View Full Version : Estonia sounds quite enlightened - I guess that'll be why the British Nationalists wish to dissociate us from it.

July 26th, 2017, 15:08
Estonia sounds quite enlightened - I guess that'll be why the British Nationalists wish to dissociate us from it.

July 26th, 2017, 15:18
lol scotish-guy, you may be right. But isn't it mainly Polaks and Romanians who get most of the wrath of anti EU nationalists in UK

Almost seems Brexit was about getting rid of Polish plumbers, and Romanian construction workers. "Take Back Control Of Those Shovels And Pliers!!"

July 26th, 2017, 15:29
Indeed - the whole Brexit malarkey is very significantly influenced by xenophobia at best and naked racism at worst and if it wasn't the Poles and Romanians being targeted it would simply be some other European nationality.

As I've said before - not all Brexiteers are racists and xenophobes but you can be damn sure all racists and xenophobes are Brexiteers.

July 28th, 2017, 07:26
As I've said before - not all Brexiteers are racists and xenophobes but you can be damn sure all racists and xenophobes are Brexiteers.An assertion with no basis in fact

July 28th, 2017, 12:45
No doubt it will be a reality check for you to be reminded that your opinion is worth no more than mine (or that of anyone else).

Therefore, if you criticise me for making a 'baseless assertion' with which you disagree, please take the opportunity of displaying your superiority in the area of political analysis, and completely blow my assertion out of the water - by pointing to facts which prove otherwise.

July 28th, 2017, 12:52
Please point to the facts which suggest otherwiseI don't need to do any such thing. You are the one asserting "you can be damn sure all racists and xenophobes are Brexiteers". I'm merely saying you can produce no evidence that "all racists and xenophobes are Brexiteers" because none exists. Opinions have nothing to with it, unless by some perverse use of the Scottish language asserting an opinion as a fact qualifies

July 28th, 2017, 12:58
So you can't produce any evidence which disproves my stated view on the matter?

Glad we cleared that up.

July 28th, 2017, 13:43
So you can't produce any evidence which disproves my stated view on the matter?

Glad we cleared that up.So you want me to prove a negative?

How about this - I did not vote for Brexit. However I loathe the Scots. I can't wait for them to vote for independence. I want them all to fall into the North Sea and drown. I a racist and a xenophobe where Scotland is concerned. But I didn't vote for Brexit. Scexit? That's to be welcomed

July 28th, 2017, 14:32
I did not vote for Brexit..I didn't vote for Brexit...

That's (as you say) "assertion" - how ironic!

You cannot prove which way you voted, so you invite us to take your word for it. I decline to do so as I believe you would argue black is white just to start a fight.

I welcome your admission that you're a racist and xenophobe though.

The only sad part is that you appear to think that because you (allegedly) target your racism and xenophobia to one particular group it makes it perfectly OK. I decline to accept that as well.

If I had posted about the Jews in the terms that you have just posted about the Scots: that I "loathed" the Jews and wished them all to "drown", you'd be screaming to Moses (again) about "grossly offensive anti-Semitic posts"

Funny old world isn't it ?

July 28th, 2017, 19:05
Scream, Scream?

Links to hardcore porn welcome but political argument gets shunted.


July 31st, 2017, 23:46
Though I'm loathe to get between the English & the Scots I have to agree that one is never required to prove a negative.
The ancient geeks knew this years ago.
Theists use this device all the time as in "But can you prove that God does NOT exist?"
I counter with something like this;
"A family of goblins live at the bottom of my garden, can you prove that they don't?"

August 1st, 2017, 02:19
Sorry but it's nothing to do with "proving a negative" - the issue is very simple:

If Frequent is going to pronounce someone else to be wrong, there's an obligation on him to justify his pronouncement.

August 1st, 2017, 10:28
This from Wikipedia regarding Goblins.

"They are ascribed various and conflicting abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. They are almost always small and grotesque, mischievous or outright evil, and greedy, especially for gold and jewelry."

Sounds like the current White House to me.

August 1st, 2017, 11:08
Yes, these days, many of us Americans are reluctant to reveal our country of citizenship, but we are quickly identified by our accent, size, clothing, etc. In my next life, I plan to be born a Canadian.

August 1st, 2017, 13:45
Sorry but it's nothing to do with "proving a negative" - the issue is very simple:

If Frequent is going to pronounce someone else to be wrong, there's an obligation on him to justify his pronouncement.Despite such past Scottish intellectuals as David Hume, sadly scottish-guy is a somewhat confused thinker. I never said he was wrong; I said there is no basis in fact for his assertion. Neither of those are pronouncements by the way. All scottish-guy has to do is to produce the facts - which of course he hasn't - to disprove me. I cannot prove that there are no facts. I therefore invite scottish-guy to produce the facts to support his statement "you can be damn sure all racists and xenophobes are Brexiteers". His response is in fact classic confirmation bias (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) - picking and choosing what he will and won't believe according to his a priori prejudices, in the best traditions of ... oh, what's his name? Ah yes, Donald Trump

August 5th, 2017, 07:12
Don't you mean Goblin Trump?

As a wicked thought, I would just love a political cartoonist to run with the thought of Trump as a Goblin.
(No-one in the US seems to understand the use of satirical drawings of political figures.)

August 5th, 2017, 12:42
Don't you mean Goblin Trump?

As a wicked thought, I would just love a political cartoonist to run with the thought of Trump as a Goblin.
(No-one in the US seems to understand the use of satirical drawings of political figures.)As you're an Australian I'm surprised you're not singing the praises of your own cartoonist David Rowe. His drawings of Trump - available on both Instagram and Twitter - are quite splendid

August 13th, 2017, 05:14
As you're an Australian I'm surprised you're not singing the praises of your own cartoonist David Rowe. His drawings of Trump - available on both Instagram and Twitter - are quite splendid

Thanks for your 'pointer'. Until that time I had never heard of David Rowe. He publishes in newspapers, Twitter and Instagram none of which I read. I have since looked through a lot of his Trump-themed drawings and, while many are sufficiently satirical and would entertain many Australians, unfortunately they do not appear to get to the USA.

That kinda misses the point, surely? Oh dear, yes, I forgot the USian sense of humour!? Rowe's art would go over the head of the target. :)

August 13th, 2017, 15:15
He publishes in newspapers, Twitter and Instagram none of which I read.I guess he hasn't moved into Captain Marvel comics yet then?