View Full Version : Ever wanted children?

November 9th, 2017, 22:11
I know there are some members who are fathers. For the rest, have you ever thought about having children? Either through surrogacy or adoption?

When I lived in England (late 80s/early 90s) I donated sperm to a good friend, a lesbian I'd met on a kibbutz in Israel, and who's from Edinburgh, but long term resident of Newcastle. To be honest, I never thought it would work, but after 3 months she was pregnant, and gave birth to a baby daughter. Part of the agreement we had was that I would have no contact with the child, which was easy to agree to, when I didn't believe there would be a child. But when she was born, I felt a little tug on the heartstrings, but I stuck with the agreement. I have to admit looking her up online a couple of years ago (just once) and she's a beautiful young woman in her 20s.

Apart from that, I've never really had a desire to be a father. How about you?

November 9th, 2017, 22:47
Absolutely. Not. Never.

Looking after dogs is about as paternal as I choose to get. And they don't usually live more than 10 years, whereas children at 10 are just starting on their life long presentation of problems which require your attention.

I think your situation was perfect Joe. Just assist in the conception and leave the lady to raise the child. That is as involved as I would care to get.

November 9th, 2017, 23:04
I think the title of your Thread may attract the wrong sorts


November 9th, 2017, 23:17
I hate it when you equivocate, bob - tell us straight what you really feel.

November 9th, 2017, 23:17
Back in my mid-20s when I had a strong relationship with my ex-husband, I really wanted to be a father. Unfortunately, that relationship went tits up, and I forgot about / dismissed the idea since then.

That's changed a bit again, now that Leo and myself are together, and are about as strong as human relationships get. He REALLY wants to be a father, and has reignited that passion in me as well.

Short answer? Yes.

November 9th, 2017, 23:19
I think the title of your Thread may attract the wrong sorts


haha, that absolutely never occurred to me. I'm sure the mods are well capable of keeping us on the straight and narrow.

November 9th, 2017, 23:20
so when's it going to happen, Matt?

November 9th, 2017, 23:29
Hoping to be settled into a new house in Vientiane by Jan 5th. From there, give us a month to get settled and find our bearings. I'm blind, so will take me a bit of time.

After that, we'll probably head out to the village every weekend for a month or more, just to spend time with the kids, their parents and everyone, to gto know each other a bit. From there, play it by ear, and see what happens. Whether Leo and myself are truly up for the task, and whether the kids even want to come with us, although I'm sure they will. I'm quite confident that 10 year old doesn't enjoy hauling ass on the rice farm 11 hours/day, just so he can have some sticky rice, bamboo, and maybe a boiled frog he caught for dinner.

Leo wants a farang child, and has asked several times if I'm willing to go the surrogate route. Ummm, yeah.... maybe honey, but let's hold that little thought for now. Before we go make a new kid, let's try our parenting skills out on a couple kids who are already here, currently have no hope at a decent future, and have a mother who doesn't even want them because she's unable to take care of them. If that goes well, sure, maybe we can get them a little brother or sister sometime in the future.

November 10th, 2017, 01:04
NO..(scream..run for the hills...)

November 10th, 2017, 01:05
they are the worst form of venereal disease..take forever to go away

November 10th, 2017, 01:15
Hell will freeze over before I will ever want kids, or a relationship with any one capable of carrying a baby.

What's the point in all the expense, grief, ties and so on ? If I want the company of a younger person, what I need is a cute 20 year old boyfriend who can wipe his own *rse & do all the things babies cannot.

November 10th, 2017, 01:53
Me too. No way. Not interested. Period.
Leave it up to the breeders...that what they were born for.

November 10th, 2017, 02:01
What a bunch of loving, empathetic souls we have on this board.

At least you could say something like, "I like kids and all, but just not up for the father thing".

November 10th, 2017, 02:06
But, I DONT like kids...

November 10th, 2017, 02:25
I like kids, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

November 10th, 2017, 02:33
I like kids, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

Perhaps share it with one of your buddies here?

"Oh Grandmother, what sharp teeth you have!"

November 13th, 2017, 03:25
Thank you Joe. <Grin> <Snigger> <Snort>

I don't mind babysitting kids - though I try to keep clear of the horns - but I like to be able to give them back after a couple of hours.
I certainly do not want to keep them. I am way too selfish for that. As I told my boss years back, I want to have my income for ME! - Not spiflicate it on others who have not contributed to the effort of acquisition.

November 13th, 2017, 08:20
yraen...be glad your parents were total fools that saw fit to do so..

November 13th, 2017, 13:26
I can barely take care of myself. In 2013 I tried to grow physalis, they died. But the gecko in my room is alive and well, but then it doesn't need any care.

Children? Rather not. I would like to watch how they are conceived, but don't want anything to do with raising them, not even be anywhere close. My interest in in children starts the day they turn 18 (or whatever is the age of consent where I am).

November 13th, 2017, 13:34
u men the age of consent where u live???? In many western counties they can and do prosecute u for things like this

November 13th, 2017, 15:13
Things like what exactly? Finding an 18yo sexually attractive?

November 13th, 2017, 15:41
I gave it a thought once my mother got back on her feet. However every willing woman I met already had three kids by three different men.��

November 13th, 2017, 16:08
scotty...dont be silly..i know u r a little slow...being scottish and all...
But in some western countries (lets say A) they will prosecute their citizens who travel overseas (lets say country B) to fiddle with guys who are of legal age in B but not in A.
Pays to be aware of the laws.

November 13th, 2017, 16:47
I thought that's what you were getting at but wasn't entirely sure.

However, given that the AoC in Ireland (A) is 17 and in Thailand (B) it's (generally accepted to be) 18, then Joe's chances of "fiddling" with anybody legal in B who is not also legal in A is obviously nil.

Of course if he *did* re-locate to Tenerife (C), took his violin with him and whipped his bow out, that would be a different matter.

What your point assumes of course (and you have absolutely no right to assume it) is that Joe might find those who fall between the age differentials in countries A, B, & C to be sexually attractive in the least.

November 13th, 2017, 17:15
I have to admit I was getting a bit lost with the A, B, C's - I was never good at algebra. Personally I see nothing wrong with finding a 16 year old attractive. Would I act on that attraction? Absolutely not.

The last time I had sex in Dublin was a couple of years ago, and he was 18. And he paid for the hotel room!

November 14th, 2017, 00:47
a couple of years ago??? was he a daddy...no scratch that..a grandaddy chaser??....think someone is fibbing

November 14th, 2017, 02:00
latin, yes it was a couple of years ago. I mentioned in my post that he was 18, and I was the first man he'd had sex with. Believe me, I was totally surprised, but his rationale was that an older man would be a better experience than another 18 year old, who also didn't know what he was doing. I'd like to think the afternoon we spent together was a happy experience for him.

The only downside was that I couldn't fuck him, which he wanted me to do. I had told him before we met that I don't enjoy it and it might not happen. I was right. Still, it left him with a target to aim for (which I fancy has been achieved by now, since he went to university).

November 14th, 2017, 03:26
yraen...be glad your parents were total fools that saw fit to do so..

Yes, Latin, I do recognise we need breeders to keep up the supply of gays. But I do not want to be responsible for their upbringing or upkeep.