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August 17th, 2017, 06:12
aInstead of me trying to research it, I thought it'd be easier just to ask here. I remember in another thread a while back someone mentioned it's 12,000 baht for a 1 year work VISA for a Laos citizen. Has anyone (recently) been through the process? If so, any info on how to move forward with that would be greatly appreciated.

He just wants to grab a job as a waiter or something, probably at one of the farang restaurants in town since his English is really good, plus speaks fluent Thai as well. Does he already need to have a job lined up with an employer willing to sponsor him, is he even allowed to get a job as a waiter since Thais can do that job?

Anyway, any info on getting him a work VISA for Thailand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

August 17th, 2017, 07:06
There is really no such thing as a work visa. A Work Permit is obtained by an employer for an employee, but a visa (providing the right to stay in Thailand for a period of time) must be obtained by the individual. Usually, an individual (including someone from AEC) will enter Thailand on some sort of shot term visit visa or visa free entry, receive the work permit from the employer and then apply for a longer term visa to allow him to stay for a year or two. An employer can obtain only one work permit for a farang for every 4 Thais that he employees, but that ratio does not apply to employees from AEC. However, AECs do not count towards the number of Thais that must be employed (4) for each farang. Unlikely to be a problem for a restaurant or bar in KK.

August 26th, 2017, 17:54
There indeed is a work visa (or actually a work permit) for Lao citizens. It cost 18.000 baht and is valid for two years. And no, it's usually not the employer that takes care of it, The employee can obtain it using various agencies. Have a look on facebook, there is dozens of them.

Minimee, this is NOT a regular work permit for foreigners. There is a special program for workers from neighboring countries, where none of the usual WP requirements (like four Thais for every foreigner) are valid.

And to answer the last question, Lao Citizens CAN apply for protected jobs (like waiter) where other foreigners can not.

I have several good friends that obtained the work permit, all of them in waiting jobs. I don't think one actually needs to be employed already either.

August 26th, 2017, 20:22
Ok, great, thanks. That pretty much lines ip with what Leo has told me as well. He's in Laos at the moment, but we'll get the process started once he gets back.

18,000 is actually quite expensive, idn't it? For us it's fine, because I'm happy to fork over 18,000 for it, plus Leo doesn't have any living costs. If you don't have a sponsor though, and just want to grab a job at a hotel or restaurant in Bangkok, wouldn't that be a little expensive for your average Laos guy? You're probably only going to make around 9000 baht/month, and after living costs probably won't have much left over at the end of the month. It'd probably take a year to save up enough for the 18,000 VISA fee, no?

Oh well, doesn't apply to our situation. Thanks again for the info.

August 27th, 2017, 12:14
If u "love" Leo then I suggest you show your commitment to the budding loving relationship and pay the 18k. It's peanuts. Equivalent of 3 nights in an upmarket hotel.
Or Leo could just sell his butt, if he's even half good at the sex thing he'll earn it within a week.
Real simple really.

August 28th, 2017, 00:10
18,000 is actually quite expensive, idn't it?

My understanding is as follows:

Work Permit (2 years) Bht 1900

Health Check Bht 3700

Visa Bht 1900

The Visa cost, for some reason, varies from province to province. (It's double the cost in Bangkok) The figure quoted is for Chiang Mai.

A figure of Bht 18000 would be beyond the means of most migrants.

August 28th, 2017, 00:42
i believe u underestimate a migrants will power...if they r willing to risk their lives crossing war torn countries and the med to get to europe then whats bht18k

August 28th, 2017, 20:36
Oh yes, sorry forgot to mention, the 18K figure is for Bangkok. Did not know it was cheaper in other provinces, so if it's half the price it would be dirt cheap, remember it's a two year WP.

Some but certainly not all employers pay for those WP and possibly deduct the cost out of the salary over a certain period of time.

In any case, for Leo this would be the most cheap option to remain in Thailand, as no border runs are required.

August 28th, 2017, 23:18
Ok, thanks. Just realized when you mentioned border runs, this whole job thing won't work anyway. I already know he'll be unwilling to give up his monthly trips to Laos to visit his freinds and family, and spent time in his village. Then I doubt many bosses will keep someone on who demands a week of vacation every 30 days.

Oh well, up to him, not me. If I was him and actually wanted to work, I'd just setup our charcoal grill on the street beside us, and start selling pork or something, as loads of foot traffic there including lots of school children. He could probably easily pocket say 600 baht/day, times 20 days = 12,000/month. Considering he doesn't have any bills, that's alright for him.

Up to him, just don't complain to me that you're bored and want to work. :)

August 29th, 2017, 12:45
wow..u can really pick them...

August 30th, 2017, 02:00
Ok, thanks. Just realized when you mentioned border runs, this whole job thing won't work anyway. I already know he'll be unwilling to give up his monthly trips to Laos to visit his freinds and family, and spent time in his village. Then I doubt many bosses will keep someone on who demands a week of vacation every 30 days.

Oh well, up to him, not me. If I was him and actually wanted to work, I'd just setup our charcoal grill on the street beside us, and start selling pork or something, as loads of foot traffic there including lots of school children. He could probably easily pocket say 600 baht/day, times 20 days = 12,000/month. Considering he doesn't have any bills, that's alright for him.

Up to him, just don't complain to me that you're bored and want to work. :)

Well he COULD just go every three months or so, for a few days. Yes doubt he will remain in a job if he's away for a week each month.

Sorry to highjack the thread a tiny bit:

Which just reminds me of my "second Lao boyfriend" ! Sorry to mention, but about 12 weeks ago we had such a big fight (about nothing of course) that he blocked me on facebook and threatened to post stuff on facebook about us. (or probably just me). Well I got so pissed with him, I just did that, hacked two of his three facebook accounts and posted a few naughty pictures of him.

Now this did NOT work out too well for him, as somehow his 69 year old father, who is a big homofobe, saw some of the pictures. Anyway we did not talk for 10 weeks until last thursday. Turns out (I already knew via some of his friends) that he has been kicked out of his birthplace by his father (his mother appears to be ok with him) and is now staying with friends working just for boarding.

He's now been back in Lao for little over four months, and he has it really though, he lost quite a bit of weight and has been complaining about all things Lao ever since he was back. And of course he sold his phone, just to get some money, I already suspected such a thing, as he was offline on facebook for a week (I have another account he does not know about that is friends with his :))

He got back in contact with me last thursday and practically begged me to help him. On the one hand, I am angry at betraying me by blocking me (our only viable way of communication) but on the other hand, I do realize that my actions certainly have worsened his situation.

He borrowed money from me, and we agreed he would pay me back next Songkran, but unless he gets a proper, paying job, there is no way in hell he will be able to pay me back in 7 months.

So I am mulling, giving him about 5000 baht, so he can get out of the village and go Savan or Vientiane to get a proper job, or leaving him to rot there, any suggestions ?

August 30th, 2017, 03:29
...a leopard does not change its spots....just be lucky that it didnt turn out super nasty...fact that he is not Thai probably works in your favour

August 30th, 2017, 04:01
...a leopard does not change its spots....just be lucky that it didnt turn out super nasty...fact that he is not Thai probably works in your favour

What the hell are you babbling about now? It's working out just fine. Actually, he should be back from Laos in about 12 hours. Good, because it's been a long week.

I don't give two shits as to whether or not he works, especially nowadays. I'm quite good at being blind now, so back to working at a productive rate, plus summer is finally over so work is ramping up. Our financial worries are now over (thank fuck).

He knows I'm not rich right now, but will always provide him with at least a decent and comfortable life. If he wants extra money though, then yeah, he has to get a job. I don't give a shit either way.

August 30th, 2017, 05:10
matty...its NOT all about U....actually I was commenting on justaguy's post about his Bf and the whole facebook thing. Just because u r blind don't expect us to treat u like a moron...remember blind does not mean addled.

August 30th, 2017, 09:15
Hey JUSTAGUY....I don't know why guys get sooooo involved like this...HOW many can say YES,,it all works out in the end...very few I suspect....Good luck, but think you should just ditch the guy and move on...get him a visa ,,,he needs a job....he needs a LOOM....take him back..and it is all about YOU helping him always.

August 30th, 2017, 10:23
Just because u r blind don't expect us to treat u like a moron.Matt demonstrated his membership of the morons well before he went blind

August 30th, 2017, 11:18
Hey JUSTAGUY....I don't know why guys get sooooo involved like this...HOW many can say YES,,it all works out in the end...very few I suspect....Good luck, but think you should just ditch the guy and move on...get him a visa ,,,he needs a job....he needs a LOOM....take him back..and it is all about YOU helping him always.

He does not need a visa, his work permit in Thailand is stil valid for another 8 months. He was just my second boyfriend. Yes you probably right, I ditched him, he ditched me, but somehow he keeps coming back. I do feel guilty, the facebook thing was rather nasty, even though humour from my point of view :)

He does not want us back together again, and told me he hates me now for what I did, never wants to see me again, but he does want me to help him. Not exactly giving me an incentive. I understand, he was not a barboy, does not have a network of foreign boyfriends to help out, so naturally he finds me again..

August 30th, 2017, 11:39
so do your good deed for the day and throw some cash at him...or NOT

August 30th, 2017, 12:33
so do your good deed for the day and throw some cash at him...or NOT

Yeah, well he needs to get online first, been sending me messages sunday morning, that's the last time he was online.

I wish he was a good looser, I mean I did what he threatened to do and did it rather well, I returned those facebook accounts to him and everything. On the one hand I am partially (but not fully) responsible, on the other hand, why would I give him 5K baht if he says he hates me, might as well give nothing.

And... he knows he will have to pay me back some money, and he knows I will not let him get away with paying nothing.

However IF he does what he has been doing the last four months, there is no chance in hell he can pay me back even a single satang. He needs to get work. But alas, he wants ME to help him find work in Vientiane, it's tyring, his excuse is: me never work Lao, I cannot write/read lao, only Thai.

Well if you never try, you will never succeed. I told him, being poor can be fixed, but it needs effort and determination, neither seems to be overly present. Too bad, he certainly is a very sweet guy.

August 30th, 2017, 13:51
So you argued "about nothing", he blocked you (which caused you no detriment, only hurt feelings), and you retaliated by hacking his facebook, posting compromising photos/revenge porn of him on it (which would have got you locked up in any decent country).

Thus causing him to lose his home and his relationship with his father?

Then you come on here smirking and boasting about it?

Sorry, you're an utter cunt!

Wait, I'm not sorry - and you're STILL an utter cunt!

August 30th, 2017, 13:56
As Latin said, "so do your good deed for the day and throw some cash at him...or NOT". But you seem to have mixed feelings. You know he doesn't want to see you again but you know it was you who got him kicked out of his home. Most people would feel a little guilty about that.

What would happen if you sent him 5K Baht (never to be repaid) and then blocked him? We're talking about $150 USD. Would it really bother you that much if you never saw that money again? Would the loss of that sum impact your retirement plans? Why will you "not let him get away with paying back nothing" ? That's the part I don't get. Are you waiting for him to develop "effort and determination" to remedy his poverty?

August 30th, 2017, 14:42
...problem is he might just be back....after all arent fat old farangs known as ATMs...
Thats why I keep it totally impersonal...i barely acknowledge the service provider...he's only there for one thing...not my friend or buddy..dont even want to talk to it..

August 30th, 2017, 17:04
Yes, he might be back. But this time, he'll be with his friends.

It could get ugly.

August 30th, 2017, 17:09
...damn..find myself nodding in agreement with 447

August 30th, 2017, 18:34
First, sorry Justaguy, never noticed that post. Seen the first sentence of the reply, but didn't notice there was more.

My $0.02 though, of course give him the 5000 baht. What are you doing? If you don't, there's a chance he will be more bitter with you than he already is, and in all honesty, understandably so.

Not to be a dick, but what the hell went through your mind to make you think that little stunt was a good way to handle things? Are you an 11 year old school girl, or? Talk about petty, and you drastically damaged his life by doing that. Really classy.

August 30th, 2017, 18:35
So you argued "about nothing", he blocked you (which caused you no detriment, only hurt feelings), and you retaliated by hacking his facebook, posting compromising photos/revenge porn of him on it (which would have got you locked up in any decent country).

Thus causing him to lose his home and his relationship with his father?

Then you come on here smirking and boasting about it?

Sorry, you're an utter cunt!

Wait, I'm not sorry - and you're STILL an utter cunt!

I just did what he threatened to do to me...It wasn't all the shocking either. I did not post to boast, you must have missed the part where I do feel partly responsible. You should learn to read, before you approach me in a very rude manner, A cunt, let's just say it takes one to know one, right...

August 30th, 2017, 18:37
...problem is he might just be back....after all arent fat old farangs known as ATMs...
Thats why I keep it totally impersonal...i barely acknowledge the service provider...he's only there for one thing...not my friend or buddy..dont even want to talk to it..

He was not a service provider, in any way shape or from. This is not someone I picked up at a bar, but a friend of many years who accidently became more than that. And I am not an old farang, and at 65 KG 1.80 not fat either :D

August 30th, 2017, 18:39
As Latin said, "so do your good deed for the day and throw some cash at him...or NOT". But you seem to have mixed feelings. You know he doesn't want to see you again but you know it was you who got him kicked out of his home. Most people would feel a little guilty about that.

What would happen if you sent him 5K Baht (never to be repaid) and then blocked him? We're talking about $150 USD. Would it really bother you that much if you never saw that money again? Would the loss of that sum impact your retirement plans? Why will you "not let him get away with paying back nothing" ? That's the part I don't get. Are you waiting for him to develop "effort and determination" to remedy his poverty?

I do feel guilty, but cannot surpress the feeling that it was certainly partially self inflicted. Betraying people is also not a nice thing to do, I just retaliated, and for that I am indeed sorry. I cannot turn back the clock, but however I do not want to be in a situation where in about six weeks he comes back for more, I want to ensure he gets out of the village and goes where he can actually battle his poverty.

AS to letting him getting away with paying nothing,I might do that in due time, for now, I believe a word is a word. I already allowed him to pay back the money he owes me minus 15.000 baht, to me that is a bloody great concession already, not prepared to concede more.

As to he loosing his home, he is allowed to visit, but not to stay, and this only because his father is an old homophobe, maybe it is time, he told the guy to fuck off. It's 2017 for crying out loud.

August 30th, 2017, 18:40
Yes, he might be back. But this time, he'll be with his friends.

It could get ugly.

I know pretty much all of his friends and a large part of his family. He is not the type, and neither are they.

August 30th, 2017, 18:54
First, sorry Justaguy, never noticed that post. Seen the first sentence of the reply, but didn't notice there was more.

My $0.02 though, of course give him the 5000 baht. What are you doing? If you don't, there's a chance he will be more bitter with you than he already is, and in all honesty, understandably so.

Not to be a dick, but what the hell went through your mind to make you think that little stunt was a good way to handle things? Are you an 11 year old school girl, or? Talk about petty, and you drastically damaged his life by doing that. Really classy.

Point taken, although I doubt I drastically damaged his life. I personally think he shouldn't even stay with a guy that is so homophobic that he made his son marry a girl many years ago (he was married to some girl for two years, just to please his father). To me that is much more damaging then now not being allow to stay at his birthplace.

I was always sceptical of him moving back to Lao just for this reason (and the reason that he would not have a steady income).

What you don't know because I did not disclose this is that
I was the one that made it possible for him to go back to Lao. The mistake I made is that I did not tell him that his plans to remain in Lao were guaranteed to fail. His mother also told him, what you plan to do cannot be done.

But I was stupid enough to make him believe that if he just worked hard enough, he would succeed. I should have told him from the beginning, what you plan to do does not work, he had no idea whatsoever what he was getting himself into, due to his inability or maybe unwillingness to properly plan and inform himself about the field in which he was planning to make a living. Later on, I kept pressuring him to go to work in Vientiane, but that was cut short when we stopped communicating. In the 13 weeks that passed, he just stayed put, instead of using some of the money to get himself a paying job.

He initially would return to Bangkok, which would have been the smartest thing to do. One of his best friends, is also a very good friend of mine, he asked him if he could stay at his room, and he was supposed to be arriving mid July. But alas he did not go, and now is in financial trouble again.

In retrospect, I should have insisted he kept working in Bangkok for another year or so, he had a valid work permit, and he should have utilized it to make some more money before returning to Laos. I now regret that I did not do more to convince him that this would be a far better idea.

August 30th, 2017, 19:20
oh Lord...what a quagmire....thank heavens I just rent by the hour...if this Laotian has any sense he will play you like a violin...I can just see the guilt trip he's gonna lay on u...almost wish i was a fly on the wall watching u get milked
...again...thank all the Gods I just rent by the hour and rarely do repeats...

August 30th, 2017, 19:22
oh Lord...what a quagmire....thank heavens I just rent by the hour...if this Laotian has any sense he will play you like a violin...I can just see the guilt trip he's gonna lay on u...almost wish i was a fly on the wall watching u get milked
...again...thank all the Gods I just rent by the hour and rarely do repeats...

55555 He is not going to milk me dry, I simply won't let him. The amounts concerned aren't high enough to be milked dry in any case.

In fact, he claimed that the worst thing I did was not the Facebook thingy, but the fact that he lost his best friend (my first boyfriend). 33 and already Alzheimer, it's not like I forced him to mess with me, in fact, he did most of the forcing I could say. Yet he blames me ! As if he's done nothing.

August 30th, 2017, 20:14
Ohhh, I remember you now. Slipped my mind for a bit. You're the guy who has a loving BF, but yet decides to go behind his BF's back, and sleep with his BF's friend. Once that little affair ended, you come here and publicly wonder whether or not you should pursue that affair again, while trying to keep your BF in the dark.

Upon being told you're a scum bag from a good portion of the membership, you begin defending yourself with brilliant things like, "well, he talks to me first lots, and says he misses, so it's not my fault if I sleep with him and cheat on my BF!".

And now you're doing the same. Instead of owning up to the mistake you made, you double down, and begin defending your acounts with stupid shit like, "it's not my fault, he's the one who moved to Laos, so I irreparably damaged his life. can't blame me for that!".


August 30th, 2017, 20:17
matty...the sleuth strikes again...

August 30th, 2017, 21:19
Ohhh, I remember you now. Slipped my mind for a bit. You're the guy who has a loving BF, but yet decides to go behind his BF's back, and sleep with his BF's friend. Once that little affair ended, you come here and publicly wonder whether or not you should pursue that affair again, while trying to keep your BF in the dark.

Upon being told you're a scum bag from a good portion of the membership, you begin defending yourself with brilliant things like, "well, he talks to me first lots, and says he misses, so it's not my fault if I sleep with him and cheat on my BF!".

And now you're doing the same. Instead of owning up to the mistake you made, you double down, and begin defending your acounts with stupid shit like, "it's not my fault, he's the one who moved to Laos, so I irreparably damaged his life. can't blame me for that!".


I am certainly not trying to pursue that affair again.

As to "irreparably damaged his life" I don't think that is the case at all. You missed the part where his homophobe father forced him to marry a girl, just to keep up appearances. Would have thought a gay person would not like that very much. But I guess it is ok to send him back to that shit right ?

Anyway, I don't give a flying fuck what some stranger from KK thinks about me, unless you know the full story, I would think you don't really know what the hell you are talking about anyway.

In any case, I just talked with him, and he wants me to send him money, he does not know how much, but it is clear he is not really interested in fixing that he is poor by getting a proper job, and he now also hates talking to me, so I told him to come back when he is prepared to listen to what I have to say.

August 30th, 2017, 21:33
Ok, so it's his father's fault you hacked his Facebook account and posted those photos, not yours?

Got it.

Reminds me of how Trump acts. "Just because I sympathize with neo-Nazis a little, everyone gets pissed off at me for it. What cruel, evil people! They actually blame this on me, when it's their fault!"

August 30th, 2017, 22:17
Ok, so it's his father's fault you hacked his Facebook account and posted those photos, not yours?

Got it.

Reminds me of how Trump acts. "Just because I sympathize with neo-Nazis a little, everyone gets pissed off at me for it. What cruel, evil people! They actually blame this on me, when it's their fault!"

No I posted those pictures.

However you seem to think it is ok for his father to condem his own son JUST because he is gay. Because that of course is what this is all about. That is all the damage being done.

Personally I hope it means the end of him having to pretend he isn't gay, but not holding my breath. No-one should be forced to pretend they are straight, just to please some homophobe father. But what do you know, you throw stones without knowing the full story.

August 30th, 2017, 22:20
No, you knew full well going into this and pulling this stunt, this was going to be a likely result. Whether or not you agree with the surrounding circumstances is irrelevant. We all have to deal with external circumstances that we wish didn't exist.

Sorry dude, but this one is on you, and it's quite pathetic you won't actually own up to it, and instead of deflect blame.

As I've always said, it's not the mistakes in life you make, but how you handle them. Right now, you're doing a pretty piss poor job.

August 30th, 2017, 22:55
No, you knew full well going into this and pulling this stunt, this was going to be a likely result. Whether or not you agree with the surrounding circumstances is irrelevant. We all have to deal with external circumstances that we wish didn't exist.

Sorry dude, but this one is on you, and it's quite pathetic you won't actually own up to it, and instead of deflect blame.

As I've always said, it's not the mistakes in life you make, but how you handle them. Right now, you're doing a pretty piss poor job.

I am not deflecting any blame, I never said I did not post those pictures, anymore than I am claiming that the blame is not on me. However, I do think that a father that won't allow his son to live with him, just because he's gay is a tragedy. Of course Papa did know already, but was fooled a number of years by the smoke screen of the marriage with that girl.

If I would have know that his father would see those pictures (which is highly unlikely, remember this is a 67 year old male, in rural Laos, not only are there precious few 67 year olds using facebook in Laos, the network coverage is sketchy at best, and it is not uncommon to not have any coverage for days, certainly in the rainy season. ) I would have probably not posted them, but I did, and for that I am extremely sorry. I would also like to point out, that I only left those pictures up for about 8-10 hours, and then deleted them, I would also like to point out, that I returned all of those accounts to my ex boyfriend after we agreed upon separating for good.

Now how do you suppose I should handle this situation. I cannot undo the posting of those pictures, obviously. So instead of attacking, please offer some constructive advice.

In any case, he wants my help, after silence for about 10 weeks, he does not seem to ask me very nicely, and today did not really want to listen to the suggestions I offered him to change his situation. He KNOWS he cannot continue staying in LAO in this way, and by his own choice removed the guy that had been supporting him to be able to stay in Lao, so let me know, do I need to throw money at him, without convincing him to get cranking and find a real job somewhere ? Because just throwing the odd 5000 baht will only help him out for about four to five weeks, after that he will be back to square one.

August 30th, 2017, 23:34
I don't know, I'm tired, and being blidn again. Please delete.

Fuck sakes...

August 30th, 2017, 23:43
Two points and then I’ll retire from this topic: (1) Ever since you first posted about this Lao “boy” saga, how many supportive posts have you read about the way you’ve handled the situation? I think “zero” would be about right. That should tell you something.

(2) You say he is 33 years old. You want to advise him how to develop the effort and determination to improve his life. When you were 33 yrs old, how eager were you to take advice about how to lead your life? Has it not occurred to you that he’s not going to change? Ever.

You’re looking for “constructive advice” on how to remedy a situation that does not lend itself to any kind of quick fixes. You need to admit to yourself that you do not have the ability to make things right with him or for him. Apologize to him for your inability to offer a magical solution to his dilemma. Give him some money. Withdraw gracefully (“It’s all my fault, not yours.”). Do whatever is necessary to avoid any further contact with him. Close this chapter of your life. There is no happy ending.

August 31st, 2017, 00:14
Two points and then I’ll retire from this topic: (1) Ever since you first posted about this Lao “boy” saga, how many supportive posts have you read about the way you’ve handled the situation? I think “zero” would be about right. That should tell you something.

(2) You say he is 33 years old. You want to advise him how to develop the effort and determination to improve his life. When you were 33 yrs old, how eager were you to take advice about how to lead your life? Has it not occurred to you that he’s not going to change? Ever.

You’re looking for “constructive advice” on how to remedy a situation that does not lend itself to any kind of quick fixes. You need to admit to yourself that you do not have the ability to make things right with him or for him. Apologize to him for your inability to offer a magical solution to his dilemma. Give him some money. Withdraw gracefully (“It’s all my fault, not yours.”). Do whatever is necessary to avoid any further contact with him. Close this chapter of your life. There is no happy ending.

2) Good point, I am always eager to improve my life. Even at 45 currently. He used to follow my advice on occasions just fine. The fact that he hates me now might have something to do with his inability or unwillingness to listen now.

Like you I am convinced we are far beyond a happy ending, that in itself hurts but indeed I will have to close this chapter.

I might indeed give him some money, knowing full well it will only be a short term solution. I already apologized, but obviously will never admit to it's all my fault, that is simply a lie.

There is blame on both sides. That no-one on here seems to recognize that, is simply because I am not telling the full story, some details I decided to not disclose.

The guy is a sweet guy, but also a cold hearted bastard at times, having said that, I mostly enjoyed the time I spend with him over the past six years, although I wished we would have remaind just friends, and not have taken the next step about two years ago. That way we would still be friends, and he would still have his best friend (my real boyfriend). Moral of the story seems to be, never begin a relationship with your boyfriend's best friend, not even if he insists :)

I never actually lost a friend, this will be a first.. That hurts more than the whole boyfriend saga.

August 31st, 2017, 03:48
if any part of this tale is true it wouldnt be a good idea to admit fault...he will latch o to u like a long lost brother...and make u pay and pay and pay...your only saving grace is that he's not Thai so most probably a bit fearful of the Thai authorities..or else by now he would have been at your front door shrieking for revenge..a bit like a447 when it gets a bad batch of kamagra.

August 31st, 2017, 04:18
if any part of this tale is true it wouldnt be a good idea to admit fault...he will latch o to u like a long lost brother...and make u pay and pay and pay...your only saving grace is that he's not Thai so most probably a bit fearful of the Thai authorities..or else by now he would have been at your front door shrieking for revenge..a bit like a447 when it gets a bad batch of kamagra.

Why would he be afraid of the Thai Authorities considering he is in Lao ? Everything I posted is actually true, and again both A447 and you don't know the person involved, there will be no revenge. He is simply not the type, in fact MOST people are not the types. It speaks volumes about the regard you guys seem to have for Thai and or Lao people...

And I can easily admit fault, the long lost brother act is something I won't fall for in any case, and again he is not the type. I know as he has never made me pay and pay and pay. It was always reasonable and fair.

Now we are at a point, where I might give him some money, and that will be the end of it. Long lost brother or not.

August 31st, 2017, 04:32
Personally I've had very few bad encounters with Thai guys...then I dont live there and I dont form any sort of relationships..the only unpleasant situations have been when they havent performed and I've refused to pay up fully...so a bit of intimidating screaming and arm waving has taken place..luckily I dont scare easily....and in just about all occasions once MB realises that he;s not going o get his way he returns to the task at hand...best high ever..fucking MB who doesnt want to be there and is totally pissed off at you.

All neighbouring citizens are respectful of Thai authorities ...if u follow the news u will understand why....should there be a "misunderstanding" between a Lao MB wannabe and a farang..I think the Lao will come off 2nd best...especially if he behaves in an unpleasant manner.

August 31st, 2017, 04:59
Then you come on here smirking and boasting about it?

Sorry, you're an utter cunt!You're talking about the Forum's most sanctimonious member, scotty. Why would you not expect him to smirk and boast?

August 31st, 2017, 05:02
You're talking about the Forum's most sanctimonious member, scotty. Why would you not expect him to smirk and boast?

Wow, that's the first time ever someone called me sanctimonious ! That Atlanta hotel thingy still bothers you ?

August 31st, 2017, 05:07
Personally I've had very few bad encounters with Thai guys...then I dont live there and I dont form any sort of relationships..the only unpleasant situations have been when they havent performed and I've refused to pay up fully...so a bit of intimidating screaming and arm waving has taken place..luckily I dont scare easily....and in just about all occasions once MB realises that he;s not going o get his way he returns to the task at hand...best high ever..fucking MB who doesnt want to be there and is totally pissed off at you.

All neighbouring citizens are respectful of Thai authorities ...if u follow the news u will understand why....should there be a "misunderstanding" between a Lao MB wannabe and a farang..I think the Lao will come off 2nd best...especially if he behaves in an unpleasant manner.

Well the subject at hand is not a Lao MB any more than that he is a Lao MB wannabe. Only suggesting it might indeed get him angry :)

To be honest, the reason why neighboring citizens are respectful of the Thai authorities is because many are working illegally and some are not only working illegally but also have long expired exempt stamps. You should see the queues at the Lao embassy for a lassez passer :) My point was however, he is not in Thailand, and I doubt he will go back there any time soon. If he wants revenge on me, (which I highly doubt) he will just have to wait until I get back to Lao in about 9 weeks. He knows when I will be there, so if he wants revenge, he can come and go get it. Again, he is not the type.

To be clear, this is not a bad encounter, it was good while it lasted (and it lasted 6 years / 2 years) it's just that the end was indeed bad, partly but not totally due to my own stupidity.

August 31st, 2017, 06:09
OK, not here to split hairs..but MB u pay by the hour...kept boy ..u just keep paying...different but same...after all u do pay all/most of his bills when he's with u....in the event of a domestic incident where he chases u down the soi with a meat cleaver I think the thai police will classify him as a disgruntled MB.
And wow..what a sad cunt r u...with him for 6 years and this is how u break up....maybe he should be chasing u down a soi...in Laos...

August 31st, 2017, 12:16
OK, not here to split hairs..but MB u pay by the hour...kept boy ..u just keep paying...different but same...after all u do pay all/most of his bills when he's with u....in the event of a domestic incident where he chases u down the soi with a meat cleaver I think the thai police will classify him as a disgruntled MB.
And wow..what a sad cunt r u...with him for 6 years and this is how u break up....maybe he should be chasing u down a soi...in Laos...

6 years as friends, two years as boyfriend. I did not break up with him, he decided blocking someone on facebook after a fight is the way to break up. I merely retaliated. This is not sex for hire, and never was. I know, for you almost an alien concept, but don't project your experience on this case, as it is not at all applicable.

By the way, you are the LAST that should say anything, at least providing what you write about your MB experiences is true, you are lucky to still be alive :D

I guess some MB did actually chase you down the soi, and therefore you speak from actual experience. Apparently you did outrun the MB. Well, I'm lucky, no way this sweetie is going to catch me, I walk much faster :)

September 2nd, 2017, 03:18
ok...so if he has demonstrated limited loyalty and love (like!!) for you after 6 years then write him ff. Cut off all contact. And BTW...no matter how u dress it up ....but if u were having sex and U were paying the bills then he's a MB...simply means u rented his arse loing time...as in really long time...a kept boy...
And yes I do treat my MBs like disposable sex toys...but it works for me...has worked for the last 15+ years... not only on Thailand but across many countries...rent it..use it...pay it....push it out the door...easy to follow formula...dont get all attached...its something to fuck..not a friend...or intellectual equal..

September 2nd, 2017, 03:25
ok...so if he has demonstrated limited loyalty and love (like!!) for you after 6 years then write him ff. Cut off all contact. And BTW...no matter how u dress it up ....but if u were having sex and U were paying the bills then he's a MB...simply means u rented his arse loing time...as in really long time...a kept boy...
And yes I do treat my MBs like disposable sex toys...but it works for me...has worked for the last 15+ years... not only on Thailand but across many countries...rent it..use it...pay it....push it out the door...easy to follow formula...dont get all attached...its something to fuck..not a friend...or intellectual equal..

Hmm no, I was not paying the bills. He had a job that paid his bills. I merely gave him a few thousand baht here and a few thousand baht there, if in a certain month he came up short.

In any case, he does not want to talk to me anymore because he hates me. BUT, after 12 weeks of staying put, me talking to him a few days, suddenly today he not only is actively searching for a job on facebook, he called a few of his friends with the same requests as well today, he now wants to get the hell out of the village and into Vientiane or BKK for a job.

It is certainly good, he finally got off his ass, and decided to do something about his situation. That makes me very happy, I have the feeling those messages the last few days have not been for nothing :D

Yes, I know I should cut all contact, and as he says, "I want to forget you". But... that's not how the human mind works, you never forget. You just kid yourself you forget :D

September 2nd, 2017, 04:57
And BTW...no matter how u dress it up ....but if u were having sex and U were paying the bills then he's a MB...simply means u rented his arse loing time...as in really long time...a kept boy...So harsh, latin - justaguy needs his illusions about his catamite, it's what feeds his sense of superiority to whoremongers like you and me

September 2nd, 2017, 06:46
So to sum up recent comments from the Rabbi

If you have LT BF and you have sex with him then he's a whore
If you have LT BF and you don't have sex with him then he's not really a LT BF at all and you're just deluding yourselves.

If, on the other hand you treat the boys disgracefully, force the price down, ride them like a pony, tell them their arse is "loose like an old woman", not forgetting the latest one "use his face as a spittoon", and then wrap it all up by throwing the money on the floor - then you're an OK dude just like the Rabbi.

Now, has everybody got that?

September 2nd, 2017, 08:18
No scatboy...its about the cash...if u have a LT BF (LOL...dream on scatty) and u pay him then he's a MB..or if u like kept boy...either way he's getting paid for his dervices...u can dress it up and call it whatever u like...but if u r forking over cash so that he hangs around to service u sexually then he's a whore...understand??? Geez...and u want to break away from England??...the only thing keeping u anchored in the developed world.

September 2nd, 2017, 08:20
...oh forgot to add...not that theres anything wrong with being a MB/kept boy....just dont like the pretense...after all as a frequent user of MBs I freely admit that they provide a valuable service...I just dont flounce around the village square arm in arm with one introducing him as my equal.

September 2nd, 2017, 08:40
The Rabbi wrote.
"...oh forgot to add...not that theres anything wrong with being a MB/kept boy....just dont like the pretense...after all as a frequent user of MBs I freely admit that they provide a valuable service...I just dont flounce around the village square arm in arm with one introducing him as my equal."

As if even the most drug ridden and desperate MB would be seen dead out in public with you.

September 2nd, 2017, 09:22
...if u have a LT BF (LOL...dream on scatty) .....

Hmmmm I don't know why I'm urged to "Dream on" - having had LT BF for just entering our 8th year now.

Something, I suspect you'd never achieve (or even wish to achieve - as you seem incapable of any emotional attachment to another human being.

In another time you'd have made an excellent Kapo .

September 2nd, 2017, 09:24
Latin wrote :

not a friend...or intellectual equal..

The first part is definitely correct, but I have serious doubts about the second.

September 2nd, 2017, 12:01
... as you seem incapable of any emotional attachment to another human being.Quite wrong. Clearly you don't pay any attention to what Latin tells us about himself. He has a regular long-term partner, but enjoys being a slut (like Elton John and David Furniture, but don't mention the Celebrity Threesome). Had you written "monogamous attachment to another human being" that would have been perfectly accurate

September 2nd, 2017, 12:51
So harsh, latin - justaguy needs his illusions about his catamite, it's what feeds his sense of superiority to whoremongers like you and me

5555 That Atlanta thread really got to you didn't it. I have no illusions.

Back in the real world, not every Thai (or Lao) boy is a prostitute. I know almost impossible to comprehend for the likes of you and Latin, but take it from me, it is the truth.

September 2nd, 2017, 12:58
No scatboy...its about the cash...if u have a LT BF (LOL...dream on scatty) and u pay him then he's a MB..or if u like kept boy...either way he's getting paid for his dervices...u can dress it up and call it whatever u like...but if u r forking over cash so that he hangs around to service u sexually then he's a whore...understand??? Geez...and u want to break away from England??...the only thing keeping u anchored in the developed world.

This is nonsense. By your token 99% of all relationships are of the money boy type, after all partners pay for things and not necessarily just for their own things !

September 2nd, 2017, 13:12
heh, yeah according to latin apparently wives and mothers are just paid nannies who are also there for your sexual pleasure.

September 2nd, 2017, 16:00
...wives...once they beget children have a full time job...and as far as nannies are concerned...if u fuck them...like if the shoe fits...typical woman...good at multi -tasking

September 3rd, 2017, 04:46
5555 That Atlanta thread really got to you didn't it. I have no illusions.You do have one illusion - that I regard you as anything more than an object of schadenfreude and ridicule

heh, yeah according to latin apparently wives and mothers are just paid nannies who are also there for your sexual pleasure.That is actually the standard critique of all heterosexual men by left-wing feminists. In fact wives - or more precisely mothers - exist to provide the next generation of boys for us to fuck

September 3rd, 2017, 05:52
ah yes...breeders do provide a valuable service...

September 3rd, 2017, 07:20
Latin my boy...do you do anything other than post here????I log on for 10 min read and leave..you on the other hand have NOTHING TO DO OTHER THAN POST HERE.

September 3rd, 2017, 15:17
You do have one illusion - that I regard you as anything more than an object of schadenfreude and ridicule
That is actually the standard critique of all heterosexual men by left-wing feminists. In fact wives - or more precisely mothers - exist to provide the next generation of boys for us to fuck

No I don't. Stop pretending you know what I think, you don't have the slightest idea.