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View Full Version : Taking a Thai BF to a go-go bar?

September 10th, 2017, 06:12
I'm sure many have experienced this, but I'm curious, what's it like taking your Thai BF to a go-go bar? You know, you're with this young, gorgeous Asian guy who everyone would naturally assume should be on stage in white briefs. Instead, he sits down, orders a drink, begins calling boys off stage and ordering them drinks, offs people, etc.

How often do you itness that in go-go bars? Anyone with personal experience of taking their Thai BF to a go-go bart want to share?

September 10th, 2017, 06:33
Not to mention, this is going to be an awkward conversation I never thought I was going to have to have. I'm going to have to explain to my husband how a go-go bar works.

"Yeah honey, it's easy. We go to a bar, and there will be a bunch of guys in white briefs hanging out. Just pick the one who think is handsome, he'll come sit with you, and if you like him, give him say 1500 baht and you can shove your dick in his ass all night long if you want. Pick me out a handsome guy while you're at it, because I can't see shit anymore, but I want to have fun too."

That's so fucked up, maybe I just won't mention it.

September 10th, 2017, 11:57
Thai BF usually doesn't like the go go bars scene and feel uncomfortable there.gay club,discos and saunas are better options to take him.

September 10th, 2017, 12:31
I'm going to have to explain to my husband how a go-go bar works.So-called gay "marriage" is legal in Thailand? When did this happen? There'll be plenty of old sodomites "marrying" Thais so they can stay in Thailand under the cheaper marriage visa (400K) vs. the retirement visa (800K). Even a Bitcoin millionaire like yourself could just about afford it

September 10th, 2017, 15:01
I've better things to do when I'm with P. than to take him to a go-go bar. It is true that , many years ago when Throb was at its pre-khatoey best, we enjoyed the show. But a go-go bar? for me they were means by which I found a companion. And anyway, in those far-off days, they were much more fun than they are today.

September 10th, 2017, 22:30
I've better things to do when I'm with P. than to take him to a go-go bar. It is true that , many years ago when Throb was at its pre-khatoey best, we enjoyed the show. But a go-go bar? for me they were means by which I found a companion. And anyway, in those far-off days, they were much more fun than they are today.

Sadly have to agree with you .
In the past the go go bars were pack with many stunning boys eager to service you , many customers , great music and sparkling ambience. Now it's only a far cry from what it used to be most of the boys are unattractive and bored with thire mobile phones .it's not fun anymore. I prefer to find the right boy through the apps and take him with me to disco, sightseeing,beach, pool ,restaurant act. but certainly not to a go go bar.

September 11th, 2017, 02:30
Oh, this thread was sooooo 12 hours ago, it's no longer relevant.


September 11th, 2017, 12:54
Oh, this thread was sooooo 12 hours ago, it's no longer relevant.He's dumped you already?

September 11th, 2017, 13:29
No, no... I'm pretty sure we're stuck with each other for life.

As per-usual, change of plans. Chiang Mai and Pattaya are out, while Vientiane is in.

I honestly have a hard time faulting that decision, except for the fuck he better not fuck me over. He's been taking care of me every single day since I went blind though, so if there's anyone I can trust in this life, it's him.

Who the fuck knows though. My farang ex-husband convinced me that moving to Budapest was a good idea. He went two weeks ahead of me to reunite with his family, and by the time I got there, it turned out he was no longer gay.

Kim was awesome for the first year, then he convinced me to move up here to Khon Kaen, hooked up with the wrong friends, and I ended up living with about 10 ladyboys. Now I'm still here.

So I have no idea, but let's see what happens.

And on come the grumpy old men saying I'm a liar.

September 11th, 2017, 13:41
So is Chapter 2 of One Man, Two Dogs and Leo From Laos going to be set in Vientiane now? I'm confused but if so I will certainly be tuning in for the next installment of this soap opera. My goodness, with no passport and being a long time illegal overstayer, the border crossing alone is going to be a heart thumping thriller. I'm going to get the popcorn in before I snuggle down to read it.

September 11th, 2017, 14:22
Yet another saga to "entertain" us.

Life must be so boring up in KK.

Did you end up getting your pilots licence, Matt?

And please tell us about your attempt to join the target shooting club. How did that go?

September 11th, 2017, 15:22
IMHO, Matt's stories (and those of a few other colleagues) are meant to be taken as a divertissement, as an amusement, an entertainment, but not, gentle reader, as an absolute reflection of fact. Fine. It gives us a chance to see what a creative mind can produce.

September 11th, 2017, 15:27
I agree wholeheartedly, bobsaigon.

September 11th, 2017, 15:30
So is Chapter 2 of One Man, Two Dogs and Leo From Laos going to be set in Vientiane now? I'm confused but if so I will certainly be tuning in for the next installment of this soap opera. My goodness, with no passport and being a long time illegal overstayer, the border crossing alone is going to be a heart thumping thriller. I'm going to get the popcorn in before I snuggle down to read it.
The Naga's Bang Fai on the river should give good cover for a night swim.
But I forget which time of year this happens.

September 11th, 2017, 16:17
Maybe that's the one in October, when balls of light mysteriously pop up from the river? Hundreds of thousands of spectators. Could easily pack up the essentials (et les chiens of course) and cross the river on a small raft. If anyone was sober enough to notice, they'd think it was just a crazy farang trying to get a close look at the fireballs.

September 11th, 2017, 18:20
Will you all please leave Matt the fuck alone. He is currently holed up at HQ in KK wearing battle fatigues and using what little sight he has left to pore over maps of the Thai/Laos border trying to find a chink in the tight security. Meanwhile, Leo from Laos is speaking to some extremely shady characters about a dead of night passage for four in one of their 'special' boats. You know the ones, the ones that are able to slip past even the most eagle eyed border guards.

September 11th, 2017, 19:03
the ones that are able to slip past even the most eagle eyed border guards.

I thought you just needed a black Benz with tinted windows for that


September 11th, 2017, 19:24
No bkkguy. Your black Benz will be of little use (perhaps even a hindrance) unless you show said guard your collection of portraits of George Washington, Queen Elizabeth or Europa.

September 11th, 2017, 23:31
My goodness, with no passport and being a long time illegal overstayer, the border crossing alone is going to be a heart thumping thriller. I'm going to get the popcorn in before I snuggle down to read it.

Not me. I'm waiting for the film to come out!

September 11th, 2017, 23:45
Ah Gerefan, the film is never as good as the book. And besides, the board will be littered with spoilers.

September 12th, 2017, 01:15
I have a Lao boyfriend, does that count ? We went to the go-go bars a few times, just to see the show. Can't be bothered nowadays, as drinking prices are simply not what I am prepared to pay.

You are now moving to Vientiane ? Wow much better idea then Chiang Mai. You will have to sort out the visa though, and remember doing a monthly visa run into Thailand might not be feasible, because you are now limited to only two overland exempt stamps in a calender year. Having said that, the Lao most likely still allow you to purchase a 30 day visa each time, so it might actually work, you'll have a bunch of entry refused stamps from Thailand this way :D

September 12th, 2017, 02:04
I would think "the boys" don't like gogo bars, since (i) they don't need to go there to see guys of their own age in speedos & (ii) there is always the risk of their farang friend finding a new boy.

Moving to Vientiane solves the gogo problem, since there aren't any.

I thought Laos had some reasonable rules for farang to get visas for business, or something. But could be mistaken.

As for heavily fortified border, well a lot of it is river & there are many boats around. I wouldn't want to cross it illegally, but it can hardly be like the iron curtain.

September 12th, 2017, 07:05
You will have to sort out the visa though, and remember doing a monthly visa run into Thailand might not be feasible, because you are now limited to only two overland exempt stamps in a calender year.

Mmmm...could be difficult getting those stamps, as he apparently doesn't have a passport.

I guess he could always get a stamp on the back of his hand - you know, like the one you get when you enter a night club.

September 12th, 2017, 14:17
Not me. I'm waiting for the film to come out!I say the same thing to purveyors of The Big Issue magazine if I'm in a country where they're sold on the streets

September 12th, 2017, 14:21
For fuck sake ... now this Canadian nut job is going to move to Laos after begging for help and assurance that his upcoming move to Chiang Mai was a done deal, cut in stone, the end game, while at the same time going blinder and blinder by the minute, knowing full well that it's hard to see those pesky land mines strewn through the dark back alleys of Vientiane even when one is 20/20.

An amazing tour de force of utter bunkum (also known as 100% bullshit). H L Mencken would be all over this nonsense.

September 12th, 2017, 14:22
I honestly have a hard time faulting that decision, except for the fuck he better not fuck me over. He's been taking care of me every single day since I went blind though, so if there's anyone I can trust in this life, it's him.Let's face it you told him just a few short weeks ago that you were prepared to spend 500K baht buying him a Thailand Elite visa. He's got your (supposed) wealth counted down to the last satang

September 12th, 2017, 14:46
Aware of the dangers of a cyber security 'break in' Commander Dude Matt has gone temporarily AWOL. Fully conversant with all electronic gadgetry smadgetry he knows that if even the merest hint of this planned to the minute getaway becomes public then his and Leo from Laos lives would be in danger. There is little that the hardened crime syndicates wouldn't do to get their hands on the hard drive literally bursting with a Bitcoin bonanza.

September 12th, 2017, 21:35
Mmmm...could be difficult getting those stamps, as he apparently doesn't have a passport.

I guess he could always get a stamp on the back of his hand - you know, like the one you get when you enter a night club.

Nana, you can be really funny sometimes. :D

September 12th, 2017, 21:39
I would think "the boys" don't like gogo bars, since (i) they don't need to go there to see guys of their own age in speedos & (ii) there is always the risk of their farang friend finding a new boy.

...or running into an old colleague or two.

P.S. Why wouldn't want they want to see sexy guys their age in briefs? Plenty of younger guys go to see the shows in Soi Twilight.

September 12th, 2017, 21:46
I would think "the boys" don't like gogo bars, since (i) they don't need to go there to see guys of their own age in speedos & (ii) there is always the risk of their farang friend finding a new boy.

(iii) the more intelligent boys - especially the many who have been brought up by the country's education system to see Thailand as the "best" country in the world - will find it demeaning, shaming and an affront to their beliefs to see their countrymen openly bought and sold at the whim of capricious foreigners,

(iv) anyone who, like me, prefers to have a heterosexual (though accommodating) temporary holiday companion will know that a straight boy understandably finds boy go go bars simply boring.

September 13th, 2017, 01:07
Mmmm...could be difficult getting those stamps, as he apparently doesn't have a passport.

I guess he could always get a stamp on the back of his hand - you know, like the one you get when you enter a night club.

Oh, then it is allright, he just needs to cross the border illegally and then just lay low, Leo will get him into Lao undetected no worries. Saves the hassle of arranging the visa...

September 17th, 2017, 20:00
No, no... I'm pretty sure we're stuck with each other for life.

As per-usual, change of plans. Chiang Mai and Pattaya are out, while Vientiane is in.

I honestly have a hard time faulting that decision, except for the fuck he better not fuck me over. He's been taking care of me every single day since I went blind though, so if there's anyone I can trust in this life, it's him.

Who the fuck knows though. My farang ex-husband convinced me that moving to Budapest was a good idea. He went two weeks ahead of me to reunite with his family, and by the time I got there, it turned out he was no longer gay.

Kim was awesome for the first year, then he convinced me to move up here to Khon Kaen, hooked up with the wrong friends, and I ended up living with about 10 ladyboys. Now I'm still here.

So I have no idea, but let's see what happens.

And on come the grumpy old men saying I'm a liar.

You could never claim to live a boring life tho Matt 😁😁

September 18th, 2017, 19:34
marsilius I agree that taking a short time holiday MB (short time as hes not your BF but just there for the holiday) is a total waste of time especially if he's straight. But if he's your long term Bf and has been acting up..or throwing a few tantrums maybe it will reset his expectations if he realises that he better behave or he will end up back of that stage shaking his money maker...let him know that there is a lot of choice available where a well to do farang is concerned...but that walking ATms are more difficult to find...especially those that live in Thailand.