View Full Version : Bitchy Queens

September 20th, 2017, 22:16
Here's a question for you senior forum members. Speaking as a bitchy queen, does Thailand seem to have a certain magnetism that draws the most vile and bitchy old queens from our ranks to its shores?

September 21st, 2017, 01:27
Hmmmm. Well, you're here. Does that answer your question dear?

September 21st, 2017, 01:33
Oh god yes, Let me tell u the most bitchiest vile queen is The Cat ! Catwamparse

September 21st, 2017, 01:45
We're not all old, my dear. Some of us are a sprightly 60 something! How old are you?

September 21st, 2017, 06:57
Joe552, the answer to your question is 64. I also feel sprightly, but am under no illusion 64 could be considered anything other than old.

September 21st, 2017, 07:44
Well for starters dearest jimnbkk, there's a continuum of queens on this board ranging from individuals who are meek and mild to cretens who are vile venomous egomaniacs. The initial question posed was why Thailand seems to draw "the most vile and bitchy old queens" to its shores?
I'm a self confessed bitchy queen and also cop to being old...however don't exhibit vile venomous egomaniacal traits that seem to be pervasive on this forum.
So tell me again jimnbkk...what was the reason for your reply?

September 21st, 2017, 08:39

Your question is interesting. My belief is that it is not Thailand but boards like this that attract those you are asking about. Many have few friends and little to do but to post and read messages here and other boards.

September 21st, 2017, 09:03
Marti, you may have hit the nail on the head !!!

September 21st, 2017, 09:16
Oh god yes, Let me tell u the most bitchiest vile queen is The Cat ! Catwamparse

Yes I saw her the other day, the years have not been kind.

September 21st, 2017, 09:44
By the way, thank you marti for being a voice of reason... rising above the random noise !!

September 21st, 2017, 09:51
Jfs posts, Marti replies, marti posts, jfs replies

Give it up Marti/ jfs for fucks sake we know your the same

September 21st, 2017, 10:03
Mickp...you are the most random of the random noise around here. As someone advised you before, have your MD review and adjust your med dosage!!

September 21st, 2017, 10:34
By the way Mickp, in your stupor you got the chronology of my posts wrong.
It should read : jfs posts, marti replies, jfs posts to marti, jfs posts again to thank marti
for his voice rising above the random noise.

September 21st, 2017, 14:59
Seems strange you followed me to this board JDS or whatever your silly name is, strangely one of the bikies that raped my mouth recently was called JF !!!

September 21st, 2017, 19:58
Mickp, really successful people have at a bare minimum, a keen sense for detail...a skill that in your present state you lack. You have trouble remembering my forum name, you mischaracterize the chronolgy of my post with marti and then go on to accuse me of being one in the same with marti, suggest that I followed you to this forum, and now your'e trying to implicate me in your "fabricated assualt" at the biker bar.
You're a pathetic, delusional and seemingly paranoid excuse for a human being...and a second rate hack at writing fiction. Go out and get yourself some real friends...it will do you a world of good !!

September 21st, 2017, 20:41
Very clever OP jfs.
You want to examine the proliferacy or otherwise of Queens in Thailand. (Perhaps for your social studies Masters?)
Then you sit back and observe the evidence unfold here as you frolic in the bars.
A bit like throwing some honey on a patio table to see if there are wasps around.

September 21st, 2017, 21:24
Hello FarangRuMak, at my age don't have the patience to embark upon a Masters Degree Program !!
Am posting from California right now, so unless questions of time travel were dealt with, it would be difficult for me to sit back and observe the evidence unfold there in Thailand as I "frolic in the bars."
However...if one is interested in attracting wasps...a little honey never hurts!!
By the way, I believe the main question I posed in this post was cogently answered by marti.

September 22nd, 2017, 16:15

Your question is interesting. My belief is that it is not Thailand but boards like this that attract those you are asking about. Many have few friends and little to do but to post and read messages here and other boards.

Others have health and /or financial problems.

And there are others - the really vile ones - who still haven't come to terms with the fact that they are gay, and so take out their bitterness and resentment on the rest of the world.

But these types behave the same, whether they visit Thailand or stay at home.

September 22nd, 2017, 16:28
You have to try to empathise:

Imagine you'd been foolish enough to retire and sell up everything you had to move to Thailand. You thought that money would see you through to the end of your days.

Then, after spending a small fortune you finally realise that the "gay paradise" is all an illusion.

You realise also that for legal or health reasons you are incapable of generating an income and that consequently your capital is almost all eaten up.

So you have to economise - leaving you living in a less desirable location and scrimping and scraping to make ends meet.

You can't go home because you now have no house and the chances of a single guy getting Council accommodation is next to zero - so you're effectively trapped in a downward spiral and worrying about what will happen should you fall seriously ill.

Well, you'd be bitter and twisted too.

September 22nd, 2017, 16:34
A familiar scenario. The dream becomes a nightmare.

You only have to sit in a beer bar in Sunee to see these poor guys, drinking themselves into oblivion every night.

Retirement in Thailand is certainly not for everyone, that's for sure.

One of the good things about visiting Thailand is that I can leave if I want to.

September 22nd, 2017, 16:41
Unless you have unlimited funds (or a shed in London to sell!), I would imagine that the key to living in Thailand is to find an income stream at least sufficient to cover one's living costs. The capital you brought with you is then eroded at a much slower rate and if you have some medical or financial emergency then you can handle it.

To some guys that means the most often foolish idea of opening a bar and despite what people say I'm sure it can work if you're conscientious, motivated, and healthy - but these same guys are often piss artists and/or whoremongers themselves so any potential income either goes down their neck or up their arse.

September 22nd, 2017, 17:26
Yes, I can't argue with that.

However, I've met a few ex-pats who have made a success of it. But they appear financially secure and to be in good health.

Also, they have developed other interests other than drinking and whoring.

September 22nd, 2017, 17:34
Talking about other interests; are those ass'ole pseudo (farang) police you see on Utube still active on Walking Street?
They stuck their thirsty beaks into Sunnee about 5 years ago but they lasted only 3 days for some reason.
Jeezeus .. do I sound like a bitchy Queen?

September 22nd, 2017, 18:12
Not at all.

I thought there was only policeman involved.

If he was after tea money, the bar owners would have laughed in his face. And then dobbed him into the Thai police - the ones who collect regular payments.

If he was on a one-man crusade to clean up Sunee he would have fallen foul of the police, who wouldn't like their monthly tea money to be disturbed. They want things to stay exactly as they are, I'd imagine.

September 22nd, 2017, 19:06
It had something to do with a bar owner-cum-tourist police who's no longer a bar owner in Sunnee, Deo Gratia.
Yep, I saw those beaks swaggering around the Private Sois of Sunnee for a few days only.

September 22nd, 2017, 19:13
Francois knows the story, if I recall correctly.

September 23rd, 2017, 03:23
It had something to do with a bar owner-cum-tourist police who's no longer a bar owner in Sunnee, Deo Gratia.
Yep, I saw those beaks swaggering around the Private Sois of Sunnee for a few days only.

Mmmmmm , is he still around or gone back to the USA?

September 23rd, 2017, 06:40

September 23rd, 2017, 08:42
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....there's also the possibly that the Thai police arrested him for attempted extortion - it's illegal in Thailand - and that he is languishing in the "monkey how".

September 23rd, 2017, 11:01
I used to think about moving to Pattaya but realised it would be a financial disaster. I'll only have my State pension, with a very small private pension (which I expect will buy me about 2 pints a month). I'm lonely enough here in Dublin as it is. I think my preferred option at this stage is a move to Tenerife. Free health care, and close enough for family to visit. What would be the point of living in a small studio apartment in some back alley, if you don't have the funds to go out for a few drinks with a cute boy?

September 23rd, 2017, 11:12
Gay Tenerife: http://www.just-tenerife.com/gay/index.html

Somewhere I remember a survey which showed that Tenerifeans-yuns registered third under the heading of 'Largest Cocks On The Planet' (AKA: LCOTP).
Get it where it lies.


Yes yes I know I know ... which country is #1?

1. Congo (7.1")
2. Equador (6.9") ??
3. Tenerife (6.8")
4. Ghana (6.8")

Obviously some bullshit going around as the average in Thailand is rated at 4.0".

September 23rd, 2017, 12:18
no.2 & 3 both have good latin blood...hence the impressive appendages...I should know....being latin and all

September 23rd, 2017, 12:41
Perhaps surprising for a gay man, but cock size is not that important to me. Maybe I'm a lesbian?

And who still uses "she" to describe other gay men? I hated it when I came out in 1980, and still hate it.

September 23rd, 2017, 17:05
...Obviously some bullshit going around as the average in Thailand is rated at 4.0".

The Thailand data was collected in the mid 1990's from bar boys in Sunee Plaza and the 10yos skewed the results?


September 25th, 2017, 16:35
Perhaps surprising for a gay man, but cock size is not that important to me. Maybe I'm a lesbian?

And who still uses "she" to describe other gay men? I hated it when I came out in 1980, and still hate it.
Joe, if you'd just leave out word "maybe" everyone would be quite intrigued, in the vomiting sense.
Actually I believe stating that one is a lesbian is against the Forum Posting Guidelines.

September 25th, 2017, 17:59
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....there's also the possibly that the Thai police arrested him for attempted extortion - it's illegal in Thailand - and that he is languishing in the "monkey how".

Mmmmmmm...im talking about the old American guy who retired and bought KDragon before selling it to the Russians

I dont see him around now forget his username on the board

The other tourist cop owned the Corner Bar

September 25th, 2017, 18:16
I remember the tourist cop in the corner bar.
In fairness to him he only brought virgins from Walking Street to Sunnee.
No harm in that.

September 25th, 2017, 18:20
Clearly the best way of avoiding the cops taking too much of an interest in your predilections is to join them

September 25th, 2017, 22:25
For the record, I'm not actually a lesbian. I hate DIY and look stupid in dungarees. (Although, does a vibrator count as a power tool? I don't own one of them anymore either). So I'm definitely not a lesbian!

September 25th, 2017, 22:31
In order to be a full member of the fat butch lezzers sisterhood one must be capable of hating everyone who isn't a fat butch lezzer.

September 25th, 2017, 22:39
You forgot possession of a (XXXL) leather jacket and the ability to swill multiple pints of lager while playing pool

September 25th, 2017, 22:56
Back in the black and white days of the late 80s/early 90s, I was at college in Sunderland (oh, you can laugh!) although living in Newcastle. I was very friendly with a pretty young lesbian whom I'd met on a kibbutz in Israel a couple of years before, and to whom I donated sperm which resulted in the birth of her daughter. A beautiful young woman (her daughter).

Anyway, although she was slim and pretty, many of her friends were of the kind SG describes. We often had pints together in Newcastle city centre, and I can't think of a better bunch to see me home safely. They were fine, as long as you knew your place!

September 27th, 2017, 09:51
Joe i cant believe you have been unemployed for 18 years?
Have yiu been on Social Security benefits all that time?

Surely they sent you for job training? Or some sort of skill training?

Have you applied for store assistant jobs or call centre work or security work? Or do Bar course or something?

I know Dublin has high unemployment but surely theres some part time work ?

Mind you i had a ex brother unemployed for 17 years but was driving a taxi on friday and sarurday nights cash payments so he was doing better than anyone else working

September 27th, 2017, 15:08
Back in the black and white days of the late 80s/early 90s....we often had pints together in Newcastle city centre..

If she was a morbidly obese pool playing rug muncher, the downstairs bar of "The Village" was the place for that.

September 27th, 2017, 17:36
For the record, I was made redundant from my hotel manager's job in 2008. As my mother became more frail, I claimed Carer's Allowance which included a yearly Respite Care grant of €1700 which paid for my trips to Pattaya. When my mother went into a nursing home in May 2015, I could no longer claim that. So no Pattaya.

I know I've posted all this somewhere before! So to answer your question Mickp, I've been officially unemployed since May 2015. Happy now?

September 27th, 2017, 18:29
2 and half years and no job?

I know your country is in the shit but surely they would send yiu to some sort of job upskilling

September 27th, 2017, 20:38
In the shit?

The Irish economy is again near the top of the GDP per capita league tables - far above the likes of Australia and the technically insolvent UK

September 27th, 2017, 20:53
Very interesting Scottish but Ireland's one of the PIGS for a reason and England had to lend them a load of cash a few years ago cos they couldn't afford to buy any potatoes.

September 27th, 2017, 22:17
You're not far wrong, arsenal. Although, I think you'll find it was HM's government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which gave loans to Ireland at the height of our economic problems. And we're all very grateful for that.

Did you know that sales of pasta here are increasing, while sales of potatoes are declining?

September 27th, 2017, 22:23
Joe wrote.
"HM's government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which gave loans to Ireland at the height of our economic problems."

Same thing. English money. England.....supporting the Celts since 1535. A bit of gratitude would be nice. You listening Scottish?

September 27th, 2017, 23:18
1535? that's not much of a record it's only 17:18 right now

September 27th, 2017, 23:36
Apparently, SG, it was just a short term loan. Like we get at the pawn brokers.

September 28th, 2017, 00:46
I'm still trying to find out what significant event happened in 1535 - Google and Wiki apparently hold no clue other than some shenanigans with "Silken Thomas's stronghold" (which sounds absolutely filthy!)

http://https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1535_in_Ireland (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1535_in_Ireland)

Since Arsenal was probably around at the time maybe he'll give us a first hand account?

September 28th, 2017, 03:15
Even with the billions of English pounds of subsidies that we send to our Scottish colony it seems the teaching of history is beyond them. Tragic really.


September 28th, 2017, 04:09
What's that link got to do with Ireland? Nothing!

Anyway I take very little interest in the history of insignificant countries which are despised worldwide (and I don't mean Wales or Ireland)


September 28th, 2017, 04:11
arsenal, from what I read of your link, the Act applied only to Wales. What connection does that have to either Scotland or Ireland?

September 28th, 2017, 04:19
Fanny Craddock has lost the fucking plot altogether

September 28th, 2017, 04:26
I think he's more like Fanny's husband, Jonnie (? sp.)

September 28th, 2017, 09:04
Scottish and Joe. United in stupidity and an inability to read. Read it properly and you'll see that I did not mention either of your two countries. I wrote about 'Celts' and that certainly includes Wales.

September 28th, 2017, 09:19
[QUOTE=scottish-guy;224049]What's that link got to do with Ireland? Nothing!

Anyway I take very little interest in the history of insignificant countries which are despised worldwide (and I don't mean Wales or Ireland)

September 28th, 2017, 13:10
...so any potential income either goes down their neck or up their arse.

I used to think about moving to Pattaya but realised it would be a financial disaster. I'll only have my State pension, with a very small private pension (which I expect will buy me about 2 pints a month). I'm lonely enough here in Dublin as it is. I think my preferred option at this stage is a move to Tenerife. Free health care, and close enough for family to visit. What would be the point of living in a small studio apartment in some back alley, if you don't have the funds to go out for a few drinks with a cute boy?
But still, some people think the weather in Pattaya is better than in Ireland, and in Pattaya you can sit with a can of beer on Beach Road at 4 am and there will be entertainment for free (the sitting and the entertainment, you will only have to pay for the beer).

Assuming I had little money and few friends, I would rather be in Thailand than in Ireland.

September 28th, 2017, 13:55
Assuming I had little money and few friends

Of course we would never assume that!

September 28th, 2017, 14:36
.. I would rather be in Thailand than in Ireland.

Yes but Joe was talking about his option of moving to Tenerife?

September 28th, 2017, 14:41
...Read it properly and you'll see that I did not mention either of your two countries. I wrote about 'Celts' and that certainly includes Wales.

But Fanny - the ongoing conversation was about Ireland and you interjected about Scotland - so it's reasonable to assume that what you have to contribute will be relevant to the conversation and not be about a different "country" altogether which I rather suspect none of the 3 of us gives two fucks about.

September 28th, 2017, 14:52
No point getting petulant with me (OK, I know it's in every hairy arsed Scotsman's DNA to get petulant about everything) just because you're unable to follow a thread that isn't perfectly linear. However, I do give you credit for not bothering to deny my original points. And I for one, have enormous affection for Wales having enjoyed numerous trips there over the years.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm knocking up a kickass duck and red wine casserole.

September 28th, 2017, 15:13
I' glad you've given up on the chicken stir-fry which turned out to be fish. A wise move, I'd say.

September 28th, 2017, 15:24
Joe. I'm not the chicken/fish stir fry guy, That's Commander Dude Matt. Do try and keep up. It's bad enough trying to guide Scottish through the simplest of threads without you getting all confused as well.

September 28th, 2017, 15:45
Ah well, I can see that I'll finally have to give in and start using those emoji thingys to signal when I'm making a bad joke.

I've never eaten duck, arsenal. I presume you'd recommend it? Eaten a couple of cocks in my time, but that's hardly the same thing?

September 28th, 2017, 15:49
....I for one, have enormous affection for Wales having enjoyed numerous trips there over the years...

Im not surprised you like Wales - it's like a little lapdog to the English, and that would be right up your street.

The Scots and (in particular) the Irish tend to give you a problem

September 28th, 2017, 16:08
No genuine problem has come out of Calepictadonia since 1746 and Ireland was sorted out in 1922.

September 28th, 2017, 17:05
Hah! And Ireland was sorted in 1922? Tell that to the DUP and Sinn Fein.

September 28th, 2017, 17:26
I think they already know.

September 28th, 2017, 17:30
So your statement that Ireland was sorted in 1922 is a load of shite?

September 28th, 2017, 17:36
Most of what he says is a load of shite - this latest shoveful simply illustrates it


September 28th, 2017, 17:37
A few dissatisfied, poorly educated and easily led 'soldiers' does not a revolution make. And you Celts are so chippy.

September 28th, 2017, 17:38
A few dissatisfied, poorly educated and easily led 'soldiers' does not a revolution make.

Ok that takes care of the Loyalist side - but there's also the Republicans


September 28th, 2017, 17:41
The Republicans who gave up their arms for a few seats at the top table? Are those the Republicans you're talking about.

September 28th, 2017, 17:45
I don't think they have "given up" in their ambition to see a united Ireland - they are (thankfully) just pursuing it through different means now.

When that aim is achieved (as it inevitably will be by a change over time in the voter demographic) - how exactly will Britain have "won"?

Incidentally, there were/are terrorists and terrorism supporters on the Unionist side as well - I'm surprised you don't remember that since a bunch of them are propping up your wonderful Rule Britannia Government right now for a bribe of around 1,000,000GBP per skull

September 28th, 2017, 17:53
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter Scottish. You might be right about the eventual re-unification of Ireland and if the majority of the population of NI vote to rejoin Eire then I will respect the voters decision. The DUP would not have been my choice of partner for the UK government. However I am reminded of a conversation between Cameron and Merkel when he asked her how coalition government's work. Her reply was that the "small party gets smashed." That was absolutely true with The Liberal Democrats and we shall have to wait and see what happens with The DUP. I will be very surprised if this government goes the full five year term.

September 28th, 2017, 18:42
But in relation to the somewhat unique situation that is Northern Irish politics: if the DUP got "smashed" where would any disaffected DUP voters go as they're not exactly spoiled for choice - it's the DUP or the UUP (two cheeks of the same arse) - they ain't gonna vote Sinn Fein are they?


September 28th, 2017, 19:00
Time to get rid of the Orange Order , rich old farts wearing bowler hats wanting to keep a menory of something hundreds of years ago to cause trouble , otherwise known as shit stirrers

September 28th, 2017, 19:34
Calm down gentlemen; we're all sodomites here.
I was told recently that the American term "Hillybillies" referred to the Scotch-Irish orangemen marching in honour of King William III aka King Billy in the mountainy towns of the Appalacian Mts.
It was a derogatory term used by the prior residents of Appalacia/Appal-a-see-a.
They were probably English.
They played a mixture of Scotch & Irish music aka
"Country" or "Hilly-Billy" music.

September 28th, 2017, 19:38
FRM: Derivation is correct. Just leave out the first "y". It's Hillbilly.

September 28th, 2017, 20:04
Thank y'all.

September 28th, 2017, 21:04
"Y'all" reminds me of a 13 yr old guitar prodigy from North Carolina. In one of the video clips on Youtube, he says a few words, including "y'all", before playing a Bluegrass piece. Name is Presley Barker. He's really an accomplished musician. Worth a look.

September 28th, 2017, 22:24
Time to get rid of the Orange Order , rich old farts wearing bowler hats wanting to keep a menory of something hundreds of years ago to cause trouble , otherwise known as shit stirrers

95% correct - except the Orange Order is not exclusively for the rich although its insidious influence can be seen in Councils, in Government, and in political parties.

The largest following is amongst the most poorly educated and ignorant in society. They sickeningly bring their very small children to the demonstrations and marches. That's why it's still going although I do believe it's dying a very slow death.

September 28th, 2017, 22:26
Where's NIrish when you need him? As far as I know the only person from NI posting on the board. arsenal, we're used to coalition government "down here" but neither of the main parties, Fine Gael or Fianna Fail, would go into government with Sinn Fein (sorry, I can't remember the correct spelling). They've failed miserably to bring a government to Stormont since January.

September 28th, 2017, 22:28
Hmmmm I'm not sure it's only Sinn Fein that's to blame for that particular impasse.

The DUP First Ministerial nominee, whom they refuse to replace, is at best incompetent and at worst a crook whilst the now deceased former Deputy FM from Sinn Fein was a murderer.

Not much to choose between them

September 28th, 2017, 22:37
SG, you may be right, but Sinn Fein bear a lot of responsibility for the current impasse.

Nirish guy
September 29th, 2017, 02:04
Where's NIrish when you need him? As far as I know the only person from NI posting on the board..

Exactly ! Do you notice my permanent silence ( almost) on this topic, accordingly I wish you would all STFU about it, I come here to get away from listening to all this shite without logging on to hear more of it - so for once any chance of staying either on topic or at the very least off this bloody topic as the one thing I do know is you can all talk to the cows come home and it'll change fuck all square so there must SURELY be better things to talk about - hey, anyone any updates on the Tarntawan perhaps as even that's an improvement on this subject !

So in conclusion Up the 'Ra and No Surrender ! There, now, can we move on......... thank FUCK for that !

September 29th, 2017, 03:05
I wish you would all STFU about it, I come here to get away from listening to all this shite

hey, anyone any updates on the Tarntawan perhaps as even that's an improvement on this subject !

No! Just no! Please no more mentioning of that fucking hotel, any other topic, anything, but not that hotel, I beg you!

These conversations about UKs history and politics are educating and entertaining, just like Top Gear used to be.

If I had access to vbulletin control panel, I would add the word Tarntawan in banned words list, it would appear [deleted] whenever mentioned

September 29th, 2017, 04:34
Sorry, NIrish, I accept some responsibility for moving the thread in this direction. I promise not to post anymore on the subject. Sorry again.