View Full Version : alcohol price increase

August 14th, 2017, 08:09
Im told there is going to be a Thailand wide tax increase on all alcohol from next month . Is this correct , and if so whats the increase?

August 14th, 2017, 10:04
Drink less alcohol. Save money. Hire a motorbike. Spend more on boys. Have more fun. Done.

August 14th, 2017, 10:44
I only drink ONE beer when out..so no matter to me...and a price increase is not going to BREAK anyone nor make them cut back the amount the want to drink,,I think,,

August 14th, 2017, 12:02
Yeah, wouldn't surprise me. They seem to increase the price every 18 months or so, so it's about that time now.

Don't worry, it only ever goes up by a little. Few baht for a can of beer, maybe 10 baht for a bottle of whisky, etc.


August 14th, 2017, 14:03
Worrying about a small increase in the price of goods in Thailand is like worrying about a change in the exchange rate.

Unless you are talking big bucks, I'd imagine it wouldn't adversely affect anyone.

Apart from Christian, perhaps.

I used to get over 30 baht to the dollar. Now,it's around 25. I'm not happy, but it doesn't change anything.

Besides, Thailand is cheap to start with.

August 14th, 2017, 15:30
a447 wrote:
" Besides, Thailand is cheap to start with."

Exactly. Take away the cost of boys and drinks in go go bars and Thailand remains one of the least expensive holiday destinations.

August 14th, 2017, 15:52
Take away the boys and the booze and its case of why go!

Oh yeah, the culture - I forgot


August 14th, 2017, 16:05
arsetroll.....stop being so cheeep.....cost of MB in gogo bars and drinks is still dirt cheap compared to most other countries...and once u take into consoderation how cheap decent hotels and meals are then its a real bargain.
Back to the cost of drinks in a gogo bar...its not the ACTUAL drink u r paying for....

August 14th, 2017, 16:17
Rabbi Poxxy. That's what I said. Are you posting from your sheltered accommodation again? Matron has told you about that.

August 14th, 2017, 17:34
I thought there was a restraining order on his use of a computer.

If there isn't, there ought to be - a green crayon would be more suitable


August 14th, 2017, 17:41
must be a local slang..'take away the cost of..." to me that reads as excluding...

August 14th, 2017, 17:47
try to use the queens english..not coro talk

August 14th, 2017, 17:59
If any other members are confused as to the quite clear meaning then I shall post an idiot level explanation. Otherwise you're on your own Poxxypoos.

Nirish guy
August 14th, 2017, 18:29
.and once u take into consoderation how cheap decent hotels and meals are then its a real bargain....

I still always laugh when I read the likes of the above and people telling me / others just how "cheap" Thailand / Pattaya is and how I'm getting a real bargain as I don't think there's ever a holiday I get back from in Thailand where I don't look in my wallet / bank account and think to myself "HOW MUCH for that trip, REALLY, for THAT !!!!!", I think it's like one of those old things that we all believe ( like Thai people always smile) and we like to keep thinking it even when it KNOW it's not really true. I spend a bloody fortune when in Thailand and I've been to plenty of other countries and got shagged at least equally as much and spent less - so, can we put this myth finally to bed that "Thailand is cheap" - it's anything but !

August 14th, 2017, 19:48
When it comes to deciding if a place is cheap or not, it's all relative and largely subjective.

A couple of years ago I reported on a trip to Budapest and Prague. The guys were very expensive. Even a bit of hands-on fun, which would cost a few hundred baht in Eros or Goodboys, was ridiculously expensive.

Hotels were twice what I pay in Thailand. And drinks in the club in Prague were also very expensive.

And if you have a yen to go commercial in Japan, take plenty; you'll need it.

I can go on holiday in Thailand, spend up big and do whatever I want and still consider it a bargain, compared to other destinations.

And Nirish, having seen you in action Im not surprised you get a shock when you check your bank account! I don't have your...er..."energy" so I get out of it a lot cheaper than you.

August 14th, 2017, 21:40
You do knock it back NIrish, both boys and booze. That's not going to be cheap anywhere.

August 15th, 2017, 02:38
nirish...i would love u to name these mythical countries ....
...and a447 (geez I hate this) is quite correct when he says " do whatever I want"....that to me is the secret ingredient...for only a little increase in the baht factor a date can swing from vanilla to ...best left unsaid

Nirish guy
August 15th, 2017, 03:31
nirish...i would love u to name these mythical countries ....

Perhaps mythical to you, not to me - Bali for one - equal if not a larger amount of shagging than in Patts and for free - and drinks a comparable price if not cheaper depending on the Pound - but more importantly when i DO buy a drink I actually GET the drink and not the smallest glass they can find, with something vaguely similar to the alcohol I ordered rubbed around the top of the glass half times ! And as for getting additional extras for extra baht which yes that I guess is subjective I think I can safely say that I pay the going rate usually, no more no less and I've yet to have to "negotiate extra" to do whatever takes my fancy - and I'm guessing I'm as imaginative as you / the next guy.......so....god forbid, shock horror Latin, but maybe you're OVER paying whilst thinking your extras list is something "special" when actually it's nothing that the boys aren't well used to and all at the same going rates as usual ! WOW ! lol

Nirish guy
August 15th, 2017, 03:34
And Nirish, having seen you in action Im not surprised you get a shock when you check your bank account! I don't have your...er..."energy" so I get out of it a lot cheaper than you.

And alas I (sadly) admit that my "glory days" are fast disappearing into the subset too it seems and now I'm quite happy to go to Patts, have a walk along the beach in the afternoon, one cocktail after dinner and be home alone in bed for 8pm with nothing more than a good book for company ( oh how I HOPE that this is one of the posts my BF happens to open when feeling nosey :)

Nirish guy
August 15th, 2017, 04:15
nirish...i would love u to name these mythical countries ....

Oh and what am I thinking - and the Philippines of course as even cheaper than Bali by far and just as "busy" if not more so !

August 15th, 2017, 05:15
been to Bali...and phuket...several times too....both pale in comparison to Pats when it comes to MB quantity and quality and price...someones pants are on fire.
Philippines...dunno...emotional crazed people with a tendency for violence...and not very good when it comes to sex...maybe too many Catholic hangups.

Nirish guy
August 15th, 2017, 06:32
been to Bali...and phuket...several times too....both pale in comparison to Pats when it comes to MB quantity and quality and price...someones pants are on fire.
Philippines...dunno...emotional crazed people with a tendency for violence...and not very good when it comes to sex...maybe too many Catholic hangups.

See, as I'd said before SOME PEOPLE on this board can actually travel and get a fuck without having to employ the services of Money boys latin and getting laid elsewhere REALLY isn't and shouldn't be THAT hard a concept for most people to believe I wouldn't have thought !

Of course not a thing wrong with choosing to employ a MB when one chooses too but you asked where else could one go and get laid to the same amount as in Pattaya and have as much fun there and for less money and I TOLD you - well, in my case anyway - certainly Bali and the Philippines and thats for SURE and not any "pants on fire" crap, I leave that to other fanatists on here ( such as yourself). So sorry if you find you can't or haven't done that yourself but thankfully thats not my problem, I can only advise you as to what I've experienced.

And as for the Philippines yes the guys there might wish to "appear" be reserved on first glance BUT just like Thai boys once the door closes then I've fond on numerous occasions that that's certainly not the case - again in my experience - and I've had plenty of fun there that would make some peoples eyes water by the way too so I'm fairly sure I'm correct about that. Hell I'm beginning to wonder are YOU the one who's slipping up here for NOT having had such good fun in these places, perhaps you need to work on your technique ! Ha hold on what am I THINKING... it is YOU we're talking about with all your treat them like shit and pay more for more attitude etc, so yeah, that explains it all now, good luck with that, it's obviously (not) working well for you ! :-)

August 15th, 2017, 13:38
Nah...Ive had lotsa experience with Philipinos...worst lovers ever...always have an ulterior motive...super clingy.