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View Full Version : My old Thai Best Friend

September 23rd, 2017, 14:49
I'm sure I started a thread on this before, but can't find it. So apologies. I just had an email from my current TBF, who tracked down the old one. He doesn't want to talk about him, except to say he's not the same sweet boy that I remember. I've no idea what that means. These guys have never met - just talk on Facebook. Anyway, I plan to meet him in January, though as this is Thailand we're talking about, that might not happen.

September 23rd, 2017, 15:01
You already started a thread on this last week?
Do u want to copy and paste the replies?

I suggest you get nto Grindr and start looking for hook ups, report back to us on how u go

September 23rd, 2017, 15:28
I already said I thought I'd started a thread on this, but couldn't find it. So I started a new one. Shoot me.

September 24th, 2017, 23:27
This one?
Or this one?
How much longer do you want to milk this story?

September 25th, 2017, 02:24
He's lost it Chris....

September 25th, 2017, 18:11
I take your point. Apologies.