View Full Version : Tunnock's Teacakes.

November 16th, 2017, 07:12
Tunnock's Teacakes are one of my all time favourite treats. Soft marshmallow on a crisp buttery base covered in a rich dark chocolate. Delicious and perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. Does anyone know where I can find these lovelies in Pattaya as other brands just aren't as good. Many thanks.


November 16th, 2017, 07:23
arsenal I don't know the answer to your question, but agree they're gorgeous. I don't know why Scottish-guy is boycotting them.

November 16th, 2017, 12:22
I live about 10 mins from their relatively small factory in Uddingston - yet it supplies almost the entire world!

My boycott doesn't extend to depriving others, so I have taken them to Vietnam where they were very well received!

Mind you, I had to wrap them up in about 5 layers of bubble wrap in my suitcase and once there we needed to keep them in the fridge and bring out before consuming.


November 16th, 2017, 12:51
In SE Asia, maybe only available in Singapore: https://redmart.com/food-cupboard/biscuits/plain-sweet-biscuits#brand=tunnocks

Otherwise, have to make do with Choco Pies from, Korea.

November 16th, 2017, 13:03
And... one of the highlights of the 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony in Glasgow...


Not to mention John Barrowman....


November 16th, 2017, 13:41
Not available in Thailand, not available in Vietnam. What they need is a salesman who lives close to them and who travels to these places regularly. Do we know anyone who fits the bill?

November 16th, 2017, 14:38
Except, as MiniMee will tell you, I never go anywhere !

November 16th, 2017, 15:03
He doesn't say you don't go anywhere. He says you've been to Thailand once in about 6 years. I don't say anything about either. I don't care one way or the other.

November 16th, 2017, 15:13
For someone who doesn't care you sure have a lot to say

November 16th, 2017, 15:18
Et tu Brutas. I've deleted one of your posts that has since been proven untrue. I hope you don't mind.

November 16th, 2017, 15:24
Never called them teacakes when I was a lad. Simply a chocolate mallow or for Arsenal a dark chocolate mallow. Then I could eat them until I was almost sick. Now never more than three with my mug of tea.

November 16th, 2017, 15:28
I used to call them German helmets when I was kid due to the similarity in shape.

Nirish guy
November 16th, 2017, 15:39
Et tu Brutas. I've deleted one of your posts that has since been proven untrue. I hope you don't mind.

If this is another new wave of moderation ideas, deleting posts that you believe have been proven untrue you're going to have to book a few weeks off work to go through the rest of the board and start a mayor cleanse I fear !

November 16th, 2017, 15:46
Having a bad day NIrish. Oh, how I remember fondly the poster you were a few years ago full of bon homie as you thrilled us all with your tales during your trips to Thailand. A far cry from the poster you are today as you morph into a carbon copy of Gorbals Jock.

November 16th, 2017, 15:51
The perspicacious board member may choose at this time to grab his tea cakes and mug of tea and retire to a more genteel, more salubrious location.

November 16th, 2017, 16:33
The trouble is that Len has already proven he doesn't know the difference between deleted and edited, so my fear is that his grasp of what's true and false will prove to be equally tenuous.

There is no requirement in the Rules for content to be true, so on what basis he has allegedly deleted a post of mine, is unclear

But since we are doing rules:

4.3 A Moderating action or decision may be clearly explained in red within the post or thread concerned. A reference to the rule that has been breached will be included. In the case of loss of posting privileges, the advice will be sent by PM; it will not be delivered publicly.

4.4 After the explanation has been published or sent by PM, all communication with the member(s) being sanctioned will be by PM or email. There will be no public discussion.

I have had no explanation of the alleged deletion and Head Judge Len has broken Rule 4.4 by discussing/revealing/announcing the matter in public

November 16th, 2017, 16:35
Loving the multi coloured stuff. Might I suggest blue and white next time. Get it right and you could write the Saltire.

November 16th, 2017, 17:33
So they come from Scotland.
I didn’t know that.
I eat them all the time.
Soon the Scots will be making better ‘Whisky’ than Irish ‘Whiskey’.
NIrish...better warn Bushmills!

November 17th, 2017, 02:30
agree they're gorgeous.

Check out Dealz Joe, they have them at €1.50 a pack (not sure if they have a Dealz on the Southside?)
Biggest Dealz on the Northside is in the old Epicurean food Hall on Liffey/Abbey st)

November 17th, 2017, 11:45
colmx, there's a Dealz 2 minutes away from me. Never been in it yet, but now I have reason to go.

November 17th, 2017, 14:05
You can't buy them at Villa Market or the gourmet market downstairs in Central Festival Plaza?

I remember eating those in Australia when I was a kid, but the name doesn't ring a bell.

Now, they are way too sweet for me.

Nirish guy
November 17th, 2017, 16:14
Having a bad day NIrish. Oh, how I remember fondly the poster you were a few years ago full of bon homie as you thrilled us all with your tales during your trips to Thailand. A far cry from the poster you are today as you morph into a carbon copy of Gorbals Jock.

Actually that WAS a joke and wasn't directed at ANY particular posters, just a wee joke about having to delete stuff that's found to be untrue on message boards.
But as for how one comes across my god have you re-read any of your recent posts, YOU sir are coming across as one bitter mean spirited so and so. I know you and SG have you wee spat, which is fine, but I gotta say you're SO losing that battle when you reply with your bitchy snide comments such as on the thread re hi BF, how mean was THAT !

So, if anyone is getting bitter and twisted on a daily I can guarantee you it's not coming across as ME.

The sooner you hand back that heavy moderation chalice the better it seems as the role seems to have affected your personality - and not for the better I should add. I'm sure WE all look forward to you returning to the poster YOU used to be, instead of this permanently defensive, mean spirited guy that you are coming across as now to us all.

You seem to be "gorbals jock" on the brain of late, the guy really seems to be getting to you on a very deep level, you should perhaps learn to rise above it as your interactions and obsession with him are verging on unhealthy of late and for for a guy who has "never complain" in his profile pic......well, need I say more....

have a nice day - and try and cheer up a little - for all our sakes eh.

November 17th, 2017, 16:31
NIrish, I thin you're spot on with your comment.

Amazing thee are 3 mods, but only 1 deletes posts (apart from christian when I asked him to delete my post) Arsenal has gone way over the top.

Nirish guy
November 17th, 2017, 16:55
Actually joe as I said above I wasn’t even aware of any particular deletion and was only commenting on the absurdity of ANY mod on any Internet forum deciding to start going back and deleting old posts as they believed them to untrue and how that would take a lifetime etc.

It seems I perhaps inadvertently hit a raw nerve with our beloved mod as his target was it appears his arch nemesis ( in his head) SG - and if so see my above Arsenal re letting him get to you to much perhaps.

I’m in great form though as I’ve friends from Spain over staying with me for the weekend, with tickets for us all for dinner and a Caberet Ladyboy show here in Belfast tomorrow night with the Sunday night planned for the George te al in Dublin ( see you there joe !? :-), so yep, I’m in great form - unlike SOME people today it seems eh Arsenal.

November 17th, 2017, 19:03
I'm glad to hear it NIrish. A little more cheer than in your recent posts and PMs. Have a teacake on me.

November 17th, 2017, 19:26
Nirish, I'd no idea what the George was, looked it up. If anyone is passing through Dublin, here's some info:


November 17th, 2017, 19:33
I haven't any idea which post Len allegedly deleted or why the self-appointed SGT sole arbiter of truth deemed it "untrue" - but apparently that's the standard to which SGT is operating these days.

Moving forward, everyone should beware of e.g. describing their T shirt as lilac in case Len deems it to be purple and deletes their post.

I'm thinking of mischievously posting something which is:

1) contentious for Len
2) grammatically incorrect for Christian
3) contradictory for a447 and
4) just annoys Moses

- so I can sit back with the popcorn and imagine the 4 of them fighting over who gets first dibs on it.


November 17th, 2017, 19:56

November 17th, 2017, 20:55
I haven't any idea which post Len allegedly deleted or why the self-appointed SGT sole arbiter of truth deemed it "untrue" - but apparently that's the standard to which SGT is operating these days.

Moving forward, everyone should beware of e.g. describing their T shirt as lilac in case Len deems it to be purple and deletes their post.

I'm thinking of mischievously posting something which is:

1) contentious for Len
2) grammatically incorrect for Christian
3) contradictory for a447 and
4) just annoys Moses

- so I can sit back with the popcorn and imagine the 4 of them fighting over who gets first dibs on it.


dreams... dreams...

scottish, tell me please: are you already retarded, on pension?

November 17th, 2017, 21:04
Thanks for the invite NIrish, but my days of hanging out at the George are well behind me. Hola to your Spanish guests.

November 17th, 2017, 22:16
....scottish, tell me please: are you already retarded, on pension?

Retarded yes, Retired no