is you do with your bitcoins and computers.

I'm amazed the thread has now run to 20 pages. Anyone know the record number of pages?

Ummm, where did I agree to pay your hotel and hooker bill? Sorry, but no.... :)

I have however offered to pay my nephew and his fiancee's hotel bill, as I think they'd be more comfortable in a hotel versus at my house which is on the edige of the city. That's simply because he seems to be nervour / cautious about me, and my best guess is, my sister-in-law put some shit into his mind to make him afraid of m.. He's in Vietnam right now, and in Asia for the next ~4 months I think, so hopefully I can convince him to come for a visit.

Who knows Joe, maybe you'll even get to meet him.

November 25th, 2017, 04:53
Matt I was joking about the hotel and hooker bill. Happy to meet your nephew if he's around.

November 25th, 2017, 07:14
There is no need to bow for anything.I have slept in my Lao boyfriend's village on and off for the past eleven years, and it's perfectly doable. No drama.

What were the sleeping accomodations like, if you don't mind me asking?

For example, Kim's mother's house was quite poor, although actually quite decent. I could have probably slept there, especially after during his sister's wedding I found out they also own the shop area beside the house which has a nice queen sized mattress in it, is enclosed, etc.

Kim's father's village on the other hand was quite poor, and basically a mud pit with some tables in it, a small outhouse, and an eleveated shack made of bamboo for sleeping quarters.

From what Leo describes, his mother's house is half decent, but his father's house is basically a tin garden shed.

What were your sleeping accomodations like?

November 25th, 2017, 07:31
What were the sleeping accomodations like, if you don't mind me asking?

For example, Kim's mother's house was quite poor, although actually quite decent. I could have probably slept there, especially after during his sister's wedding I found out they also own the shop area beside the house which has a nice queen sized mattress in itThis thread just gets better and better. I've heard that mother-son incest is quite the thing in Japan (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/out-of-japan-mother-love-puts-a-nation-in-the-pouch-1508595.html), and porking one's mother-in-law probably happens more often than we think - but it's usually the daughter with whom the offender is partnered, not the son. All rather reminiscent of the "Gotcha" episode in Coupling (still my all-time favourite send up of Friends) where Patrick mistakes the daughter (whom he had screwed) for her mother (whom he had also screwed)

And a queen-size bed to boot

November 25th, 2017, 07:37
What the hell are you talking about? No, for the first good while I just assumed the mother's house was their house. I didn't know they also owned the shop beside the house until the wedding when there were tons of people around and getting ready.

November 25th, 2017, 10:16

This is the house I sleep in. Typical Lao country side house. I sleep on a thin matras on a wooden floor.

November 25th, 2017, 10:26
Great photo, justaguy

November 25th, 2017, 10:46
Ok, cool, thanks for answering my question with a photo, Justaguy.

Only issue with that is, I'm blind. Could anyone be so kind to textually explain that photo to me?

November 25th, 2017, 10:51
I'm sure justaguy will do a better job, but just to get you started, Matt. It's a 2 storey structure. The ground floor is open, and looks to be used for storage. The upper floor is the living quarters. There's an outside staircase to the right of the building leading to the living quarters. It's hard to tell what that looks like. Hopes this helps a bit.

November 25th, 2017, 10:55
Only issue with that is, I'm blind. Could anyone be so kind to textually explain that photo to me?

So you can't actually see the photo of yourself that you've uploaded to the Forum?

November 25th, 2017, 11:04
So you can't actually see the photo of yourself that you've uploaded to the Forum?

What??? So the photo Justagu uploaded is that of myself and Leo that I previously uploaded?

Don't be a dick, I'm actually blind. It's not nice.

No, I couldn't see the photo of Leo and myself I posted. He took it, so he could brag to his friends on Facebook about catching a farang husband who isn't 70 years old and 280lbs. Then I read that post from FarangRuuMak telling me basically "post a photo or shut up", so I asked Leo to e-mail me the photo he took. Got an e-mail attached with an image from him, so I uploaded it.

You're right, it could have been a photo of Yoda and Darth Vader having a saber battle, and I wouldn't have known the wiser. However, for some strange reason, I trust Leo quite a bit.

November 25th, 2017, 11:15
I'm sure justaguy will do a better job, but just to get you started, Matt. It's a 2 storey structure. The ground floor is open, and looks to be used for storage. The upper floor is the living quarters. There's an outside staircase to the right of the building leading to the living quarters. It's hard to tell what that looks like. Hopes this helps a bit.

Ohhh, thanks Joe. So a decent 2 storey house? That sounds comfortable enough. Definitely more comfortable than a tin garden shed, or an elevated room made out of bamboo in a mud pit.

November 25th, 2017, 11:22
No I wouldn't describe it as a 2 storey house. I used the word structure. There's only one floor of living space, which I can't describe, 'cos the photo is taken from ground level. But the rooms seem quite open, at least on the side from which the photo is taken.

November 25th, 2017, 11:23
A typical wooden house on stilts. To the left is the kitchen (with another ladder not visisble). To the right is indeed the living quarters, the 'wall' visible is what separates the living quarters from the sleeping area.

Indeed the front is open. The back is not.

November 25th, 2017, 11:48
Ohhh, thanks Joe. So a decent 2 storey house? That sounds comfortable enough. Definitely more comfortable than a tin garden shed, or an elevated room made out of bamboo in a mud pit.

Yes, Matt, a lovely two storey house. :D

November 26th, 2017, 11:12
A typical wooden house on stilts. To the left is the kitchen (with another ladder not visisble). To the right is indeed the living quarters, the 'wall' visible is what separates the living quarters from the sleeping area.

Indeed the front is open. The back is not.

Ok, I think I have a good idea. May I ask, how were the insects at night?

I guess you were elevated, hence probably no worries about millipedes, scorpions, etc. However, what about ants, spiders, mice, etc.?

How was the temperature while sleeping? I'm assuming you basically slept on the bamboo floor with just one of those straw Issan mats as a mattress? Wasn't that quite unconfortable?

I guess my main question is, do you actually get decent sleeps, or just power naps for days until you make your way back to a comfortable bed?

November 26th, 2017, 14:26
Ok, I think I have a good idea. May I ask, how were the insects at night?

I guess you were elevated, hence probably no worries about millipedes, scorpions, etc. However, what about ants, spiders, mice, etc.?

How was the temperature while sleeping? I'm assuming you basically slept on the bamboo floor with just one of those straw Issan mats as a mattress? Wasn't that quite unconfortable?

I guess my main question is, do you actually get decent sleeps, or just power naps for days until you make your way back to a comfortable bed?

We sleep behind the wooden wall visible on the photo. We usually sleep at the right hand side of the house, on a thin mattress under a mosquito net, that part sleeps three, my boyfriend, me and one of my boyfriend's brothers. On ocassions, I have also slept in the open living quarters.

This setup is comfortable enough for me, and I usually sleep from midnight until 5.30 or thereabouts. Sometimes longer due to the amount of beerlao or lao whiskey the previous night..

Insects have never bothered me. As to the temperature, there obviously is no airco, just a fan sometimes. It never bothered me. Last two songkrans it bothered me once, songkran 2016 was extremely hot. So hot that when I woke up, the house was empty. When I went to search for everyone, they were all under the house, because it was less hot there !

This years Songkran was no pfoblem.

November 26th, 2017, 23:48
justaguy,where is the toilet located ?

November 27th, 2017, 01:21
Well.. The first few times I went there, the toilet was anywhere outside. Later on they did build a toilet/shower room. I personally hardly ever go in there, the jungle is good enough for relief :)

Anyway, that toilet/shower is about 20 meters away from the house.

November 27th, 2017, 08:21
Thanks for the responses, guys. I do think I will try to talk my friend into staying in the nearest town. Outside of Pattaya, do the cops care about a motorbike so long as I have an International drivers license? It was sufficient in Penang.

November 27th, 2017, 08:40
I don't drive a motobike in Hua Hin (our home) ... Thai's-Riding-Bikes here are lethal, like Snakes-on-a-Plane.
HH Police set up road blocks all the time, and every so often one of these blocks are set up solely to catch Farangs-on-Bikes for: no helmets, no licence, speeding, no passport, money (i.e. for no reason at all) etc etc.
I would not be surprised that basically the same annoyances happen in Pattaya and environs. Getting stopped by the fuzz is quite unpredictable.

On the other hand, out in the country side (where I am now, in Surin) I ride our motorbike all over the place ... including past two Police stations. I use no helmet, have no valid licence, I speed a lot (coz it's fun), I never carry my passport, and usually have money on me.

Go figure ... TiT.

November 27th, 2017, 09:15
Well.. The first few times I went there, the toilet was anywhere outside. Later on they did build a toilet/shower room. I personally hardly ever go in there, the jungle is good enough for relief :)

Anyway, that toilet/shower is about 20 meters away from the house.

Could a blind man find it? 55555

Guess if you don't have to get up at night, then not a problem.

November 27th, 2017, 09:24
Thanks for the responses, guys. I do think I will try to talk my friend into staying in the nearest town. Outside of Pattaya, do the cops care about a motorbike so long as I have an International drivers license? It was sufficient in Penang.

I don't know what the hell Smiles is talking about, there's checkpoints all over the place, including even on highways. Just ensure to wear a helmet, and more than likely you'll just get waved through without issue.

November 27th, 2017, 09:26
Thanks for the responses, guys. I do think I will try to talk my friend into staying in the nearest town. Outside of Pattaya, do the cops care about a motorbike so long as I have an International drivers license? It was sufficient in Penang.

Does your International Driving PERMIT specify a motorcycle or just a car? Could make a difference.

November 27th, 2017, 09:46
Up here in Issan, at worst it's a 500 baht on the spot fine, so hardly the end of the world. Just wear a helmet, and you'll more than likely just get waved through any checkpoints you encounter.

November 27th, 2017, 10:37
International driving permits indicate the type of vehicles that your home country allows.

If at home you do not have a license to ride a motorcycle, then that is clearly marked on the international permit.

November 27th, 2017, 15:49
Joe and Matt;

Here in lies the key to life. What makes one person happy makes another miserable. Speaking of camping - I remember growing up in America - Some people loved to go camping, others would just assume get a root canal. For some, the though of leaving the comfort of their luxurious home for a few days of roughing it does have a certain appeal. For me, like Joe, it doesn't. I compromised in the village with my husband - We built an addition on to the family home and our room is quite nice, and so is the family living quarters. Now, I get to enjoy being in the country side for awhile and don't really have to sacrifice my comfort level. Now, that worked for me because, like Matt, I live here full time.

The moral of the story is that you only get on life to live. I couldn't imagine living full time in the States again. Our life is here, and within 3 hours of Bangkok we have some really world class Asian cities to visit on holiday should we need a little adventure. Do my friends in America think I've lost the plot? Some do - and others are insanely jealous. To be stuck in the rat race only to wake up one day and realize that 20 years of your life has passed you by is what is crazy to me.

That's my two cents worth. I think it is why some of us, like Smiles, myself, and a few others have happily lived with the same Thai BF in Thailand for a decade or more, while others have a boyfriend here, but only visit once or twice a year. Living here full time is not for everyone. If it is for you, however, I say DO IT - Don't wake up one day and regret not having made the decision.



Matt, I don't mind you mentioning my depression. It's my reality.

Look. (if that's not an inappropiate thing to say to a blind person). If your decision is to move to Laos with Leo, then go ahead, and be happy. It's not a choice I would have made. But "up to you". I genuinely wish you both the best for your future together.

Looking forward to seeing you on 15 January.

November 27th, 2017, 20:22
kkjason, thanks for your amazing insights into my life. Now why didn't I think of that. To start at the end (as some prefer), you suggest that Matt and I (how the fuck can you link us, even if he's real?) need to just DO IT? Do what?

I've been on this board since 2008, and enjoy the banter (some might say arguments) the sharing of information when asked for, and generally just a fun place to hang out.

You have overstepped the mark. If I need advice in my life I have family and friends to ask. I'd also like to think I might have a couple of friends here.

To sum up, fuck off.

November 28th, 2017, 07:15
What the hell are you talking about? I was merely adding to comments you made - which I thought were very well stated - and now you tell me to fuck off? Tell me one place where I even remotely offended you in my post. Contrary to what you might think - the world does not revolve around you. I was merely adding to the thread and telling my experience - Excuse me for actually trying to contribute. You are right - I don't know you - Nor do I care to after posts like this. Your post illustrates that you are a bitter, lonely, and sad individual. I do not care how long you have been on this board - what gives you the right to tell someone to 'fuck off' just for posting their own experiences. Is this your board and yours alone? Just to be clear - since you obviously can't read - I was not telling you and Matt to just do it - read again and then see just how ludicrous your recent posting is and then get lost with your '8 years' of experience on this board - Who gives a shit about how long you have been here?

kkjason, thanks for your amazing insights into my life. Now why didn't I think of that. To start at the end (as some prefer), you suggest that Matt and I (how the fuck can you link us, even if he's real?) need to just DO IT? Do what?

I've been on this board since 2008, and enjoy the banter (some might say arguments) the sharing of information when asked for, and generally just a fun place to hang out.

You have overstepped the mark. If I need advice in my life I have family and friends to ask. I'd also like to think I might have a couple of friends here.

To sum up, fuck off.

November 28th, 2017, 07:24
On the topic of sleeping in the villages, so far Leo has been sleeping for about 13 hours. He woke up once to pee, and once to get a midnight snack. Let's see how many more hours until he actually wakes up.

That's must be because sleeping in his father's house out in the village is oh so comfortable. :)

November 28th, 2017, 07:34
Matt are you familiar with the term oversharing. Who gives a shit what time Leo gets up for a piss. Please, even you must have limits on what you share.

November 28th, 2017, 08:02
Don't be a grumpy old man, Joe.

If the villages were as comfortable as some in this thread are making them out to be, then he wouldn't have crashed for 13+ hours like he has.

I just woke him up with some scrambled eggs with fried ham though. Breakfast in bed! I'm a good husband like that. :)

November 28th, 2017, 08:07
Jason, I apologise for my language yesterday. Matt and I were both having a bad day. I do think you were being a bit presumptuous.

You may have missed a thread I started recently about my retirement options once my State Pension kicks in, in about 4 or 5 years time. The question I asked was, should I retire to Thailand or Tenerife. I think the consensus was that I wouldn't have the amount of capital the Thai government require to issue a retirement visa. Anyway, you can search for the thread, it's quite recent.

My point is that conversation confirmed that Tenerife was a much better retirement option for me. So that's what I'm planning for. One of the differences between Matt and I is that I'm talking about retirement, while he's talking about starting a new family. Surely you can see the difference?

If I retire to Tenerife,and for whatever reason decide I've made a mistake, I can come home.

If Matt finds that adopting Leo's nephews was a mistake, for whatever reason, what's he going to do? Just send the kids back? And just to be clear Matt, 'cos I know you'll read that, I don't believe you would do that.

So really you're comparing apples and oranges in my view.

November 28th, 2017, 08:11
Sorry Matt I was writing a long post to Jason. You feature in it.

When you say scrambled eggs and ham is that the same as I would call eggs and fried bacon? My favourite breakfast, although I only eat breakfast when on holiday.

November 28th, 2017, 08:28
Yes, Goe. We didn't have any bacon though. Or maybe we do, but I just couldn't find it. Buy yes, same thing, just fried ham instead of bacon.

He seems to be quite pleased about it, and I got a hug out of the deal. :)

Ok, now pork fried rice for my dogs. Then worry about getting myself fed after that.

November 28th, 2017, 10:45
Don't be a grumpy old man, Joe.

If the villages were as comfortable as some in this thread are making them out to be, then he wouldn't have crashed for 13+ hours like he has.

I just woke him up with some scrambled eggs with fried ham though. Breakfast in bed! I'm a good husband like that. :)

I merely stated that sleeping in a Lao village is comfortable enough. Leo should get his ass out of bed, 13 hours of sleep is not normal for a lad his age. Get him a job !

November 28th, 2017, 14:53
justaguy, for a lad still going through puberty (at 23) 13 hours sleep is not unusual.

November 28th, 2017, 19:47
justaguy, for a lad still going through puberty (at 23) 13 hours sleep is not unusual.

Really ? At that age I worked, no way one could sleep that long. Not normal where I come from. No wonder they all seem to have money problems....

November 28th, 2017, 19:58
Geez.... he doesn't usually sleep that long, and is by no means lazy. I was just pointing out the fact that he was quite obviously exhausted after a simple few days in his village. Kinda goes against some of your presumptions that the villages are just fine and comfortable to sleep in.

Again, I'm sticking with the camp site idea. That sounds much better to me. There's ways around the cooling issue.

November 28th, 2017, 21:57
Geez.... he doesn't usually sleep that long, and is by no means lazy. I was just pointing out the fact that he was quite obviously exhausted after a simple few days in his village. Kinda goes against some of your presumptions that the villages are just fine and comfortable to sleep in.

Again, I'm sticking with the camp site idea. That sounds much better to me. There's ways around the cooling issue.

Jesus H Christ. Does anyone ... ANYONE ... give a flying fuck what you do? Honestly.
This cndmatt dude is piling on the massively mundane nonsense ... why? To get the largest topic in Sawatdee history?
He is without question the Donald Trump of this Board.

November 28th, 2017, 22:20
I care, Smiles

November 28th, 2017, 22:41
Jesus H Christ. Does anyone ... ANYONE ... give a flying fuck what you do? Honestly.
This cndmatt dude is piling on the massively mundane nonsense ... why? To get the largest topic in Sawatdee history?
He is without question the Donald Trump of this Board.

Sorry Smiles. Since I know you're a far higher quality poster than I could ever hope to be, I'll do my best to mimic you. Here, let's give this a shot...

For holy heavens.... what is wrong.... why can't someone like latin stop..... posting such mundane shit..... I think we all know..... he posts are insane, ..... and false.... there is no way..... he actually does those things..... I think we all know he..... lives in fantash.... to holy hell..... when will it stop....

There, is that better? Meet your standards better?

November 29th, 2017, 01:36
Geez.... he doesn't usually sleep that long, and is by no means lazy. I was just pointing out the fact that he was quite obviously exhausted after a simple few days in his village. Kinda goes against some of your presumptions that the villages are just fine and comfortable to sleep in.

Again, I'm sticking with the camp site idea. That sounds much better to me. There's ways around the cooling issue.

Oh my... So staying in the village makes one exhausted ? I have never experienced that. Boredom normally does not make you exhausted..

By the way, not presumptions, but actual experience... You obviousy have no idea.

If I.were you, I would not bother, you either blend in, or not go at all.

November 29th, 2017, 01:41
Most likely out partying with his friends in the village, celebrating that he's got a mug for life

November 29th, 2017, 01:49
Most likely out partying with his friends in the village, celebrating that he's got a mug for life

Any party in such a village usually ends at 1 am. It's not like here in bkk where I got home 6 am, after a dash to Telephone, Issaan Ramsing, Welcome and some karaoke in Pattanakarn soi 13 :)

And I still woke up 10:30 am :)

November 29th, 2017, 02:24
Any party in such a village usually ends at 1 am. It's not like here in bkk where I got home 6 am, after a dash to Telephone, Issaan Ramsing, Welcome and some karaoke in Pattanakarn soi 13 :)

Do tell more about Issaan Ramsing, I have often been to Tamnan Kon E-san on Charoenrat road, but have yet to hear of Issaan Ramsing, is it similar?

November 29th, 2017, 10:47
Do tell more about Issaan Ramsing, I have often been to Tamnan Kon E-san on Charoenrat road, but have yet to hear of Issaan Ramsing, is it similar?

You asked the right person :) I too have been to tamnakon issaan many times, three times in the last three weeks. Yes it is similar, Issaan Ramsing is quite a bit smaller in size, maybe therefor it feels as more fun. I also have the feeling they are cheaper. They are located on phetpharam, a street between phetburi and rama 9, near klongtan intersection (sukhumvit 71)

November 30th, 2017, 04:22
They are located on phetpharam, a street between phetburi and rama 9, near klongtan intersection (sukhumvit 71)
Thanks Justaguy!
I have passed the details on to my entertainment co-ordinator/dictator AKA the BF... so will no doubt end up there sometime in late Dec or Jan!