View Full Version : Drink prices

September 18th, 2017, 07:02
As some one who is not in Thailand at the moment , can some one tell me how much have the bars increased their prices by due to the tax increases

September 18th, 2017, 09:13
I'm disappointed that no one has described the recent tax increases as 'another nail in the coffin' of the Thai tourist industry.

September 18th, 2017, 13:43
As some one who is not in Thailand at the moment , can some one tell me how much have the bars increased their prices by due to the tax increasesYou're assuming they have. The smaller bars in Silom Soi 4 have not ... yet - or least my bar bill remains unchanged

September 18th, 2017, 16:18
Tax increases are often applied by the retailer when they next re-stock rather than on the stock they already have.

September 18th, 2017, 17:40
This is because even the wholesalers do not yet know the exact increases.
Rumours are that they will be small on beers and spirits;a bit larger on wine that sells at over 1k baht per bottle.
I bought cigarettes (not for me) last night at 7-11 at the old prices.
Sorry for any typos --- the cat is fighting me for the keyboard.

September 18th, 2017, 18:57
oh relax...stop trying to create news where there isnt any...u can always buy beers from the local 7-11 and sit on a park bench like the looser u r and drink them all by your lonesome self.

September 18th, 2017, 19:25
OK latin why don't you go F--K yourself , I just wanted to know what was going on

September 18th, 2017, 19:45
I probably could if my dick was as limp as yours when hard ....but then im a committed top...so nah.

September 18th, 2017, 20:04
Tax increases are often applied by the retailer when they next re-stock rather than on the stock they already have.
that should be must only be - the government is urging consumers to report retailers who increase prices immediately

This is because even the wholesalers do not yet know the exact increases.

the exact rate increases became law on 16 Sept and have been widely reported so wholesalers should know the new rates but for consumers the final retail price increase depends on how businesses in the supply chain, up to and including the final bar or shop, are willing to absorb all or part of the excise tax increases or try to gouge consumers with even larger price increases


September 18th, 2017, 20:11
If I were in Thailand now, I would just refuse to drink alcohol in protest. Just think how much that would affect their tourism revenue! And serves them right.

Seriously, how expensive can it be compared to our home countries? I can easily pay over €5 or €6 for a beer in Dublin. In Pattaya I might pay €1. I know which I'd prefer.

September 18th, 2017, 20:15
for once joe u r making sense...although u would be hard pressed to find a beer for under bht80 in sunee/boyztown..

September 19th, 2017, 00:09
obviously you have not been to Double Shot or Elephant Plaza Bar in Sunee Plaza where beer prices are 45/50 Baht per beer until 10:30 pm.

September 20th, 2017, 03:58
cheese eating surrender monkey (CESM)...aka francois....love your avatar BTW...yes u r quite correct...I havent been into either of those bars...yay I learnt something. And while on the topic of CESM...there was an interesting article in some major UK paper claiming that if the CESM are clever enough to stand up to Merkel then they could become a major world power once again..still trying to get my head around that idea...but then who would have guessed that the orange physco would become POTUS.

September 20th, 2017, 19:25
I have some limited info on this now. At least at my local shop, a 1L bottle of Blend 285 has went up by 10 baht to 380 baht. Then a pack of "LM dang saawng lek" cigs went up 5 baht to 80 baht.

She seemed a little uncertain on the cigs price though. Maybe I misunderstood, but I think she qwas saying 2, 3 or 5 baht.

Oh, and the bottle of whiskey has a slightly different lid now, with a wrapping. I'm assuming to markhaving the new tax.

September 21st, 2017, 00:53
380 Baht - 285 Baht = 95 Baht not 10 Baht. Did Leo tell you about the different lid/wrapper?

September 21st, 2017, 01:16
In your efforts to catch Matt out you have made a serious faux pas, Francois

285 is part of the name of the product - Blend 285 - nothing to do with its previous price!


September 21st, 2017, 01:19
obviously you have not been to Double Shot or Elephant Plaza Bar in Sunee Plaza where beer prices are 45/50 Baht per beer until 10:30 pm.

So they are making a 6 baht baht profit ? I asked a few bar owners about this and they told me they buy beers i think for 39 baht each
Cant see any business sense in cutting the price that fine

September 21st, 2017, 01:30
In retail terms, I believe it's called a loss leader. Few of us will go into a bar that's empty, but a few of us will go if there is cheap beer on offer. It make the bar look better. having customers, rather than empty tables.

September 21st, 2017, 02:09
Or they just serve home brewed horse piss, and rebottle it. Could always be that. It is Thailand after all. :)

September 21st, 2017, 02:16
Nothing wrong with that Matt, as long as the boys are cute.

September 21st, 2017, 02:20
Oh, and the bottle of whiskey has a slightly different lid now, with a wrapping. I'm assuming to markhaving the new tax.

Francois..."Did Leo tell you about the different lid/wrapper?"

Don't be daft Francois, he saw it for himself!

September 21st, 2017, 02:26
No, because as it turns out going blind doesn't make you lose your sense of touch. Crazy, eh?

Jesus fucken christ you people are dicks.

September 21st, 2017, 02:36
Wow Matt that reply was within 6 minutes of my posting, which was 2020 UK time...or 0420 Thai time.
Having trouble sleeping tonight?

Or maybe it's just 1420 Canadian time.

Just where are you?

September 21st, 2017, 02:46
And here we go again. I'm a software developer with Westerner clients, plus work from home. I don't have much of a sleep schedule, and it's good for me to be up at this time anyway, because everyone in North America is up and about.

Or if you really must know, I had one too many whiskeys, decided I don't care where the dogs are, and went to sleep. Woke up to them barking like idiots, so dragged my ass out of bed, pulled them inside, and now they're sleeping soundly in my room. Everything's cool, except I'm now wide awake, so fuck it, I'm going to learn me some guitar.

September 21st, 2017, 04:06
Wow Matt that reply was within 6 minutes of my posting, which was 2020 UK time...or 0420 Thai time.
Having trouble sleeping tonight?

Or maybe it's just 1420 Canadian time.

Just where are you?


Interesting! It was actually not 04:20 Thai time, you posted at 03:20 Thai time.

You'd think that a man in Koen Khan, or anywhere in Thailand would have noticed, and corrected you. That is something anyone would notice, especially when the time is specifically called out. I looked at the watch.

Of course, an easy excuse would be 'Do you think I have nothing better to do than stare at the clock all time!? Don't be such a dick!!'.

Another clever reply would be 'Get off my dick, mouse guy!!'.

Also, 'I can't see time! You guys are such dicks!!'.

We don't look at the time all the time, but we do when time is crux of the matter. Matt, my friendly advise to you - get a dual watch!

September 21st, 2017, 04:09
Thai time right now 04:05


September 21st, 2017, 04:18
It gets better than that Whitey.
We were both wrong...Thai time is currently 6 hours ahead of UK time....so when I posted " it was 0420 Thai time" that of course should have read 0220.
Anyway, as you say Matt didn't notice either way, seems he really is blind as a bat!

September 21st, 2017, 04:25
It gets better than that Whitey.
We were both wrong...Thai time is currently 6 hours ahead of UK time....so when I posted " it was 0420 Thai time" that of course should have read 0220.
Anyway, as you say Matt didn't notice either way, seems he really is blind as a bat!

So Matt was 2 hours off.
The time was 02:20 in Thailand, and Matt, while he is in Thailand, repeated after you that it is 04:20 in Thailand.

That is almost as funny as the news about mysterious hail storm in Koen Khan and Chiang Mai.

September 21st, 2017, 04:57
I made a mistake when I told you it was 0420 Thai time and asked why you were still up. As you can see in reality it was 0220. Not late at all for Thailand.

In your haste to reply you came up with some bullshit about American clients followed by some crap about being pissed.

Had you reallised my mistake you could have immediately knocked me into touch by telling me the correct time in Thailand.
But no, you didn't even notice, so, please reply to my original question which ...for your ease of reference was...

"Just where are you"

Thank you

September 21st, 2017, 07:36
There's a 14 hour time difference between Thailand and Vancouver, Canada.

Looking at the time posts are made can be very informative! It can give you an idea of who is living where.

September 21st, 2017, 08:56
Seriously, how expensive can it be compared to our home countries? I can easily pay over

I cannot say that the amounts you quote are incorrect but in the 10+ years I have lived here prices have risen at a greater rate than in many other countries. One of the reasons I moved here was that it was so much cheaper to live here. Now I wish I had considered some other places.

September 21st, 2017, 10:02
I don't know how much drink prices have gone up recently, but if I remember correctly, on my last trip (a couple of years ago) I was paying 80Bt for a glass of wine at All of Me bar in Sunee. That's roughly €1.50. I was sorry to hear the bar has closed - don't really know why but it was my favourite bar on my last couple of trips. Sorry, that's badly worded, I understand Gary had to return to the US for family reasons. What I meant was = I don/t know why I liked that bar more that others in Sunee. Friendly staff, good location, reasonable drink prices - it all adds up.

Sorry if you seem to be regretting your choice of living over there. I would think (but don't know) that it's still cheaper than your home country.

September 21st, 2017, 11:37
Joe...you are befuddled with all this talk about drinking. Gary owned The Corner Bar and he is the one who went back to the USA. The bar in its place is Doubleshot and I love it there.

Matt....please don't forget to reply to my post #29....

September 21st, 2017, 12:14
Gerefan. Comander Dude Matt is currently in Canada. Working closely with the shady dark web organisation linked below. This is a secret mission known only to a few trusted aides and Leo from Laos who is currently drinking Leo in Laos in preparation for The Commanders return with good news about his new supply chain regarding his new kickass business venture. Do try and keep up.

September 21st, 2017, 12:23
I made a mistake when I told you it was 0420 Thai time and asked why you were still up. As you can see in reality it was 0220. Not late at all for Thailand.

In your haste to reply you came up with some bullshit about American clients followed by some crap about being pissed.

Had you reallised my mistake you could have immediately knocked me into touch by telling me the correct time in Thailand.
But no, you didn't even notice, so, please reply to my original question which ...for your ease of reference was...

"Just where are you"

Thank you

Oh, for fuck sales...

1.) I was half asleep at the time.

2.) Some people have abnormal sleep schedules.

3.) I generally have no idea what the exact time is. I can't exactly just quickly glance at my computer clock anymore, now can I? I have to get my phone to tell me. All I knew was it was well past the dog's bedtime, and they shouldn't be out in the yard anymore.

Go trolling through my other posts, and try to match up my post times with a location. That should keep you busy. My post times are all over the map, so have fun with that.

What a prick.

September 21st, 2017, 13:26
Joe...you are befuddled with all this talk about drinking. Gary owned The Corner Bar and he is the one who went back to the USA. The bar in its place is Doubleshot and I love it there.

Matt....please don't forget to reply to my post #29....

Gerefan, I'll happily admit to being befuddled (love that word, btw) but on this occasion I'll stick with my original comment. Gary had All of Me and a 2nd place, All of Me 2, which included massage upstairs. I've never been to Corner Bar - is that the one that used to be called green chairs?

Sorry, I just read your post again (a befuddled moment). I know Double Shot, but again, I've never had a drink there.

September 21st, 2017, 13:34
Seriously, how expensive can it be compared to our home countries? I can easily pay over 5 or 6 Euros for a beer in Dublin. In Pattaya I might pay 1 Euro. I know which I'd prefer.I'm always amazed by the number of people who pay several hundred Euros or whatever to travel to a holiday destination where the prices are known to be cheaper and sit around congratulating themselves on how much money they've "saved"

September 21st, 2017, 13:40
I'm always amazed by the number of people who pay several hundred Euros or whatever to travel to a holiday destination where the prices are known to be cheaper and sit around congratulating themselves on how much money they've "saved"

I'm glad we keep you amazed, and maybe amused?

September 21st, 2017, 13:54
Gerefan2 and Joe552 may be unaware that there have been two bar owners named Gary.

One had the Corner Bar some years back (now Double Shot).
The other owned All Of Me (now closed).

September 21st, 2017, 14:49
In your efforts to catch Matt out you have made a serious faux pas, Francois

285 is part of the name of the product - Blend 285 - nothing to do with its previous price!

Live and learn, Scotty. I am not a whiskey drinker so was unaware of 285. Is it a whiskey?

September 21st, 2017, 14:51
Yeah it's low grade crap that the old Mamasan Go Go bar in Phuket used to buy at 250 Baht a bottle from the 7-11 and try to sell at 3000 Baht

September 21st, 2017, 14:53
cheese eating surrender monkey (CESM)...aka francois....love your avatar

Merci for the compliment on my avatar. I plan to change it shortly as I am no longer fat; I gave up eating cheese.

September 21st, 2017, 14:54
Comander Dude Matt is currently in Canada.

He seems to spend an inordinate amount of time there.

But that also explains why he's never met anyone in KK, even though some have come mighty close to catching him.

September 21st, 2017, 14:57
....cheese eating surrender monkey Francois.....

...I gave up eating cheese.

But GoGo boys tell me you still surrender very easily!


September 21st, 2017, 15:00

September 21st, 2017, 15:32
I probably could if my dick was as limp as yours when hard ....but then im a committed top...so nah.

In your case being "committed" would be a good start.

September 21st, 2017, 16:34
But GoGo boys tell me you still surrender very easily!


Different cheese.

September 23rd, 2017, 05:01
As some one who is not in Thailand at the moment , can some one tell me how much have the bars increased their prices by due to the tax increases
Sorry no info so far regarding bars. But Bf has shop back in Issan as of today the only alcohol he could confirm new price was Lao Khao local Thai firewater, for which a small bottle has gone up from Bt49 to Bt55, that's significant given the drinkers of Lao Khao tend to be the poorest in Thailand. He said it should take a few days to get the exact prices as the wholesaler has to move old stock first and therefore a bit longer for end-users to get new prices. As usual for Thailand nobody seems 100% sure. I'll be there soon and might manage to put some detail on it for you.

I am not a whiskey drinker so was unaware of 285. Is it a whiskey? :dash:
Yes its a Thai produced whisky with a percentage of genuine Scottish Malt blended and topped up with god-only-knows additives, but only 35 percent proof as opposed to normal 40. You probably hear it referred to by the boys as 'song-pet-ha' or simply 'blend'. Thai lads prefer it because it's cheaper due to the nondescript whatever-it-is liquid which makes up the volume, and 'apparently' it doesn't make them feel so ill next day. What's your preference for a drink if not whisky?

September 23rd, 2017, 05:38
Mine's a whiskey, thanks for offering. With just a drop of water.

September 23rd, 2017, 15:29
What's your preference for a drink if not whisky?

I enjoy a good whisky or whiskey depending on country of origin. But my preference is a good white wine but none to be found except at very high prices.

September 23rd, 2017, 16:19
Yeah, Blend 285 is fine. Obviously, I'd prefer something like Crown Royal, but I ain't paying those prices.

It's a nice smooth drink, and as Newalaan said, it's not so overly strong that ig gets you totally smashed. As long as you drink fairly slow, you still remain fully coherent (for the most part).

September 23rd, 2017, 16:58
How can it be "fine" if you don't know what's in it?

September 23rd, 2017, 17:06
Yeah, Blend 285 is fine. Obviously, I'd prefer something like Crown Royal, but I ain't paying those prices.

It's a nice smooth drink, and as Newalaan said, it's not so overly strong that ig gets you totally smashed. As long as you drink fairly slow, you still remain fully coherent (for the most part).

The only reason I'm flagging a comment in your post (not nit-picking) is in case any visitors who like Scottish whisky think it might be worth a try on the basis of you describing as smooth. It's only 'smooth' when drowned/saturated in coke/soda/water/ice. When taken straight it's rough. Though most westerners would take it with a soda of sorts that should be ok, with coke anyway it certainly tastes and smells of normal whisky.

But the boys tend to use it to get oiled and so often resort to 'shots' they sometimes call 'on the rocks' but there's never ice involved. The lads at formerly Eden and now Diamond in Sunee have a bottle set up most nights and when quiet you can hear the rattle of a dice in a glass as they play their drinking 'game'. Can't remember exactly but it's something like if you get the 6, you drink a shot, if you get a 1 you decide who gets the shot. This downed shot is immediately! followed by a contorted face and swig of water/coke to ease the harshness.

September 23rd, 2017, 17:32
Ohhh, you're from UK / Scotland, right? Yeah, in that case agreed, it's total horse piss.