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September 26th, 2017, 12:37
What do you do to kill the time when missing loved ones? I don't know why, but this time I've missed him like crazy. He's on a bus right now, and should be here within hours. His father was hospitalized, so had to make a trip back to Laos to take care of him. This trip was longer than usual though, and I think it's been 10 days or so.

Can't wait for him to get back.

I would go buy him some flowers and shrimp, but I'm fucken blind now, so I'm sure I'd just get lost. Then a bunch of random strangers would get all worried about me, and help me get home. Then I'd just end up back here without either, shrimp or flowers, so fuck it, I won't even bother trying.

I do have some chicken stir-fry at the ready though. :)

Missing loved ones sucks, doesn't it? Helps remind you how important they are though, I guess.

September 26th, 2017, 13:11
What do you do to kill the time when missing loved ones?Find a boy and fuck the arse off him

September 26th, 2017, 14:39
Or use the time to polish up those turkey cooking skills.

September 26th, 2017, 14:53
Aren't you self-employed and work from home? Why not do some work? Or go play with your dogs in the back yard? Or maybe just have a wank and get over it!

September 26th, 2017, 15:13
Or use your time to study to become an Air Traffic Controller.

September 26th, 2017, 15:36
Aren't you self-employed and work from home? Why not do some work? Or go play with your dogs in the back yard? Or maybe just have a wank and get over it!Count his Bitcoin? The options are almost unlimited ... well, they're limited by life in Khon Kaen I guess - but not for much longer

September 26th, 2017, 15:42
Of course, you're right. Many more opportunities for an entrepeneur in Laos.

September 26th, 2017, 16:22
Didn't Kevin Quill go to Laos to establish the next big Asian gay scene - or was it Cambodia?

Either way....

September 26th, 2017, 16:25
Ok, confirmed. A bunch of old, selfish, bored, lonely pricks on the forum who haven't experienced love in a long time.

September 26th, 2017, 16:28
Didn't Kevin Quill go to Laos to establish the next big Asian gay scene - or was it Cambodia?

Either way....

Siem Reap Cambodia and I see Scottish Zac of Home Bar fame has invested in the Golden Banana resort, best of luck

September 26th, 2017, 16:29

Never heard of him.

September 26th, 2017, 17:07
Ok, confirmed. A bunch of old, selfish, bored, lonely pricks on the forum who haven't experienced love in a long time.

I am experiencing love so much that I am getting tired of it :)

How is the relocation to Lao progressing ? At least once in Lao you might not have to miss the laddy too much. Hell you could maybe move in with his parents at the farm.

September 26th, 2017, 17:18
Matt, this is getting tiresome (for me, at least). You've been in KK some time now. Don't you have any friends to invite over for a beer or a spot of lunch? Or just go for a walk to your local store (sure you've been before, so could find your way), and just have a chat with the locals, who'll now know you as the "crazy blind farang" who lives up the road.

September 26th, 2017, 17:31
Yeah, but I can't love them,, give them a fully bodu younhur massage, and plan out out future together, now can I?

About another an hour or two. :)

September 26th, 2017, 17:56
Your original question was about how you can fill your time until Leo gets "home". S what have you actually done in the last couple of hours?

September 26th, 2017, 18:42
Siem Reap Cambodia and I see Scottish Zac of Home Bar fame has invested in the Golden Banana resort, best of luck
I wish him the same.
A friend who opened a business in Cambodia after closing one in Thailand had this to say about staff in the respective countries;
The Cambodians were more honest but less reliable.
The Thais were more reliable but less honest.
Which is preferable -I don't know.

September 26th, 2017, 20:15
Didn't Kevin Quill go to Laos to establish the next big Asian gay scene - or was it Cambodia? Either way....
I thought he was in jail. Yes? No?

September 26th, 2017, 20:33
Your original question was about how you can fill your time until Leo gets "home". S what have you actually done in the last couple of hours?

In the last couple hours?

Had amazing "welcome back" and "I missed you so much" sex.

I now have a chicken stir fry going, because I know my honey loves it when I cook for him.

September 26th, 2017, 20:41
I thought he was in jail. Yes? No?

Obviously shows you have dementia... he was released in 2008/09 frm a UK prison .shows your knowledge of history,time for that sneaky thai BF you have to put you in a nursing home old man, your way past your use by date

September 26th, 2017, 23:04
Matt, I meant (and you know it) the last couple of hours before he got home. Simple question, simple answer.

I didn't really follow the K Quill saga. Was he the man imprisoned due to stuff (drugs?) being planted in his suitcase. I thought he died, and his son posted a message here, thanking members for their support. Am I thinking of someone else?

September 26th, 2017, 23:17
You're half right - he was jailed but released back to the UK. As far as I recall it was at that time his son posted thanks.

He didn't die (at that time) though, but he was reported to have cancer and certainly appeared in photographs with that appeared to something akin to a tracheotomy.

As to his present condition - dead or alive................no knowledge

Highly inadvisable to start a discussion on the drugs charges.

September 27th, 2017, 02:48
a447...LOL..air traffic controller...occasionally u do spout some gems...

September 27th, 2017, 03:53
Matt, I meant (and you know it) the last couple of hours before he got home. Simple question, simple answer.

I didn't really follow the K Quill saga. Was he the man imprisoned due to stuff (drugs?) being planted in his suitcase. I thought he died, and his son posted a message here, thanking members for their support. Am I thinking of someone else?

Oh, I just sat here like an idiot behind the computer, hyping the dogs up that their second dad is coming home.

Actually, I did clean the house. I did everything I could -- kitchen, sinks, toilets, countertops, empty bottles, etc. I even got a compliment on it. :) Only thing I didn't do was the floor, which is still filthy, but that's because I can't. I've tried multiple times now, and I basically just end up pushing dirt around instead of actually cleaning it, so I leave that for Leo now.

All is well in the world again though. He came back, dogs jumped all over him like crazy, as expected. Then I did the same, and then cooked a delicious chicken stir-fry. :)

Except I ended up defrosting two fish instead of chicken breasts. Pissed me off, so I threw a fish each at the dogs, then defrosted two chicken breasts in the microwave. Aside from that, was delicious. :)

September 27th, 2017, 06:57
Are u saying KQuill is CD Matt Joe?
I dont get your comment, I doubt he would have time to post as he is running a business in Siem Reap last I heard on his facebook page

September 27th, 2017, 07:39
I know where you got the idea I thought KQ and Matt were the same person. I thought KQ had died - I was obviously mistaken. And Matt is just being Matt.

September 27th, 2017, 08:40
Commander Dude Matt wrote.
"then defrosted two chicken breasts in the microwave"

If you do that when the kickass turkey restaurant opens on the banks of The Mekong River you'll kill half the customers.

September 27th, 2017, 10:54
So what is it ... KQ in-carceration or in rigour mortis?
Let's sort this out please. Great topic name though. I Loved KQ ... he hated everyone.

September 27th, 2017, 13:24
What a bore this subject is,,,,sorry I even began reading it...come up with some good subjects people

September 27th, 2017, 14:06
So what is it ... KQ in-carceration or in rigour mortis?
Let's sort this out please. Great topic name though. I Loved KQ ... he hated everyone.Wasn't his great chum The Wombat? Even visited him in prison? Last I heard KQ had got a annual visa for Cambodia - which can be infinitely renewed for something like $200 a year, no show of funds necessary, no questions asked - but that was three years ago now

September 27th, 2017, 14:50
What a bore this subject is,,,,sorry I even began reading it...come up with some good subjects people

You may have noticed that your oft repeated demands for people to stay on topic and make their posts less boring have met with little success. No way to force people to stay on topic or to be less boring (to you). Perhaps you would care to contribute a short list of thread topics that you would find interesting?

September 27th, 2017, 16:55
What a bore this subject is,,,,sorry I even began reading it...come up with some good subjects people

Your right Bluesky and for once i agree with you, its that Francois whose causing it

September 27th, 2017, 16:57
Bob wrote:

Perhaps you would care to contribute a short list of thread topics that you would find interesting?

Or even better, start an interesting thread yourself.

September 27th, 2017, 17:00
We could start threads on how Australians dont have brains

September 27th, 2017, 17:54
I think we should start a thread as to whether or not Kermit the Frod ever actually fucked Miss Piggy.

September 28th, 2017, 06:19
or why do the french keep surrendering??

September 28th, 2017, 07:48
French special forces are some of the best this world has to offer.

September 28th, 2017, 08:35
And since this thread has been totally derailed, let's keep going...

Why is it so horrendous, and such a crime to humanity to offer Thais money for helping you out? This has happened many times now, the latest being last night.

I wanted to cook some fish, but we didn't have any rice and Leo was sleeping, so fuck it, off to 7/11 I went by myself. Managed to get there, bought the rice, then sure enough got lost coming home. I tell you, getting lost when you're blind sucks, because there's absolutely fuck all you can do. You're just stuck wandering around like a total retard, until someone helps you.

I got close to my house though. Whoever helped me knows me enough to know I needed to go down the bike path. He got me there, and I was thrilled to know where I am again. Leo asked me this morning if I offered him money, and yes, I did offer him the 160 baht or so that was in my pocket. Sure enough, he was digusted by the offer, and Leo was also pissed off that I did offer.

I think Leo has told me 3 times now this morning already, "DO NOT OFFER MONEY IF PEOPLE HELP YOU!". Ok, got it.

September 28th, 2017, 08:49
An interesting story, Matt. Would taking one of your dogs to the local store help? Or do they have a guide dog programme in Thailand? From the little I know, they can greatly increase your sense of independence.

September 28th, 2017, 09:28
Thought about it lots, of course. My dogs would be useless as seeing eye dogs. Who the fuck knows where they woudld take me, and I'd probably end up 3km away.

Researched it though, and a seeing eye dog isn't as great as it sounds. It could help me with small obstacles, like when to cross the street, but wouldn't really be able to help me navigate the city. On top of that, there's just too many street dogs in Thailand. Trying to take a healthy black lab around for example would just be a total pain in the ass, because every 20m I'd have to put up with a dog fight.

September 28th, 2017, 09:34
What I really need is an AI robot with GPS and internet. A year or two away, but very close! It's coming.

Then nerve regeneration technology is coming as well, but still quite a ways off. I'm stimating about 15 years from what I've read. Right now, doctors still don't even know why nerves don't regenerate same as other cells, but they are working on it via nanotechnology. They seem to be focused on spinal cord injuries, but if they can figure out how to fix a spinal cord, then they can also fix my optic nerve.

September 28th, 2017, 10:27
Commander Dude Matt wrote.
"French special forces are some of the best this world has to offer."

I agree but the British SAS are THE best and indeed train many other special forces around the world. Founded by a Scotsman. Legend has it that an SAS operative can come in to your house in the dead of night, knock up a kickass chicken stir fry and leave no trace of his presence whatsoever. The only sign he's been there at all is a box of Milk Tray left on the table.

September 28th, 2017, 10:56
Fuck that, Navy Seal Team 6 is the best in the world. They even have really cool stealth helicopters, and everything.

Actually, I think Delta force in the US is best in the world. They're so secretive, we don't even get to know they really exist.

Then there's JTF2 in Canada, and they're awesome too. I remember one time my dad said they did a "surprise" raid on his offshore platform while he was super intendant, and took it over. They were just training in case of an actual terrorist attack, and they needed to retake the platform. Scared the shit out of all the workers though, including my dad.

Then don't even get me started on Mssad....

September 28th, 2017, 11:02
There you go Commander. And The Delta Force is an unusual case because they are immune from prosecution while carrying out sanctioned ops.


September 28th, 2017, 11:11
Yeah, Delta force is totally off the grid. We know a little about them, but will never know much.

September 29th, 2017, 02:34
if they r so wonderful why did no one rescue the US embassy hostages kept captive for a year in Iran.....or knock out rocket man...all hype...no substance

September 29th, 2017, 02:43
Ummm, they did? It was called operation Argo. There's even a whole movie about it starring Ben Affleck.

September 29th, 2017, 09:32
Commander Dude.....you're playing fast and loose with the facts. For a start it wasn't Delta Force but a group pf Intelligence officers, diplomats and agricultural attache's. Secondly it was more of a cunning ruse than a Gung-Ho rescue. But still seriously cool and made that crazy Ayatollah bloke even crazier.

September 29th, 2017, 09:42
Commander Dude.....you're playing fast and loose with the facts.

Then again, that sums up matt's whole persona.

September 29th, 2017, 23:09
You have to go back to WW2 to get real western soldiers.
Ever since, competence and effectiveness has declined despite huge investment in gear and training.
One failure has followed another; The Bay of pigs,Vietnam,Iraq,Syria,North Africa.
It's true that ISIS is being defeated but the involvement of Russia and Kurdistan has played a big part.
I think the west has never had such a collection of weak leaders at one time; Angela, Mrs May, the feminist Canadian PM with the flowery socks, the narcissistic Mr Trump, the French guy who looks a bit like the Canadian guy...
With Putin waiting in the wings to move on Latvia and Estonia a new war in Korea will be up his alley.
There's not a good atmosphere at the moment.

September 29th, 2017, 23:35
Hey! No dissing Trudueau, the Canadian PM. He does excellent yoga poses, and cuddles with panda cubs like none other!