View Full Version : Suicide Posting

September 29th, 2017, 21:14
No, this is not about servicemen requesting a posting to Syria, Afghanistan or parts of Scotland. It's about posters here who are so clearly bored by the absurd personas they have created that they are trying their hardest to get banned. Ever increasingly bizarre posts or those that plumb the depths of reasonable taste are their only style and presumably they will continue in that vein until the noose is tightened and the lever pulled.

September 29th, 2017, 21:25
So what else is new? This has been going on for quite some time and will continue as long as there is a moderator-free forum..

September 29th, 2017, 21:31
Somewhat related: A post on GBT was addressed to "Gentlemen and others".

September 29th, 2017, 21:31
BAN THEM,,easy,,bye bye

September 30th, 2017, 11:36
This has been going on for quite some time...
But now it has reached new lows. The first time since joining in 2009 that I think: Why am I reading this crap? Do I want to be associated with this crap? Even the bitchboards look positive in comparison, at least there was some substance.

September 30th, 2017, 12:00
But now it has reached new lows. The first time since joining in 2009 that I think: Why am I reading this crap? Do I want to be associated with this crap? Even the bitchboards look positive in comparison, at least there was some substance.
i agree , thise bitchboards were ok, I wonder where Sirclivejames is now thst used to run it along with fat Neal?

September 30th, 2017, 12:39
Perhaps this thread will give Moses a reason to take a moment to consider the current unfortunate nature of SGT. “Increasingly bizarre posts or those that plumb the depths of reasonable taste” will continue unabated because such posters are unable to recognize or admit their cognitive disabilities. They need to be banned. It's that simple.

September 30th, 2017, 12:44
Watch out, Bob. Surfcrest will be along any minute now, calling you a "bully" and an "asshole" for suggesting members be banned!

September 30th, 2017, 13:18
The first time since joining in 2009 that I think: Why am I reading this crap?

Really? In eight years this is the first time you're having a reflective moment while reading these message boards?

September 30th, 2017, 13:55
Subjects posted recently include wishing people dead, rape fantasies, thinly veiled threats and the body/health of a supposed partner. So here we are. Hard to bother writing about a nice meal somewhere when it's next to that kind of stuff.

September 30th, 2017, 13:59
Watch out, Bob. Surfcrest will be along any minute now, calling you a "bully" and an "asshole" for suggesting members be banned!

Yes, this was discussed in posts with Surfcrest. He essentially said there was no limit to what people could post and then invited me to fuck off, or something similar.

September 30th, 2017, 15:13
And then he banned me! LOL

Is this the same surfcrest who claimed the moral high ground, proudly and loudly extolling the virtues of free speech on his board? This board was going to be different to the others, especially GB. On Surfcrests's board, banning was a definite no-no. He was not going to behave like Neal.

And if you had the temerity to call for someone to be banned, even if it was in relation to the following guidelines, Surfcrest labelled you a "bully" and an "asshole".

3.2.8 ..... deliberately sabotaging this board. Any member that violates the membership's trust, by willfully being involved in this activity will have their membership deactivated immediately and Sanctions up to and including a permanent ban imposed.......

Surfcrest recently called for 2 members to be banned, even though they had not breached any of the guidelines. What a hypocrite.

His idea of "free speech" is at odds with what people usually associate with that term.

Here's hoping Moses takes a more honest approach. There are signs that the board is being run differently.

September 30th, 2017, 15:32
Subjects posted recently include wishing people dead, rape fantasies, thinly veiled threats and the body/health of a supposed partner. So here we are. Hard to bother writing about a nice meal somewhere when it's next to that kind of stuff.

Tut tut ... tut fooking tut... u and ya Scottish git have been throwing jokes at each other the last 12 months where there was only about 5 posters posting!

And now u have the cheek to complain... tut tut toot fooking toot

September 30th, 2017, 16:23
Perhaps its time to let this puppy out of the bag! I will begin:

1) Sglad
2) cdnmatt
3) ?
4) ?

September 30th, 2017, 16:27
Bogsville Mick crawls back out from the toilet he inhabits.

September 30th, 2017, 16:39
... u and ya Scottish git have been throwing jokes at each other the last 12 months where there was only about 5 posters posting...

God forbid anybody should have a laugh. Are you related to Francois?

September 30th, 2017, 17:39
Perhaps its time to let this puppy out of the bag! I will begin:

1) Sglad
2) cdnmatt
3) ?
4) ?

What!? Adventures of Matt and Leo from Laos alone make this board worth while.

For detailed knowledge about Thailand there is always ChristianPFC's blog, I often visit to read about (and count) every bus stop, every municipal building in every province. I even make notes of ChristianPFC's notes.

If you guys wish to see well run, and carefully moderated board, head over to Gaybutton, exciting, isn't it.

September 30th, 2017, 19:53
Same with chaotic Thailand and it's drawbacks -who wants another Switzerland or Singapore?
Not I for sure.

September 30th, 2017, 21:58
Ok, from now arsenal, a447 and christianpfc are moderators.

Conditions: moderations should follow forum's rules (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?15945-Posting-rules-amp-guidelines). Ban is "last bullet" and before to ban all 3 moderators must vote "Yes" for ban. I will make sub-forum where moderators may exchange with ideas and to vote. Sub-forum will be visible only for moderators, me and Surfcrest.

September 30th, 2017, 22:03

The most gob-smacking part is that the Three Musketeers as they shall forever be known not only presumably put themselves forward (what brass necks Arsenal and a447 surely have) but all three have actually agreed to it!

And look where it's been "announced" - in a thread entitled SUICIDE POSTING



September 30th, 2017, 22:14

The most gob-smacking part is that the Three Musketeers as they shall forever be known not only presumably put themselves forward (what brass necks Arsenal and a447 surely have) but all three have actually agreed to it!


Nobody asks me to make them moderators. I just did it myself, cuz been tired from complains. Now forum has police.

September 30th, 2017, 22:18
Great - I knew I could ferret out what had gone on. Four minutes was quicker than I'd hoped


Part two of my observation stands - as does the "brass neck" comment.

Just surprised you didn't approach MickP

September 30th, 2017, 22:43
This should be interesting. I shall prepare a complete range of pyrotechnic devices to celebrate the first banning announcement.

September 30th, 2017, 22:53
Well with "Blut und Boden" Arsenal now having a veto on who gets banned you can be sure it won't be anybody English


October 1st, 2017, 01:39
Same with chaotic Thailand and it's drawbacks -who wants another Switzerland or Singapore?

Errr...the Thais themselves?

October 1st, 2017, 05:08
But now it has reached new lows. The first time since joining in 2009 that I think: Why am I reading this crap? Do I want to be associated with this crap? Even the bitchboards look positive in comparison, at least there was some substance.
2 out of 3 boards now have persistent crap.

October 1st, 2017, 05:11
Ok, from now arsenal, a447 and christianpfc are moderators.

Conditions: moderations should follow forum's rules (https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?15945-Posting-rules-amp-guidelines). Ban is "last bullet" and before to ban all 3 moderators must vote "Yes" for ban. I will make sub-forum where moderators may exchange with ideas and to vote. Sub-forum will be visible only for moderators, me and Surfcrest.The Forum is now officially on suicide watch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_watch) - appropriate that it occurred in a suicide thread

October 1st, 2017, 13:31
a447 moderator......love to see Surf's face now....Lol

October 1st, 2017, 22:06
And if you had the temerity to call for someone to be banned, even if it was in relation to the following guidelines, Surfcrest labelled you a "bully" and an "asshole".

Nope, I only called you a bully and an asshole a447....because you are. I told bobsaigon2 that I would not ban frequent and that there would be no bobsiagon3.
How quickly assholes forget.


October 2nd, 2017, 16:16
I only called you a bully and an asshole a447

So, what do you call someone who tried to destroy your board?

A bully?

An asshole?

A bully and an asshole?