View Full Version : Sunee Tries To Recover From Meatloaf Dissaster!

September 25th, 2017, 19:50
Ting Tong Red hosts the weekly cheap charlie (fine dining society) meatloaf pigout, on this occassion much to the regret of the 12 people in attendence the leader well known American with a dead racoon on his head was agast when his cheap slab of loaf was delivered to the group cold. He formally gave his unhappiness words spoken to the owner however it stopped no one from downing the cheap slab. When more of this catastropy comes to light you shall be updated.

September 25th, 2017, 20:05
It will take maybe 12 hours to know if this situation escalates.
There's no end to the problems; Korea,Brexit and now this.

September 25th, 2017, 20:07
I think we need to call in the UN General Assembly for this one.

September 25th, 2017, 20:45
MFAS - whilst I await the customary stage-managed pics in the Pattaya Daily Mail (12 guys standing pointing at the offending meat loaf whilst the BIB look on) I was wondering if I should ship a live Haggis to Ting Tong Red?

My thoughts are that even if the "group leader" doesn't fancy it as food he could wear it as a new wig?


September 25th, 2017, 22:04
I've been called a cheap charlie in the past, but wasn't aware of this fine dining experience. Pray tell, which evening and how much for cold meatloaf?

September 25th, 2017, 22:15
Without doubt this is another nail in the coffin for Sunee.

September 25th, 2017, 22:43
This incident which will henceforth be known as Meatloaf-Gate is up there with The Great Sunee Plaza Poisoning of 2011 when the Fat Cunt ate the chicken soup at Monty's

September 25th, 2017, 23:12
This incident which will henceforth be known as Meatloaf-Gate is up there with The Great Sunee Plaza Poisoning of 2011 when the Fat Cunt ate the chicken soup at Monty's
Very true except for a small detail.
He was first introduced to the soup at Monty's and liked it so much that he ordered a full cauldron (eye of toad, ear of newt ...) which was delivered from Monty's customised kitchen.
And the rest is history.

September 25th, 2017, 23:13
This incident which will henceforth be known as Meatloaf-Gate is up there with The Great Sunee Plaza Poisoning of 2011 when the Fat Cunt ate the chicken soup at Monty's


September 25th, 2017, 23:33
What's the story?
We should be midway in crisis by now.
Any casualties?

September 25th, 2017, 23:42
In instances like this one looks to the community's leaders to step up. I therefore expect Commander Dude Matt and his trusty sidekick, Leo from Laos, to abseil into Sunee and knock up a kickass roast turkey dinner in order to save not only the day but the reputation of Sunee.

September 25th, 2017, 23:49
well, apparently, the trusty sidekick Leo is back in Lao at the moment. And you can't expect a blind man to abseil down to Sunee and cook up a dinner? Although, if HM The Queen can parachute for the Olympics at her age, a virile young man like Matt should be fine.

September 26th, 2017, 00:19
I've been called a cheap charlie in the past, but wasn't aware of this fine dining experience. Pray tell, which evening and how much for cold meatloaf?

joe, the fine dining society has a meatloaf dinner night every Thursday at Ting Tong Red in Sunee Plaza, Pattaya . Cost is 200 Baht, which is a good deal.
Apparently the owner of Ting Tong Red suffered from a bad drink or food, etc, on his return to Thailand and was unable to prepare the food as always. As a result the food was served cold, etc, etc. An unfortunate incident for one and all..

September 26th, 2017, 01:22
well, I'm sure it will all be back to normal by January when I visit. I'd already decided to give this bar a try (never been, just passed by), but a 200Bt dinner? Who could resist?

Although, I promised my friend a special dinner, at a place of his choosing, for tracking down my old love. He said fine and picked a place on Thepprasit Road (I've forgotten where that is - on the way to Jomtien?). He didn't give a name. But I know he's not keen on Western style restaurants, so the cheap charlie night in Ting Tong could be just the job!

September 26th, 2017, 06:37
Ting Tong Red hosts the weekly cheap charlie (fine dining society) meatloaf pigout, on this occassion much to the regret of the 12 people in attendence the leader well known American with a dead racoon on his head was agast when his cheap slab of loaf was delivered to the group cold. He formally gave his unhappiness words spoken to the owner however it stopped no one from downing the cheap slab. When more of this catastropy comes to light you shall be updated.

He gets free drinks at Winner Go Go too

September 26th, 2017, 10:26
Well if he enjoys free drinks at Winner Bar that suggests he is popular and well liked. Unlike many of you here. Mmm.

September 26th, 2017, 12:43
But I know he's not keen on Western style restaurants, so the cheap charlie night in Ting Tong could be just the job!

joe, it is not a cheap charlie night! The 200 Baht dinners served at Ting Tong include a variety of dishes and are available every night. Typically the dishes are German style.

September 26th, 2017, 14:29
All I can say is things must be very quiet in Pattaya at the moment, if this is considered worthy of report.

But then again, we all know that serving a meal cold - especially meatloaf - is considered a crine in LOS, so I suggest mfas get onto the only person who can bring about justice here.

I'm talking about the wonderful white-winged weekend warrior. The fantastic feathered fowl.

Yes, Chickenman! (He's everywhere! He's everywhere!)

I'm sure he can take time off from fighting crime and/or evil in Midland City and head over to Pattaya.

He would be the perfect choice to deal with this level of dastardly crime!

On second thoughts, maybe he's not a good choice . He only works on weekends.


September 26th, 2017, 14:35
But most of the farang lurking in Sunee are already "chicken" men

Nudge Nudge

September 26th, 2017, 14:37
And many are quite "foul", too.

September 26th, 2017, 14:43
Francois wrote. (to Joe)
"Typically the dishes are German style."

I can see a German leg of Joe's world tour coming soon.

September 26th, 2017, 14:49
I'm not sure what German style means - heavy on the sausage? I shared a flat with a German woman here a long time ago. Nice enough, but not a barrel of laughs. So no, arsenal, it's not on my list!

September 26th, 2017, 15:53
German style means German food.

September 26th, 2017, 16:15
Who could have guessed?

September 26th, 2017, 16:18
I'm not sure what German style means - heavy on the sausage?...

Story of your life dear


September 26th, 2017, 16:33
I'm not sure what German style means - heavy on the sausage? I shared a flat with a German woman here a long time ago. Nice enough, but not a barrel of laughs. So no, arsenal, it's not on my list!

I have had about 3 German sausages in my life ... i wanted Christians but he didnt turn up.

September 26th, 2017, 16:53
He probably went to see Matt instead!

September 26th, 2017, 17:00
SG, one of the things I loved about Prague was sitting in a bar with my (straight) mate having beers, and eating these enormous sausages. Had they been cocks, I wouldn't have even tried!

September 26th, 2017, 21:25
.. i wanted Christians but he didnt turn up.

You were probably too expensive.

September 27th, 2017, 01:56
Or your skin was too hot and your knickers not white enough


Nirish guy
September 27th, 2017, 05:18
I'm not sure what German style means

Well as it's cheap charlie night and so most in attendance are probably miserable bastards I'm guessing being German that would then just have to be a room full of Sour Krauts ! :)

September 27th, 2017, 07:44
That was another chuckle moment, NIrish - well done.

September 27th, 2017, 08:34
NIrish wrote.
"Well as it's cheap charlie night and so most in attendance are probably miserable bastards I'm guessing being German that would then just have to be a room full of Sour Krauts !"

You're nicking all of Scottish's 'best' material.

September 27th, 2017, 09:34
.....that would then just have to be a room full of Sour Krauts ! :)

Accompanied by a couple of dud Czechs, perhaps?

September 27th, 2017, 12:27
This incident which will henceforth be known as Meatloaf-Gate is up there with The Great Sunee Plaza Poisoning of 2011 when the Fat Cunt ate the chicken soup at Monty's

And the FC would be so happy Monty's favourite son is onboard here. Or would he?

September 27th, 2017, 12:57
Well as it's cheap charlie night and so most in attendance are probably miserable bastards I'm guessing being German that would then just have to be a room full of Sour Krauts ! :)

Wrong again, Nirish guy. Probably only one of the attendees could even speak German and he was Swiss. Most of the attendees were Americans, Brits or Australians.
The OP is just having fun with his original post.

September 27th, 2017, 23:25
the fine dining society has a meatloaf dinner night every Thursday at Ting Tong Red in Sunee Plaza, Pattaya . Cost is 200 Baht, which is a good deal.
Apparently the owner of Ting Tong Red suffered from a bad drink or food, etc, on his return to Thailand and was unable to prepare the food as always. As a result the food was served cold, etc, etc. An unfortunate incident for one and all..

Is the fine dining society of Sunee (FDSOS) still going strong on Thursdays?
I worry that the great meat loaf catastrophy of 2017 wiped out some of fine dining society members, and in light of this tragedy future events are put on hold.

Nirish guy
September 27th, 2017, 23:49
Wrong again, Nirish guy. Probably only one of the attendees could even speak German and he was Swiss. Most of the attendees were Americans, Brits or Australians.
The OP is just having fun with his original post.

I'm guessing that you maybe just missed the joke a little there Francois.

September 27th, 2017, 23:59
Is the fine dining society of Sunee (FDSOS) still going strong on Thursdays?

We shall see what happens on this Thursday. Hopefully no cold meatloaf.

September 28th, 2017, 00:00
I'm guessing that you maybe just missed the joke a little there Francois.

Hmmm, maybe I an not good at jokes? :lol:

September 28th, 2017, 03:30
A Frenchman, having been caught out serving cold meatloaf would have rolled his eyes, sniffed haughtily and said. 'It is pate monsieur. It is supposed to be served cold' before flouncing away like a pekinese. That is really how they got away with cold potato soup (Vichyssoise0 and cold rice pudding (conde).

September 28th, 2017, 04:04
So is it meatloaf every week? Never had that before. Maybe a better deal than Cafe des Amis?

September 28th, 2017, 10:14
What's the story?
We should be midway in crisis by now.
Any casualties?

Today is Meatloaf Day again, I must pass the torch to Windwalker as he appears to have intimate knowlege of the Meatloaf group's comings and goings.

September 28th, 2017, 14:46
So is it meatloaf every week? Never had that before. Maybe a better deal than Cafe des Amis?

Another joke, joe? Alas one must receive an invitation from the Meatloaf Master to attend as a meatloafer. But the restaurant is open to one and all for any of their German specialities. In my opinion, not quite up to the standards of Cafe Des Amis, which I was told by the owner, is not French owned.

September 28th, 2017, 15:18
Ah, fuck it - I'll be on my holidays, so why not do both? I'll be sure to report back.

I've asked my Lao friend which restaurant on Thepprasit he's chosen for our special dinner, but as he'd doing a visa run to Cambodia today, I won't hear back from him till this evening. Btw, I thought he was studying massage, but he's actually teaching it. Beats working in an internet shop, methinks.

September 28th, 2017, 15:53
Oh I've heard it all now - you need an invitation to pay 200B for cold meatloaf and join the Sunee OAP Association weekly jamboree


September 28th, 2017, 16:37
They call themselves The Meatloafateers.

September 28th, 2017, 16:43
Don't worry, SG, you're unlikely to receive an invitation to join the group. Far too old from what I've heard.

September 28th, 2017, 17:42
Joe it was you who voluntarily told us you were over 60 so you cant blame me for mentioning it.

As far as my age is concerned, you're just making stuff up and you are way off the mark

September 28th, 2017, 17:46
They'll probably do a pureed version of said meatloaf if you ask them Scottish.

September 28th, 2017, 17:50
Will you be providing the recipe, Fanny?


Above we see Fanny Cradock (aka Arsenal) feeding Xmas Dinner to a go-go boy he's offed from BoyzBoyzBoyz

September 28th, 2017, 17:59
How dare you. She's serving red wine with chicken which as Francois will no doubt confirm can still get you sent to Devil's Island. Coq au Vin notwithstanding.


September 28th, 2017, 18:37
I do give you credit for offing one of BBB's younger go-go boys though

September 28th, 2017, 18:54
Oh I've heard it all now - you need an invitation to pay 200B for cold meatloaf and join the Sunee OAP Association weekly jamboree


They are not just anybodys!

September 29th, 2017, 06:56
Your image of the massage guy just sitting there growing tits still causes me to double up with laughter.
Any chance of an update on his mammary progress?