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View Full Version : Successful Meatloaf Night In Sunee Plaza

September 29th, 2017, 13:28
Contrary to the naysayers, a most successful Meatloaf night was held yesterday, Thursday, at Ting Tong Red. Chef Mario was given a round of applause for his efforts in making the night a success. Warm food, ample portions and lots of camaraderie plus a nice dessert, compliments of the house.

Most of the attendees were unaware of the uproar caused by the earlier posting and were pleased to learn that their Meatloaf Dinner was a cause for such an outpouring of distress by Sawatdee members.

Of course just about all the commotion was by people who don't live in Pattaya and just enjoying poking fun at anything and everything of which they have no knowledge.

Nonetheless, if anyone is interested in attending a Meatloaf Dinner you can PM me and I will pass that info along to the person in charge.

Bon appetit.

September 29th, 2017, 15:04
What a relief! Thanks for the update.

September 29th, 2017, 15:14
Relief indeed windwalker! So many are touched and relieved that meatloaf Thursday has returned to a sence of normalaciy after the initial devestating news and how wonderful that a free desert was given it is a bold step in an attempt to restore the meatloaf to it's rightful place.

September 29th, 2017, 15:54
...Most of the attendees were unaware of the uproar caused by the earlier posting ...all the commotion was by people who don't live in Pattaya and just enjoying poking fun...

God forbid that anybody who "doesn't live in Pattaya" should express an opinion on anything - and double God forbid that anybody should "poke fun" at anything.

Let's all just sit and be miserable fuckers eh?

September 29th, 2017, 16:45
Absolument, scottish-guy.:clapping:

September 29th, 2017, 19:01

September 29th, 2017, 19:07
Are we sure this isn't a cleverly disguised Pfizer Pharmaceutical advert for Viagra?

The tagline is... don't let your meat 'loaf' !!

September 29th, 2017, 20:37
Francois wrote.
"Contrary to the naysayers, a most successful Meatloaf night was held yesterday, Thursday, at Ting Tong Red. Chef Mario was given a round of applause for his efforts in making the night a success. Warm food, ample portions and lots of camaraderie plus a nice dessert, compliments of the house"

I can sleep again. Traditional; accompaniments to meatloaf would be mustard, gravy, perhaps pickles or Piccalilli and of course a tureen of bitchiness directed at anyone not in attendance. Haha.

September 29th, 2017, 20:47
A well prepared meatloaf should not be subjected to a flippant critique. :stop_mini:

September 29th, 2017, 23:18
I can sleep again. Traditional; accompaniments to meatloaf would be mustard, gravy, perhaps pickles or Piccalilli and of course a tureen of bitchiness directed at anyone not in attendance. Haha.

The accompaniments to the meatloaf were potatoes, red cabbage, fried onions, vegetables and gravy. No bitchiness was served.

September 29th, 2017, 23:53
The accompaniments to the meatloaf were potatoes, red cabbage, fried onions, vegetables and gravy. No bitchiness was served.

This sounds so tasty!

Are these feasts at Sunee by invitation only?

September 30th, 2017, 03:48
Yes - and to ensure only the right type of people can attend the feast you must approach Ting Tong Red with one trouser leg rolled up, one tit bared, and introduce yourself to the Right Worshipful Meatloaf Master by way of a funny handshake

Khor tose
September 30th, 2017, 04:27
Yes - and to ensure only the right type of people can attend the feast you must approach Ting Tong Red with one trouser leg rolled up, one tit bared, and introduce yourself to the Right Worshipful Meatloaf Master by way of a funny handshake

Damn, now I know why I never get invited. All these years I have been doing it wrong. Handshake! you tell me. So the thing with the middle finger is wrong?

September 30th, 2017, 06:29
Depends where you've been inserting it

September 30th, 2017, 11:34
This sounds so tasty!

Are these feasts at Sunee by invitation only?

For the meatloaf dinner on Thursday night, yes, by invitation in order to inform the chef of the number of attendees. There is nothing special about Thursday night other than a group of guys, who kind of know each other, getting together at 7 pm for dinner. And there is nothing special about the dinner other than it is only 200 Baht. This is not gourmet dining!

But any night anyone can go to Ting Tong Red and have whatever there is on the menu, including the meatloaf.

If interested in attending you can PM me and I will pass the info onto the Master of Ceremonies.

September 30th, 2017, 12:09
First time and Last time i ever set foot in Ting Tong red was August 2016 where i was verbally abused by the German? Owner and his BF and called a velly velly wude man !

You are velly velly wude man !:D

....otherwise i would take up ya offer Frank. Frankie..ahhh Francis... ahh francois or whatever the ridiculous name is!

September 30th, 2017, 13:58
Seems that the owner of Ting Tong Red is a very discerning gentleman.

September 30th, 2017, 14:11
...any night anyone can go to Ting Tong Red and have whatever there is on the menu, including the meatloaf...

SGT members ought to commend the owner of TTR for introducing this groundbreaking idea.

When you think of it it's surprising that other bars haven't hit on the idea of letting customers in to spend money.

This could really catch on!!


September 30th, 2017, 16:49
Not really ground breaking, scottish-guy, all restaurants allow customers to spend their money in their establishments.(there is one exception that I know of) However, if there is a private party, that group is seated separately. EZPZ

September 30th, 2017, 21:05

Khor tose
October 1st, 2017, 05:01
Depends where you've been inserting it

Where else, but up me Haggis.

October 1st, 2017, 05:21
Fingering a haggis?

That's beastiality you know - whatever will our esteemed moderators/guardians of good-taste make of it


Khor tose
October 1st, 2017, 06:07
My HiSo English friends have assured me you are wrong. They say bestiality is no problem in Scotland, as you all do it. If you think that is bad, wait to you hear what they say about the Irish, the Welsh, and the Americans. Sadly none of us non English will ever truly understand, the proper role of class and knowing your place in society. Maybe the English are correct, none of us are worthy of a seat at the meatloaf table

October 1st, 2017, 07:50
Scottish wouldn't even know which set of cutlery to use to eat meatloaf. He'd probably start hacking away with the fish knife and soup spoon.

October 1st, 2017, 14:32
It's Ting Tong Red with Davy Crockett and "the lads" - do you really think there's a fish knife on the table?

October 5th, 2017, 19:16
For the meatloaf dinner on Thursday night, yes, by invitation in order to inform the chef of the number of attendees.

It's Thursday, and we all know what that means! But I forgot to submit an application for meat loaf dinner.

Well... to be truthful, I didn't forget, rather I was worried the meat loaf committee would reject my application. Plan was to go together with Mickp, but it seems Mickp isn't around. What happened to him?

October 5th, 2017, 19:45
He's surely a loss we all feel deeply about.

October 5th, 2017, 22:28
Well... to be truthful, I didn't forget, rather I was worried the meat loaf committee would reject my application.

No need to worry whitemouse, they most likely would! 5555

Khor tose
October 5th, 2017, 22:31
It's Thursday, and we all know what that means! But I forgot to submit an application for meat loaf dinner.

Well... to be truthful, I didn't forget, rather I was worried the meat loaf committee would reject my application. Plan was to go together with Mickp, but it seems Mickp isn't around. What happened to him?

Application!!!! I was told all you had to do was crawl in and kiss his feet and you were in---what changed?

October 5th, 2017, 22:33
Yes. Whitemouse would be blackballed by the Ting Tong Red Meatloaf polite bureau. Even a testimonial from Mr Ambassador, Francois would not get him the green light to join.

October 5th, 2017, 22:43
Well call me a rebel if you want, but I intend to just rock up at Ting Tong Red and order the meatloaf. I'm not even going to sit with the Meatloafers. That'll be Thursday 11 January, if any fellow rebels are about. Time to reclaim meatloaf for the masses, and not just an exclusive group.

October 5th, 2017, 22:58
I think you should go even further Joe - for only 9.99GBP on Ebay, you could rock up to Ting Tong Red on Meatloaf Thursday looking like this:

October 5th, 2017, 23:39
SG, that's how I normally look when I visit Sunee. And your point is...?

October 6th, 2017, 01:20
Yes. Whitemouse would be blackballed by the Ting Tong Red Meatloaf polite bureau. Even a testimonial from Mr Ambassador, Francois would not get him the green light to join.

I suspect His Excellency Ambassador Francois is the one blocking my membership.

October 6th, 2017, 03:02
SG, that's how I normally look when I visit Sunee. And your point is...?

I suspect you don't know who it's meant to be?

October 6th, 2017, 03:27
I suspect you don't know who it's meant to be?

Eh, no - I just assumed it was a random pic off the interweb.

October 6th, 2017, 06:37

Michael Lee Aday (born Marvin Lee Aday; September 27, 1947), better known by his stage name Meat Loaf, is an American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor.

Meat Loaf's Bat Out of Hell trilogy of albums (consisting of Bat Out of Hell, Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell, and Bat Out of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose) has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide....



October 6th, 2017, 08:50
A question for Mr Ambassador. Francois.
Why meatloaf? I mean I like it but how come there isn't a variation. For example sausage and mash with onion gravy, lasagne with chips and salad, roast chicken etc. all of which are of a comparable price.

With worldwide record sales of 80 million Meatloaf has done rather well. Scottish will also be delighted to know that 4 of the top 8 best selling artists of all time are British. Scottish and Arsenal, flying the flag for Britain here on SGT.

Khor tose
October 6th, 2017, 09:39

Michael Lee Aday (born Marvin Lee Aday; September 27, 1947), better known by his stage name Meat Loaf, is an American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor.

Meat Loaf's Bat Out of Hell trilogy of albums (consisting of Bat Out of Hell, Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell, and Bat Out of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose) has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide....



Also the singing star of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".

October 6th, 2017, 15:18
Yes, SG - now I geddit - feel only slightly foolish!

October 6th, 2017, 17:25
A question for Mr Ambassador. Francois.
Why meatloaf? I mean I like it but how come there isn't a variation. For example sausage and mash with onion gravy, lasagne with chips and salad, roast chicken etc. all of which are of a comparable price.

One can order anything they wish off the menu if it is German style food. A popular substitute is goulash. As for the meatloaf, it is easier for Chef Mario to prepare a large meatloaf(s) and serve all at once. Afterall, it is meatloaf night!

As for blocking memberships, I have nothing to do with who is or isn't on the invite list.

guter Appetit

October 6th, 2017, 21:06
The French.
Crevettes a la Mer Mediterranee.
Sauce Marie Rose.
Laitue Iceberg.
Garniture salade a la tomate et concombre.
Pain brun et buerre.

The English.
Prawn Cocktail.

I bet Francois will rip that to pieces. Haha.

October 6th, 2017, 21:53

The French start young.

October 6th, 2017, 23:03
'French Cuisine' was brought to France from Florence Italy, as was the the other great 'French' entity the Ballet.
Now we have Fr Cuisine a la Pattaya - everything hidden under a heavy blanket of sauce.
The Pattaya version of the Ballet is best exemplified by the dancing boys of Eros Bar and a few other heavily fem locations.

October 6th, 2017, 23:46
What can I say? You are all crazy.:devilsh:

October 7th, 2017, 16:31
I have to admit we are.
I have a thing about the Faux French Restaurants of Pattaya though.
Some of them have a very high turnover and I don't mean in customers or food but in the business itself.
They would rarely have more than 20% occupancy but they put the place up for sale every second year.
After each new owner goes broke the original owners buy it back again for 2 or 3 million less than they got for the business.
These places put great emphasis on Decor, Table Linen, Plated Silver Service and Bible-Sized Menues
but serve 'French' food which in Paris would be called 'Merde'.
It's a smart business model.

October 7th, 2017, 17:29
True nouvelle quosimodo

Crevice into la Mediterranee.
Saucey Marie Rose.(That biche)
Iceberg Latitude.
Furniture salade a la tomate et concubine
Pain in the ass et buerre.
Prawn Cock.


October 7th, 2017, 18:53
New name for Sawatdee Forum, "La Cage Aux Folles" (The Cage of Crazies).

October 7th, 2017, 19:06
....These (French restaurants)..put great emphasis on Decor, Table Linen, Plated Silver Service and Bible-Sized Menues...

Whilst completely overlooking the fact that the average ex-pat/gay desperado will walk 6 blocks in sweltering heat to get an extra 3 satangs on his exchange rate and haggle over a 100B variation on the price of an 18yo sucking his wrinkly old todger into a state of semi-arousal.

The pea-brained idea that such ppl would be willing to pay extra for nice table linen might be why these places shut down every 2 years?

October 7th, 2017, 19:46
You miss the point of this business model.
The emphasis on Decor and Presentation is to attract newbie Investors fresh off the plane who dream of the Dolce Vita in Thailand funded by a fancy restaurant.
It takes at least a year for them to find out what you have just written by which time the place is put up for sale to be bought back often by the original owners at a much reduced price.
I know one such example in Pattaya and there are many others I'm convinced.
Of course there's no money in the cheap Charlie expats and tourists but that's why this Scam works in the first place.
If there was a large paying customer base the place would not be put up for resale so often.

October 7th, 2017, 20:06
No, I entirely get the business model - just commenting on how gullible the "secondary investors" must be

October 7th, 2017, 22:53
There's at least one on every incoming flight.

October 8th, 2017, 04:28
No, I entirely get the business model - just commenting on how gullible the "secondary investors" must beSurely you read of the millions lost to Internet and phone scammers every month?

October 8th, 2017, 05:01
Yes - and I'd comment on how gullible they must be as well