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View Full Version : Cops inject deadly viruses into inmates, and send them home?

October 9th, 2017, 23:05
I guess this is for Laos, not Thailand, but has anyone ever heard of this? I guess what happens in Laos is if for example you get caught selling a lot of ice / yaba, enough to warrant the death penalty.... Instead of going through the pain in the ass of taking care of you in custody, they just give you a shot in the arm, send you home, and you're dead shortly after.

I'm not sure what the shot is, but assuming it must be some non-transmittable deadly virus / disease. This way, the government doesn't have to waste their resources on you, and you end up dead at the end anyway, so goal accomplished I guess. Has anyone else ever heard of this?

October 9th, 2017, 23:08
No that is probably utter nonsense.

October 9th, 2017, 23:30
No that is probably utter nonsense.

Certainly in keeping with everything else cndmatt posts.

October 9th, 2017, 23:30
See what happens when you ask Matt to come up with a new thread !!!! :stop_mini:

October 9th, 2017, 23:40
Why is it so out of line? Look at what Thaksin did to drug offenders not too long ago. Look what's happening to drug dealers and users in the Phillippines right now.

I'm just going off what Leo told me, and seems plausible enough to me.

October 10th, 2017, 03:19
Well it certainly is the first I heard of it, and I am with a Lao for over 13 years.

Not claiming Lao PDR is a democratic country with a fair justice system (oeps, bit like Thailand currently), but this story is a bit far fetched.

October 10th, 2017, 04:10
What the fuck are you on Matt??

October 10th, 2017, 04:16
Nevermind, Leo's mom told him about it, so I'm suire it's bullshit.

She has a friend who's son ended up in prison, got sick, they sent him home, he died a couple months later, and his mom is sure the cops killed him.

Leo has a friend who was recently charged for selling Ice, so I asked how many years is he looking at? 5? 10? Leo pipes up and says, "no, he was caught with LOTS, so muchlonger", then procedded to tell me the story of how they just inject people with diseases and send them home, so they don't have to take care of them anymore, while knowing they're no longer a problem for society.


Khor tose
October 10th, 2017, 05:02
What the fuck are you on Matt??

Either Norman Bates or Sybil is my best guess.

October 10th, 2017, 05:05
sounds to me more likely that they contract TB or HIV in jail and then die... No conspiracy... just a side effect of living in cramped and unhygienic quarters

October 10th, 2017, 05:16
I actually believe Matt on this one. Leo told him, so it must be true.

October 10th, 2017, 06:03
yes, I too totally believe it...if leo said so who are we to doubt him. Some of you guys are doubting Thomases...

October 10th, 2017, 07:11
In the Matt fairytale what happened to the monk?

October 10th, 2017, 07:15
[QUOTE=cdnmatt;225391]I guess this is for Laos, not Thailand, but has anyone ever heard of this? I guess what happens in Laos is if for example you get caught selling a lot of ice / yaba, enough to warrant the death penalty.... Instead of going through the pain in the ass of taking care of you in custody, they just give you a shot in the arm, send you home, and you're dead shortly after.

I'm not sure what the shot is, but assuming it must be some non-transmittable deadly virus / disease. This way, the government doesn't have to waste their resources on you, and you end up dead at the end anyway, so goal accomplished I guess. Has anyone else ever heard of ...
No I haven't
Just as your fakery starts to run out of steam you throw new fuel on the fire....

Nirish guy
October 11th, 2017, 01:48
Maybe Leo from Lao is getting his story a little confused with the death vans used in China to kill convicted people when it pulls up outside their homes ?


October 11th, 2017, 02:13
No, Leo just takes everything his mom says as the unquestionable word of God.

He's even under the assumption his mom can fix spinal cord injuries. He keeps telling me I'll be able to see again, so I've tried explaining the medical research that's going on. They're trying to regenerate nerve cells with nanotechnology, and research currently seems to be focused on the spinal cord. However, if they can figure out how to fix a spinal cord, then they should be able to fix my optic nerve.

While showing him what the spinal cord was, he pipes up, "oh, my mother can fix that". Oh, for fuck sakes, no she can't... :)

October 11th, 2017, 03:49
you should at least let her try...whats the harm??

October 11th, 2017, 04:06
She owns a small vegetable garden out in a rural village in Laos. I'm pretty confident she doesn't hold the secret to nerve regeneration, and is just keeping it from the rest of the world.

Unless there's some unexpected breakthrough, which is unlikely, we're probably at least 10 years out on that technology. It is coming, but it's still a good ways off.

October 11th, 2017, 04:56
Matt, stop being such a bore and go visit the lad's mother. Yeah she probably can't fix you, but at least you get to eat some larb and drink some beerlao with ice. You cannot possibly go wrong with that.

October 11th, 2017, 07:05
But keep in mind - if they every come up with a cure for your blindness, you are going to have to find a new 'story".

Still, look on the bright side - a cure is a long way off so you've got plenty of time to think of some other personal "disaster".

And don't mock Leo the Lao's mum. She may not be able to fix spinal chord injuries, but if she grows carrots in her vegetables garden, you may be on to something.

October 11th, 2017, 09:19
NIrish wrote.
" Maybe Leo from Lao is getting his story a little confused with the death vans used in China to kill convicted people when it pulls up outside their homes ?"

It's a business model. In the van makes it much easier to get the organs to the customer.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_harvesting_from_Falun_Gong_practitioners_in_ China

October 11th, 2017, 12:16
Matt, stop being such a bore and go visit the lad's mother. Yeah she probably can't fix you, but at least you get to eat some larb and drink some beerlao with ice. You cannot possibly go wrong with that.

You forget that matt does not have a valid passport.

October 11th, 2017, 13:23
She owns a small vegetable garden out in a rural village in Laos. I'm pretty confident she doesn't hold the secret to nerve regeneration, and is just keeping it from the rest of the world.But Matt, in one of your recent Bitcoin Boasts you told us you paid her in Bitcoin. If she's that sophisticated who knows the secrets to which she's privy?

October 12th, 2017, 04:32
Guys, I think it's time we went a bit easier on Matt. He has a lot going on. with this move to Laos, it ain.t gonna be easy.

October 12th, 2017, 04:54
But Matt, in one of your recent Bitcoin Boasts you told us you paid her in Bitcoin. If she's that sophisticated who knows the secrets to which she's privy?

WTF are you talking about? Oh, you mean when we paid her pack for money we borrowed from her? As it so happens, you can turn bitcoin into cash via basically any payment method on the planet. It takes me all of about 10 minutes to have money sitting in a Thai bank account, or about 60 minutes to have a Western Union sent to any name I want, all from the comfort of my home.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 05:07
.......the van makes it much easier to get the organs to the customer.

Ahhh that'll explain why they use such a big van then I guess, mind you I'd hate to be one of the no doubt small Chinese guys who are sent to sort that getting the organs from the customers as it must almost break their backs the poor buggers ...... ;)


October 12th, 2017, 05:17
Guys, I think it's time we went a bit easier on Matt. He has a lot going on. with this move to Laos, it ain.t gonna be easy.

On the contrary Joe. Matt has many of us hooked on his entertaining fiction. We need our daily fix. He needs to keep it coming.

October 12th, 2017, 07:38
Actually, you're right, neddy. It's kind of how people get hooked on soap operas. I think we need to hear more of Leo's mother at this stage, bitcoins and all.

October 12th, 2017, 08:36
Why not check your facts before posting such utter tripe?
Starting to sound like Trump ... that's exactly what he does every day. Makes him look like a fucking moron.
And you?

October 12th, 2017, 11:35
Why not check your facts before posting such utter tripe?
Starting to sound like Trump ... that's exactly what he does every day. Makes him look like a fucking moron.
And you?

And to whom were you referring, Smiles?

October 12th, 2017, 13:45
As it so happens, you can turn bitcoin into cash via basically any payment method on the planet.Precisely what I said at the time, and called you a liar for claiming you had spent an hour "paying" people from your BitCoin treasure trove. In fact what you did was turn a store of value - Bitcoin, gold, whatever - into cash, the thing the rest of us use, and then you paid them

October 12th, 2017, 13:54
Precisely what I said at the time, and called you a liar for claiming you had spent an hour "paying" people from your BitCoin treasure trove. In fact what you did was turn a store of value - Bitcoin, gold, whatever - into cash, the thing the rest of us use, and then you paid them

Ummmm... yes? I'm not sure what your point is here.

For example, I'm expecting to get paid again any minute now from a Western country. Once paid, within about 60 mins Leo will have an e-mail on his phone giving him Western Union details to pickup the funds, pay the electric bill, and buy us some food.

Still confused as to what you're implying.

There's no way I would be able to transfer funds arounds in this manner using conventional methods, if that's what you're alluding to.

October 12th, 2017, 14:39
Ummmm... yes? I'm not sure what your point is here.That when you claim to be paying people using BitCoin, you're lying

October 12th, 2017, 15:01
I never said I paid people in bitcoin. I have said said I get paid in bitcoin though.

I'll steal a quote from Bob Corker (sp), the chairman on the Senate Foreign Affairs committe. It's a shame this place has turned into an adult daycare center.

October 12th, 2017, 15:13
And to whom were you referring, Smiles?

He can only be referring to one person, and we know who that is.

I also think matt needs to post more info about his mother-in-law. And why not introduce a long lost twin brother? Leo the Lao is getting a bit boring.

Matt,if you find yourself running out of inspiration, I'm sure you can find help; we have some great "story tellers" here.

October 12th, 2017, 15:26
a447, the mother-in-law bits don't really interest me, but I certainly want to hear more about the cute twin brother.

October 12th, 2017, 15:34
Apparently, he's going to be a twin brother, but from a different mother.

At least, that's what matt has hinted at.

October 12th, 2017, 15:38
hmm, interesting storyline developing there.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 16:58
a447, the mother-in-law bits don't really interest me, but I certainly want to hear more about the cute twin brother.

Who is of course deaf but ridiculously handsome BUT has no love for his brother Leo and is he adamant that he wants to try and steal Matt away from him !

Matt however has so far resisted all of his advances as of course he can't see just how cute he actually is, however interestingly Leo from Lao has just announced that he has to go away for a few days on business in Pattaya and the cute brother has asked Matt can he come and stay with him for a while to maybe help out getting everything ready for the big move and as he gets lonely at night when alone .......ohhhh what's a guy to do eh Matt - decisions decisions........OR in fact perhaps the two brothers have already agreed and completed the switch over hence why Matt's the new replacement model brother is a little more hairy than Matt is used to feeling up !!!

And my God I can hardly wait until Leo from Lao's ladyboy sister arrives home after being away "working" as a waitress in pattaya and realises that she actually stayed in Matt's house before when he lived in KK with his Ex Kim from Khon Kaen, who she is still actually in touch with even now and will tell Matt that Kim actually wants to come and see Matt while Leo from Lao is away to tell him he still has feelings for him / wants to kill him / needs money from him as the sister was actually pregnant, which was the reason she had to go off to Pattaya in the first place and shock horror they actually believe the baby might in fact be Matts !!!

Ha, right, It's ok Matt, you can head off for a few days rest there, it seems we've got the next few episodes welll covered here ....... :)

October 12th, 2017, 17:06
NIrish, that is just so funny. I always thought you ran a business of some sort, didn't realise you were a comedy script writer in your spare time.

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 17:07
The daily popular soap opera "eastenders" did it seem teach Matt and I all we know when it comes to writing scripts at least ! :)

October 12th, 2017, 18:18
I'm beginning to wonder if NIrish has not just inadvertently revealed himself as the original Matt !

Nirish guy
October 12th, 2017, 18:44
Damn it I knew giving away too much of the upcoming plot all at once would bugger things up ! SHIT !! And I can't even go back and edit - oh well, the cat's out of the bag it seems.......or ISSSSS it ....... lol