View Full Version : To cook or not to cook.

October 25th, 2017, 00:50
I hate cooking, and only do it because I have to. As a Kiwi travelling companion once put it: if you don't eat, you don't shit.. And if you don't shit, you die.

Matt is obviously an accomplished cook. And arsenal dines on roast duck. But what about the rest of us (some of whom are single men living alone). Do you enjoy cooking? Or is it one of those things you feel you have to do, like hoovering.

October 25th, 2017, 01:07
Hoovering :-( If I cook, I cook too much and start gaining weight.

October 25th, 2017, 03:19
I absolutely love to cook. I guess I've always enjoyed cooking, but now that I'm blind, I love it far more than before. You know, it's not like I can just wander around the streets by myself anymore, so if I'm going to be stuck at home like this, I might as well amuse myself in the kitchen with different flavours and cooking techniques.

Unfortunately, Leo left back to Laos this morning for another week, so looks like I'm stuck with a diet of corn flakes, microwaved hot dogs, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and delivered pizza. Oh joy! I love to cook, but it's no fun cooking for yourself. It's only good if you have someone else to cook for, so I generally eat like total garbage when he's not here.

And I don't care what Leo says, nowadays my food is delicious. I guess a while back there was a 50 / 50 chance as to whether or not the food was going to be edible. However, nowadays about 90% of the time I produce absolutely delicious food that I'm certain would be very well received by customers at a restaurant.

October 25th, 2017, 03:23
All you need now, Matt, is to build up your confidence a bit.

October 25th, 2017, 06:31
I agree with Matt - if you on your lonesome you tend to take the easy option.

For example - I am now reduced to drinking instant tea!!

I really like good tea - such as Darjeeling, but for one person I simply can't be bothered making a pot and knowing 1/2 to 2/3rds will go down the drain.

I still cook meals - I don't buy microwave shit - but after the 3rd day of eating the same casserole or by the time I get to the 4th chicken breast I've lost interest completely.

The idea of eating out on my ownio just depresses me but I'll happily dine out in company of course.

However, feasting on cock is much easier when you live alone, so everything has its compensations


October 25th, 2017, 08:09
Is cheap cock readily available in Glasgow, SG?

October 25th, 2017, 13:29
There are some pretty fucking cheap cocks on this very board Joe.

October 25th, 2017, 14:02
Is cheap cock readily available in Glasgow, SG?

With a bit of patience legal aged teens can be sourced via the Web either quite inexpensively or even for free - although the ones that are free seem to either have some "daddy" fetish going on or are into e.g. dressing up in dog costumes - which freaks me out a bit

October 25th, 2017, 16:38
When i am in Thailand I only eat breakfast in my room every other day. All other meals are eaten in restaurants. Back in the UK I cook and eat most of my meals in my room. I don't like to eat in restaurants in the UK unless I am with company. I would describe my cooking as "survival" and like SG tend to cook things that will last a few days and get fed up with the same thing.

October 25th, 2017, 17:57
That describes me almost to a tee, pennyboy. Although I don't ever have breakfast in my room in Thailand - always eat out. When I was a kid we ate the same thing every day, meaning on a Monday we'd have leftovers from whatever meat we had on Sunday, on Tuesday it was stew. Wednesday was egg and chips while Thursday was the 2nd outing for the stew. Friday was egg and chips again, and Saturday was a coddle. Sunday was the biggie - either corned beef or ham boiled to bits, or very occasionally, a small roast beef. I'm sure that's how I turned into the strapping man you see before you (well, Matt can)

October 25th, 2017, 20:45
However, feasting on cock is much easier when you live alone, so everything has its compensations:D

Wow, Scotty! I had no idea you were so flexible! Lucky you!

I don't cook. For dinner I eat out every day, either at restaurants or with friends in their homes.

I don't like eating alone in restaurants in Australia but don't mind it at all when I travel.

When I have a party at my place I just get someone in to do the cooking. That way, I also get to enjoy
the party.

When I travel, eating is one of the main attractions for me.

October 25th, 2017, 20:55
Ooh, now that's posh, a447. How much would it cost to have say 5 friends over for dinner?

October 25th, 2017, 22:08
Looks like it is quite common for single gentlemen of a certain maturity to prepare survival meals for solitary consumption and avoid eating in restaurants at a table for one. I am quite the same, though I live with a Vietnamese partner. When we started out, there was an attempt to share dinners consisting of foods that we could both enjoy. Soon it became apparent that he could enjoy western food much more easily than I could Vietnamese food. Now we mostly eat at home. He cooks for himself or orders delivery of Vietnamese food and I do my survival cooking of western dishes. My latest success was steamed chicken breasts with mango chutney. But that was an anomaly. More common would be a hamburger.

October 25th, 2017, 22:20
Ooh, now that's posh, a447. How much would it cost to have say 5 friends over for dinner?

No, not really posh.

I don't know how much it costs to invite people over for dinner, but don't forget that I also get invited back, so it all evens out.

October 26th, 2017, 18:51
Is this the season for breasts?
A while ago Arsenal was working on his duck, and just now bobsaigon2 got his hands busy on chicken breasts. Both species are feathered. Oh juicy breasts sans tits.

October 26th, 2017, 19:52
There are some pretty fucking cheap cocks on this very board Joe.

We call them cheap pricks in the States.

October 26th, 2017, 22:51
The one thing in my life that is perfect: I have no kitchen, I don't store ingredients, I have no kitchen utensils, I can't cook, I don't have to cook (in Germany my mother takes care of that, in Thailand I eat out) and I don't want to cook.

In Thailand, my food preparation is restricted to toast with cheese for breakfast in my room, all other meals I eat out in restaurants.

This whole eating-shitting-peeing business is a big nuisance. Unless I'm having interesting conversations over a meal, I wish I could just charge my energy in a power plug.

October 27th, 2017, 10:24
...This whole eating-shitting-peeing business is a big nuisance...

The alternative isn't that attractive either


October 27th, 2017, 16:30

This whole eating-shitting-peeing business is a big nuisance.

Some of my most pleasurable experiences in life have been when I was desperately in need of a shit and the sheer joy in finding a suitable place to deposit the offending load. Absolute bliss!

October 27th, 2017, 16:53
Your apparent joy is shared by the various species of ruminating ungulates.