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November 8th, 2017, 15:11
The transformation is largely imposed, not voluntary. Reversion to type will occur hours after the last moderator turns the lights out.

The clear allegation here is that LatintopXXX has had his knuckles rapped by the Moderators - which begs 2 questions:

1. Is it even true - dying to hear LatintopXXX's confirmation or denial
2. If it IS true - why is it being publicised by the Head Judge?

Curious minds are keen to know.

November 8th, 2017, 15:12
Are you speaking of Latin?

How many heartless debauchees do we have on this forum? :)

Nirish guy
November 8th, 2017, 15:20
At least one ! ( Where's the emoji for a man with his hand up ?)

November 8th, 2017, 15:31
Gorbals Jock. I was talking about you and the deletion evidence of your inappropriate photo posting is there for all to see. So nothing confidential there.

November 8th, 2017, 18:38
At least one ! ( Where's the emoji for a man with his hand up ?)

Nirish, though you admit to being a debauchee, I am sure no one would describe you as heartless.

November 8th, 2017, 19:14
Gorbals Jock. I was talking about you and the deletion evidence of your inappropriate photo posting is there for all to see. So nothing confidential there.

How can I put this.........

I know....

You're a liar.

Is that plain enough?

But irrespective of whether you were referring to LatintopXXX (which you were) or to me (which you allege) - you're either discussing a moderation case in public or an alleged moderation case in public. Either way is supposed to be against the rules :D

Remind us when you're leaving your post - the sooner the better as you're a complete liability

November 8th, 2017, 20:38
But supposing that the rules can be bent, why is Latin still on the agenda?

November 8th, 2017, 20:39
Gorbals Jock. Both of you have had posts deleted and deleted posts leave a message saying 'Post deleted by Arsenal." Therefore both cases are already in the public domain and therefore open to public discussion.. That is, the posts by Latin and the neo-Nazi photographs you posted. If any members would like some of Scottish's collection of neo-Nazi photographs they can contact him by pm but they won't be allowed on the board as long as I'm moderator.

November 8th, 2017, 21:28
You're a liar I have NOT had a post deleted.

Edited yes, deleted NO - so why are you continually lying to members here?

YOU have introduced the matter of "Neo Nazi photographs" into the public domain so I feel I have a right of reply - these photographs were of a pro Spanish Union demonstration in Barcelona which YOU were all for as it's the side of the Catalan situation you are on.

The photographs illustrated the true nature of that demonstration, with a large proportion of the crowd and even the Spanish PM (Rajoy) giving Hitler salutes.

You are attempting to mislead members.

November 8th, 2017, 21:35


November 8th, 2017, 21:37
Yes "Really!" - the post is still there - ergo it was not "deleted", only the pics were edited out.

You're a liar.

"Len the Liar" has a nice ring to it.

November 8th, 2017, 21:41
Well I think it amounts to the same thing so shall we agree to disagree. The posting of neo-Nazi photographs, endorsements of such groups or other forms of far right activity is strictly forbidden. As I've said, if anyone would like copies of Scottish's collection of neo-Nazi photographs can they please contact him by pm.

November 8th, 2017, 21:54
No, we won't agree to disagree.


November 8th, 2017, 21:56
Yep. Pictures of Pinocchio are OK. Well. assuming the copyright laws aren't being breached.

November 8th, 2017, 22:33
I hate to get in between two warring queens, but you're wrong arsenal. Editing and deleting are patently NOT the same thing.

November 8th, 2017, 22:50
Once again Joe you've leapt in without checking the facts. Perfectly understandable as Gorbals Jock is one of your cream pie buddies along with Poxxy. I haven't claimed that deleting and editing are the same thing. The removed post clearly states "Post Deleted by Arsenal" If the post is edited then it states "edited".

November 8th, 2017, 23:06
You've said above that deleting and editing amount to the same thing. Which indicates to me that you know you are wrong on this one.

November 8th, 2017, 23:07
Well I think it amounts to the same thing so shall we agree to disagree. The posting of neo-Nazi photographs, endorsements of such groups or other forms of far right activity is strictly forbidden. As I've said, if anyone would like copies of Scottish's collection of neo-Nazi photographs can they please contact him by pm.

Here's the very post

November 8th, 2017, 23:12
Yes. Deleting and editing amounts to the same thing. The same thing it amounts to is censure by the moderators. Simple really.

November 8th, 2017, 23:28
Dinagram wrote.
"But supposing that the rules can be bent, why is Latin still on the agenda?"

The 'rules' are guidelines really with the exception of the obvious one. Guidelines are open to interpretation, for example if Gorbals Jock hurled his screaming child like nonsense at anyone other than me the posts would be deleted and he would be given infractions. There would be no choice. However due to our long history he has a special license which is granted in perpetuity of my tenure as moderator. So he can carry on if he chooses but his ever more frequent teenage tantrums will not alter the status quo in the same way that however much the child screams in the supermarket his/her mother isn't going to buy the sweeties.

November 8th, 2017, 23:38
Ludicrous assertion that deletion and editing are (or even "amount to") the same thing.

If you delete a post it's gone.

If you edit a post it's still there, but in an amended version.

Pretty basic really and anybody can see it.

Arsenal just can't admit he's wrong - ever

November 8th, 2017, 23:43
I think it was clear in the original post but if it wasn't then it's been cleared up subsequently. Editing and deleting both amount to censure. And censured you were. That's all I'm saying. Enjoy your license.

Brad the Impala
November 9th, 2017, 00:04
This is a fairly ridiculous argument. Obviously you can delete part of a post, and can call it editing.

Much more concerning is that a Moderator who has a personal beef with a poster is once again using his "power" to edit that person's posts.

What we were told were "rules", and even became "laws", are now apparently just "guidelines". The irony of this flexibility is that it is being used to justify censorship that is not supported by any rules or guidelines.

November 9th, 2017, 02:17
Much more concerning is that a Moderator who has a personal beef with a poster is once again using his "power" to edit that person's posts.

Yes and, conversely, a moderator can use his power to protect a friend who has clearly violated the rules.

The inconsistency of application of the rules and the prohibition against discussion of a moderator's actions in the open forum is creating a huge potential for abuse and I believe it has happened already. And this is made worse by a moderator who not only has an axe to grind but is lacking in the analytical and comprehension skills required to appreciate the nuances and subtleties of a particular post and is thus quick to trigger the delete button.

Speaking for myself, I only look at a post and view it on its merits. If a poster says he's experiencing a hailstorm in Isaan when no such event has been reported in the media, I ask him to provide a link to a report of such a significant event. I wouldn't necessarily assume that he's a habitual liar. In my humble opinion, whether a person claims to be blind, pathetic or moribund, shouldn't add credence to his posts and neither should it grant him immunity from the board's rules.

If this relentless pursuit of old vendettas and backslapping among members of the OBN continues, then this board is unlikely to receive fresh blood in terms of ideas, insight and critical analysis. No, this doesn't necessarily imply that there would be a decline in the number of members, posts or those precious number of views they attract, but the forum will never rise above its current existence and perhaps that's what the majority is contented with - and deserves.

November 9th, 2017, 02:23
ban buttons

nobody except me can ban here... upd: sorry, I forgot - local robot can ban also... somebody has "personal beef" with our robot?

No, this doesn't necessarily imply that there would be a decline in the number of posts or those precious number of views they attract, but the forum will never rise above its current existence and perhaps that's what the majority is contented with - and deserves.

It is someone's "wet dream"

Membership here been expanded twice at past 1.5 years, average registration rate is 2 members per day since moderation been implemented at October...

November 9th, 2017, 02:30
It is someone's "wet dream"

Membership here been expanded twice at past 1.5 years, average registration rate is 2 members per day since moderation been implemented at October...

I'm sorry; how does that contradict what I said?

November 9th, 2017, 02:34
I'm sorry; how does that contradict what I said?

May be you know another meaning of word "rise" what I miss? I know only meaning "grow". Forum is rising right now. And I expect it will grow even more fast with the lowering of the level of the hate here...

November 9th, 2017, 04:00
So, the Head Judge gets to lie in open debate on the Gay Thailand forum - saying a post of mine had been deleted when it had not - and when he is called out on it, his lie is exposed, and others point the discrepancy out - he gets to hide it all away in this backwater forum.

How absolutely lovely - you're all doing a fine job.

November 9th, 2017, 07:57
Your all furious with the moderating policy and I would say the moderators but it's only me.
Some because Gorbals Jock has more leeway than others.
Some because neo-Nazi images were deleted.
Some because there aren't enough rules.
Some because there are too many rules.
Some because fury is free and so why shouldn't you have your share.
Some because suspended members have come back.
Some because they are easily led by the gobbiest of gobby blokes.
Some because because because because because of the wonderful things he does.

Please form an orderly queue and we'll get to each of you in turn when we have the time.

November 9th, 2017, 08:07
Forum: Everything Else
Thread: The Catalonians Stand up for Freedom.
Post: Number 15 by Gorbals Jock.
It says: This message has been deleted by arsenal. Reason
Inappropriate photographs.