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September 23rd, 2017, 01:44
I used to get 40 plus pages without paying extra to Hornet.
Now I only get little over one page free.
What do you get?

September 23rd, 2017, 04:45
Wankers Cramp

September 23rd, 2017, 11:51
I noticed the same. Some weeks ago, after scrolling some pages down, all profiles blurred. But some days ago back to normal.

September 23rd, 2017, 18:06
If you use it on a PC there does not seem to be any restriction.

My problem is that people seem to be unable to "unlock" their Private photos for me.

September 23rd, 2017, 18:15
I want to use Hornet and Grindr again!

September 23rd, 2017, 18:32
I want to use Hornet and Grindr again!

Praise the lord! Its a miracle..........https://youtu.be/7atDQreame4..

September 23rd, 2017, 18:34
I know, I really need to buy some of that holy water for $49.95/bottle that Pat Robertson is selling, or whoever the fuck the famous televangelist is these days.

September 23rd, 2017, 18:37
I want to use Hornet and Grindr again!

Just click on a random profile or two, you won't be able to see what they look like anyway.
Most guys are decent, in their mid twenties to mid thirties. Invite couple of guys over, and have kick-ass sex.

September 24th, 2017, 06:40
I sent them this message:

"I hope whoever came up with the idea of limiting the number of accessible profiles loose their job ... what a stupid idea ... making your app less user friendly."

And got this response:

"Thanks for taking the time to write and share your views with us. We really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do this. Your input into Hornet is important.

We know that any change to our app has an impact on our customers, so we always strive to keep that impact positive. The decision to restrict or remove features is never taken lightly and we try to balance this with new features being added.

As you will have noticed over the last 12 months, there have been some big changes to Hornet. We have added many new features to the app, as we truly redefine what a gay app is. We are now a fully integrated social platform bringing you exciting, funny and informative Hornet Stories; listing all the Places and events you can visit in your town or around the world; launching our Hornet Community, which is where you can truly take part in shaping Hornet; and of course, continuing to offer Hornet Guys. These changes have all been brought about as a result of customer feedback and to improve the Hornet experience.

We understand that you are disappointed with our decision to restrict the number of grid views allowed on the free version of our app. Offering this feature unlimited on the free version of the app certainly helped to define Hornet in our early days, but, it is expensive to offer it. We are moving on from that stage now and it’s time for us to amend that feature. We have done a lot of research into how our customers use Hornet, and we discovered that the majority of our customers simply do not need an unlimited grid view. Very few of our users scroll extensively and even fewer engage with guys who are further down the grid. If an unrestricted grid view is an important part of your Hornet experience, we invite you to subscribe to our Premium Membership. Our Premium Members still have access to an unrestricted grid. By subscribing to a Premium Membership you are honoring us with investment that we can use to continue developing and offering new features.

For a very short time, we are offering Premium with a massive discount of 40%! Get it before the offer runs out!

We have not however given up on our commitment to having the best free gay app on the marketplace and we still offer by far the most comprehensive gay app experience, for free.

In addition to this, it is possible to get Hornet Points by being part of our Hornet Community, which you can exchange for Premium Membership. Have a look at our Community and check out ways that you can get involved!

With all of that being said, this is not a closed book. As Hornet has always changed and developed, so we will continue to develop. Whenever we make any change to the app, we closely monitor the customer input about it. We will be doing that for this change, just like any other.

To sum up, we truly believe that we offer an amazing app - both on the free version and on our Premium version. We are a very different app to the app we were when we started in 2011. We now offer so much more than we had ever dreamed possible. Check out the new features and become involved in our Hornet Community - we are sure that you will make a lot of new friends, have some great experiences and even contribute to the development of Hornet directly.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We genuinely appreciate it and your voice has been heard.

Kind regards,

September 24th, 2017, 07:43
Sounds to me like they want to follow Gay.com. gaydar, Fridae, gayromeo etc as the " we used to be the best, now we are shit, and have no users" Gay dating app!

RIP Hornet! Long live Blue'D (for now!)
Sent Hornet staff a feedback e-mail and commiserated them on the (forthcoming) loss of their jobs!

September 24th, 2017, 07:48
I know, I really need to buy some of that holy water for $49.95/bottle that Pat Robertson is selling, or whoever the fuck the famous televangelist is these days.I'm happy to sell you holy water, Matt, and at a much lower price. In fact you can make it yourself. Just put a pan of water on the stove and boil the hell out of it

Nirish guy
September 24th, 2017, 19:13
"With all of that being said, this is not a closed book. As Hornet has always changed and developed, so we will continue to develop. Whenever we make any change to the app, we closely monitor the customer input about it. We will be doing that for this change, just like any other."

So in other words, "sorry but the big boos told us to give this a try to see can we bag him any quick money, but hey if it doesn't work then fuck it don't worry we'll just revert back to the unlimited views thing again probably" Forgetting of course that the reduced limited number of people who already do use their app will have totally fucked off to all the other apps by then of course. So, tep, RIP Hornet if they keep that up I would think - but hey maybe their horny points are worth it and we'll stay......or NOT.

They Should take note from Gaydar who were "it" and by screwing with their platform lost their position overnight almost and have never got it back since and even after refreshing and updating their site now it's almost dead of younger users ( and so will die for sure shortly I'm guessing then)

September 25th, 2017, 03:12
What are a load of company auto jibberish.
Let's all piss off elsewhere.

September 25th, 2017, 03:57
This is typical of modern day start-ups. They think a large user base = money. Once they realize the reality, they change focus and destroy the operation.

Hornet could have done 100 different things other than this if they were being pressured to generate revenue.

September 25th, 2017, 09:46
The email is a bit long, but in the end I find it's fair that they restrict the free version. How do you think this whole operation runs without money? Absolutely no complaints from me for limiting number of profiles you can see in the grid. Of course I would rather have unlimited free view, but somehow they have to make money, through advertising (I vaguely remember when I first used hornet there was no advertising) and membership fees. Here a screenshot (I made the white circles and "edit"):


September 25th, 2017, 23:44
As I said in the opening post I only just get one page of pics.

Hardly worth a click anymore...

September 26th, 2017, 02:21
Then upgrade to the paid version. Problem solved.

September 26th, 2017, 04:15
I dunno, guys. I don't know that all this technology will make us any happier! When I came out in the early 80s (it was actually 1980, the year I left the army and started travelling), you could go to a bar and chat up a guy, or go to what was very much a community run disco. No alcohol served but open till 2am. We still managed to find a warm body to curl up with. Now it's all so instant! I may be 61 in body, but I feel 80 in attitude to these "apps".

September 26th, 2017, 06:19
As I said in the opening post I only just get one page of pics.Hardly worth a click anymore...A simple work-around is to use the 'Explore' feature. If you want to see more MBs in Shitsville just zoom from Sunee to BoysTown and then to Jomtien and you will have a fresh page of faces to choose from in each location.

September 26th, 2017, 10:31
Now the restriction is back on my hornet, but I get about 5 pages. Just 1 page would indeed be very restrictive. I don't know if the restriction is by distance or number of profiles (actually I can rule the latter out, as the restriction kicks in at different number of profiles, and not even a multiple of 3).

September 26th, 2017, 11:53
A simple work-around is to use the 'Explore' feature. If you want to see more MBs in Shitsville just zoom from Sunee to BoysTown and then to Jomtien and you will have a fresh page of faces to choose from in each location.

Thanks that seems to work. Will need to have a close look to make sure they are different profiles.

Chistian..I'm now getting 17 lines of profiles no matter what I select. So 85 free profiles (5 per line)

September 28th, 2017, 11:41
5 profiles per line? That's interesting. I get 3 per line on my 5.5 inch diagonal phone. Maybe they detect screen size and adjust?

In the days before the limitation, in the provinces I sometimes scanned to 100 km distance and further.

September 29th, 2017, 02:09
I'm looking at Hornet on an iPad so maybe that's why.

I've also found another way to see more profiles...

Simply set one year age difference e.g look at ages 18-18 and you see 85 profiles. Then set 19 - 19 and so on.

Just like porn, I refuse to pay!