View Full Version : Paradise Papers

November 6th, 2017, 17:37
Anyone at all surprised by the revelations in the Paradise Papers? I keep my (admittedly small - SG) jewels in my underwear. It used to be "how the other half live", now it's "how the other 1% live".

November 6th, 2017, 21:59
I'm sure scottish-guy and NIrish guy will join me in condemning how the poor Queen - well, the poor very rich Queen - is being vilified about this story. The woman has her corgis to attend to. She can't be expected to know where every 10 million is - it could be down the back of the couch, for all she knows (apparently, there are hundreds of couches in the various royal palaces, so it could really be anywhere).

I'd advise you all to check your own couch, before you feature on the front of the Guardian, or criticise this woman.

November 7th, 2017, 02:13
Loved the BBC line (my emphasis) "There is of course no suggestion the Queen was trying to avoid tax"

Really? Why hide 10,000,000 GBP in the Cayman Islands then?

November 7th, 2017, 02:29
Scottish, it's a well known fact that she is no longer trusted to handle her own money, so it's credible she had no idea her 10 million was in the Cayman's. Come on, give her a break. The woman's in her 90s. She doesn't know there's no money in that handbag she carries.

I'm no expert on the royal family (no, really, I freely admit it) but if all her 'private' money is handled by the Duchy of Lancaster, does that mean there's a Duke of Lancaster, and who is that? And if she gets 100's of millions from the British taxpayer (including you, SG -assuming you pay tax?)where does this 'private' income come from. Surely she's not doing a bit of cleaning or child minding on the side? It's all very complicated.