View Full Version : Nobbiie

November 14th, 2017, 20:09
The estate manager in the flats complex where I live is called Nobbie - short for Norbert. What were his parents thinking?

Btw, the Norbertine religious community changed their name after the clerical sex abuse scandal was revealed.

November 14th, 2017, 21:27
Interesting. So now they're the "White Canons" in Ireland and the UK. I think elsewhere, in places where they didn't need to deal with "irregularities", they have retained the original name.

Maybe some day, in a different thread, we can consider the question of whether celibacy is a viable life choice. :)

November 15th, 2017, 01:03
Im in no way attempting to deny or minimise the damage done by these evil men but sometimes I have difficulty understanding how this happens, my entire schooling was done by Catholic schools, sisters and brothers taught me...nothing ever happened.

November 15th, 2017, 01:51
Im in no way attempting to deny or minimise the damage done by these evil men but sometimes I have difficulty understanding how this happens, my entire schooling was done by Catholic schools, sisters and brothers taught me...nothing ever happened.

Perhaps you just weren't cute enough? No offense. I also always wondered why no one tried anything with me.

November 15th, 2017, 01:54
latin, I share your frustration. I went to Christian Brothers schools, was a really cute altar boy, and nobody touched me. What do you think that does to my self esteem?

November 15th, 2017, 03:55
I sometimes joke about it..that I should sue the church because here I was surrounded by gorgeous men in frocks (think they were called habits) and not one saw fit to introduce me to the pleasures of sex...it had to be some random old fart in the swimming pool toilets..

Brad the Impala
November 15th, 2017, 04:07
it had to be some random old fart in the swimming pool toilets..

Did he ride you like a pony?

November 15th, 2017, 04:13
actually no...he sucked my dick then turned around and much to my astonishment impaled himself on it...I would never have guessed that was where one put it...I still remember how good it felt..at least it did for about 10 seconds before I blew..anyway i was good to go again a minute later and that lasted a bit longer.
Once I figured out what to do with my dick u couldnt stop me....I became a real tart in the swimming pool showers/toilets..I would advertise my asset in the shower and proceed to the toilet cubicle for the fuck...didnt care what i fucked..i just need to fuck...my how times have changed...I no longer do mercy fucks..its gotta be A1 prime butt to get me excited.

November 15th, 2017, 05:07
I went to Christian Brothers schools, was a really cute altar boy, and nobody touched me. What do you think that does to my self esteem?

I dunno...what did Jesus say?

November 15th, 2017, 05:39
I don't know, I've never heard the voice of Jesus. Would be pretty fucked up if I did.

My favourite teacher was Brother Brennan when I was in 6th class (around 11, before you went to secondary school). Many years later I went to a suburban school in Dublin to give a talk about the work of Amnesty International. Having a quick coffee in the staff room, I got talking to one of the teachers, and it was Brother Brennan. He had left the Brothers, married and had kids of his own. But he agreed with me about the bullying of 'Brother Gilroy (Giller te killer) and talked about how he was bullied by members of that community.

I don't know how he recognised me after 50 years.

November 15th, 2017, 05:45
I don't know, I've never heard the voice of Jesus.

That's pretty obvious.:D

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 05:46
I was fucked by Jesus once in a bar owners apartment in Sitges ! He was a straight Spanish bar man who worked downstairs in the bar and I seem to recall he came in seconds - and contrary to what you read there was no second coming either :-(

PS yes, I'm going to hell, I know already :)

November 15th, 2017, 05:48
I was fucked by Jesus once in a bar owners apartment in Sitges ! He was a straight bar man who worked downstairs and he came in seconds - and there wasn't even a second coming either :-(

:D He made you see the light, at least. A flash.

November 15th, 2017, 06:14
One of our priests was caught with a woman, a widow I think it was. nobody cared..we were all glad it proved he was a man with urges ...and not a sexless automatum...thats a made up word...btw

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 06:18
Now that I think of it I also fucked an "Angel" in Las Vegas and a "Lord" in Kuala Lumpur - so actually I'm not quite sure i AM going to hell anymore as with a bootie list like that I think I'm in with a good shot at getting on the VIP list up above now actually !

November 15th, 2017, 10:18
I remember the powerful sermon our parish priest gave about the same sex marriage referendum a couple of years ago. Although sticking to his vow of celibacy, he advocated a Yes vote. His sermon got a standing ovation.