View Full Version : Berlin September 2017

September 20th, 2017, 17:55
Just back from a 3 day short trip to Berlin, my last visit having been maybe 3 or 4 years ago.

As usual Berlin offered possibly the biggest and most diverse gay scene in Europe with something to offer to all but the most extreme fetishists (and probably those too if you looked hard enough!)

Some constants plus some changes in the commercial gay scene, which is all centred around Fuggerstrasse:

Eldorado Bar : Closed permanently and now transformed in to a Gay cafe called Romeo & Romeo which is good for breakfasts (continental of course, light lunches and snacks. Seems to close in the early-mid evening though. No boys.

Tabasco Bar: No change here - Friendly well-run bar with attentive staff. Available boys wander in and out or play pool. No hassle from them if you're not interested. Later in the evenings a second service counter opens up at the rear of the bar and offers filled baguettes and other snacks which is a welcome difference from the other bars.

Pinocchio Bar: Same as before - dark bar with sitting (sofas) area towards the back. Elderly owners but very friendly. Seems to be a bar for regulars as they all know each other and the owners inexplicably appear with meals for them on what seems to be an ad hoc basis (i.e. theres no menu!) Boys available at all times but small selection and tend to be at the quirkier end of the scale.

Blond Bar: Modern bar but no boys visible these days. Mainly younger straight couples. Pass.

Blue Boy Bar (Old): The former busiest and most famous rent bar (and favourite Berlin haunt of the Pet Shop Boys) has relocated (see below). The old premises are still open and completely unchanged - but now called TOY BOY BAR. Many boys in attendance, especially later at night (after 9pm)

Blue Boy Bar (new): Relocated across the main road at the end of Fuggerstrasse. Bright new decor, lots of mirror which exaggerates the size of this bar. Easily the best decorated and most modern bar. Lots of boys throughout the night, non-pushy atmosphere. Easy to run up a bill in here though with beers at around 5 Euro and a Jack & Coke around 7 Euro


It's 99% the same bunch of boys in all bars - they wander from bar to bar but whereas most will turn up eventually in Blue Boy or Toy Boy, fewer go in Tabasco and even fewer in Pinnochio bar.

Noticed a lot of street trade at the playpark outside Tabasco - some of which I did not see in any of the bars, some looked younger than I saw inside the bars (maybe not allowed in) and others I recognised from bars.

Most boys from Serbia, Croatia etc - many of whom looked Moslem with beards etc. A few were very short, smooth, and looked younger but were legal. Ages mainly from 17 up to late 20's/mid 30's. Lots of macsuline looking boys if you like that. Going rate about 50-80 Euro.

All bars are smoking bars - some very heavily so. One guy next to me in new Blue Boy lit up 10 fags in 45 mins - then his companion joined in!!

Stayed at the Mercure Zentrum (Fuggerstrasse, so right in the heart of the action) 100 Euro a night for double room. Good standard. Reception desk right at the door but there are ways round everything :p

Recommended destination as always - but not if you can't thole cigarette smoke.

September 20th, 2017, 19:14
Thanks for the report.
Very much to the point.
I'm going soon.
Is it an issue bringing back joiners to the hotel mentioned?
You wrote that the reception is near the entrance.
Just wondering.

September 20th, 2017, 19:37
The hotel reception is right next to the entrance and the policy is that you leave your key with reception when you leave.

Therefore when you bring someone back they would be noticed when you ask for your key.

There are very few places in the world where a middle aged guy bringing back (perhaps) a late teen/early 20s boy who was clearly of a different nationality would not raise eyebrows! Thailand being one of course.

Fortunately the solution in this case is simple - don't leave your key in the first place!

Just stride out when you leave and you're not challenged.

When you arrive back, stride confidently back in (with companion) and again there's no challenge

(Potential) problem solved. Having said that, it made me nervous enough to probably use the Novum Aldea next time - where I suspect you could take a goat to your room and nobody would question you.

September 20th, 2017, 19:42
...a goat?? did u say goat?

September 20th, 2017, 21:44
Yes, did you get a twitch in your pants when I said it?

Nirish guy
September 21st, 2017, 01:51
...a goat?? did u say goat?

Don't worry - he was only KIDDING ! ( ya see what I did there )

Nirish guy
September 21st, 2017, 01:55
SG - if that Blue boy bar opposite the Axel Hotel ? I'm asking as I went into a small sgay bat there ( name escapes me) but I think it was something like that and am amazed to here there was ANY action going on at ALL in it as it looks like a load of old guy regulars sitting smoking and drinking just with nothing remotely hooky uppy about the place - or maybe thailand has spoilt me and i just don't know what to look for in Europe any longer ( but I'm fairly sure I still do :)

September 21st, 2017, 03:55
SG - if that Blue boy bar opposite the Axel Hotel ?

Google maps shows the correct location of the NEW Blue Boy Bar.

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/52%C2%B030'02.7%22N+13%C2%B020'59.0%22E/@52.500739,13.3491608,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x47a850510f0873cd:0x d3c3c665f9ff65b6!2sFuggerstra%C3%9Fe,+Berlin,+Germ any!3b1!8m2!3d52.4990113!4d13.3440194!3m5!1s0x0:0x 0!7e2!8m2!3d52.5007388!4d13.3497084?dcr=0

On my sole visit to the NEW location, I don't remember seeing any eligible trade. So less successful than several visits to the old location.

My one experiment with the street trade outside was not a great success & involved having to resort to force to remove the guy from my room. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that the street trade has been banned from setting foot inside the bars on account of bad behaviour.

Did you find the boys reliable, Scottish Guy ?

As for the hotels, options which have worked for me include private apartments via EBAB & the Ibis Budget hotel by Wittenburgplatz. In the Ibis, it's straight on for the lifts & you have to detour left for reception.

The biggest loss was when Club Sauna Brasil kicked out all the rent boys & rebranded as Apollo Splash Club.
The old sauna was always a safe bet for some nice boys.
Having just checked the net, they rebranded again, to Steam Works, then let in all the rent boys again :). Unfortunately they then had 3 fatalities in a fire earlier this year, so are now closed.

I must venture back to Berlin in 2018.

September 21st, 2017, 06:21
SG - if that Blue boy bar opposite the Axel Hotel ?...

No, it's about 1/4 of a mile away from the Axel Hotel. The only bar directly OPPOSITE the Axel (i.e. across the main road) is the OLDTIMER Bar, which is gay but no action. Adjacent to the Alex is DREISSLER Bar (unsure of spelling) which is also a small gay bar with a couple of tables outside but no action.

September 21st, 2017, 06:26
...the NEW Blue Boy Bar...On my sole visit to the NEW location, I don't remember seeing any eligible trade. So less successful than several visits to the old location...

Can't understand that - the three nights I visited Fri/Sat//Sun the NEW Blue Boy was very busy with renters - I'd estimate around 10-12 boys of which I found 2-3 attractive. Guess you've just been unlucky

I've never had a problem with Berlin boys I've taken back - but I fully realise that in this game you're always one boy away from confrontation - especially with desperate lads from E Europe

September 21st, 2017, 06:38
Can't understand that - the three nights I visited Fri/Sat//Sun the NEW Blue Boy was very busy with renters - I'd estimate around 10-12 boys of which I found 2-3 attractive. Guess you've just been unlucky

I've never had a problem with Berlin boys I've taken back - but I fully realise that in this game you're always one boy away from confrontation - especially with desperate lads from E Europe

Jesus. Your mere mention of desperate lads from Europe has me all in lather of sweat.
Stop saying things like that. Pleaseeee.

Nirish guy
September 21st, 2017, 07:58
The only bar directly OPPOSITE the Axel (i.e. across the main road) is the OLDTIMER Bar,

Ah yes, I just google street viewed it, that's the one I was thinking of / in and yes your description fits it perfectly - and the smoke would have put you out too now that I remember so it was a case of one drink and move on I seem to recall whilst thinking "oh fuck, is this IT" for Berlin ! ( I know it's not)

September 21st, 2017, 14:28
It's a strange bar altogether in that the bartender on my previous trip was a 70+ transvestite with really hairy arms, called Connie!

The elderly punters however were very friendly and because of that I attempted to go back twice on this trip, but on both attempts the place was so crowded out with no available seats I couldn't even *see* the bar far less get a drink, so I abandoned my attempts.

Just a word on The Axel Hotel - it's biggest gay hotel I've ever seen. Normally "gay hotels" are small poky affairs but the Axel is the same size as a regular chain hotel and has a really large frontage over 2 sides.

I'm also aware they have a couple of others in their property portfolio but I haven't stayed in them.

I have stayed in the Berlin one in the past and it was really good - there's even a sauna and "relax" area either on the roof or on one of the higher floors - but I'd managed to get a deal at that time and normally their prices are over what I'm willing to pay.

Nirish guy
September 21st, 2017, 16:40
I've stayed in the Axel Berlin hotel and also one of their TWO gay hotels in the Barcelona gay quarter, they also just opened a new hotel in Ibiza too.

As you mentioned they are a top end 100% gay owned / gay full service hotel ( in every sense of the word guest at least wise thanks to a hot Korean I met in their Barcelona hotel:-) and in fact they actually describe and advertise themselves "shamelessly" in all their advertising even in straight mags etc as "hetro friendly".

Then can certainly tend to be a little more (a lot) more expensive than your local Ibis styles etc BUT they are usually 4 star and up and DO offer a high quality of room and stay, along with 100% gay aimed info and staff at their reception and in their bars and health and steam rooms etc ( but not in a seedy way.

You can find deals on their prices quite regularly and certainly at lower times of the year ( Berlin for example only cost me

September 21st, 2017, 23:08
The dreaded pound sign strikes again!


September 22nd, 2017, 07:28
desperate east euro MB are nothing new...maybe they r becoming slightly more desperate as with the huge i nflux of economic migrants..mostly young men..the competition has most definitely heated up...my Dutch contacts tell me that prices have actually fallen..that is without any prompting.

September 22nd, 2017, 15:51
Dutch contacts?

Amsterdam died as a (male) commercial sex hotspot in the late 1990's when the Festival, Music Box, and Cupido bars in the Pardenstraat closed their doors! This followed the North African (and small number of Dutch boys) making way for the Eastern Europeans.

I think the Boys "Clubs" may have lasted longer e.g the Why Not, (and another which I can't recall the name of) - but I never really frequented them.

As far as I'm aware there are no commercial sex bars left in Amsterdam - so if your "Dutch contacts" can tell us any different I'm sure many of us would be very interested to hear it.

September 22nd, 2017, 20:02
Dutch contacts?

Amsterdam died as a (male) commercial sex hotspot in the late 1990's when the Festival, Music Box, and Cupido bars in the Pardenstraat closed their doors! This followed the North African (and small number of Dutch boys) making way for the Eastern Europeans.

I think the Boys "Clubs" may have lasted longer e.g the Why Not, (and another which I can't recall the name of) - but I never really frequented them.

As far as I'm aware there are no commercial sex bars left in Amsterdam - so if your "Dutch contacts" can tell us any different I'm sure many of us would be very interested to hear it.
I think the other bar was Blue Boy.
The closure had to do with illegal workers from Brazil or something like that.
I miss that scene a lot but then I discovered Thailand instead and u can't beat Thailand.
I would still go to Amsterdam if there are any new bars there.
I'm waiting for the reply with Rising anticipation.
The music box was a very dangerous place though. Spiking of drinks and robbery of customers was common I've heard.

September 23rd, 2017, 03:51
You're right it was Blue Boy.

Loved the old tranny queen behind the bar in Festival - she ruled those boys with a rod of iron!

When Amsterdam died I moved my attentions to Prague. That's where I first ran into the Fat Cunt who would later become the owner of this forum.

After two or three years the shit well and truly hit the fan in Prague, almost covering him, and he did a runner like the yellow bellied snake that he was.

I then turned my eyes to Hamburg where there was a rather famous boy-brothel. Guess who I met there? Yes, the Fat Cunt.

Then I was talked into visiting Thailand which I did continuously for over 10 years in a row - where who should I meet but the Fat Cunt - but more recently I have cut back in favour of Germany (specifically Berlin and D usseldorf) and (again) Prague. These places afford me the option of a long weekend trip which is clearly not possible with Thailand

September 23rd, 2017, 06:52
I remember an upstairs bar off Spruistrat opposite an old church where you pressed a bell and the first boy to run down to let you in ...well you were more or less stuck with.
It was called something like 22 Club.
Do you remember this bar. Is it still there?

Nirish guy
September 23rd, 2017, 07:04
That's where I first ran into the Fat Cunt who would later become the owner of this forum. After two or three years the shit well and truly hit the fan in Prague, almost covering him, and he did a runner like the yellow bellied snake that he was.

But surely he told you that that was ALL just a case of mistaken identity and the incident was all just to do with someone who just happened the share a very similar name to him and who also just happened to be there at exactly the same time as him too. Damned unlucky for him that was but I guess also equally lucky that he was able to go ahead and leave the Country before anything ever more came of all that I guess, Lucky LUCKY for sure that man was!

September 23rd, 2017, 07:32
Yes that's exactly what he told me - identical name (apart from spelling), identical description, and there at an identical time.

All highly plausible of course.


Nirish guy
September 24th, 2017, 00:57
Yes that's exactly what he told me - identical name (apart from spelling), identical description, and there at an identical time. All highly plausible of course.:D

Yes I'm SURE if was as that of course was EXACTLY what he told ME too ! :)

September 24th, 2017, 01:10
scottish-guy, I enjoyed reading this and your thread about Prague. I've only been there twice, both with a straight friend from college, but didn't visit any gay bars. Thanks for posting. I'm referring to Prague - never been to Berlin.

September 24th, 2017, 01:20
You should visit Berlin sometime - it can't be much more than 90mins flight from Dublin and 100 Euro return fare, with good standard hotels at 50/60 Euro a night

It's simply the largest and most diverse gay scene in Europe - all packed into less than a square mile around the Nollendorf area. You can even pass by Christopher Isherwood's lodgings and other historical goodies like that.

The rent scene is infinitely more edgy than Thailand and there's certainly a frisson of danger - but you're not forced to participate of course :D

September 24th, 2017, 02:36
Yes that's exactly what he told me - identical name (apart from spelling), identical description, and there at an identical time.

All highly plausible of course.

I don't follow this.
Who are you talking about?
Or is that too obtuse a question?

September 24th, 2017, 03:15
Great thread because I'm in Berlin in 6 weeks. So thanks for this information.

A very pleasant bonus is to see who the real racist is here. Even though Muslims are not a race... Judging people because of the way they look is certainly considered racist.

Most boys from Serbia, Croatia etc - many of whom looked Moslem with beards etc.

But I'm sure you will retract that statement since you are such a moralist.

Now I'm done with you too, bye.

September 24th, 2017, 04:39
I'm not judging anybody "by the way they look" - I actually spoke to them.

September 24th, 2017, 23:11
Just back from a 3 day short trip to Berlin,

...up to late 20's/mid 30's. Lots of macsuline looking boys if you like that. Going rate about 50-80 Euro.

All bars are smoking bars - some very heavily so. One guy next to me in new Blue Boy lit up 10 fags in 45 mins - then his companion joined in!!
That shows once again that Soi Twilight is overpriced.

Smoking in the bars in Berlin comes as a surprise. But checking on the internet, there are exceptions to the smoking ban in Germany:

Exceptions and notes for Berlin
Exceptions apply to: Bars and pubs: which are smaller than 75 square meters, the relevant premises only has one room which is used to serve the customers (Einraumgastst - my post was cut off here after umlaut - tten), and no food or just "cold" prepared food is sold for consumption on premises, and minors under the age of 18 are not permitted to enter and if the premises is clearly recognisable as a smokers pub

September 24th, 2017, 23:44
Well I didn't actually get my tape measure out (to measure the bars, not the boys :D) but all of them fulfilled all of the other criteria - so I guess that explains it.

September 25th, 2017, 05:45
Great thread because I'm in Berlin in 6 weeks. So thanks for this information.

A very pleasant bonus is to see who the real racist is here. Even though Muslims are not a race... Judging people because of the way they look is certainly considered racist.

But I'm sure you will retract that statement since you are such a moralist.

Now I'm done with you too, bye.

I'm sure Scottish-guy is heartbroken, now that you are done with him lol.

Scottish-guy, you should visit Tallinn some time, the city is 50 percent Russian, plenty of trade.
More astute Russians move to Western Europe, pay is better there, but the slow ones, those who are 'few pennis short of a Shilling' ( copyright Newalaan2 2017) remain in Estonia, they are using apps, and there are few bars where they hang out. Basically the same guys who you'd meet in Berlin, Amsterdam etc, but at half price, at least! Customers in Tallinn are usually Scandinavians.

Going rate is 40 eur if you are familiar with the scene, second date 20 eur. Tourists are usually asked 40-100 eur.

This is 3rd edit now, most of the post is cut, and and dissapearing for some reason, re typing on a phone.. I give up now. Please please please don't cut the post short this time, vbulletin!

I would rent an apartment for few days instead of hotel, for obvious reasons, even tho hotels in Tallinn do not question who accompanies you.

September 25th, 2017, 07:19
Sounds interesting :air_kiss:

September 26th, 2017, 16:18
It sure does.

Maybe it's time for a visit.

September 26th, 2017, 16:33
"Gay Tallinn" search doesn't yield anything particularly promising - I think we need the inside story from Whitey


September 27th, 2017, 17:38
Did a quick flight search on Tallinn for November - only 175 GBP retn on BA from Gla/Edi.

Bugger is the 7hr flight/layover.

3hrs Direct from London airports from 65GBP (the dreaded Ryanair, BA from 110GBP)

Come on Whitemouse give us the lowdown on the action

September 28th, 2017, 01:32
"Gay Tallinn" search doesn't yield anything particularly promising - I think we need the inside story from Whitey


There are 2 main sites where locals are looking to hook up. Like Facebook, except only for sex. The usual M seeking F, M -M, and other categories, official trade category as well, labeled Services.

You could go through M seeking M classifieds, but pickings are often boring, guys who hustle are often feminine, seeking out newbie foreigners unfamiliar with local scene, and who then end up over paying for a questionable mutt.

There is no street hustler scene for guys, there is for females.

Best way to catch a straight Russian is trawling M seeking F categories, sending PM to a guy you like, and offer him

Edit, typed a long post, for some reason most of the post is gone, and I'm not up to retyping it all.

September 28th, 2017, 01:41
Didn't use any special characters, yet most of the post is gone.

I may write a short guide how to pick up straight guys in Tallinn, post it at Blogpost, and link to it here. It's just that typing on a phone takes time, and if it simply dissappears it is kind of disheartening.

September 28th, 2017, 01:58
Did a quick flight search on Tallinn for November - only 175 GBP retn on BA from Gla/Edi.

Bugger is the 7hr flight/layover.

3hrs Direct from London airports from 65GBP (the dreaded Ryanair, BA from 110GBP)

Come on Whitemouse give us the lowdown on the action

Ryanair has 4 flight a week Tallinn London Standsted. I have payed around 60 euros return many times, but tickets bought month in advance. Never paid over 120 euros return, and I've flown over 20 times Tallinn London.

Easyjet used to have Tallinn flights, but they dropped it. Easyjet still operates to Riga, as does Wizz Air.

I Wizzed from Riga to London Luton in June for 90 euros, to see Jeff Lynne ELO at Wembley


September 28th, 2017, 03:37
I'm sure that, like myself, most members here don't travel to other cities just for cheap sex with strangers we meet online, on the street, or in a bar. What about the museums, cathedrals, etc?

Apparently, it's a popular destination for stag and hen parties from here (and from UK too, I think). Enough to put me off.

September 28th, 2017, 04:11
...I'm sure that, like myself, most members here don't travel to other cities just for cheap sex with strangers ...

Pass me the incontinence pants

September 28th, 2017, 04:14
Thought you got your own free on the NHS? If not, check with arsenal, I'm sure he can help out!

September 28th, 2017, 04:17
Whitey - given that Riga is 300km from Tallinn, how is that a viable alternative airport?


September 28th, 2017, 04:20
Isn't that a Ryanair flight? Sounds reasonable to me. Why not just go to Riga, if you want a bit of that Eastern European culture?

September 28th, 2017, 04:35
Whitey - given that Riga is 300km from Tallinn, how is that a viable alternative airport?


My mistake. During summer months I stay in P

September 28th, 2017, 04:37
Apparently, it's a popular destination for stag and hen parties from here (and from UK too, I think). Enough to put me off.

It's ok, Joe552, I'll break the news to people of Estonia gently.

September 28th, 2017, 19:00
I'm sure that, like myself, most members here don't travel to other cities just for cheap sex with strangers we meet online, on the street, or in a bar.

Well, I can think of one member here who does!

And I always have quite an enjoyable time, although I still think Thailand's is better.

September 28th, 2017, 20:24
Whitey - given that Riga is 300km from Tallinn, how is that a viable alternative airport?


Just noticed my reply was cut, probably because of letter A with two dots on top of it.

Was going to say, flying to Riga to visit Tallinn doesn't make sense, of course. For me Riga airport is useful, my summer home is in Parnu (with 2 dots on top of A) about 2 hr drive to Tallinn or Riga.

But Riga, Latvia has other use, Riga has 1 Mil population, twice the size of Tallinn, half the people are Russian.

Russians are easy going, in Estonia and Latvia they are like Latinos in USA, happy go lucky and not shy, Estonians are shy and reserved. If you approach a straight Estonian guy, chances are he will run away, or pretend he didn't notice you, Russians don't give a fuck about anything, they are much more adventurous.

We used to drive to Riga for weekends, there was a club XXL in Riga, lots of fun. I haven't been there lately. But for hooking up they must have sites in Russian language.

Two major sites in Estonia:



Both have Est, Rus, Eng menu and navigation. Just trawl the Maleseeking Female section, and if you see a guy you like, PM him and offer money. Most will tell you to FO, but some will go for it.

October 3rd, 2017, 23:55
I did a search on Airbnb and to my surprise, apartments are pretty cheap. Personally I expected something similar to Amsterdam. It seems that it not hard to find a private place for 50 to 70 Euro - walking distance from Fuggerstrasse. I will try to reserve a place this week. Anyone experience with Airbnb in Berlin? I would be interested to hear some experiences.

Sine Uber is illegal in Germany, there is not much use in place that is not in walking distance. On the other hand, i never been to Berlin so public transport might be 24/7. Taxi's are ridiculous expensive in the other cities in Germany, and I'm guessing they will be in Berlin too.

November 21st, 2017, 19:34
Better late than never I suppose. Finally leaving for Berlin in 2 days. Hopefully I will be able to report some positive experiences. The start wasn't all that great. The Airbnb that I had reserved just cancelled a few days back and I had to find new accommodation, last minute. Luckily, there was still some decent availability in Schoneberg.

As I understood, the following bars are of interest:

Tabasco Bar:

Pinocchio Bar:

Blond Bar:

Blue Boy Bar

Blue Boy

I did find some parks online that might be worth a visit, but it's pretty cold though.

If anyone wants me to check out something specifically, please let me know.

November 22nd, 2017, 20:42
I did find some parks online that might be worth a visit,...
When I read "Berlin" and "park" the first thing I think of is "Görlitzer Park", or rather that I read that the police does not interfere (for lack of better word) with drug dealing and fights there any more.

Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2017, 04:04
The Airbnb that I had reserved just cancelled a few days back and I had to find new accommodation, last minute. .

Just for your / anyone else info are you aware of the gay version of airbnb - always worth a look too when travelling as you could find an interesting host with lots of local knowledge ( and who knows what else ?! :) )

Their site if you want to check it out is https://www.misterbandb.com

November 25th, 2017, 01:11
please report back

November 25th, 2017, 01:32
Do please.

December 7th, 2017, 23:31
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the delay in feedback.

I arrived In Berlin on a Friday and was busy till Sunday. Which means I didn't go out before that day.

The weather was a real problem. It rained all weekend. This prevented me from making a few quick park visits. I did drive around BHF Zoo a few times. I remember it from the movie Kinder Von Bahnhof Zoo, and it was more a tourist attraction for me.

But of course, you are interested in the boys. I have only been to two bars and met some guys outside. It was early Sunday evening when I got in the Blue boy bar. It was not full, but most seats were taken. Easy because it's a small place. On the right of the entrance, there was a large group of middle-aged men and one younger (21 - 25) middle-eastern looking boy. At the left side of the bar was another older guy talking to a younger guy. Also middle eastern and I guess around 20. He tried to get my attention, but I was not interested. Some older guys kept entering the place but no younger guys while I was there.

Next, I went to Toyboy. That was surely different. Only younger guys, but not my type. The seemed scruffy to me. I think they were mostly eastern European. If you are into that sort, it is undoubtedly the place to go. I must say the people were amicable. I think that was a very pleasant surprise. Not that macho behavior you get when guys try to prove to others that they are mainly men, regardless of their profession.

When you walk outside of Toyboys to the right, you will see a little park/playground...not sure how to call it. It was still raining but not hard, and there were a few boys. I went over, and one of the boys started talking to me. His first question was if I was passive LOL. He spoke pretty good german. I didn't check if he could speak English. But he was maybe 18 years old and pretty cute. His friends were cute too. But all of them had a short beard. Argghhhh, not my taste. But this guy was nice to talk too. He did ask me for 1 Euro :-)

And that was it. Didn't feel the need to bring anyone home and too tired to stay out longer. There are many other bars around, but I honestly think that I've seen the average guy that is to be had in that area. Not for me. But if you are into Middle eastern looking and most with a beard (read: unshaven) or eastern European scruffy looking, then that is undoubtedly the place for you. I guess that the youngest was 18 and the oldest could have been 28 or so.

I wish I had something more to report. Circumstances prevented me from having a good Saturday night out.

I did go out last weekend in Bremen. A place called Gleis 9. It seemed that there was a party in Hanover that same night, so it was not too busy. But the place was still packed with a lot of cute guys. A few from Africa, some eastern Europeans, and the rest German I guess.

Around 6 am I went home with a Russian boy. Spoke perfect German. I gave him 50 Euros when he left the next day, and that was well worth it.

If what he told me is correct, this place should normally be packed. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong there.

I'll be back in Thailand this weekend. Mid-forty, I'm tired of being the oldest guy in the place every night :-)

December 9th, 2017, 12:05
Thanks for the update.
Someone's personal experience is great.
I think I will make a trip after Christmas.
I speak 0 German though, so that mght be a problem.
I would like to stay in a convenient hotel where bringing back someone openly is ok with staff.
Any suggestions anyone?

December 9th, 2017, 13:45
I think you'll find that Germans speak better English than most of us!

December 12th, 2017, 16:39
Thanks for the update.
Someone's personal experience is great.
I think I will make a trip after Christmas.
I speak 0 German though, so that mght be a problem.
I would like to stay in a convenient hotel where bringing back someone openly is ok with staff.
Any suggestions anyone?

Personally, I didn't meet any Germans. I'm guessing that the foreign boys pretty much will be able to speak English. But I didn't test it.

Didn't Scottish have a tip for a concentional hotel in the area? There are a few in the fuggerstrasse.

December 13th, 2017, 01:00
Ibis Kurfuerstendamm

Nirish guy
December 14th, 2017, 04:06

Thats the hotel's direct website where sometimes you get a 15% discount, but rooms also available on many booking sites such as booking. com etc and usually a little cheaper I find. But nice "straight friendly" i.e gay hotel in the centre of things and no problem with joiners ( I'm guessing from the clientele I watched coming and going)

December 14th, 2017, 06:01
The Axel is very good but will be pricier than the Ibis (as expected) - but I noticed the Axel's bar is now closed until evening. Used to enjoy an afternoon drink in it, and in fact we went there specifically for that reason on my last trip.

No biggie - there's a gay bar just round the corner where you can sit outside and they do table service

Nirish guy
December 14th, 2017, 16:50
The Axel is very good but will be pricier than the Ibis (as expected)

Actually SG I just checked there out of interest and for a random weekend night in Feb (17th) both hotels on Booking. com etc were almost to the pound EXACTLY the same price.

December 14th, 2017, 17:33
Around 6 am I went home with a Russian boy. Spoke perfect German. I gave him 50 Euros when he left the next day, and that was well worth it.
50 Euro, about 2000 THB, for long time? That's less than in Soi Twilight!

Nirish guy
December 14th, 2017, 19:07
50 Euro, about 2000 THB, for long time? That's less than in Soi Twilight!

I've tipped exactly the same (50 euro) in Spain before in the past so it's not that uncommon and as you say Christian that IS cheaper than Bangkok, which is why a lot of people seem to be changing holiday plans as I know I certainly got sick of the wham bam thank you mam conveyor belt attitude in Thailand, with the Thai guys just waiting for the next sucker to come along ( no pun intended).

Or as SG has already mentioned the "vodka" and coke type drinks with the vodka maybe being rubbed around the rim of the (tiniest possible ) glass, all oaded with ice and next to damn all vodka etc in it anyway or so little it made no difference to the taste etc and all for the "special" (high) prices they charge.

Actually my mate has just arrived in Bangkok just today from the UK and both he and another friend of his who travelled seperately on two different airlines reported one plane was no more than half full and the other only one quarter full ! SO if that's anything like the norm this week as to the number of people travelling to Thailand in general it'll be interesting to see how the "high" season pans out this year ?

December 15th, 2017, 02:40
Actually SG I just checked there out of interest and for a random weekend night in Feb (17th) both hotels on Booking. com etc were almost to the pound EXACTLY the same price.

Well in that case the choice is obvious

June 10th, 2018, 03:38
Ibis Kurfuerstendamm

On recent trips, I've stayed there, or at the Ibis budget next door (the latter when having c*cked up trip arrangements to coincide with the German cup final, including all the BVB supporters).
Both hace a nice layout, with the lifts directly ahead of the entrance door & reception offset to one side, so one doesn't have to walk past them with the latest trade.

Anyhow, I'm plotting my next visit to Berlin and the Scandik K'damm is coming in cheaper than the Ibis, whilst looking like a better hotel.
Now what's the risk of difficulties bringing guests past reception here ?

Berlin is (currently) one of the most liberal cities on the planet, so I suppose it will be OK, but if they did object, that's one way to really bugger up a holiday.

September 12th, 2021, 19:36
Hi All

With travel around Europe beginning to resume again, I wanted to revive this thread on Berlin to ask if anyone has had any recent outings to the bars in Fuggerstrasse, and if there is any action still happening here? I'm aware that Blue Boy Bar is permanenty gone, but I believe a couple of the other bars are still there. I like those Romanian/eastern european/ middle eastern guys who hung out there. Are they there? Or has COVID sent them all home?


September 22nd, 2021, 20:42
I like the open city of Berlin and my last visit was also before the covid-period.
I would love to go back and visit the lab-oratory but I think this hot place filled with naked hot guys is still closed.

September 23rd, 2021, 02:24
...thought u were gonna say "open city before WWI"