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November 13th, 2017, 09:26
This poll was in the air:

Are you sure it's as low as 50% disbelievers? I thought I was in, the about 10% of believers...

No poll has been done on that topic ...
both from:

(I wanted public and anonymous vote in the same poll, but that's not possible, so I opted for anonymous vote to get everyone's vote. If you want to share your vote, do so in replies to this poll. My vote is No.)

November 13th, 2017, 09:57
I'm genuinely undecided.

November 13th, 2017, 10:02
No,but at one time he seemed real.

November 13th, 2017, 10:24
That's exactly where my conflict lies, francois - I believed his earlier stories about life with Kim, but I find it harder to believe the latest posts.

November 13th, 2017, 12:40
..., but I find it harder to believe the latest posts.

Which makes his earlier posts suspect.

November 13th, 2017, 12:52
Indeed, a447. I like to think of myself as a trusting kind of guy, but Matt certainly doesn't make it easy.

I wonder has he voted yet?

November 13th, 2017, 13:54
i am a non believer but I don't really care that I think it's all fiction. It's still fun to read.

November 13th, 2017, 14:31
It's fun to read as long as what he writes doesn't have any impact on real people living real lives. Then it becomes a problem.

November 13th, 2017, 14:33
Ok, let's change this a bit. Name one specific example of my life that you don't believe. No generalizations allowed, I want a specific example.

And you can't use being blind. I understand how that could be seen as a lie, and regardless, it's off limits. Even if you think I'm lieing about going blind, keep your mouth shut about it, because it's beyond rude and disrespectful otherwise.

Everything else is fair game though. Go for it. One specific example that you think I'm lieing about, or you believe is unrealistic.

November 13th, 2017, 14:42
Time for the beer and popcorn, boys

November 13th, 2017, 14:43
Good lord!

I see that "Yes" has two votes.

Matt, you're only allowed to vote once!

November 13th, 2017, 14:53
I voted "undecided" and remain to be convinced one way or the other.

November 13th, 2017, 15:05
I don't necessarily "believe" Dracula, but I find it it entertaining.

I take much the same approach to 75% of the stuff posted on this board, and not specifically Matt's contributions.

November 13th, 2017, 15:28
Still waiting for a specific example...

November 13th, 2017, 16:54
If I may speak for others Matt - I think the main scepticism focuses around the acquired blindness, and the bitcoin saga.

Not that I have any view on the veracity of either - as I say, I just take things as they cum

November 13th, 2017, 17:30
Going blind is, in itself, not unbelievable.

However, matt's "It's only a flesh wound" attitude, and his decision to ask for advice on a chat forum are.

That's what turned matt into a storyteller.

If you tell one lie, the veracity of everything else you've posted is brought into question.

Matt has realised that he is no longer credible; hence his recent "January 5, February 5, March 5 " ( hahaha) post where he was laughing, not so subtly, at the one of the few members he said he was willing to meet. It's now just a game.

His posts are mildly interesting on a slow day.

If only they were clever.

November 13th, 2017, 20:52
Going blind is, in itself, not unbelievable.

However, matt's "It's only a flesh wound" attitude, and his decision to ask for advice on a chat forum are.

That's what turned matt into a storyteller.

If you tell one lie, the veracity of everything else you've posted is brought into question.

Matt has realised that he is no longer credible; hence his recent "January 5, February 5, March 5 " ( hahaha) post where he was laughing, not so subtly, at the one of the few members he said he was willing to meet. It's now just a game.

His posts are mildly interesting on a slow day.

If only they were clever.

Go fuck yourself, a447. You've proven yourself to be one of the lowest peices of scum I've ever encountered in my life. Not that you care any, but I will never forget what you did, nor will I ever forgive it.

heh, a "flesh wound", eh? Everyone actually got the same, including my own family -- a happy, worry free version of me. Want to know why I did that? When you go blind, you have no choice but to be internally stronger than you've ever been before. Pity and sympathy don't help, and if anything are detrimintal.

Trust me, I went through the expected turmoil, and still have bad days once in a while. The only one who actually experienced the turmoil I went through is Leo. Everyone else got a happy, worry free version of me. There was no point in soliciting sympathy, because that's not going to bring my eyesight back, nor would it have helped me learn how to navigate the world in the dark.

Once again, you can go fuck yourself. Again, I will never forgive you for following me around the board, and trolling me like you did just after I went blind. I don't care anymore, but back then I sure did. That was simply uncalled for, ans speaks volumes about your character.

November 13th, 2017, 21:09
If I may speak for others Matt - I think the main scepticism focuses around the acquired blindness, and the bitcoin saga.

Not that I have any view on the veracity of either - as I say, I just take things as they cum

Again, let's leave the blind thing off the table. I know I engaged a447 on it, and shouldn't have, but still, I'm not going to sit here and defend that I went blind, because that's bullshit. And I'm not uploading the results of my MRI, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

What's so unbelievable about the bitcoin thing? I've been a software developer my entire life. If I stayed a general purpose developer, I'd be lucky to land $30/hour contracts. However, since I specialize in the bitcoin protocol, I can pickup $100/hour contracts without much problem., so of course I went the bitcoin route.

Please note, by no means does that mean I'm some "bitcoin millionaire", becuase nothing could be further from the truth. All it means is that I know the bitcoin protocol inside and out. Nothing more, nothing less. All the information you need to learn the protocol is freely and publicly available on the internet.

Again, doesn't mean I'm rich, although if I was smart I would be right now. I remember back in the day I had about 250 BTC when they were about $30. Now the price is about $6500. Damn, sure missed that boat.

November 13th, 2017, 22:02
Matt.you're sure expressing a lot of anger toward a447. Why? He's not saying anything a number of us haven't said before.

November 13th, 2017, 22:14
Matt.you're sure expressing a lot of anger toward a447. Why? He's not saying anything a number of us haven't said before.

Oh, I think you rejoined the board after that episode. Yes, a447 is a low life piece of shit, and he can go die in a fire for all I care.

After I first went blind, it took me about a month and 25 people to finally manage to get back online with a working computer and screen reader. I came back here for some normality and English language. For months, a447 would follow me around, trolling me and pointing out every single spelling typo I made, as if it was somehow proof that I wasn't blind. All the while, I'm terrified, still somewhat in emotional shock, and trying to figure out this world in the dark. He was absolutely relentless, and just wouldn't let up, becuase he's a piece of shit who likes to bully others to make himself feel stronger.

Again, I will never forgive him for that. For the rest of my life, every time I think about the learning process of navigating this life in the dark, I'm going to remember what a447 did. As I've said before, words matter, so be careful with them.

November 13th, 2017, 22:18
I've voted yes, but of course I could be wrong. Cannot remember any blatant lie or discrepancies by Matt. It's hard to believe that he didn't go home to see a real hospital after this blind thing, but there is the visa issue what could have prevented him doing so. Anyway, maybe he is willing to meet another member fo a beer, so we all could be sure about him and be happy about further updates from his life up there in KK. ChristianPFC is a decent guy to meet or maybe this NewAllaan.

November 14th, 2017, 02:28
Matt, that was a powerful post. I still don't know if you're "real" or not, and let's face it, we'll probably never know, for sure, one way or the other.

But your post about a447 talks about a genuine hurt, that I find hard to disbelieve. You're right, I was away from the board for a long time. So I probably missed a lot of drama.

Right now, and for what it's worth, i believe what you say. I don''t think that level of anger can be manufactured.

Of course, I could be totally wrong, and a447 will be along at some point to show how wrong I am.

November 14th, 2017, 04:56
I answered “I don’t know”. This is based on the feeling that one should not say that Matt is lying unless you have a fairly good idea. But I have to say I lean towards a no.

The funny thing is Matt is getting annoyed now at the fact that people don’t believe him or his stories. A lot of that could have been avoided if Matt had taken up the opportunity to meet some board members in person earlier on. But despite some discussions, particularly a lot with Christianpfc, it never came to pass.

At one stage Matt offered a free board people to people if they wanted to come to see him and Kim (the Leo of the day). But with Christian, and I think somebody else is well, these plans to meet always fell through. When it looked like Christian really was going to come and see him, suddenly Matt seemed to get nervous of Christian, that he was a bit of a weirdo and stalker, and declared that he didn't want to see him after all.
It was funny to see Matt trying to portray Christian as a dodgy and dangerous character – although Christian's style can be strange at times he has met loads of people off the Boards (including me) and no one ever has had a problem with him (that met him face to face anyway).

Matt even back then was having problems with people disbelieving him. I told him that therefore he should make a special effort to meet Christian or somebody who had was accepted within the “Boards community” as being genuine, and reports of Christian meeting him and seeing his actual situation would lend credence to him.

I cannot remember if this was in a PM or a posting on a discussion. But Matt dismissed me and said something along the lines s of “I don’t care if anybody believes me or not”. Whether this was from being arrogant and he really just couldn’t care less, or because his life was a bit of a made up story I didn't t know at the time, and still don't know now. What I do know is that Matt pretends he couldn’t care less if people believe him or not, but it’s obviously it’s something it does annoy him.

So that was either a miscalculation Matt’s part, or maybe it was something he had to do because he couldn’t let Christian know the truth.....

To be honest, I have to say Matt’s anger at the upset a447’s posts caused him seemed a little less heart-rending when, reflected at how Matt (presuming he is genuine) could have avoided a lot of the scepticism by not being an ornery old fuck earlier.

Anyway this current thread, Matt is trying to get us to nominate bits of the story there aren’t true. I’m not going to play that game as it will just get into an unwinnable row where we can argue back and forth about what parts of his life story are the most fantastical, which if he was a fantasist troll just making it all up, he would enjoy anyway.

November 14th, 2017, 05:42
which if he was a fantasist troll just making it all up, he would enjoy anyway.

He's absolutely loving it, which is why he tells us in almost every single post that he is blind.

Even his over the top anger at me is manufactured and part of the game.

I'm just playing along, which gives him the opportunity to remain on centre stage.

He should be grateful!

November 14th, 2017, 07:53
He's absolutely loving it, which is why he tells us in almost every single post that he is blind.

Even his over the top anger at me is manufactured and part of the game.

I'm just playing along, which gives him the opportunity to remain on centre stage.

He should be grateful!

You just don't get it, do you? Even if you think I'm lieing about going blind, any rational human would keep their mouth shut about it. Not you though...

What happens if you're wrong (you are btw), and I am actually blind? Then what? I highly doubt you'd ever apologize, because you're just a horrible human being like that.

Oh, and as for the 5th of the month? Yeah, that wasn't meant as 555. That's simply because rent is due on the 6th.

November 14th, 2017, 08:41
I reiterate that as long as your stories involve only characters then it's bearable but once you start attacks on real people doing real jobs and employing real people who need real jobs then the adults will have to step in.

November 14th, 2017, 09:22
Well, I have two contractors on the pay roll now, and am just now once again responsible for training another development team. Does that count? :)

November 14th, 2017, 09:35
New characters? Scribble away.

November 14th, 2017, 09:44
Ronan, you make a number good points.

Matt, I'll be in Thailand in January. I'm prepared to spend a couple of days in KK, (always like to get out of the Pattaya bubble). How about a meet? Take an hour out of your day and we'll have a beer or 3? What say you?

November 14th, 2017, 09:56
Yep, happy to meet you Joe. Sorry, but not willing to meet Christian. He just creeps me out, and I don't want anything to do with him. You on the tother hand seem like a normal guy, who like the rest of us, is just trying to make the best out of this crazy thing called life.

I know of an excellent restaurant that serves probably someo of the best Italian food you've ever had. Owned by an older Italian guy, and his food shows that he's had a good amount of experience in kitchens in Italy. Happy to buy you dinner some night, if wanted, especially if you'll drop a note on the board to shut everyone up once and for all.

Again though, just make sure to schedule in advance. I need to ensure Leo is here, and not in Laos, as I need him as a guide to get around town. Going by myself is just a bad idea.

November 14th, 2017, 10:13
Well Matt, I'm happy to take you up on your offer. Just for the record, I have to say christian might not be my first choice of drinking buddies, but I think he's a genuine guy.

That Italian restaurant sounds right up my street.

I suggest we do the rest of this by PM, which I'm about to send.

How does one (or even 2) get from Pattaya to KK? Bus? Really looking forward to that.

November 14th, 2017, 10:31
Yeah, I think Christian is a genuine guy too. That's why I don't want to have anything to do with him. Just look at hi posts and blog to see why.

Yep, but from Pattaya to KK is about 6 hours, and VIP seats I think are around 300 baht or so. Can't remember, it's been a while. If you need some hotel recommendations, just let me know. I know of an excellent hotel for 600/night, and it's an all around excellent hotel with really nice rooms, walking distance to everything.

Sorry, but you're not coming to my house. I don't like strangers knowing where I live. Happy to meet you in town though.

November 14th, 2017, 10:44
Well Stanley met Livingstone so I suppose anything is possible.

November 14th, 2017, 13:22
Matt and I are in touch via PM, so I won't post any more on this subject. Since my old friend from Si Saket hasn't responded in over a week, I think the trip to Bangkok to see his parents is a non-runner. So I'll have a couple of days free.

Matt and I are in touch via PM here, or email.

But what happens if he finds out I'm not the drunken Irish guy he's expecting?

November 14th, 2017, 13:35
I know you well enough from your posts to know you don't pose a threat to either, myself or Leo. Good enough for me.

November 14th, 2017, 13:47
Ah Matt, that's where you've fallen into my trap. I pose as the drunken Irishman, but in reality, I'm a stalker, and you'll never hear the end of me.

That's a joke, by the way, in case any of you were wondering.

November 14th, 2017, 14:20
... I have to say christian might not be my first choice of drinking buddies...

Let me assure you that Christian is an excellent drinking buddy, and the best plan is to buy a bottle of spirits and mixers.

He'll drink only the mixers, leaving you to drink all the spirits.

Can't think of a better result!


November 14th, 2017, 14:51
You just don't get it, do you? Even if you think I'm lieing about going blind, any rational human would keep their mouth shut about it. Not you though...

And any rational human being would stop banging on about it, thread after thread, post after post, day after day. Not you though....

What happens if you're wrong (you are btw), and I am actually blind? Then what? I highly doubt you'd ever apologize, because you're just a horrible human being like that.

If I am wrong, I'll join the queue to apologise profusely to you. I certainly would have no problem whatsoever doing that.

In fact, I'll make sure I'm at the front of the queue. I want to be the first.

Oh, and as for the 5th of the month? Yeah, that wasn't meant as 555. That's simply because rent is due on the 6th.

Of course it is! Silly old me!

And how many days has it taken for you to come up with that excuse?

November 14th, 2017, 15:19
joe, I can't wait until you meet matt and report he is what he claims to be.
If you do meet him and verify his existence then I will buy you a dinner when you are in Pattaya. That is a safe bet.

November 14th, 2017, 15:37
My 50% unbelieving is holding up closer than I thought: 47.8% right now. At the time I put my number down as poetic licence. Guess not :bo:

Not really sure how to vote. I believe he lives in Khon Kaen. I believe he has dogs. I am 70% believing he has a boyfriend in tow ... but 30% believe that is bullshit. I believe he is a bitcoiner on some level. I absolutely believe he is a self-absorbed neurotic.

I do not believe he has gone blind. I doubt very much he will be moving to Laos. I do not believe he cooks dinner every night in the dark. I do not believe he has a sense of irony, nor a sense of humour. I do not believe he stays at home in the dark trying to figure out how to make the world's population love each other instead of hating each other. I do not believe he will open his door to NewAlaan as he hidden his whereabouts by stealth on at least 2 or 3 member's of Sawatdee ... that pattern will not change.

I guess I'm an "Other".

November 14th, 2017, 15:54
I don't believe that matt lives in KK and that most of his stories are fabricated although possibly based on some sort of reality. If anything he is just another older gent living in Pattaya and living his fantasy via this forum. And furthermore, do one including Allan nor Joe will ever meet him.

November 14th, 2017, 16:22
Wow, you really are at the far reaches of disbelief. :))

So what happens if, for instance, Newalaan meets up with Cndmatt, finds that he is indeed blind, then sits down to a complex dinner prepared and cooked to perfection (by Matt) and includes a young Lao boy who is obviously living with him and then Newalaan posts all about it on Sawatdee.

That scenario even possibly happening makes me an 'Other'.

November 14th, 2017, 18:08
Smiles, I never said I was a *GOOD* cook. I only said that I love to cook. :)


Besides, nobody is coming to my house. Meeting in town is ok though.

Brad the Impala
November 14th, 2017, 18:31
Beginning to look the vociferous stalkers are not in the huge majority that they assumed they were. Perhaps on that basis they could stop forensically scrutinising and questioning matt's posts and just go with the flow, like the rest of us.

November 14th, 2017, 20:20
I don't believe that matt lives in KK and that most of his stories are fabricated although possibly based on some sort of reality. If anything he is just another older gent living in Pattaya and living his fantasy via this forum. And furthermore, do one including Allan nor Joe will ever meet him.

Ahh, but, Francois....the time I did set up a meeting with cdnmatt in KK, it was I who aborted at the last minute, not cdnmatt! From the time we made the meet up date/time he never sent any communication as a softener which could lead up to an easy cancellation. In fact when I called to tell him my change of plans at the start of the call he had no idea what I was going to say, more likely expected details for the meet up, but he never butted-in to try and make an excuse or pre-excuse not to meet, and seemed genuinely surprised at the cancellation.

Wow, you really are at the far reaches of disbelief. :))

So what happens if, for instance, Newalaan meets up with Cndmatt, finds that he is indeed blind, then sits down to a complex dinner prepared and cooked to perfection (by Matt) and includes a young Lao boy who is obviously living with him and then Newalaan posts all about it on Sawatdee.

That scenario even possibly happening makes me an 'Other'.

I doubt that exact scenario, but something very close I expect....I wouldn't meet him at his home, last time we set up a meet which I cancelled (as above) it was to meet up in KK City where it was convenient for me and bf depending on where we were/what we were doing. We only had an afternoon/early evening, which matt already knew so not a great deal of time...so Coffee shop, Pub. restaurant Mall... and would expect the same again if I can find the time when in KK City. Certainly it will be more 'interesting' with matts blindness depending on what level of blindness he has. But that wouldn't really matter as bf (although shy) is an Issan lad and Leo is Lao boy, virtually the same so i'm sure between bf and Leo we'd be able to synchronize. And yes, with matts permission would certainly post the experience here.

I of course believe in matt totally, even with a447's utterly lame attempt to expose him as a fraud, '555'. A447 did exactly the same with Latin and he WASTED an enormous amount of his personal time apparently 'proving' Latin too was a fraud, yet he managed to come up with absolutely NIL proof, and the rest of the board seem content to reply to Latin as if he exists as a normal (as far as can be considered normal with Latin) person/member. He can only come up with the odd inconsistency but I could apply that across the whole membership including myself as I have often declared something in a trip review to find later from memory or notes that it wasn't absolutely accurate, date/place/name. I accepted Latin at the very start, that sans....exaggeration, over-dramatic embellishment and using 'trigger' bestiality words to get the membership 'going' was probably true. Yet many questioned his authenticity, and would still do since nothing has been proved to the contrary. So my same 'gut' feeling is applied to cdnmatt.

I'm slightly concerned at Joe's plan to meet up though. It seems fraught with potentianl problems. Fine get a bus from Pattaya, Bt550 I think is the most recent fare I remember, arrive bus station KK, Joe does not speak even the smallest amount of Thai (as far as I' aware), has no Thai person with him, I would not advise it. I find it difficult enough when alone in Issan to make myself easily understood I even know my way around to some extent, but I would never consider wasting precious days of a trip just for a meet up, I have only met up, or would meet up with members already in the same area. Those would be members I felt did exist, if I had any doubts about a members authenticity, as Joe does, wouldn't even consider it never mind go out of my way.

November 14th, 2017, 20:24
Look, Matt has agreed to meet me in Khon Kaen, and has even recommended a hotel there. My trip to Bangkok is looking very doubtful, so I'm happy to take on this little adventure. But as I've said before, details will be discussed via email or PM

November 14th, 2017, 21:55
This is going to be awesome.

I'll go get ready, and clean my ass for the round of apologies coming my way when everyone finds out I'm exactly who I say I am.


November 14th, 2017, 22:19
I of course believe in matt totally, even with a447's utterly lame attempt to expose him as a fraud, '555'. A447 did exactly the same with Latin and he WASTED an enormous amount of his personal time apparently 'proving' Latin too was a fraud, yet he managed to come up with absolutely NIL proof, and the rest of the board seem content to reply to Latin as if he exists as a normal (as far as can be considered normal with Latin) person/member. He can only come up with the odd inconsistency but I could apply that across the whole membership including myself as I have often declared something in a trip review to find later from memory or notes that it wasn't absolutely accurate, date/place/name. I accepted Latin at the very start, that sans....exaggeration, over-dramatic embellishment and using 'trigger' bestiality words to get the membership 'going' was probably true. Yet many questioned his authenticity, and would still do since nothing has been proved to the contrary. So my same 'gut' feeling is applied to cdnmatt.

It seems to me that whenever there is hostility between members and chaos on the board, a747's name invariably pops up: a747 vs cdnmatt, a747 vs frequent, a747 vs Surfcrest, a747 vs latintopxxx, a747 vs Brad the Impala, etc etc. Has the jumbo dumbo ever had any success in his stalking attempts to expose one member or another as a fraud? And it's not enough that he maliciously accuses them of this and that but he demands that members be banned for some perceived insult or for simply disagreeing with him and stirs up even more trouble when he doesn't get his way. Surfcrest is no longer the board owner and moderator and rarely posts now but a747 is still stalking him! It never ends and to me smacks of vindictiveness, petulance and immaturity. To use that old cliche, hasn't he got anything better to do?

November 14th, 2017, 22:36
I'll go get ready, and clean my ass for the round of apologies......

It seems A447 is already preparing the ground on that one........But I really can't think why anyone with such a sure mind that cdnmatt is a fraud would even bother wasting 2 seconds on the keyboard to offer up this....

If I am wrong, I'll join the queue to apologise profusely to you. I certainly would have no problem whatsoever doing that.
In fact, I'll make sure I'm at the front of the queue. I want to be the first.

(matts 5th of the month 555 = rent day) And how many days has it taken for you to come up with that excuse?

Does A447 have doubts creeping in.............?

I'm surprised you didn't know already that rent in Thailand is due during the few days of the month, and the 5th seems as genuine as any. Don't you speak with ANY of the boys you interact with.

November 14th, 2017, 22:43
I voted "Other" as I honestly don't care whether cdnmatt is real or not and it makes not one iota of difference to my life if he is. Don't get me wrong; randomly fact-checking his claims can be fun and adds to my Thai learning experience. But I generally don't read his posts as I find soap operas banal and tedious. It's funny how his biggest critics are also the ones who follow and respond to his threads most religiously like bored housewives with no life and no sex. Personally, I'd be far more concerned if someone were to continuously express a desire for underaged boys or boasts about taking advantage of a student on school premises for these actions "impact on real people living real lives" (arsenal, post #8).

Christian, why is your poll open for so long? Doesn't it give opportunity for 'new' members to appear and corrupt the poll by padding either the 'yes' or 'no' vote? You should also have made the names of the voters visible so that new members or members who infrequently post can be scrutinised.

November 14th, 2017, 23:07
Look, Matt has agreed to meet me in Khon Kaen, and has even recommended a hotel there. My trip to Bangkok is looking very doubtful, so I'm happy to take on this little adventure. But as I've said before, details will be discussed via email or PM

My apologies for the cynical nature of my response Joe. At first I really thought you were just trying to call matt's bluff to see what kind of response you got because you indicated you were 'undecided' about his status, but as you are serious and are happy to include the meet-up as part of your trip, even though out of the way and you're not 100% convinced about his authenticity, it's good you are happy just to treat it as a side trip adventure anyway.

Bus, I was going to say about B500, but according to bf is nearer Bt600+ each way for the better coaches and If you get yourself a City Centre hotel, the City it is quite compact but if you choose your location well there are plenty of shops/market/pubs/restaurants right in the centre. If you have a chance during the day to shop around, go to 'Pratunam' it is a big market-like shopping area where bargains abound! Even here there are many groups of gay lads going around shopping for their Bt199 jeans and Bt99 tee shirts. 'Hundreds' of shop units, decent toilets and Thai food court area. If bf is with me and gay Thai lads look for eye contact or approach, which they do...he gets miffed...."humph!! have khon kaen boys never seen older farang before!!"...'older' thrown in for my benefit.

But Khon Kaen is a great place, bf and I have spent many a great evenings in Live Music Pubs/venues. Places do get going earlier in the evening than Pattaya as most of the main clubs etc In Pattaya don't get filled until the boys have finished their bar work. In Khon Kaen as already indicated there are many students and so plenty of young lads in KK centre. While all places are mixed, there is a huge amount of gay lads in the venues.

Hope you manage to firm up your adventure and enjoy it.

November 14th, 2017, 23:44
A new wrinkle, Joe is coming to Thailand to meet his ex-bf and now will travel to KK to meet the mysterious matt. It will never happen.

November 15th, 2017, 01:28
Newalaan, I wouldn't dream of going to KK (or anywhere in Thailand) without a reputable guide. Luckily, the bars of Sunee and Boystown are full of reputable guides, one of who's cervix's I will surely emply.

francois, I have heard from my ex for over a week, so am beginning to doubt we'll actually meet up. Still, I think I can do both a reunion with him (if he wants) and a side trip to KK to meet Matt.

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 01:38
Besides, nobody is coming to my house. Meeting in town is ok though.

Because of course his WIFE ( and I DO mean female) wife might ask too many questions about who is that man you're giving a beer too and why are you wearing those ridiculous dark glasses now get back in here and hurry up to drive me to the supermarket like you promised earlier and stop fucking about ! :-P

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 01:45
Look, Matt has agreed to meet me in Khon Kaen, and has even recommended a hotel there. My trip to Bangkok is looking very doubtful, so I'm happy to take on this little adventure. But as I've said before, details will be discussed via email or PM

Just in case youre stuck or need or want to stay somewhere of your own chosing can I also recommend the http://www.khonkaenorchid.com - a hotel owned by a fellow ( straight ) irish man and his Thai wife who will I'm sure take great care of you and also be able to show you how to get to to restaurant to meet Matt - hell perhaps he'll know him and you can ALL have a great night out together....... :)

PS Matt - just in case your diary is broken on your computer did you not say you were moving away from KK on the 5th of Jan or there abouts or has that been put back now ?

November 15th, 2017, 01:59
Because of course his WIFE ( and I DO mean female) wife might ask too many questions about who is that man you're giving a beer too and why are you wearing those ridiculous dark glasses now get back in here and hurry up to drive me to the supermarket like you promised earlier and stop fucking about ! :-P

NIrish, if I posted this when I'm pissed I'd be mighty proud

Thanks for the hotel recommendation. Seems like my kind of place.

November 15th, 2017, 02:58
Best of luck on the meet, Joe.

I really hope it works out, as my posting was the genesis of I will feel very guilty if Matt doesn't turn up on the night!

November 15th, 2017, 03:01
Just looking at your options

It is about eight hours on the bus it seems from Pattaya to Khon Khaen, it seems, which is a bit of a pain.

However, another option would be to fly from Utapao airport, just south of Pattaya, to Udon Thani, which is about a hour and a half away from Khon Khaen by road. I just checked and you can get return tickets for €35 on Air Asia at the moment for that trip.

November 15th, 2017, 03:19
Best of luck on the meet, Joe.

I really hope it works out, as my posting was the genesis of I will feel very guilty if Matt doesn't turn up on the night!

Where did you get the idea it was your genesis?

A 6 or 8 hour bus trip is okay, as long as it's not night time.By the time you add up the taxi to U Tapao, the flight x 2, and a taxi to KK, a bus is just easier.

November 15th, 2017, 04:17
Mmmm ?...we are a little over one day and this thread is already six pages! Clearly in for the long run...maybe a record breaker?

Matt has been put in a difficult position both by Christian and Joe. Maybe unintentionally.

On the one hand he is probably pleased with the attention he is accruing, on the other hand no doubt foresees future problems...

1. If he renegades on the meeting with Joe all credibility is lost and there will be no point in him making further posts on this board. No further attention coming his way. Not good for Matt.
2. If he meets Joe and is genuine then his posts will no longer attract the attention he craves. Why, because we now know he is telling the truth and hardly anyone will remark on it. Not good for Matt.

So Matt how are you going to resolve this dichotomy ?

November 15th, 2017, 04:27
Where did you get the idea it was your genesis?

Well, Joe, if you reread your own post 29, it seems as if what I said gave in my previous post gave you the inspiration to go and visit Matt, and prove him true or a liar once and for all.

Apologies if i msiconstrued and was stealing inspirational glory that doesnt belong to me!

November 15th, 2017, 04:48
Mmmm ?...we are a little over one day and this thread is already six pages! Clearly in for the long run...maybe a record breaker?

Matt has been put in a difficult position both by Christian and Joe. Maybe unintentionally...

So Matt how are you going to resolve this dichotomy ?

It's a new story arc that's going to garner thousands of views until the time of the meeting, mostly from the cdnmatt doubters - it gives them something to look forward to in the morning. Just look at the amount of debate is has generated. It's like watching Big Brother: will he, won't he, blah, blah. Money can't buy advertising like this.

Dichotomy? Nah. It's good. He's been caught out before and it hasn't ended his posting career, has it? Soap opera watchers have an amazing capacity for suspending disbelief.

November 15th, 2017, 06:06
PS Matt - just in case your diary is broken on your computer did you not say you were moving away from KK on the 5th of Jan or there abouts or has that been put back now ?

Yeah, I'll gave to push it back by another month, as we won't be ready in 6 weeks. Originally I was hoping to be gone Dec 5th, so this is the second time I'll have to push it back. Can't keep doing that, or else my husband is going to chew me out to no ned. :) I doubt I'll be here for Newalaan's Feb trip,. but will be here for Joe's Jan trip.

Joe, your life so up to you, but few reasos\ns I recommended that hotel:

- It's good money for value, as I've stayed there lots before. 600/night, clean and modern, good A/C, wi-fi, TV, balcony, mini bar, excellent restaurant downstairs with room service, small mom & pop shop just across the parking lot, you can grab beers from the downstairs fridge any time, day or not, etc.

- It's very easy for Leo and myself to get to you at that hotel. The songtaew from my place stops at Fairy Plaza, and from there it's a 5 minute walk to that hotel.

- 5 minute walk to Fairy, 15 minute walk to Tuckom, plus there's a huge night market right there every night with tons of food, clothes, and other stuff, which might be helpful to you.

- Oh, and I forgot. You mentioned you like younger ones, so good eye candy there for you. They're all too young, but probably pleasing to your eye. There's a large temple just beside that hotel, which acts as basically an orphanage / juvenile deliquent center, and houses tons of kids. Just hang out in front of the mom & pop shop at the table there, have a beer, and enjoy the eye candy as they walk to and from the store in their orange robes.

Anyway, up t you. Keep me updated. Then everyone can finally shut up, and start treating me like a regular member for once.

November 15th, 2017, 06:09
There's a large temple just beside that hotel, which acts as basically an orphanage / juvenile deliquent center, and houses tons of kids. Just hang out in front of the mom & pop shop at the table there, have a beer, and enjoy the eye candy as they walk to and from the store in their orange robes.

Novices go to the store?

November 15th, 2017, 06:15
With all due respect. Joe writing that he did or did not meet CDMatt will prove nothing. Some members harbour suspicions that they are in fact, one and the same.

November 15th, 2017, 06:30
Novices go to the store?

Yeah, they're novices, not fully ordained monks. Especially in the evening, once they're let off meditation duty. Then there's a constant stream of them for about 2 or 3 hours.

Then in the yard just behind the store is where the older ones go to sneak a cig, so the teachers can't see them, haha

November 15th, 2017, 06:31
Oh, and I forgot. You mentioned you like younger ones, so good eye candy there for you. They're all too young, but probably pleasing to your eye. There's a large temple just beside that hotel, which acts as basically an orphanage / juvenile deliquent center, and houses tons of kids. Just hang out in front of the mom & pop shop at the table there, have a beer, and enjoy the eye candy as they walk to and from the store in their orange robes.Whoooa ... Matt, you're just plain creepy.

"... I doubt I'll be here for Newalaan's Feb trip ... "Well well well. The obfuscation starts now ...

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 07:01
Well well well. The obfuscation starts now ...

No actually I think you'll find it started right back at the below from Matt, but it seems that everyone was just so enthralled by the idea of someone actually meeting Matt that they didn't pick up on it .....

"Again though, just make sure to schedule in advance. I need to ensure Leo is here, and not in Laos, as I need him as a guide to get around town. Going by myself is just a bad idea.

November 15th, 2017, 07:04
Whoooa ... Matt, you're just plain creepy.

Yeah, I just reread that, and it did come off as quite creepy, didn't it? That was almost Christian creepy. heh, whoops...

Don't worry, nowhere near as bad as that initially sounded.

I have one farang friend in town, and that's actually how I got to know him. Kim and myself lived at that hotel for a few months before ending up in a house. My friend has a ritual of 5pm every day, him and his BF go out somewhere for a few beers. For years, that shop was his drinking hole, because he's good friends with the owners, etc.

That's how I ended up meeting him. Every night he was there having beers, he noticed I had a BF too, so we got to talking, I ended up joining him for beers, etc. He's the only farang friend I have in town, and we're still friends to this day. Seen him last night actually.

But yeah, I no problem admitting that some 15 year olds are good looking. Would never act on it of course, but nothing wrong with appreciating a good looking young man.

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 07:09
Seen him last night actually.

Metaphorically speaking of course.....

November 15th, 2017, 07:09
@NIrish -- Nope, assuming Joe sticks to his dates, and Leo stays the full 30 days for his current VISA, and the next one, then scheduling works perfectly. Leo will be getting back to KK the same day as Joe's trip starts.

But yes, I do need him here to be able to get into and around town. I can't go by myself. I've tried a couple times, and random strangers just get all worried about me, won't leave me alone, and end up bringing me back home.

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 07:15
@NIrish -- Nope, assuming Joe sticks to his dates, and Leo stays the full 30 days for his current VISA, and the next one, then scheduling works perfectly. Leo will be getting back to KK the same day as Joe's trip starts.

But yes, I do need him here to be able to get into and around town. I can't go by myself. I've tried a couple times, and random strangers just get all worried about me, won't leave me alone, and end up bringing me back home.

So, two caveats before we start then, ok - and there we thought you were this confident blind man now, whereas it seems not as you've even lost the power of speech it seems it telling people to fuck off and leave you alone when you want to go a place, awww must be tough. You should get Christian to pop up and teach you "fuck off and stop bothering me" in Thai so you can bumble about the place to your hearts content there no matter whether Leo from Lao is there or not.

November 15th, 2017, 07:21
Well, what can I say? Going blind is a learning process. And yes, I'e pushed my boundaries, and many times more than I should have. I know what my limits are now.

Does take a good while to fully accept the new limits on your independence, but I think I have it figured now.

Nirish guy
November 15th, 2017, 07:26
Apparently not if you can't walk down the street alone. Time to get practicing, lots of time to get that sorted for January, no worries.

November 15th, 2017, 07:45
Well, I can walk around just fine on my own. Now knowing where the fuck I am is a totally different story. When you're blind, it's not difficult to get yourself lost and disorientated.

And once you get lost, that's it, you're fucked. You could be 10m away from where you need to be, and it doesn't matter. You're simply stuck until a random stranger offers a helping hand. Thankfully, this is Thailand, so that's all around.

Nonetheless, I shouldn't be doing that, and instead need to learn my limits, which I think I have now. I can tool around to the local shops in my area, because I know the area as well as my own house. Anything further by myself though is a bad idea. Going to the market by myself, I have about a 50/50 chance of getting home on my own without help, so I've just learned not to bother trying.

November 15th, 2017, 08:31
I think the Board Admin should set up a Special Prosecutor to look into what is beginning to sound like the 'Cndmatt Affair'.

(Just in case anyone thinks of nominating me, forget it. I would immediately recuse myself. Joe would be the man ... he's off to KK anyway.)

November 15th, 2017, 08:53
I'm actually really looking forward to what Mueller is going to find. 3 indictments (s) already, and if rumors are true, there's still about another 51 sealed indictments that have yet to be executed. I think there's a whole lot of people in the US government going down over the next few months.

From what I can tell, Mueller isn't fucking around. He's going out of his way to make an example out of the current US administration, just to let every politician in the country know this is simply unacceptable, and the principles and institutions of the US will hold up, no matter what.

November 15th, 2017, 09:16
Joe would be the man ... he's off to KK anyway.)

I'm not too sure about that now, especially if he read matt's post above - #71.

The meeting is now predicated on the following 3 caveats, not 2:

1. Leo stays the full 30 days for his current VISA,

2. and the next one,

3. then scheduling works perfectly

But Joe is probably thinking, "Oh, fuck it! I'll go anyway. What could possibly go wrong?"

November 15th, 2017, 09:35
Christian, why is your poll open for so long? Doesn't it give opportunity for 'new' members to appear and corrupt the poll by padding either the 'yes' or 'no' vote? You should also have made the names of the voters visible so that new members or members who infrequently post can be scrutinised.
I know I can be away from the forum for a week, and assume others do the same, so I want to give everyone time to vote. I thought some would vote anonymously, but not publicly.

November 15th, 2017, 09:39
No a447, don't worry, this works fine. Joe's given me a two months heads up, so I'll ensure Leo is here. It's just the way it currently works out seems perfectly aligned with the dates would already naturally be here. If needed though, we can change as necessary, and Leo won't mind.

November 15th, 2017, 09:48
a447, Joe is probably thinking it's an excuse to get out of Pattaya for a couple of days and see somewhere new. If the meeting with Matt happens, that will be good. For Joe, a couple of days out of Pattaya is a good idea.

November 15th, 2017, 09:50
Ok, let's change this a bit. Name one specific example of my life that you don't believe. No generalizations allowed, I want a specific example...One specific example that you think I'm lieing about, or you believe is unrealistic.
We set up a meeting in Khon Kaen once which you failed. Others report the same. (And don't tell us you changed your mind because I'm creepy. Our email communication, which I would publish with your permission for everyone to form their own opinion, says otherwise.)

The story from rich to poor to rich, or just get by, is difficult to believe. And that your boyfriend stayed with you through phases of poverty is in dissonance with everything I experienced, culminating in one Thai boy writing to me "If you have no money, I don't want you" when I refused to lend him 5000 THB under the excuse that I don't have that much.

And you can't use being blind. I understand how that could be seen as a lie, and regardless, it's off limits. Even if you think I'm lieing about going blind, keep your mouth shut about it, because it's beyond rude and disrespectful otherwise.
So let's assume you became blind. But starting cooking within months, and being back on the forum, or never leaving the forum (someone else will have to research if there was a gap and a change in writing style the time you went blind) is nothing short of a miracle!

Someone pointed out that use of voice-to-text cannot explain your typos, misspellings and punctuation.

Each of these might pass as just credible, but all together are not credible to me.

Your behavior on the forum reminds me of Bruno "Look at my glasses" scene:


November 15th, 2017, 10:23
Ahh, but, Francois....the time I did set up a meeting with cdnmatt in KK, it was I who aborted at the last minute, not cdnmatt!

Fact is alaan, you never met cdnmatt. If you had not aborted then matt would have, in my opinion. Joe's trip to KK will likely not happen and he will also not meet matt.

November 15th, 2017, 10:29
Christian, you act as if there's a gaggle of people flocking to Khon Kaen to meet me. That's simply not true. Ok, about 7 years ago there was Trongpai, and I still feel bad about that one, and will fully admit that was my fuck up. We talked on the phone a few times, but come the day of the meet, due to personal issues between Kim and myself I didn't pick up the phone when he called. My bad.

Then there's you and that mouse guy, but I consider both of you sociopaths, so have no desire whatsoever to have anything to do with either of you. Then there was Newalaan, and was happy to meet him, but he cancelled on me, which is fine. Shit happens.

That's it though. Now there's Joe, and happy to meet him as well. He maybe a little on the lonely and depressed side, but for all intents and purposes, seems normal enough and like a good bloke to have a beer with.

As for Leo staying with me while poor, maybe try treating the Asians you encounter as if they're human. Considering your posts, you seem to be under the assumption young Asian guys are somewhat of a sub-species of homosapiens, and I'm sure that rubs off on them, so no wonder they don't like or respect you.

Trust me, Leo's not leaving me. We've already been through the thin and thick in life, and are finally now enjoying the benefits of our newly found strength, so I'm quite confident he's staying with me. Besides, what's his other options? Go back to the rice farm, live with his father, and be a rice farmer for the rest of his life? That's a pretty dismal existence.

I guess he could go to Vientiane on his own, and land a job as a waiter for 7000 baht/month, but that's another pretty dismal existence. He's the polar opposite of a bar boy, so him showing up in Pattaya is out.

I guess he could try to find another farang to take care of him, but it's not like he doesn't chat with farangs on Facebook and Grindr, so he knows what's out there. He also knows full well he'll never find someone who loves him as much I do, or treats him as well as I do. Again, I see him as human, not Asian. I'm fully aware that he could have just as easily been born me, and I could have been born him. It was only due to sheer luck that I ended up being born into a nice, middle class family in Western Canada.

I would never view, judge or demean him as a lesser human being than me, just because of where he happened to be born. He knows this, and also knows most farangs would do just that to him, so I'm pretty confident he's sticking with me.

Maybe there's other factors. Maybe he's a bit on the eccentric side himself, and enjoys living with someone he can be his crazy self around without fear of ridicule. Maybe he really enjoys taking care of others, and taking care of his blind farang husband gives him a sense of purpose in life. Maybe he really enjoys the freedom of being able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Maybe he likes having a husband who always does the dishes, and cooks dinner each night for him.

November 15th, 2017, 10:30
Meetings between members of SGT are like those between polar bears and camels. Not entirely fictitious but only very very rarely and in very very unusual circumstances.

November 15th, 2017, 11:51
Cndmatt ... it isn't about numbers arriving, it's about numbers screwed over by you. So far - for Sawatdee members - that number is 100%.

Christian tried once for a tete-a-tete with me here in Hua Him. I told him I wasn't interested whatsoever. At least I told him beforehand.

Arsenal, not so rare. over the years I've met a dozen or so from this board. We started out as PM friends.

Some were duds (they probably felt the same about me) and a handful of us keep in contact regularly. Four of them I would say are good long-lasting friends who speak by phone often and visit together regularly . A few are dead, and missed.

November 15th, 2017, 12:30
I personally know a number of people on various forums including Alaan, Smiles, Neddy and MFAS on this forum, so not so unusual.

November 15th, 2017, 13:21
I agree with Smiles and François - not rare at all.

I have also met quite a few members from all 3 boards, usually multiple times. We catch up whenever we're in town. My most recent meeting was with jellybean during my last trip to Bangkok. What a lovely guy!

And strangely enough, their view of me appears to be the exact opposite of a few members here.

Then again, perhaps they are just too polite to call me an "asshole" or a "dick" on the board!


November 15th, 2017, 14:00
Ohhh, don't worry a447, you'll always be an asshole in my eyes.

I got my ass puckered. Ready to apologize after Joe meets me, and confirms I am who I say I am?

November 15th, 2017, 14:50
Ohhh, don't worry a447,...

I won't. That you can be sure of.

And yes, I'll be first in line to sincerely apologise - no ifs or buts.

In fact, I promise to start a new thread, which I will call "a447 offers a sincere apology to cdnmatt"

But don't just turn up to your meeting with Joe wearing dark glasses and carrying a white stick. More proof will be needed.

But we can work on that closer to the event!

Brad the Impala
November 15th, 2017, 16:40
But don't just turn up to your meeting with Joe wearing dark glasses and carrying a white stick. More proof will be needed.

But we can work on that closer to the event!

Looks like you are the one putting caveats on a meeting now! Why should anyone provide "proof" of a medical condition, or anything else, as you require. You are making it less likely that a meeting will take place if you make these demands.

So can we just leave it between the two of them to sort out in PMs, as Joe stated in post #46.

November 15th, 2017, 20:29
a447. how on earth can Matt prove he's blind? A letter from his doctor: When we meet, and I'm confident we will, I'll make a judgement and post accordingly on the board.

November 15th, 2017, 21:02
I won't. That you can be sure of.

And yes, I'll be first in line to sincerely apologise - no ifs or buts.

In fact, I promise to start a new thread, which I will call "a447 offers a sincere apology to cdnmatt"

But don't just turn up to your meeting with Joe wearing dark glasses and carrying a white stick. More proof will be needed.

But we can work on that closer to the event!

Are you kidding me? Jesus christ, do I ever hate you. What a small little man you are.

Don't worry, I'm pretty confident Joe will figure out I'm blind. It's not exactly something you can fake.

And I'm not defending the fact I went blind, because that's bullshit. Oh, and I don't wear glasses. Why would I? It's my optic nerve that got damaged, not my eyes, so you can't even tell I'm blind just by looking at me.

November 15th, 2017, 23:51
Are you saying that if joe meets you he will not know if you are blind?

November 16th, 2017, 00:21
No, I'm saying all you need to do is spend 2 minutes with me to know I'm blind. It's pretty fucken obvious I can't see worth a shit anymore. Little tough to fake that...

I still have a little bit of visibility, but for all intents, I'm blind as a bat. For example, I can make out parked cars, but only if I'm concentrating while walking. If I'm day dreaming, or have someone with me that won't stop talking and keeps breaking my concentration (ie. Leo), then it's much more difficult for me, and chance I'll just run into the parked car / motorbike.

Brad the Impala
November 16th, 2017, 00:35
Oh for heavens sake! For ages people have been complaining that Matt hadn't met someone or other and that damaged the credibility of his story of his unusual life. Now those same people don't just want someone to meet him, they want someone to feel the nail marks and put their hand in the wounds!

Well when is Francois going to prove that he is French, or latintop prove that he is either latin or a top, or a447 prove that he doesn't exaggerate his exploits etc etc.

Lighten up. I can't decide if you guys are more like a gang of bullies in the playground or judges in the Star Chamber.

November 16th, 2017, 01:16
Quite honestly Christian, I think enough is enough. Everyone who wants has had his chance to post on this. So why not shut this thread down?

November 16th, 2017, 02:44
It looks like endless story... let's just stop it.