View Full Version : Game of Thrones

November 10th, 2017, 09:53
The world divides neatly up into two sections as far as I'm concerned. Those who are and those who aren't obsessed with Game of Thrones. If you aren't then the back button is in the top left hand corner and there you can find something you do like including information about Thailand, gay Thailand, world events and many references to 1970s comedy shows as well as a selection of very funny puns, often about bodily functions. If that's your thing.

However if you are then you'll no doubt have imagined yourself as one of the characters in this, the most bestest fantastical and obsessive show of all time. So for the Throneites, who do you see yourself as? Perhaps you're Tyrian Lanister, (played to multi award winning sublimity by Peter Dinklage) the dwarf who's propensity for whores is matched only by his abilities as a political strategist. Maybe you see yourself as Lord Varys (played to perfection by Conleth Hill ) A eunuch who has eyes and ears everywhere, knowing about everyone else's business. Or it's possible you see yourself as Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane (superbly played by Rory McGann) who's default position is angry, forever waving his big sword around but ends up losing to quicker, smarter and more subtle characters.

I'd like to think of myself as Jon Snow (played so brilliantly by Kit Harrington) , the courageous warrior leader charging into battle to defeat all his enemies. But in reality I'm more like Tycho Nestoris (played by the always brilliant Mark Gatiss) the bean counter from The Iron Bank who's allegiance can change overnight. Who might you be.

November 11th, 2017, 02:07
The guys in work reckon I'm Tywin Lannister... Cold hearted, calculating and ruthless!
I always thought of myself as being a Bron type character
My favourite character is definitely the Hound or Bron (Arya is out, since I saw her ugly side in the last season)

November 11th, 2017, 05:34
Arya, the coolest 15 year old killer on TV. The fight betwen The Hound and Briann of Tar was the best sword fight I've ever seen.

November 11th, 2017, 05:49
I like to think of myself as being somewhat similar to Lord Varys...however, i suspect I might really be more likened to Hot Pie!:D

November 11th, 2017, 05:55
Let me suggest for Game of Thrones fans out thewre...if you are a fan of Game of thrones, why dont you list your to five "Sexiest GoT men" on this thread?

We can can all then talk about how our own list are all studs and everyone elses are all manky curs and have a good old Boards barney about it...

November 11th, 2017, 06:08
why dont you list your to five "Sexiest GoT men" on this thread?

Well Ronan, you know me and only "Grey Worm" would fit into my list!

As for you... I always thought you were like a Baratheon... No not Robert... Stannis... or Renly...

November 12th, 2017, 01:39
Ha, You cheeky Divil.

I know you probably have a soft spot for Joffrey, he reminds me a bit of Justin Bieber (or "Blond Worm" as I call him since he started using the peroxide) who I know you fancy...

November 12th, 2017, 02:05
To get back the sexy men list;

The show has got lots of sexy men, plus quite a few that some people find sexy but I dont,

There are some guys that loads of straight women go mad for, but I wouldn’t say would be popular with too many gay men...like Jorah Marmont or Jaime Lannister or Jaqen H’ghar

And then a few who I likewise dont go for, but would be popular with gay guys who like twinks..like Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon or Bran Stark

Anyway, here is my top 5 (lust alone, if it was personality too it would be slightly different)

1) Daario Naharis (as played by Michiel Huisman, rather than the earlier version played by Ed Skrein)
2) Robb Stark
3) Jon Snow
4) Renly Baratheon
5) Dickon Tarly (as played by Tom Hopper, rather than the earlier version played by Eddie Stroma)

Honourable mentions to:

Khal Drogo
Loras Tyrell