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October 12th, 2017, 12:36
No, it's not Matt posting using my name. I'm just chatting to my friend in Pattaya, and he tells me he's been offered a job as a masseuse in fucking Morocco, of all places. I'm just astounded. This guy is from Laos, and had lived in Pattaya for a few years, but moving to Morocco?

October 12th, 2017, 12:45
Joe wrote.
"No, it's not Matt posting using my name."

Well it might as well be.

October 12th, 2017, 13:23
The first time I saw Joe use the term "Murican", I thought it was a strange typo, meant to be "Moroccan". Finally learned that I am a "Murican". :)

But to the point: I doubt there are many Moroccan young men or women trained to do therapeutic massage, and the hairy 50 year old men from the hammams would not possess the finesse to massage clients at a high end hotel. So maybe the Rabat Intercontinental or similar wants to add a bit of the "exoticque" to their fitness program by inviting an Asian to join their staff. Not sure how well that would work out since the main languages are Moroccan Arabic and French, with English also required for some international guests.

But if the job offer is not from a five star establishment, I would recommend that the Lao guy stay firmly rooted to Laos or Thailand.

October 12th, 2017, 14:19
Do let us know how this works out Joe - Thai go-go boys (even former ones) getting a Visa to anywhere is always handy information

October 12th, 2017, 14:33
SG I don't think he was ever a go go boy. Since I first chatted to him on Skype, he worked at an internet cafe on Soi Bukow (or however it's spelled/spelt). It seems that in the couple of years I haven't been to Pattaya, he has trained as a masseuse. I think bob's advice about only going for a high end hotel is the right kind of information. I'll surely pass that on (stop calling me Shirley)

October 12th, 2017, 15:25
I am friends with a massage boy who travels a lot. Some Thai person organizes the trip
for him and other massage boys. He was recently in Gaza and one of the Emirates. He told me
there were other Thais working but the largest group was from Morocco.
He said police problems were constant. He’s also been to Australia and Europe many times.

October 12th, 2017, 15:27
....yes momma...I get job in pattaya...i'm waiter....yeah right?! Momma is not soooo stupid after all poppa came home with a sloppy hole and enough cash to build a 2 storey concrete house.

October 12th, 2017, 15:41
latinpox, not for the first time, one of your posts has me just shaking my head and saying WTF?

October 12th, 2017, 16:04
nothing I can do if you are addled by the very fact that u r irish...

October 12th, 2017, 16:20
Be careful this isn't one of those "jobs" where they confiscate his passport upon arrival, and begin dica\tating him that he's now in debt to them for the flight + VISA fees, and he has to work it off before getting his passport back.

Happends all the time, so warn him about it.

October 12th, 2017, 16:26
Most of Joe's posts sound like they've been written by Roald Dahl which is a little strange but at the same time they really irritate Latin so.........dilemma's dilemma's.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 16:48
Joe as some have already said that guy being offered "massage" work in another Country is not weird at all, I have several Thai friends who have travelled to all sorts of places to work across Arabia ( and Europe), as long as they know what to expect it's ok. None of them love it and most are glad to get home again and few come back "rich" as they were promised.

But I'm guessing most look at it as a chance to travel, try something different, yes maybe make a bit of good extra money over their usual 1000 baht short time extras jobs, but most also have tales of being treated like shite, both by the management of the massage parlours / knocking shops and of having to work long hours ( whether they like it or not), having little time off and yes some having issues with their getting their passports back in a timely manner etc. As Matt says do just make sure that your guy is aware of those risks too.

But re your how weird is this, no, not so much.

October 12th, 2017, 16:51
oh no...now we r gonna get a whole list of tales of woe...how the poor innocent thai masseurs were conned into working long hours...with a good bit of sexual slavery thrown in......i can hardly wait.

October 12th, 2017, 17:19
I foresee shenanigans with tagine, hummus and dare I be so bold.........a camel.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 17:28
No, the camel went home.....apparently he got the hump !

October 12th, 2017, 17:31
There you go again NIrish. Nicking all Scottish's material while he broods in his peaty crofters cottage twiddling with his Gorbals.

October 12th, 2017, 17:42
He doesn't strike me as being a naive young boy - he's 24 and has lived in Pattaya, away from his family in Laos, for some years. I think he'll be well able to take care of himself, but all the points raised above are valid. I'll talk with him more about this.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 17:45
Oha nd by the way Joe if he's the same guy who claims on grindr etc to work in "an internet cafe in that Soi" ( which I doubt actually exists ) and he's a thin guy with slightly Arab looks I'm guessing he can look after himself as he's been around for quite a while now as it quite the busy boy as he's a great "performer" :)

October 12th, 2017, 17:51
Apparently he doesn't work in the internet cafe any more, but is a massage teacher. And that's why he's been asked to go to Morocco. Of course, this could be a load of bollox, but I tend to believe him.

October 12th, 2017, 18:21
Right, this is getting ridiculous.

I'm not saying that Joe's guy is a sex worker but some of the instances others are mentioning definitely sound to me like the boys being mentioned as "massage boys" are essentially sex workers.

We are being expected to believe that sex workers are routinely being granted Visas to travel in Europe?

Have you any idea how difficult it is for a non-wealthy Thai with a regular job and cash in the bank to get a Visa for anywhere in Europe?

There are regularly employed guys in the UK who are legally married to Thai women and have kids by them who can't even a Visa for their legal spouse allowing her into the country - and you're trying to tell us that sex workers can just travel in and out of Europe with no problem?

Sorry, I just don't buy it

October 12th, 2017, 18:55
I know a Thai guy aged about 25 who worked in a beer bar in Sunne. Through a friend of friend he got a job in a massage shop in Abu Dhabi for something like $2000 per month.
However deductions for accommodation etc would be made. The contract was for 2 years.
After 6 months he could take no more of the constant demand for sex from the customers.
He quit but his boss would not agree to let him citing the contract conditions.
He finally was allowed to leave (after he threatened some risky action) but he had to pay $2000 dollars.
Basically these places are private happy ending clubs.

October 12th, 2017, 21:48
That's what I'm concerned about FRM.

And SG. this isn't about getting into Europe - it's about Morocco.

October 12th, 2017, 21:57
Well, Europe was mentioned in posts #6 and #12.

A year or so ago, a poster on this board told us about a guy in Pattaya who had taken up a job in the Middle East as a "masseur". He was having a difficult time and wanted to return but his employer wouldn't let him leave. The poster in question (paperboy?) offered to pay his airfare.

Nirish guy
October 13th, 2017, 00:15
Are we are being expected to believe that sex workers are routinely being granted Visas to travel in Europe?

Ah, yes SG ?? Obviously they're not putting themselves down as sex workers I'm sure and maybe listing as tourists or whatever but them being able to gain access has been very common for a long time.

Are you sure you're not getting confused with them getting their visas into the UK and Ireland which is of course albeit neigh on impossible it seems for some.

But in terms of them travelling to Europe either for a holiday or yes to even work then that's just standard Schengen Area visa stuff and that covering the 26 European Countries who are signed up for that and basically as long as a Thai guy finds and EU guy ( living within the Schengen area) who will sign their application form showing themselves as the Thai guys sponsor, basically saying he'll take financial responsibility for them etc, then thats it, they're in.

All very simple, quick and easy and I know many many Thai guys and guys from other places such as Bali etc who all use this facility quite a lot, in fact one of my Bali friends just in the Netherlands only just this week.

It is absolutely infuriating watching them come and go throughout Europe knowing that they can't make it the last wee bit over to us here, assuming they've got their Schengen visa in place as it which allows them up to six months unhindered travel basically anywhere in Europe (except the UK and Ireland ). I'm actually more surprised just that you hadn't heard of this before?

This by the way SG ( as I'm guessing you're sitting there scratching your head about this) is and was no different to my Flipino ( who wasn't a British citizen back then) having to go to the Consulate in Edinburgh to apply for a Schengen Visa to enable us to go on holiday to Spain together. They checked his basic details and his return flight ticket to the UK and issued him the visa in minutes. Likewise If he'd of decided he wanted to go and stay there for 6 months he'd of simply produced the form with the sponspors details on it and after a suitable time to allow them to check those details he'd of probably been issued with that visa ( and multiple entry visas too) if he wished.

Like I say which makes it even MORE frustrating and the hope the British and Irish Governments have decided we should all jump through simply to get a few cute bar boys over for some fun - especially when you look at who they ARE allowing into our bloody Countries sometimes !

October 13th, 2017, 01:17
That's what I'm concerned about FRM.

And SG. this isn't about getting into Europe - it's about Morocco.
The guy I know who went to Abu Dhabi was introduced to an agency by a friend of a friend who has just come back. Part of the problem was the boy himself because he's pretty low key and shy.
The worry is that if things went wrong Islamic law might come down heavily on the foreign masseur.
Your friend needs to meet some of the Thais who have been in Morocco already doing this work. Generally it's organised by an agent here through an agent there.

October 13th, 2017, 01:25
I've just spoken again with him on Facebook, and he seems determined to do this. He's ambitious, and sees this as a good opportunity to travel and see something of the world. I admire him for that, but I'm still concerned. Is this how parents feel when their offspring flee the nest?

October 13th, 2017, 02:14
I've just spoken again with him on Facebook, and he seems determined to do this. He's ambitious, and sees this as a good opportunity to travel and see something of the world. I admire him for that, but I'm still concerned. Is this how parents feel when their offspring flee the nest?
I don't think this how they feel unless they're incestuous buggers.
You can't be accused of that in this case.

October 13th, 2017, 02:19
I've just spoken again with him on Facebook, and he seems determined to do this. He's ambitious, and sees this as a good opportunity to travel and see something of the world. I admire him for that, but I'm still concerned. Is this how parents feel when their offspring flee the nest?

Keep your Facebook open. In about 3 - 6 months you should have a message from him pleading, "please, please help me!".

October 13th, 2017, 02:38
You may well be right, Matt. And if that happened, I'd do what I could to help him out. He's a decent guy, who wants to get some experience of the world. Much like me when I was 24 and ended up on a kibbutz in Israel. He's for sure not you're average bar boy.

Nirish guy
October 13th, 2017, 03:43
If he wants to travel and see some of the world I doubt working in a massage shop with guys coming in dusk till dawn demanding to rough fuck him or else is probably the best way to do that perhaps.

I know a thai friend of mine who was ( and he wouldn't mind me saying it) one of the horniest, dirtiest fuckers I knew and who could have have a line up of farang waiting for him of a night and he'd of happily fucked them all and came back for more at the end) went to Dubai or somewhere like that and came back after a few months having hated it as he was groped and pulled and basically used as sex slave ( but not in a good way) but every other guy that came in for their "massage" and when he complained to the boss he was told "tough get on with it, it's why you're here" basically.

Again this was guy who could take the heat and could and did handle a LOT of farang in Pattaya but he said there was a whole different ball game and he felt and was used like a piece of meat, with zero rights, plus he said the Arab men were always very rough with him and often physically hurt him and certainly didn't ask or care if they were hurting him or care was he ok or not when he was being fucked etc, ( sorry i do realise the latin is probably getting off on that, that wasn't my intention).

As someone else mentioned too I think above the place he'd been sent too was constantly getting harassed and threatened by the police and the shop had to move a few times and he then had to also up sticks and go with them and he said his only saving grace was that he'd gone with a friend and the two of them looked out for each other otherwise it would have been a lot worse.

So tell your friend to be SURE that he knows what he's letting himself in for perhaps before departing and make sure he has a suitable "out" - and also to try not to give his passport over to anyone for any reason - but I'm guessing that will be a condition of his employment - which is another good reason why I'd say no if I were him.

October 13th, 2017, 04:02
Thanks NIrish, that is exactly what I'm afraid of. I'll talk to him again tomorrow, but I think his mind is made up on this. I guess I'll just have to be ready to help out, if needed.

October 13th, 2017, 07:13
So I guess we're not talking about employment at the Rabat Intercontinental fitness salon. I never knew about these other establishments. In this case, if I were your friend, I would only accept the job offer if he knows other Thai guys who have done the same and have been pleased with their experience. But I suppose your friend's sense of adventure will win out and caution will be thrown to the winds.

October 13th, 2017, 07:45
I fear you're exactly right, bob.

October 13th, 2017, 08:41
..actually nirish had you been careful attention to my informative posts you would have gathered that I dont mislead the MB, its the MB who believes that once he's naked and doing half a job that he deserves double the agreed upon cash.
I merely point out that we had agreed on x, y and a bit of z....all for BHT900....and if he's not willing to perform then the deal needs renegotiation.
After all if I order a ham and cheese toasted on rye and they hand me a ham sandwich on white...Im not gonna be paying the same..now am I??

October 13th, 2017, 09:16
Joe wrote.
"Thanks NIrish, that is exactly what I'm afraid of. I'll talk to him again tomorrow, but I think his mind is made up on this. I guess I'll just have to be ready to help out, if needed."

Well that's jolly decent of you Joe but considering you've told us you don't have any money to buy a packet of cigarettes I can't see what help you'll be able to give. A text message with a smiley face perhaps, as long a you've paid the phone bill.

And Latin I think you should get some nice pickle in that sandwich and it should come with a few crisps (salt and vinegar) and a nice salad garnish but probably check with Matt on that as he's opening a restaurant in Laos.

October 13th, 2017, 10:28
Right, Matt's going to get 120,000 baht in bitcoin today, take his "husband" out to dinner, and use whatever bit coinage is left over to open a restaurant in Laos. Could happen. :D

October 13th, 2017, 13:17
arsenal, I may not always have cash in my pocket, but I do have access to a family, always willing to help out. Shame you don't appear to have the same support in your life.

October 13th, 2017, 13:49
Well I don't need that kind of support Joe but you're very lucky to have sisters who can organise cigarettes for you, a man in his 50s.

October 13th, 2017, 14:33
I'm actually in my 60s. Did I mention it's my 62nd birthday on 9 January, the day I arrive in Pattaya?

October 13th, 2017, 15:15
..It is absolutely infuriating watching them come and go throughout Europe knowing that they can't make it the last wee bit over to us here...

Given that there's no border between the Republic and NI (or mainland UK for that matter) I'd be tempted just to walk him though, wouldn't you?

I spent years saying "fuck your (anti-gay) laws" and it certainly wouldn't bother me to flout that one.


But, no I wasn't aware that Schengen Visas were so readily available and happy to stand corrected

I don't want to rake over my own immigration saga again but on Tues next week the BF has an interview for
a UK Tourist Visa - yeah you read that right a fucking interview for a shitty Tourist Visa. Puts it all into perspective doesn't it.

I've been disappointed so many times I'm honestly not expecting it to go well but I guess you never know so fingers crossed.

October 13th, 2017, 16:08
Why don't you get him to Calais, call him juvenile and you'll have a queue of middle-aged divorcees willing to take him in for mothering and no questions will be asked.
It's a big thing in Sweden now. The females hit the wall SJWs have been showing a distinct preference for the young male migrants while ignoring the women and children.
Your problem will be tearing him away from all that Apple pie and furtive nookie.

October 13th, 2017, 16:28
Well the wonderful news is that Bitcoin has soared in value to $5243.00 so the next time you need a packet of fags just send Matt a quick SOS and he can whizzy some lovely BCs to your local 7eleven right there from his.bed.

Someone who has just 100 Bitcoins at the start of the year would now be looking,at a gain of......wait for it......$427'400.
"Whoooooooopeeeeeeeeeeeee." Cries Matt.

October 13th, 2017, 16:32
arsenal, I have to admit that Bitcoins are another modern invention I don't understand. Shit, I can't manage real money, what would happen if I got into Bitcoins?

Nirish guy
October 13th, 2017, 16:32
To be fair my Bf had to go to Edinburgh for the very same "interview" - and only after going was told by the cheeky cunt who works there ( you didn't even have to come here you know you could have did this in Belfast - after him checking that first and being told by someone else in that office that he couldn't)

And re the Republic of Ireland they have exactly the same immigration rules as the Uk in this regard, so whilst you can get guys into and onto mainland europe you just can't easily get them across onto British or Irish soil thereafter and they are actually upping the random checks at the border now searching for people already living in the South trying to nip cross and do exactly what you suggest.

Accordingly it wouldn't be the first time that I've had to go to Amsterdam to hook up with a few Thai friends for weekends of fun after they've escaped from their sponsors grip for a few nights to go see their "thai friends" in Amsterdam !

Like I say so bloody infuriating when you see who is being let into the County as its always a case of so near but yet still so far !

October 13th, 2017, 20:36
To be fair my Bf had to go to Edinburgh for the very same "interview" ..

Sorry NIrish but I don't understand this - obviously I've missed something.

Much to my disappointment and general chagrin, Edinburgh is in the UK - so how would your BF come to be in Edinburgh getting an interview for a UK Visa?

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 07:05
Yep, you missed the part where I said we were going on holiday Spain, hence he had to apply for the same ( Schengen) visa as any Asian guy would need if they wanted to visit Europe - the closest Spanish embassy to us being in Edinburgh. So whilst I realise that you were taking about your BF needing to do that for his UK visa application my point was that was the same basic process that both of them had to go through - the only difference being that my guy had a 99% chance of getting his visa approved, whereas yours as you know only too well tends to be 50 bloody 50 just and seems to just depend more on just whatever mood the immigration officer happens to be in that day more like !

October 14th, 2017, 07:20
NIrish, I'd have thought his "permission" to stay in the UK would also apply to the rest of the EU. I'm obviously wrong on that one.

October 14th, 2017, 07:23
Would that not be a Consulate rather than an Embassy?
I find that Consulates are more accommodating than Embassies.
For one thing many are self funding so they need the fees and thus they tend to be more customer friendly.
If you have a choice avoid Embassies-they're more demanding in terms of paperwork etc.
Of course Consulates can handle only a limited range of services.

October 14th, 2017, 07:32
Someone who has just 100 Bitcoins at the start of the year would now be looking,at a gain of......wait for it......$427'400.
"Whoooooooopeeeeeeeeeeeee." Cries Matt.
Which rather makes a mockery of his periodic cries of being poor, and moaning about his rent in Khon Kaen

October 14th, 2017, 07:36
NIrish, I'd have thought his "permission" to stay in the UK would also apply to the rest of the EU. I'm obviously wrong on that one.I'm not sure that "permission to stay" in one EU country automatically means "permission to stay" in every EU country. That's why refugees who land in Italy (for example) are desperate to get to the UK before applying for permission to stay. If their permission to stay in Italy gave them automatic right of entry to the UK there would be no point of travelling to Calais and hoping to each the UK

October 14th, 2017, 07:40
I find that Consulates are more accommodating than Embassies.You're confused. A Consulate handles Visas, an Embassy handles diplomatic relations, issues with their own citizens abroad etc. There is usually a Consulate attached to an Embassy, with employees who report to their Embassy superiors. There are also "local" Consulates in cities other than the capital city of a country who are solely responsible for Visa type activities, and they may be staffed by locals with a fair degree of autonomy and discretion. That's certainly the Thai model, but I'm not sure it applies generally

October 14th, 2017, 08:51
Consulates can be thought of of as foreign countries 'one sop shops' . A sort of government council office that deal with nuts and bolts administrative issues. The Embassy is quite different and is the sovereign territory of the country that owns it. So for example commit murder in the American Embassy in London and only the UK government stands between the murderer and the death penalty.

October 14th, 2017, 08:57
Consulates can be thought of of as foreign countries 'one sop shops'.Quite so -
"Sop - a thing of no great value given or done as a concession to appease someone whose main concerns or demands are not being met"

October 14th, 2017, 09:05
I could edit but actually I think you're right, to a 't'.

October 14th, 2017, 16:29
Thanks for the diplomatic clarification.
What gave rise to my post was NIrish stating that the closest Spanish Embassy to him was in Edinburgh.
This would imply that Spain has recognised Scotland as an independent nation.
It also implies that our colleague here Mr. NIrish has in turn recognised Spain's recognition of Scotland's independence unless of course that North Ireland has achieved Independence in itself and thus our colleague is simply going by the new nation's policy vis a vis Scotland's Independence.
Re. Embassies V Consulates.
I take the point that Consulates deal with nuts and bolts issues such as Visas. However I found that Consulates often do not handle all grades of Visa.
Often the more 'serious' ones are handled only in an Embassy.

October 14th, 2017, 16:34
Whilst NIrish sorts out FRMs post - I'll just say sorry to him for missing out the bit about his BF wanting to go to Spain


October 14th, 2017, 16:57
Of all the EU members, is it only the UK and Ireland who are not part of the Schengen area?

October 14th, 2017, 17:27
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania, Ireland, UK are in EU but outside Schengen - but Romania and Bulgaria are in the process of joining.

Additionally, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are in Schengen but outside EU

October 14th, 2017, 18:26
Thanks SG

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 19:17
NIrish, I'd have thought his "permission" to stay in the UK would also apply to the rest of the EU. I'm obviously wrong on that one.

You are. His permission to stay in the Uk was exactly that and no more. it is and was a crazy situation where he was allowed in to the UK with a right to remain indefinitely ( for life) BUT no one in Government had the bright idea of linking that with UK citizens right to travel freely within the EU ! Totally ridiculous situation. I remember querying it at the time with the Home office and amazingly they told me it wasn't an over sight but an intentional choice on one of the Governments parts ( I think the UK's) so that THEY couldn't be held responsible as the "guarantor" type thing.

Thankfully he now his his full British citizenship in place so the above is no longer an issue, but for the few years that we were dating when he didn't it was a REAL pain. I actually live about 30 minutes from the border of Southern Ireland and as there is no "actual" border ( physically I mean) it just normal that people here nip up and down to go to the various towns for shopping and things and he couldn't ( we did but shouldn't have) and when I rang the Irish Government to ask was there NO type of visa he could get in the long term for that the guy literally told me to ignore it as "he" wasn't the sort of "illegal immigrant" they were looking for or interested in - mind you try telling THAT to some Irish police man as he asked for your papers and you end up in a hold cell says I to him - he didn't have any answer.

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 19:21
Would that not be a Consulate rather than an Embassy?

Yes sorry you are absolutely right right about that, I didn't put much thought into that part of the detail when typing and just used the first word that came into my head but on thinking about it ( and checking) yes, it was the Spanish "Consulate" in Edinburgh.

October 14th, 2017, 19:30
Yes sorry you are absolutely right right about that, I didn't put much thought into that part of the detail when typing and just used the first word that came into my head but on thinking about it ( and checking) yes, it was the Spanish "Consulate" in Edinburgh.
I don't know much about these affairs.
My handle is meant to be ironic-a play on the Thai mantra "Farang Ru Mak Mai Dee - but irony has to be very obtuse here before it sticks but never mind.
I thought that with a double Independence achieved for N. Ireland & Scotland we could all tell 'Arsenal' et al to go suck eggs.

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 19:42
Thanks for the diplomatic clarification. What gave rise to my post was NIrish stating that the closest Spanish Embassy to him was in Edinburgh. This would imply that.......

Ha I see where you're going with that and your logic makes perfect sense - except none of those things ACTUALLY applied and in fact the truth is much less explosive - but still all the more annoying for me at the time as a) my BF was told he'd need a Schengen Visa and to get it from CONSULATE :-) of the EU Country he intended visit - so we went and checked and there were four consulates that were practical - they were located in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.

Now Dublin is a simple 45 minute drive for us so I thought great we'll go there BUT !!!! I then realised that for him to be legally allowed in to Southern Ireland to go to Dublin ( 45 minutes away) he would in fact need an IRISH visitors visa to enter the South ! and as we WERE going to request a visa I figured it would be a bit much wheeling up to their desk as an actual technical illegal immigrant in one Country whilst then asking for a visa to their own Country - not to mention he could in fact have ended up being arrested then ! Also also then discovered THAT those visitors visas are only available ( as SG found out) only issued after by interview and the closest office they offered for that was London !

So, Edinburgh believe it or not turned out to be the easiest option all round just as we tied it in with a nice weekend there where I / we visited the Royal Yacht Britannia ( which I really enjoyed).

The MOST maddening part of the whole disaster was that on arrival in Edinburgh the cheeky fucker who worked there said " so what the hell did you come all the way here for as you could have applied for this by post you know !" ( we had previously clearly checked that with his very office and were told that "no, that wasn't an option" )- Damned those thran Scots, making up the rules as they go along - almost as well as the Thai's !

October 14th, 2017, 19:59
Sounds like an absolute nightmare, NIrish. So your BF now has "leave to remain" in the UK and that allows him to travel within the EU? Sorry, I wasn't quite clear how it all ended up.

October 14th, 2017, 20:04
..we could all tell 'Arsenal' et al to go suck eggs.

I'm sure Head Judge Len has sucked, or at least licked plenty of "eggs" in his time


Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 20:16
Sounds like an absolute nightmare, NIrish. So your BF now has "leave to remain" in the UK and that allows him to travel within the EU? Sorry, I wasn't quite clear how it all ended up.

No, thank god after his mandatory 5 year wait was was able to apply for naturalisation and so is now a full British Citizen - which after him paying upwards of

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 20:50
sorry last post fell victim to the pound sign it seems - so I was saying that after him paying upwards of 1500 quid for his British passport he's not now very amused at the prospect of it being fairly useless for free travel within the EU if our Brexit masters dont get their finger out and agree a deal to suit the ordinary people here who just want to get on with their lives and travel around Europe on holiday and business as usual without all this fuss - lets hope that remains to be the case.

October 14th, 2017, 20:52
....try telling THAT to some Irish police man as he asked for your papers and you end up in a hold cell...

Ok so you can walk/drive/train from NI right across the border into the the Republic unchallenged and under no scrutiny whatsoever right - and vice versa of course.

But if the Irish police don't think you look Irish (e.g. You can walk in a straight line and you don't have a bulbous red drinker's nose) they might stop you in the street and demand to see your "papers"?

Is it the Garda or the Gestapo they have there?


PS: Only joking about the nose :lol:

Nirish guy
October 14th, 2017, 21:52
all joking aside yes that is EXACTLY what can and does happen ! They're actually stepping up random stops on buses and things a few miles from the Border ( on the Southern side mainly it seems but I can see that reversing very shortly after Brexit ) and yes they are literally walking up and down the bus iand looking for dodgy characters ( i.e anyone who's not white in reality !) and asking to see their I.D / immigration status / papers etc.

Even I was surprised and a little pissed off when I see this happening as it was of course blatant racial profiling - but I guess in Ireland being the Country we are it IS the quickest and easiest and probably the most efficient way still of sorting out the wheat from the Chaff as they say - rightly or wrongly and it's no different than say Thai immigration getting on a bus in Thailand and immediately picking out the farang backpackers and asking to see their passports whilst ignoring all the Thai's.

October 14th, 2017, 21:57
I used to work for a cross-border peace charity, and regularly travelled to Belfast by train. It wasn't rare for the Gardai to board the train in the Republic (Dundalk) and carry out immigration checks. I agree with NIrish - it was definitely aimed at non-white, even if they were citizens of Ireland.

October 14th, 2017, 22:15
Europeans can kiss goodbye to the easy-going travelling that used to be.
I remember that one of the Westminster Bridge Stabbers was traced to a Dublin mosque and made his way to England without hindrance.
It's probably now the case that the Irish and maybe N. Irish police have no choice but to do random checks to reduce the risk of this happening again in England or even in Ireland.

Nirish guy
October 15th, 2017, 03:35
Alas I fear that that particular ship has sailed any one that we may not want here is already here or able to get here quite legally and above board - which again makes it doubly frustrating when all I ever wanted to do was to bring over random bar boys for a little R&R holiday for them ( and myself :-)

October 15th, 2017, 05:19
all this political correctness..naturally they will target non whites as the vast majority of irish are still white...unlike in London. As for the ease of travel...for heavens sake, it only takes a minute to check a passport, one can still have visa free travel but subject to passport checks, much like I can travel to the UK with my european passport visa free, in fact all I need is my ID card..no passport. So please do keep on smiling, sun will still rise, hordes havent succeeded in overrunning us yet.

Nirish guy
October 15th, 2017, 08:57
As for the ease of travel...for heavens sake, it only takes a minute to check a passport.

you obviously haven't flown into London Heathrow or several other UK airports of late where the wait in the queue for that one minute check both for Non UK citizens ( and even UK citizens) has been over an hour and more sometimes and I doubt after the UK leaves that any European Country is going to go out of their way to lay on more staff to try and make our wait shorter than will be required under the whatever new guidelines come out - and as for political correctness you obviously didn't read my post where I mentioned how in reality it probably was the quickest way etc etc .....still doesn't make it right though in a modern Society.

October 15th, 2017, 16:00
You're wasting your time trying to reason with The Rabbi - an intolerant right-wing racist bigot pervert whose only regard for other human beings is how he can use them to his advantage for the least possible compensation.

October 15th, 2017, 16:06
scatboy..is a free market..i too work on contract...and during the GFC saw my income drop by 60% but I had to keep on working...no difference..I too was selling a service..

October 15th, 2017, 16:24

Really noticeable that you chose not to challenge intolerant right-wing racist bigot pervert however.


October 15th, 2017, 17:01
fake news...throwing out false accusations r suposed to make me retreat..nah...go stick your PC greenie crap up your flabby loose butt...

October 15th, 2017, 17:08
They're not accusations - they're scientific observations based on the S&M fantasy crap you post here

October 15th, 2017, 17:36
how u waste your like..or should i say wasted. I actually do my damnest to act out my fantasies..porn induced or otherwise

Nirish guy
October 15th, 2017, 18:00
Yeah but you do know that just acting them out on a internet chat room to a load of people who both don't believe a thing you say nor care either way doesn't quite count don't you .......

October 15th, 2017, 18:55
Sadly, my gimlet eyed observations suggest that both Scottish and Latin live in fantasy lands. One is pumping it's fat hairy arse in the bedroom and one is parking it's fat hairy arse as a full and independent member of the UN.

October 15th, 2017, 21:44
As my arse is both firm and pert, I don't see where I fit in

October 16th, 2017, 02:43
...OMG ...how did arsetroll know I have a hairy arse??? gotta cover up the camera thingy on my laptop..scary. But u forgot..the place I love placing my hairy arse is on a fresh faced MB face...love being rimmed..best thing ever..should patent it..bottle it and sell it on street corners.

October 16th, 2017, 13:12
Sadly, my gimlet eyed observations suggest that both Scottish and Latin live in fantasy lands. One is pumping it's fat hairy arse in the bedroom and one is parking it's fat hairy arse as a full and independent member of the UN.What about the greengrocer and hi's apostrophe?

October 16th, 2017, 13:20
Who's the greengrocer?

October 16th, 2017, 13:25
Who's the greengrocer?Very evidently from the way you write a particularly close and dear friend of yours - https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/greengrocer%27s_apostrophe

October 16th, 2017, 13:38
Oh! I'm the greengrocer. A rather disappointing handle. I'd have preferred something like The Undertaker or when it comes to you, The Rat Catcher. Oh well.

October 16th, 2017, 13:47
.....now I'm totally lost...see what happens when old people act up..

October 16th, 2017, 13:55
Oh! I'm the greengrocer. A rather disappointing handle. I'd have preferred something like The Undertaker or when it comes to you, The Rat Catcher. Oh well.Quite - any lower middle-class occupation will suit you. I see you as an Arkwright (http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/openallhours/) with a447 as your long-suffering Granville

October 16th, 2017, 14:03
The last person I remember being nicknamed "The Grocer" was Ted Heath - and look what's happened to him.


October 16th, 2017, 14:05
The last person I remember being nicknamed "The Grocer" was Ted Heath - and look what's happened to him.And wasn't Thatcher celebrated as the grocer's daughter - odd, since she and Heath loathed each other

October 16th, 2017, 14:12
Yes, she was - and so thoughtful of you to give HJ Len a stiffy by mentioning her name.

If you'd posted a pic he'd probably have creamed in his dry goods.

October 16th, 2017, 14:13
Arkwright. Fucking cheek. In that case you're Annie Walker. All superior and condescending while living in a hovel. So there.

October 16th, 2017, 14:18
The claim to fame and lifelong boast of a (now deceased) friend of mine was that he designed the set for Annie Walker's living room.

Interesting fact #93412

Nirish guy
October 16th, 2017, 15:59
Unless he was also the same person that designed Hilda Ogdens ducks up the wall then he should really kneel to his superiors there I fear.....

October 16th, 2017, 17:01
Dunno about the ducks but he may have designed her muriel
