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View Full Version : Do thai boys tell sick buffalo stories to wealthy thais too?

July 17th, 2006, 04:10
I have another thai boy telling me that his money got stolen, and he ran out of money this month. Later on, he told me his cell phone was broken...etc.
Why do thai boys always tell sick buffalo stories (or other stories to ask for money) to farangs? Do they tell these stories to the wealthy thais too?
if not, do thai boys think only farangs are stupid enough to believe those stories? :cyclopsani:

July 17th, 2006, 04:17
Why assume that rich Thais would ever mix, socially or sexually, with bar boys? However, if a rich Thai ever did take up with a social inferior he would understand without it having to be explained to him, that his role is benefactor and patron - that's the Thai way

It's been said over and over again in this Forum - you think you're the Thai guy's boyfriend, he thinks you're his patron. Unless you face up to that reality you're going forever to feel ripped off and used, the "walking ATM" and all those other cliches we hear week after week from people who simply don't understand or accept their role in the relationship

In fact it's no different from the "kept" boy in the West - other than most people who post here want to ignore reality, perfectly exemplified in the following declension:

My boyfriend is a dancer
Your boyfriend is a go-go boy
His boyfriend is a prostitute

July 17th, 2006, 04:24
Last one i had was from a waiter at the shangri la in bkk.

he told me he had an accident while serving in the restaurant and spilled soup all over a guest. the guest wanted him to pay 22,000 for cleaning/replacing the mans clothes.

I wrote back - do you mean Turkish Lira?

July 17th, 2006, 04:27
Why assume that rich Thais would ever mix, socially or sexually, with bar boys? However, if a rich Thai ever did take up with a social inferior he would understand without it having to be explained to him, that his role is benefactor and patron - that's the Thai way

It's been said over and over again in this Forum - you think you're the Thai guy's boyfriend, he thinks you're his patron. Unless you face up to that reality you're going forever to feel ripped off and used, the "walking ATM" and all those other cliches we hear week after week from people who simply don't understand or accept their role in the relationship

In fact it's no different from the "kept" boy in the West - other than most people who post here want to ignore reality, perfectly exemplified in the following declension:

My boyfriend is a dancer
Your boyfriend is a go-go boy
His boyfriend is a prostitute
Why should the Thai in a multiculural Thai/farang relationship be the one to DEFINE all of the rules of the relationship? Maybe we should accept and embrace everything Thai and start picking our noses in public.

July 17th, 2006, 04:48
Why assume that rich Thais would ever mix, socially or sexually, with bar boys? However, if a rich Thai ever did take up with a social inferior he would understand without it having to be explained to him, that his role is benefactor and patron - that's the Thai way....

no, this boy I was referring to was not a bar boy. He has a full time job with low/average thai salary....similiar to Oogleman's hotel waiter boy, so these boys are social inferior too?

July 17th, 2006, 04:50
no, this boy I was referring to was not a bar boy. He has a full time job with low/average thai salary....similiar to Oogleman's hotel waiter boy, so these boys are social inferior too?Absolutely

July 17th, 2006, 04:53
no, this boy I was referring to was not a bar boy. He has a full time job with low/average thai salary....similiar to Oogleman's hotel waiter boy, so these boys are social inferior too?Absolutely
If they are young and cute, they are socially SUPERIOR in the eyes of most gay farang. Gotta love meritocracy.

July 17th, 2006, 09:29
To the Thai in the street it's a very simple equation: a Thai is with you therefore s/he is a prostitute and you are his/her customer. The greater the age difference the more obvious the inference. The usual circumstance where that doesn't apply is that you are wearing a suit (or at least a tie) and you are with a group of Thais, also wearing suits, so clearly you are doing business together

July 17th, 2006, 13:02
Why do thai boys always tell sick buffalo stories (or other stories to ask for money) to farangs? ... do thai boys think only farangs are stupid enough to believe those stories? :cyclopsani:

Why, because we, or some of us, do believe them and feel suitably stupid afterwards. I feel I may have been taken in by a few of these stories when I first visited Thailand over a year ago but felt that since then I had developed a thick skin. I previously posted on how hard it is to say 'no' when presented with a forlorn looking Thai guy who has tears in his eyes and I asked board members what does one do. My most recent experience began a few months back when one guy who I had got to know as an occassional talking buddy explained that he was seriously ill and due to an accident had little time left for this world (3 months). He was indeed looking very sick (seriously sick) and although I had some reservations I believed him. He needed money for the doctor for injections to ease the pain and to move back to his parents home to recover. After having this all confirmed by his friends (possibly a mistake) I forked out the small sum of 1500 baht for injections and to help with the taxi home (I know this is only a smalll sum but others could spend significantly more). I know he went home but was back in Pattaya four days later. Recently I met up with him and he has started a new training course that will last a year which he joyfully explained will allow him to become a trainer himself, forgetting all about the 'oncoming death' story. He then went on to ask me for money for the sick mother of a friend of his I know - this time I politely refused several times before he went on his way.

Ok, I only forked out 1500 baht (something I could afford) and yes I was stupid, but others beware and don't go spending money you cannot afford and don't believe everything you hear. Even if the stories are true, it is not your role to be the one who corrects all societies ills and personal misfortunes, unless of course you wish to take on that super-hero persona.

Being a concerned foreigner, wanting to be nice, wanting to be liked and of course being downright stupid. I am all these things and more and I think as long as there are people like me visiting Thailand, the sick buffalo stories will continue.

July 17th, 2006, 14:59
Why do thai boys always tell sick buffalo stories (or other stories to ask for money) to farangs?

Because it works.

July 17th, 2006, 15:07
Maybe we should accept and embrace everything Thai and start picking our noses in public.

The other day my Thai teacher and I were discussing nose-picking (and why not?). When I said that Westerners consider it impolite in public she agreed with me and said it was only something that Thai country bumpkins did; she herself wouldn't dream of doing it. The very next day, during our lesson, she spent several minutes merrily cleaning the wax out of her ears.

July 17th, 2006, 15:42
And sometimes it's worth the baht to get rid of one who keeps stalking you.
There's one the num call, 'Mama,' who pimps dancers from the Isan club. Sample the wares once, he's like cross between a pit bull and a Mafia protection salesman! So when he asked to borrow 1,000 baht I jumped at the chance!
It's been Happily Ever After: going on nine years now; Madam approaches, I raise my hand, palm up Egyptian style and sweetly whisper, "Pan baht krabp!"
I'm sure David Copperfield couldn't make someone disappear faster.

July 17th, 2006, 17:08
Why do thai boys always tell sick buffalo stories (or other stories to ask for money) to farangs? Do they tell these stories to the wealthy thais too? if not, do thai boys think only farangs are stupid enough to believe those stories? :cyclopsani:

When I had an office in Bangkok, I even got these silly stories from our (supposedly superiour Chula/Thommasat graduate...) engineers and regional managers. So my guess is, yes, they really think only farangs are that stupid as to believe this rubbish.

FYI - my solution was to allow each employee one day off a month (in addition to holidays agreed upon in their contracts), that they were told to reserve in case of an emergency (and which they usually used to have a long weekend). The result: no more sick relative stories.

July 17th, 2006, 18:17
looking like one you would Edith.

Have you ever considered the story may be true ?

Read former Rolling Stone magazine journalist Jerry Hopkin's "Thailand Confidential" and he will tell the sad tale of his Thai wife's sick gay buffallo named Tooey ( after Katooey) who was very ill and died and she cried for days !!

July 17th, 2006, 18:42
I know of one boy who was very misfortunate,he had almost with out any help put the buffalo on to the endanger species list. Then more misfortune his father while riding his new motor bike (the boys) ran in to a buffalo and killed it and damaged the bike.The health of his father was never disscused but then again his father had died two years before. Just take the story at face value and have a laugh about it we did and are now the best of friends.

July 18th, 2006, 06:30
Why assume that rich Thais would ever mix, socially or sexually, with bar boys? However, if a rich Thai ever did take up with a social inferior he would understand without it having to be explained to him, that his role is benefactor and patron - that's the Thai way....

no, this boy I was referring to was not a bar boy. He has a full time job with low/average thai salary....similiar to Oogleman's hotel waiter boy, so these boys are social inferior too?

All Thai boys have this inbuilt ability to sniff out farangs who are obsessed by age, looks and status - farangs who, no matter how long their association with Thailand, are unable to grasp the concepts of nam jai, jai dee and kreng jai. Farangs who import, and who are unable to let go of, their western ways of looking at the world. Fortunately it allows the fat bald old poofs to scoop up all the suay mak boys who prefer affection and stablility to a quick shag with a young but stinky farang :geek:

July 18th, 2006, 08:21
Thats kind of a racist post in so many ways.

July 18th, 2006, 08:36
All Thai boys have this inbuilt abilityIs this genetic? All Thai boys!