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September 26th, 2017, 08:55
Good morning my wizened beauties. Here is this morning's news.
MFAS graced us with a rare appearance to tell us about some cold meatloaf and used his post to launch an attack on one of his Sunenemies. Self proclaimed millionaire ($Aus so not really) Bogsville Mick woke up drunk and admitted even the OAPs of Sunee can outrun him. NIrish and Gerefan had a right moan about the app Hornet with Gerefan threatening to boycott this free software. In an unprecedented outbreak of usefulness Minimee offered a simple common sense solution to the problem. Latin hauled himself onto the moral high ground to berate Gerefan for his gogo bar conduct and lack of cultural sensitivity. Whitemouse admitted he was unable to find a nightclub and therefore deny members the report they deserve. And Joe552, fresh from the demise of his 'long lost friend' story moved on to a new tale about life in 1980s Sunderland/Newcastle via Israel where he fathered a daughter with a lesbian.
Those are today's headlines.
Happy whoring folks.

September 26th, 2017, 12:43
You missed a fascinating snippet buried in the pages of the Everything Else section, wherein scottish-guy revealed he has invited his father-in-law to chaperone his Vietnamese husband on a visit his Govanhill tenement to celebrate Hogmanay. https://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?18925Presumably the old man will sleep in the spare room whilst the prodigal son sets-to buggering scotty senseless in the master suite next door. Or perhaps he will be invited for a threesome....

September 26th, 2017, 14:13
Just to clarify, arsenal, the sperm was donated in Newcastle, not Israel. All my sperm in Israel were flushed down the toilet with tissue, 'cos I was hopelessly in love with a guy from Canada, who's now a folk singer around British Columbia.

September 26th, 2017, 14:26
Well, MiniMee, I don't know if Arsenal's new pastime is delivering news from the forum posts or just complete fantasy - but if it's the former I live neither in a tenement nor in Govanhill.

So again you have your facts wrong - buy hey what's another two amongst so many eh?

September 26th, 2017, 14:26
Joe's fantasy world tour continues.

September 26th, 2017, 14:32
Joe was silent for months if not a year or more, but suddenly he's undergone a metamorphosis worthy of Kafka - into an all singing all dancing prolific poster!

Whether it's virgin's blood or monkey glands which are responsible has not been revealed - but curious minds are keen to know


September 26th, 2017, 15:02
I'll try to put curious minds at rest (I'm sure I've posted this info already, and christian will let us know). When I was looking after my mother, I got a respite care grant of €1700 every June. That's the money I used to fund my trips to Pattaya. Since my mother went into a nursing home in 2015, I haven't been entitled to that grant - so no trip to Pattaya.

This summer, I got curious about what happened to the first bar boy I met back in the black and white days. After some help from a member here (llz) I got a Thai translation of his name, and asked my current Thai friend (who's from Lao) to see what he could find out. He found him on Facebook, and he lives in Sri Racha. He says he'll come see me in Pattaya in January, but who knows?

This trip is being funded partly by a loan from my Credit Union, and partly by my sister. OK, guys? Well, you did ask!

September 26th, 2017, 15:04
Since my mother went into a nursing home in 2015 ...Talk about selfish!

September 26th, 2017, 15:30
Talk about selfish!

I know - she was incredibly selfish. But, in fairness, she did have dementia, so didn't know what she was doing, poor love.

September 26th, 2017, 16:28
I'll try to put curious minds at rest ....OK, guys? Well, you did ask!

No, I didn't ask that at all Joe.

I commented that you've gone from someone who was very quiet and who didn't post at all for about a year (so much so that I recall starting a thread to ask if you were dead) - to a manic poster who is starting threads every other day and replying to everything to the extent that steam must be coming off your keyboard!

I'm not complaining - I'm just wondering what has happened to completely change your (online) personality


September 26th, 2017, 16:29
Joe wrote.
"I know - she was incredibly selfish. But, in fairness, she did have dementia, so didn't know what she was doing, poor love."

That's what everyone who has sex with Scottish says about him.

September 26th, 2017, 16:30
I know - she was incredibly selfish. But, in fairness, she did have dementia, so didn't know what she was doing, poor love.

So u got the house? Should of bought it off your Mum cheaply before your sis gets half !!

September 26th, 2017, 16:31
That's what everyone who has sex with Scottish says about him.


September 26th, 2017, 16:35
I was talking to someone today about a mutual friend who had traveled back to his home country because one of his parents had died. Just before his return the other parent died. I remarked that he's saved himself an airfare, but I don't think my comment was taken that well. However it was certainly selfless of the second parent IMHO

September 26th, 2017, 16:37
I was talking to someone today about a mutual friend who had traveled back to his home country because one of his parents had died. Just before his return the other parent died. I remarked that he's saved himself an airfare, but I don't think my comment was taken that well. However it was certainly selfless of the second parent IMHO

I hope u die soon u old fucker

September 26th, 2017, 16:42
So u got the house? Should of bought it off your Mum cheaply before your sis gets half !!

My family have always lived in rented accommodation.

September 26th, 2017, 17:01
My family have always lived in rented accommodation.

Good to go for a holiday Joe but your circumstances wont change when u eventually come back, better to change your circumstances yourself and try to meet a guy in Dublin

September 26th, 2017, 17:14
I hope u die soon u old fucker

Please watch your tone. Next time such hating will cost you 2 weeks out of forum. (You don't have to answer: it is moderation note. Public discussion of such notes is against rules. )

September 26th, 2017, 18:12
..Public discussion of such notes is against rules.. )

Discussion in public by whom? The Rule is unclear:

4.4 After the explanation has been published or sent by PM, all communication with the member(s) being sanctioned will be by PM or email. There will be no public discussion.

The implication is that the person to whom the "note" is addressed may not discuss it in public - but I'm getting the impression (perhaps wrongly) that you are seeking to prevent anybody discussing it in public, which would be rather autocratic.

So...which is it?

September 26th, 2017, 18:52
Discussion in public by whom? The Rule is unclear:

4.4 After the explanation has been published or sent by PM, all communication with the member(s) being sanctioned will be by PM or email. There will be no public discussion.

The implication is that the person to whom the "note" is addressed may not discuss it in public - but I'm getting the impression (perhaps wrongly) that you are seeking to prevent anybody discussing it in public, which would be rather autocratic.

So...which is it?

can you read that? member(s)

oh, forgot to mention: why you are talking about "autocratic"? it is private property, here is no place (space?) for "democracy" or "autocracy"

September 26th, 2017, 20:29
Just to clarify, arsenal, the sperm was donated in Newcastle, not Israel. All my sperm in Israel were flushed down the toilet with tissue, 'cos I was hopelessly in love with a guy from Canada, who's now a folk singer around British Columbia.
Mr Joe
You're gay, your daughter's mother is lesbian so Regarding your daughter & Nature V Nurture;
She was nurtured (I presume) by a lesbian and her parents are gay by nature -so is she gay or normal..er...straight?

September 26th, 2017, 23:12
FarangRuMak, I've no idea about her sexual orientation. One of the conditions her mother laid down was that I would have no contact with her (the daughter). I only saw her once, just after they came out of hospital. Looked like every other baby I've seen. I had no desire at the time to be a "father". But I occasionally look her up on the interweb, which is where I've seen her photos.