View Full Version : Stupid, fucken Thai street dogs....

October 31st, 2017, 02:31
Here we go again. It's 2:30am, and I'm now fully awake. That stupid fucken dog. It's been a daily occurence for about 6 weeks now, is only getting worse, but it's going to stop starting tomorrow afternoon.
Leo is unwilling to buy me fire crackers, because he thinks it's mean, and will make the neighbors angry. So fuck it, I came up with a new solution. It's called the metal pot from the rice cooker combined with a metal ladel. I'm going to bang the hell out of that thing tomorrow afternoon. I would love to do it now, but everyone else is sleeping.

That dog can go find a new soi to go hang out at thought. He doesn't need to come around here any more.

To make this into an actual thread, and street dog stories to share?

For the visitors, remember, when it comes to street dogs, your tone of voice is the most powerful tool you have. Dogs don't understand your words, but they do understand your tone. Don't ever show them fear, because they will sense it out.

October 31st, 2017, 02:39
Success in resolving your problem would be more likely either by enticing some Vietnamese to ship them off for their catering trade, or google "how to poison a dog".

Note: I'm not recommending these options & do not have experience of these methods, but am just suggesting you stand a better chance of eliminating dog noise that way.

Since some people might actually like dogs, don't tell any other members.

October 31st, 2017, 07:46
No, I'm pretty confident my metal bowl with a metal ladel idea will work great. A BB gun would be better, but I can't aim it, so that's out. I don't want to hurt the dog, but just want to make him go away.

Don't worry, I absolutely love dogs myself. Just look at my avatar, those are basically my children. I got the white guy when he was about 8 weeks old, and and the brown guy when he was about 3 weeks old. Kim's little brother showed up at the house one morning with 8 three week old pups. We nursed them up until they were about 8 weeks old, then gave away as many as we could.

Nobody wanted Boxer because he's brown, so I kept him. Apparently, being the ugly duckling pays off sometimes, because now he's gets very well taken care, plus gets things like rib-eye steaks and 1kg of prok for dinner.

If I actually wanted to harm that street dog, it'd be easy. I'd just open my gate, and my dogs would tear him to shreds within about two minutes. I'm confident my dogs would absolutely love the opportunity, because they probably hate that street dog even more than me. Lucky for the street dog, I'm not that cruel.

October 31st, 2017, 08:10
Haven't you watched your cartoons?

The skinny street smart dog will always outsmart the pampered overfed pooches! Every topcat or Tom&Jerry fan knows that!

I heard of someone that soaked chicken breasts in washing up liquid overnight and then fed them to the soi dogs.
They took around 4 days to die and it was very unpleasant. So not a recommended way to go!

October 31st, 2017, 08:46
Well obviously, I'm not going to kill the dog. He is going to go find a new soit to hang out at though.

I got my metal bowl and ladle at the ready. It's now day time, so I'm allowed to make noise on the street now. I'm sure he will be back shortly, and can't wait. It's been a daily occurence for about 6 weeks, so now he gets to learn to find a new hang out spot.

October 31st, 2017, 08:53
"... I came up with a new solution. It's called the metal pot from the rice cooker combined with a metal ladel. I'm going to bang the hell out of that thing tomorrow afternoon ... "
I can see it know. A blind Canadian wobbling down the soi in the middle of the afternoon wandering from one side of the soi to the other (because he can't see) banging with a metal spoon on a large metal pot screaming all the way down the street " ... fucking soi dogs ...".
Fawlty Towers all over again. To the Thai: "Ting Tong" big time.

October 31st, 2017, 13:13
So how's it going with the dog, Matt? I'm sure I'm not the only one gripped by this saga.

Just for a bit of historical context, the women of Nationalist areas of Belfast and Derry used this method to alert the community when the British Army came to visit. Just sayin'.

October 31st, 2017, 15:38
My impression is that the Thais tend to relate to dogs in much the same way as our distant ancestors did when they first domesticated them. In other words, dogs are often not so much pets as tolerated visitors on the peripheries of communities. My boyfriend is a dog-lover (though nowhere near as much as me) and when his pooch sickened died he was inconsolable. But at home, the dog wandered around the village, on one occasion biting a child, did his neutered- best to impregnate other creatures and came and went whenever it fancied.I have to say that it didn't like me much....but chaq'un a son gout.
This means that dogs aren't disciplined like ours and this facilitates packs of semi-domesticated ones ruling their perceived hunting-grounds. One of these packs surrounded me in Chiang Mai some years ago; a genuinely terrifying experience.
It's not just Thailand of course. P and I were denied sleep in Luang Prabang a few months ago by a pampered (and definitely not semi-wild) small dog that barked, it seemed, all day and all night while the owners watched complacently.

October 31st, 2017, 17:01
So how's it going with the dog, Matt? I'm sure I'm not the only one gripped by this saga.

Just for a bit of historical context, the women of Nationalist areas of Belfast and Derry used this method to alert the community when the British Army came to visit. Just sayin'.

Not sure yet, and time will tell. Leo was with me this morning, and told me my teal pot + metal ladle idea didn't work, as the dog just sat there like an idiot.

However, he hasn't came back yet today, so I think it may have actually worked
Thank fuck for that. I know I could use a good sleep, and I'm sure the neighbors feel the same. I could definitely use some good REM right now.

Then again, if Leo and myself plan to be fathers, more than likely REM is out the window for the next three years, so I guess it doesn't matter.

October 31st, 2017, 17:06
@Oliver -- Right, dogs here are basically treated like security guards, not pets.

For example, people always just naturally assume that I brought my dogs from Canada, and are astounded when I tell them they're Thai dogs. Yes, they were born in Thailand, and just happened to end up with a farang owner who took proper care of them.

October 31st, 2017, 17:12
Wherever I go in Thailand, street dogs sleep at night (but might get up and bark at me when I'm not quiet), and I didn't have problems at day either.

I would buy a water gun, but then you would need Leo to aim at the dogs. No noise and you can't hurt or startle anyone accidentally as can happen with firework.

...chaq'un a son gout.
French for: Every man to his taste.

October 31st, 2017, 17:23
Chaq'un a son gout: French for: Every man to his taste.

Thanks for the translation, Christian. I think most of us were already aware of the meaning. Even we of the American heritage can manage a few words of French. Or, we remain with the English saying: Each to his own as the old lady said when she kissed the cow.

Nirish guy
October 31st, 2017, 17:24
....and the above is from the man who has the arrogance and audacity to try to correct other members posts for spelling and grammar ! HA !

October 31st, 2017, 17:31
Then again, if Leo and myself plan to be fathers, more than likely REM is out the window for the next three years, so I guess it doesn't matter.

OMG, is this the next chapter of this novel?

October 31st, 2017, 17:34
....and the above is from the man who has the arrogance and audacity to try to correct other members posts for spelling and grammar ! HA !

Thats not very nice :D
I take it you meant our friend Christ

October 31st, 2017, 20:27
[QUOTE=Oliver;I have to say that it didn't like me much....but chaq'un a son gout.

Are we still having problems with using accents in spelling as highlighted by Moses recently?

October 31st, 2017, 20:39
Wherever I go in Thailand, street dogs sleep at night (but might get up and bark at me when I'm not quiet), and I didn't have problems at day either.

I would buy a water gun, but then you would need Leo to aim at the dogs. No noise and you can't hurt or startle anyone accidentally as can happen with firework.

French for: Every man to his taste.

No, a water gun wouldn't work. If anything, the dog would be happy over the attention, think it's a game, and keep coming back for more.

reAnyway, it's almost 9pm, and that dog hasn't been here since about 10am, so looks like my metal pot with ladle idea worked.


October 31st, 2017, 20:53
My impression is that the Thais tend to relate to dogs in much the same way as our distant ancestors did when they first domesticated them. In other words, dogs are often not so much pets as tolerated visitors on the peripheries of communities... This means that dogs aren't disciplined like ours and this facilitates packs of semi-domesticated ones ruling their perceived hunting-grounds. One of these packs surrounded me in Chiang Mai some years ago; a genuinely terrifying experience.

It's not just Thailand of course....

No, indeed, it's not. This report of a particularly horrific incident appeared in the UK press just last month: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/25/british-woman-dies-attacked-stray-dogs-greece/

Since then the Greek coroner has suggested that wolves, rather than feral dogs, might have been to blame - but that might just be an attempt to classify the event as something "natural" but unavoidable (if equally horrible), rather than being caused by the failure of the authorities to deal with the problem of stray dogs in Greece.

October 31st, 2017, 23:51
Well that obviously says a lot about your parenting skills, I can raise 2 dogs, so 2 kids shouldn't be a problem.

November 1st, 2017, 03:47
Hahaha, there we go! :)

Granted, it's nearly 4am, and I'm up again, but that's just becuase I needed to pee, and I'm sure I was snoring so wanted to get out of Leo's bedroom.

Nonetheless, that street dog is gone! For any expats, there you go. Metal pot with metal ladle is an excellent solution if you ever have street dogs that are mucking up your neighborhood.

And Leo was worried that the nighbors would be angry at me. Nope, I'm quite sure they're very grateful for me doing that, because now we all get peace and quiet, and the ability to sleep again for the first time in about 6 weeks.

November 1st, 2017, 04:48
Marsilius, I didn't read your link - I think I got the story somewhere else. I like individual dogs, but had a similar experience to Oliver outside the Mercure Hotel in Pattaya. About 10 soi dogs (well it could have been 50) confronted me on the street. I was rooted to the spot until the security guard from the hotel came out. I don't know what he shouted at them, but it worked. I gave him a bj for his help. Some of this post might not be entirely correct.

November 1st, 2017, 12:24
Arent dogs eaten in vietnam ?

Cant wait till my vietnamese boy flatmate moves in next week so we can catch dogs.

November 1st, 2017, 12:30
...About 10 soi dogs...confronted me on the street. I was rooted to the spot ...

They all fucked you? That's quite a story


November 1st, 2017, 12:37
scottish-guy, you don't know the half of it. Not one of them turned up for dinner at the Beer Garden, as arranged. I was left sitting there like a real sad bastard. Needless to say, I've never walked on that street again. I have to retain some dignity.

Although I must admit, when we got down to actual shagging, they were quite friendly and affectionate.

November 1st, 2017, 14:09
Moderator, please delete this pic if it's too scandalous.

November 1st, 2017, 14:52
So Matt, now that the soi dog problem has been eliminated, can we have an update on Leo's puberty issues. Hopefully they'll be resolved by the time he becomes a full time father. And when is that planned for?

November 1st, 2017, 18:40
A Thai friend told me recently that if a bib sees you hitting a soi dog he will arrest you.
Lost half the post again fcuk.....

November 1st, 2017, 18:56
A Thai friend told me recently that if a bib sees you hitting a soi dog he will arrest you.
Lost half the post again fcuk.....

Well, I didn't hit the dog. I love dogs, and mean her no harm. If anything, I feel sorry for that dog, as she's just wandering looking for love, food and a home.

Sorry girl, I can't take care of you. Sorry you got stuck being a street dog in this life, but not much I can do. Nonetheless, you don't need to hang out in our street all day and night disturbing my dogs and the other neighborhood dogs.

November 1st, 2017, 20:55
They all fucked you? That's quite a story


Root is an Australian colloquialism for fuck. I thought it was only used here. Are you telling me the same word is used in Scotland??

You learn something every day!

In Australia it's a common greeting when meeting sometime for the first time, especially at a party, and often passes for foreplay, as in:

"G'day luv. Wanna root?"

November 1st, 2017, 21:27
a447, I thought it was an Australian word, but I understood what SG wrote.

November 1st, 2017, 22:12
Maybe it's our most successful export.

November 1st, 2017, 23:48
From double meaning (or even more?) of "roots" we get another case where spelling is important as it changes the meaning:

The wombat is an animal that eats roots and leaves.
The wombat is an animal that eats, roots, and leaves.
(or variations thereof)

There is even a book with that title:
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation

"The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" ROFL!
I should make that my battle cry as a moderator!

[This post was edited by ChristianPFC - Zero Tolerance to Punctuation!]

November 2nd, 2017, 00:39
A447 wrote.
"Maybe it's our most successful export."

Nah. Dame Edna Everage. But you do have the worlds most gruesomely unfriendly fauna. Even worse than the membership here.

November 2nd, 2017, 01:16
If you come across Soi dogs that are threatening, bend down and make out as if you are picking up a stone . They turn and run. Lol
I was told this by a friend, and didn't believe it, but it worked every time I tried it ..
Apparently the Thais are good shots with stones ..

November 2nd, 2017, 01:27
If you come across Soi dogs that are threatening, bend down and make out as if you are picking up a stone . They turn and run. Lol
I was told this by a friend, and didn't believe it, but it worked every time I tried it ..
Apparently the Thais are good shots with stones ..

You go for it, but I don't think I will try that. More than likely, the dog will think I'm trying to be his friend, or comr for my neck.

Either scenario, not a good idea.

You are right though, if you want a dog to listen to you, get to eye level with them. That doesn't work with street dogs who don't know you though.

November 2nd, 2017, 01:38
Still waiting on news about Leo's puberty and how it's going, Matt.

November 2nd, 2017, 01:50
Still waiting on news about Leo's puberty and how it's going, Matt.

It's good. But yes, it did happen. I'm uncertain whether or not it's over, or he's just keeping himself in check. Either way, he's been awesome lately.

Oh, and for your previous question, yes, there's probably about an 80% chance we're taking those kids. Leo wants them more than me, I wouldn't do this unless I was 100% certain we could do it, and I know full well Leo would make an mazing father, as I would.

There's still lots of hoops to jumpe through, so we'll see what happens. First we have to secure a house in Vientiane, get me across the border, then go to the village to meet the mother and two kids. Assuming that initial meeting goes well, we'll take the kids to Savannahket for a few days, just to play with them, and so I can get to know them. If that goes well, we'll go back to the village, talk with the mother again about everything, and then the mother and kids can come back home to Vientiane with us, so the mother can see our house, and know they will have a good house.

I don't know right now, but yes, there's a good chance that will happen. Don't worry, I wouldn't do it unless I was confident we were capable of doing it.

Nirish guy
November 2nd, 2017, 02:13
Funny just a few weeks ago you'd hardly a pot to piss in and were waiting on a client to pay you so you could afford to go out to dinner and now you're debating keeping (someone else) children. Tis a bride too fat this one Matt if you ask me.....I think you've over cooked your goose here my man with this Walter Mitty nonsense.

November 2nd, 2017, 02:27
French for: Every man to his taste.
Whilst they have some diverse tastes, I'm not aware of the French eating dogs.

It's the Vietnamese & Korean catering that's more likely to solve the dog problem.

November 2nd, 2017, 02:37
Yeah, and I just recently scored a $24,000 USd contract, plus others, adnd have multiple more in the pipeline.

Have you seen the rise in price of bitcoin in the last few months? There's loads of people out there with money to burn right now. Don't worry, I've made myself quite wealthy multiple times before, so I'm not worried about that. Takes about a month, and I can do it again. The online software world moves very quickly.

Ki'ms little brother who was 11 at the time lives with us for a good while, so I have a good idea what we'll be getting. Again, the mother (Leo's acount) doesn't even want them because she can't take care of them. All the while, I'm sitting here in my nice 33 bdrm house with a large yard, A/C, and about 12,000 baht of good in the kitchen, so how could I possibly say no?

And I would absolutely love to be a father. I always just assumed I would never get the chance, because I'm gay. Quite obviously, I would be a horrible single father, and that's without question. At the same time, Leo would be a horrible single father as well. The two of us together though? I'm 100% certain we would make amazing fathers together, and we'd be capable of giving those kids a far stronger, better, and more healthy life than they will ever get sitting in that village with a mother who doesn't even want them.

Again, I wouldn't do this unless I trusted Leo as much as I do, and if I didn't trust my own ability to earn a good income if / when needed. Don't worry, if we decide we're unable to take care of them, we'll give them back to the mother.

November 2nd, 2017, 02:42
Whilst they have some diverse tastes, I'm not aware of the French eating dogs.

It's the Vietnamese & Korean catering that's more likely to solve the dog problem.

Don't the Thais of Sakon Nakhon also eat dogs?
My BFs village in Buriram was raided not so log back and all the soi dogs were kidnapped... Presumed eaten now... Maybe the dognappers will hit KK soon and solve Matts problem!

Nirish guy
November 2nd, 2017, 02:53
Aye just whatever you say Matt, like I said ( or meant to say) - a bridge too far this time I fear as even your normal 50/50 doubter guys will be calling you full of it on this one I fear - but hey, knock yourself out, sure it gives us all something to post about when calling you out on your ever more crazy BS these days ;)

November 2nd, 2017, 03:23
Matt, do you honestly think you could adopt those kids, and if it doesn't work out, you just give them back to a mother who doesn't want them? These are real life children we're talking about (or maybe not). If they are real, you can't just return them - you take them for life, for good and bad. That's parenting.

November 2nd, 2017, 03:25
Good morning ....U must be on here 24/7 Mr Leprechaun ?:bo:

Must be fucking gloomy and cold sitting in your 1 bedroom flat in tha slum area in Dublin ...just to let you know im sitting my fat arse on a sunny balcony this morning overlooking the Harbour Bridge eating my bacon and eggs you [personal insult deleted]

November 2nd, 2017, 03:29
Sorry, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck.

November 2nd, 2017, 03:31
Your a [insults deleted].
It must be 11pm in Dublin right now

FFS do something with your life !

November 2nd, 2017, 03:49
It;s precisely 20.48 here in Dublin. i may live a sad life, by your standards, but I don't need to attack other members on here the way you do.

November 2nd, 2017, 04:08
There is one guy in Pattaya who feeds the street dogs every night and thats Sharkey

November 2nd, 2017, 05:05
Well your posts make my drunken rambling seem intelligent. So thanks for that.

November 2nd, 2017, 05:26
You come here and try to take our jobs you sad bastards, you are all drunk troublemakers ,

And that would be the pot calling the kettle black?

November 2nd, 2017, 05:38
Sort that little lot out Mods!

November 2nd, 2017, 07:17
Matt, do you honestly think you could adopt those kids, and if it doesn't work out, you just give them back to a mother who doesn't want them? These are real life children we're talking about (or maybe not). If they are real, you can't just return them - you take them for life, for good and bad. That's parenting.

Yes, I think Leo and myself would make great parents. I couldn't do it alone, nor could he, but together we would be amazing fathers. I wouldn't do this unless I was 100% confident. There's 3 conditions upon me taking those kids.

1.) If we decide we can't take care of them, we're allowed to give them back, and the mother can't refuse. We will know this within 30 days.

2.) If we take them, the mother isn't allowed to change her mind, and they're ours until they're finished high school. Those kids are going to be a huge amount of time, work, energy, and money. If we take them, the mother isn't allowed to change her mind a couple years, and take them back. Sorry, but you decided to give them to us, so they're ours until their finished school. After that, they will be old and well educated, and can do whatever the hell they want.

3.) The mother and father are seperated, but thankfully still on talking terms from what Leo says. I'll have a lawyer draft the proper note, and ensure it's in Laos, English, and Mandarin, then require the parents sign it, which says Leo and myself are allowed to take them out of country. They won't make the Taiwan trip, but I'll want to take them to Canada, the beaches of Vietnam, New Zealand, etc.

Don't worry, I've been thinking about this very hard for the last several weeks, as I'm sure Leo has. Leo and myself have talked about every minute detail now. For example, if those kids end up under our roof, they're not allowed to sit in their bedroom and play games all day on their phones / tablets. Leo loves sports, so he can take them outside everyday, and play sports with them. They will have two gay fathers, and that's going to be difficult on them. When we go out to a restaurant as a family, there's going to be people who make not so nice comments, and the kids will have to endure that. For at least the first couple years, until we get them caught up in school, they're probably going to go have be in classrooms with kids younger than them. They will be the stupid, old kids for about two years.

Trust me, I've thought about absolutely everything, and I'm telling you, Leo and myself would make good fathers. I'm excellent with kids myself, and have more than my fair share of experience taking care of them. And I'm 100% certain Leo would make an amazing father, as he's one of the most caring individuals I've ever met in my life.

Can I ask you a couple questions? When you were a child, did you have to listen to your parents yell and scream at each other? There's about an 80% chance that's a yes. It hurt, right? Well, these kids won't have to listen to it ever anymore, because Leo and myself simply don't do that. We believe in sitting down like rational adults, talking things out, and making our lives stronger, versus yelling and screaming like idiots. We uplift each other, and never tear each other down.

Have you ever been out to the villages in Issand / Laos? I have, loads. For years, about every rtwo weeks. Although I've never met those kids, I have a very good understanding of the current conditions they are living under. You can't tell me Leo and myself would do any worse than the lives they currently have, especially considering the parents are seperated, and the mother doesn't even want them.

Ok, this is long enough. Don't worry though, it's fine. We will listen to them, and if they decide they hate the city, and miss their lives in the villages, their mother, and their friends, then we'll do what's best for them and take them back to their mother. However, Leo seems absolutely thrilled with the life I provide, so I'm fairly confident they will feel the same.

November 2nd, 2017, 09:10
I can't understand how you think you'd make a great parent, but still reserve the right to give the kids back if it doesn't work out. That's now what real parents do.

November 2nd, 2017, 09:38
The whole thread could be moved to a section called TV Fantasy. if only such a section existed.

Little House on the Prairie....Matt
When the Boat Comes In......Joe
Sylvania Waters meet Prisoner Cell Block H.......I'll let you guess.

November 2nd, 2017, 09:42
arsenal, you can have a little fishie on a little dishie anytime you want.

November 2nd, 2017, 10:03
Thank you Joe. Your plaice or mine? Perhaps we could all get together and have a grouper hug. One member here has no sole and might cock a snook but he's just a pikey and eel be slithering away soon.

November 2nd, 2017, 10:29
Dirty filthy dogs... i killed about 4 or 5 a few years ago by poisoning the dirty bastards im sure some had German accents

And i buy a BB gun to shoot the rats at night on jomtien beach where a ton of them come out

But as for the dogs i usually buy Arsenic at a pattaya hardware stire abd use mince

I am in the "poison the fecking dogs" camp.
Semi feral dogs are a menace and should caught and neutered or spayed..but since that is not a practical solution I think poison is an acceptable alternative solution.

November 2nd, 2017, 11:14
Re Mickp hating Irish.
Being half Irish you hate at least half yourself but thats still a lot of blubber.
If the Irish steal your jobs this means that they are WORKERS.
If so they cant be drunks or troublemakers.
Troublemakers steal cash and property not jobs.
Is this too much logic all at once?

November 2nd, 2017, 11:23
Then again, if Leo and myself plan to be fathers, more than likely REM is out the window for the next three years, so I guess it doesn't matter.

OMG, is this the next chapter of this novel?

It does seem so, neddy3. From fucken dogs to adopting children all in one post. Oh, something will happen to screw up his plans but then, that is part of the ongoing saga.

November 2nd, 2017, 13:00
It won't be long before he started growing some udders in order to feed his brood.

November 2nd, 2017, 13:16
I can't understand how you think you'd make a great parent, but still reserve the right to give the kids back if it doesn't work out. That's now what real parents do.

Did you even read my previous post? Obviously, both Leo and myself are quite and scared and uncertain about doing this. Within about 30 days we will know if we're capable of taking care of those kids. I'm quite confident we will be, but there's always unexpected things that come up in life.

After that trial period, there ours until they're finished high school, and the mother loses decision making ability over them. She needs to understand that before I take them. Those two kids are going to be about $60k USD/year.

For example, try taking my dogs away from me. Have fun with that. What do you think will happen after those kids live with us for 6 months? Do you think we would ever remotely entertain the idea of allowing the mother to take them back? Yeah, not happening.

Well, I guess it will be up to the kids at that point, but I'm quite confident they're not going to want to go back with the mother if she changes her mind. Again, I've thought about every detail.

November 2nd, 2017, 14:05
.....Within about 30 days we will know if we're capable of taking care of those kids......After that trial period, they are ours until they are finished high school....

Oh, is that the way adoptions work? There is a 30 trial period and if it does not work out you can return the kids to their family?

Maybe Laos has some unusual adoption laws.

November 2nd, 2017, 14:38
Yes, bob, it's in the small print of the contract. Oh, you tell me there is no contract? This is just an informal arrangement between a blind Canadian, a pubescent boy from Laos and a poor woman from a small village. What can possibly go wrong?

November 2nd, 2017, 16:38
Joe you said in other threads that your receiving unemployment benefits and getting treatnent for alcoholism.

This is your perfect time to claim the Disability pension and go off the dole.

Isn't the DP far more than the dole?

Take what you can get from the system instead of being too honest .

November 2nd, 2017, 18:47
Under Irish social welfare rules alcoholism is not considered a disability.

November 2nd, 2017, 20:37
Again, I've thought about every detail.


Do you think the Authorities will allow a disabled, single, stateless,man with no current home and no income (and no visa or work permit) to adopt not one but two children?

Have you not considered buying into gogo bars with Micky?

November 2nd, 2017, 23:01
gerefan, When one lives in a fantasy world, as with matt, anything is possible.

November 2nd, 2017, 23:49
I am in the "poison the fecking dogs" camp.
Semi feral dogs are a menace and should caught and neutered or spayed..but since that is not a practical solution I think poison is an acceptable alternative solution.
By qualified persons, under consideration of animal protection laws, then I agree.

November 3rd, 2017, 01:02
Don't the Thais of Sakon Nakhon also eat dogs?
Yes, in Tha Rae, it might be the Vietnamese Christians who moved there to escape religious prosecution in Vietnam centuries ago who eat the dogs.

The adoption story makes sense, with 30 days test period unusual but given that Matt and Leo have no experience with raising kids, useful. I assume the kids are out of nappies and weaned off breast feeding, and maybe even past age where they wake up at night and cry, so you don't have trouble with that.

I would do it exactly the same way as Matt describes.

November 3rd, 2017, 01:26
christian, I'm sending you a PM

November 3rd, 2017, 01:54
...I assume the kids are out of nappies and weaned off breast feeding...

Given that they are 8 and 10, I'd assume so too.


November 3rd, 2017, 01:58
christian, I'm sending you a PM

Joey I hope u not telling stuff about me...I hate dobber

November 3rd, 2017, 02:26
My impression is that the Thais tend to relate to dogs in much the same way as our distant ancestors did when they first domesticated them. In other words, dogs are often not so much pets as tolerated visitors on the peripheries of communities.

Which Thais would these be?

November 3rd, 2017, 04:11
Given that they are 8 and 10, I'd assume so too.

I didn't read closely about the age. And 8 and 10 they might have problems to accept a new person as parent, whereas at age 1-4 I guess you are past all the annoyances I described in my post, but the child will accept you as parent quickly.

November 3rd, 2017, 12:19
I didn't read closely about the age. And 8 and 10 they might have problems to accept a new person as parent, whereas at age 1-4 I guess you are past all the annoyances I described in my post, but the child will accept you as parent quickly.

Not worried about that at all. For one, they already know and love Leo, and he'll be doing most of the heavy lifting when it comes to taking care of them. I'll do my best, but am obviously limited. My main responsibility will be to ensure the bank account never runs out of money, which is fine with me.

Plus I'm actually very good with kids, and have lots of experience. I do have a family with lots of nephews, nieces, cousins, etc. I've been a care taker over kids multiple times now, which is how I know I'd make a good father. If I was able to make my aunt's 11 daughter come around and like me, then I'm sure those boys will be no problem. Besides, they will probably be quite excited to have a farang father.

Another thing we've already discussed and agreed upon. Leo really wants to work, but we've agreed that for a bare minimum of 3 months, and probably closer to 6 months, he's not allowed to look for a job. He's staying at home, because not a chance he's leaving me alone with those kids during the first good while. Once the kids are settled, decide they like me, are comfortable with their new home, school, have some friends, know some of the neighbors, etc.... then Leo can look for a job. Until then, he's staying at home.

November 3rd, 2017, 15:10
So where is all this nonsense happening? Khon Khaen? Chiang Mai? Vientiane? Saigon? Phanom Phen? Prague? Dar El Salam?
8 and 10 years old you say ... I doubt any meaningful bonding will take place at that age. They'll like you because you'll feed them, hug them, buy them stuff, be really nice to them, laugh with them. Rather like an uncle, but not a dad or a mom. True bonding takes place from the departure from the womb to the first or second year.

If I knew for absolute certainty all this was actually happening I'd wish you good luck. But your head-scratching reputation is at 30% (a Trumpian figure) for me. I'll let your true believers -- are there any? -- raise the hosannas for you.
Just too much 'whattobelieve' going on with you.

November 3rd, 2017, 15:34
...But your head-scratching reputation is at 40% (a Trumpian figure) for me...

Shocking that Trump's reputation is on a par with Matt's - as it ought to be far lower

November 3rd, 2017, 15:39
Changed to 30% ... as you typed.:D:dirol_mini:

November 3rd, 2017, 17:03
So where is all this nonsense happening? Khon Khaen? Chiang Mai? Vientiane? Saigon? Phanom Phen? Prague? Dar El Salam?
8 and 10 years old you say ... I doubt any meaningful bonding will take place at that age. They'll like you because you'll feed them, hug them, buy them stuff, be really nice to them, laugh with them. Rather like an uncle, but not a dad or a mom. True bonding takes place from the departure from the womb to the first or second year.

If I knew for absolute certainty all this was actually happening I'd wish you good luck. But your head-scratching reputation is at 30% (a Trumpian figure) for me. I'll let your true believers -- are there any? -- raise the hosannas for you.
Just too much 'whattobelieve' going on with you.

It's happening in Vientiane. Keep up, Smiles.

And yep, understood, and that is the most likely scenario. My main responsibility is just to be a good provider, which is totally fine with me. I want to do it. I want to go to sleep every night knowing I'm providing two kids a good future, whereas otherwise they would have no hope at all.

And don't say they'll never love me like a father. You are right, most likely they will just love me like an uncle, but chance of loving me like a father still exists. For example, I've only known Leo for 14 months (in person), and he'd take a bullet for me if I asked him too.

Nonetheless, just being a walking ATM is fine with me too.

November 3rd, 2017, 17:16
Smiles I am sure you haved never been accused of being the sharpest knife on the rack, this thread has gone on for eight pages I am sure to the great joy of OP, surely even you realize that by posting anything on this thread feeds the troll......if everyone just stopped rising to the bait the troll would move on......hopefully

November 3rd, 2017, 18:02
Troll, do what F.H. does utilize Google Pics, search for a pic of a blind white guy with a monk and 2 pathetic looking children that should quarantee several more pages.

November 3rd, 2017, 22:41
What do you mean two sick looking children? Maybe for about the first 6 months, but that's it.

Leo is up to 63kg now, so apparently I'm doing my job properly.

November 3rd, 2017, 23:33
Puberty spurt?

He'll be starting the masturbating next - better stock up on biological washing powder.


November 4th, 2017, 00:48
Nah, Kim was the same, and gained a decent amount of weight while with me. He ate non-stop for about the 6 months, before he realized the food wasn't going to run out.

Leo was a bit different, and took some convincing to let him know's it's ok to eat, and you don't have to be sparing with the food. He's finally eating good now though, or at least I think he is.

November 4th, 2017, 01:04
You are doing a good job Matt and I applaud you for taking all that on !

Nirish guy
November 4th, 2017, 01:39
Although Matt if Leo is, as you seem to think, only now going through puberty, does that mean that for the whole period of time before then that you've actually been having sex with a prepubescent boy ..... !? Just saying....... :-P

November 4th, 2017, 01:44
Surely not, NIrish? Matt has high moral standards (allegedly)

November 4th, 2017, 02:15
Although Matt if Leo is, as you seem to think, only now going through puberty, does that mean that for the whole period of time before then that you've actually been having sex with a prepubescent boy ..... !? Just saying....... :-P

Obviously, I didn't mean actual puberty. He's had pubes since I first met him.

It's just his body is / was under developed, which is of no real surprise considering the diet he's had all his life until he began living her. Don't worry, I'm not Joe.

November 4th, 2017, 02:16
Thank God for that - I have enough trouble in my life.

November 4th, 2017, 02:18
Thank God for that - I have enough trouble in my life.

You're the one who said what you did. Be careful with your words, they're important.

November 4th, 2017, 03:31
Was listening to some music before trying to get some sleep again (stupid street dog), and through of this thread. This world could some more love, so I'll just leave this here:


Listen to his initial preamble before the song starts. I'm doing my small little part to help. Leo is now out of poverty, and there will be two more kids who will never experience poverty again if I have my way.

How about you?

November 4th, 2017, 05:17
Would an aerosol spray work? Dogs hate those like a kick in the nuts. A particularly pungent deodorant would be my suggestion.

November 4th, 2017, 05:50
Would an aerosol spray work.....

Where is sidekick #2 (ChristianPFC) when you need him - Extronaut has clearly
spelled arsehole incorrectly and it requires correction forthwith!

November 4th, 2017, 09:23
Would an aerosol spray work? Dogs hate those like a kick in the nuts. A particularly pungent deodorant would be my suggestion.

Probably not, as that dog is / was in heat, as everyone on the street was trying non-violent methods, none of which worked.

I think someone killed it last night though. It was here last night causing more of a stir than usual. Sure enough, my dogs got worked up, so I pulled them into the bedrooms quickly, so they couldn't see what was happening. About five minutes later I heard a loud *thump*, it instantly went quiet, and has stayed that way.

November 4th, 2017, 19:36
Are you allowed to carry pepper spray in Thailand?

November 4th, 2017, 22:47
Matt I hope that dog is dead
My new Vietnamese boy told me they eat them where he comes from.

November 4th, 2017, 22:54
Your Vietnamese boy is obviously low-class if he eats any old dog.

My BF will only scoff down Red Tibetan Mastiff


November 4th, 2017, 23:06
I had a Mastiff once, but it subsided after about an hour

November 4th, 2017, 23:59
An hour? How many Viagras did u pop?


November 5th, 2017, 00:32
No Viagra required.

November 5th, 2017, 01:13
Matt I hope that dog is dead
My new Vietnamese boy told me they eat them where he comes from.

Nope, still here unfortunately. I really wish the neighbor three doors down would just pull her dog in at night. Even just for a week, as that's all it would probably take. Both myself and the next door neighbor pull our dogs in at night like responsible dog owners.

So that street dog just sits in front of the other house's gate all night long, and the two dogs just stand there and have a barking match for about 8 hours straight. It's beyond annoying.

November 5th, 2017, 01:22
Matt, can you not have a word with your neighbour about them taking their dog inside, even for just a few days?

November 5th, 2017, 01:50
Call the Cops or the Council Matty