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September 23rd, 2017, 23:28
From the Pattaya Mail, 22 September:

"Beach vendors starting next month no longer will be permitted to sell alcohol. Sanitation chief Wasinpat Chimtin on Sept. 15 informed about 50 Jomtien and Pattaya beach chair vendors of the no-alcohol rules during a briefing on the slew of new regulations put in place by the army this summer. In addition to not being able to sell booze, vendors all must wear aprons, must operate their single plot of chairs themselves, cannot sublease to others and must bid for their plot annually in a drawing. This is apparently being done to project a favorable image during the International Fleet Show in November."

Although the last sentence suggests a note of ambiguity (might the alcohol ban be lifted once the November show is over?), is this another nail in the coffin for Dongtan and its "gay beach"?

I haven't visited LOS since January, but I seem to recall that since then the Pattaya Mail has reported - in addition to the above - that:

(a) the no-chairs-so-that-the-beach-can-be-cleaned rule has now been extended from every Wednesday to include every Thursday as well,

(b) sometime about now all the beach concessionaires would have to reapply for official status, fewer would be granted it and the concession locations will be re-awarded by lot. In other words as I understand it, when I return in March I might find that, after 25 years or so, Rit might have been shifted to the southern end of Jomtien beach or somewhere else unknown to me and have been replaced by someone operating a not-so-gay-friendly concession. Such a change would break up the hitherto solid - if, over the years, decreasing in size - gay block of chair concessions

As I say, my only source for all this is the Pattaya Mail. Ought I to give those reports the same credence that I give to Miss Terry Diner's sycophantic restaurant criticism, or are any/all of those changes actually being implemented? Perhaps a Pattaya resident can update us all?

September 24th, 2017, 07:31
I hope they close the fuckers down i really do.

At one stage they had every tiny bit of the beach, how about leaving some for people who dont want to pay to sit in a long chair,?

Tourists dont need them , other countries dont all have them, sit on the beach with a towel

September 24th, 2017, 08:19
Excellent use of a well worn phrase Marsilius. That coffin must by now have more nails than a B & Q DIY store.

September 24th, 2017, 08:21
You're only pissed because Marsilius has outed you as Miss Terry Diner

September 24th, 2017, 08:29
And ironically a coffin is where Scottish gets most of his 'jokes' from. Haha.

September 24th, 2017, 08:33
And the only place you're likely to get a stiffy these days. Hehe

September 24th, 2017, 13:13
Or rigor mortis :-)

September 24th, 2017, 17:13
The beach is open again on Thursday. By open I mean the vendors and masseurs, etc can work. There are open areas(7 days a week) for those that want to throw down a towel and sunbathe. In California, public beaches do not permit smoking and alcohol.

September 24th, 2017, 17:26
In California, public beaches do not permit smoking and alcohol.

In the UK it's compulsory.

September 24th, 2017, 17:34
...for those that want to throw down a towel ...And for those who want to throw in the towel?

September 24th, 2017, 17:47
The vendors have been realigned slightly since last week. There are now gaps between sections for people who want to throw down (or throw in) their towel. Some sections moved slightly north and others south. For example, the Rainbow, section 25, is now in front of the White House, and there are now vendors in front of the Rabbit.

September 24th, 2017, 18:29
Is assistance going to be provided for any elderly and morbidly obese farangs who may decide to "throw down a towel" and then find themselves completely incapable of getting up again?

Asking for a friend :D

September 24th, 2017, 19:01
Is assistance going to be provided for any elderly and morbidly obese farangs who may decide to "throw down a towel" and then find themselves completely incapable of getting up again?

Asking for a friend :D

Well anythings possible here in Pattaya for a price... i just had my arse licked for 700 b by a ladyboy

September 24th, 2017, 19:19
Did another two ladyboys prise and hold your enormous bum cheeks apart so the third could reach your bunghole?

Just wondering like

September 24th, 2017, 23:07
Did another two ladyboys prise and hold your enormous bum cheeks apart so the third could reach your bunghole?

Just wondering like

Funny you should say that !! :D

September 25th, 2017, 00:03
I hope they close the fuckers down i really do.

At one stage they had every tiny bit of the beach, how about leaving some for people who dont want to pay to sit in a long chair,?

Tourists dont need them , other countries dont all have them, sit on the beach with a towel

I've been coming here for many years, I bought a place near by because I liked it so much and I've traveled around the world to experience as many of these full service beach clubs as possible and despite the not so clean sea...this is the best.

I live at the beach here in Vancouver, we have tons of cute Asian boys and lots of sun and sand, but no massage, no pedicure, no drinks on demand, Thai food brought to me and cleared away for me afterwards. We have a gay nude beach, with beautiful naked Asian boys to enjoy and you can buy a beer or a joint, maybe a sandwich...but not the service you get down at Dong Tan Beach.

The closest thing I've found to it is the Blue Chairs / Beach Club in Puerto Vallarta. There's full service in Cancun, about 2/3's of the way down the 7 towards Club Med, but it's expensive and it's not gay. I found a great one in Mykonos, but not gay and you have to go to the restaurant to eat anything.

Only Dong Tan has full service and hot & cold running boys. There are plenty other beaches in Thailand and close by to Dong Tan that don't offer service, aren't gay...have much cleaner water to swim in and allow you to spread your towel down and not be bothered. At Dong Tan you know what they offer and you can chose to sit with the other gay folk who are there for the service or there for the boys....or not.

Up to you!


September 25th, 2017, 02:21
"Only Dong Tan has full service and hot & cold running boys"

Well I don't do the beach but I thought all the boys had deserted you obese Beachlovers?
I prefer to spend all day pawing over the pages of Hornet.