View Full Version : A cautionary tale.

November 9th, 2017, 19:56
When career politicians get into bed with businessmen it rarely goes well and the politician usually get's shafted as has happened here. Equally when career businessmen go into politics they usually find the subtleties of the game far too much as we can see with Trump every hour of every day.


November 9th, 2017, 21:40
A similar situation arose at Trump's Doonbeg golf resort in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland. They wanted to build a 2km or 3km concrete wall to combat erosion, but the local council refused permission. I'll admit I'm not au fait with all the details, but apparently further investment in the resort has been stalled since.

November 10th, 2017, 04:20
A 3 Km long wall?
God damn it man that ain’t no wall at all!

November 10th, 2017, 05:34
Any politician is on a hiding to nothing when backing investment - if the promised investment materialises then the investor gets the credit and if it doesn't, the politician gets the blame.

The really significant aspect of this case is that it appears no public money was involved - if it had been you can be sure the anti-Salmond invective would have been ramped up 100 fold.

Whilst on the subject - it transpires some shouty and jabby-finger Brit Nats are angry that Alex is to appear on a "state propaganda channel". On hearing the news I assumed he'd landed a show on the BBC but apparently not.
