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July 13th, 2006, 18:44
Witness the pandering 'Kling-on' dictator excusing his "vacation" and claiming to, as a "champion" of free speech, ooops, er, a winner of unfair and dishonest "elections", to be the true representative of democracy in Thailand, and all the rest of Asia, as well, brandishing his opposition as enemies of the free world, and invoking the glorious "fight against terror" in a vain, self serving, secret letter to a global bully.

I don't think that the 2nd last paragraph, along with the inference to his indispensibity to GB's favorite cause, will get him a US invasion to reinstate him should he be toppled. Do you?

Someone wants to believe that just winning a tainted election should be a mandate to rule contrary to societal norms and without the general respect of the people, but only to those more powerful than him. Suing those who oppose you, and general arrogance like this won't get you the RESPECT that mandates a good leader.

Do some of those here STILL support this underhanded menace?

from The Nation ...

Letters between Thai prime minister and US president

Read letter from caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra dated June 23 to US President George W Bush and Bush's answer letter to the Thai premier dated July 3.

Both letters were published in Thai-language Matichon newspaper's Wednesday edition.

1. Letter from caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to US George W Bush.

Office of the Prime Minister,

Government House,


23 June B.E. 2549 (2006)

Dear Mr President,

I write to you on the basis of my high personal regard for your leadership to explain the current political situation in Thailand, where I recently assumed responsibilities as caretaker Prime Minister . It is my goal to prepare the best possible democratic path for the next government following new national elections this fall.

There has been a threat to democracy in Thailand since early this year. Key democratic institutions, such as elections and their observance of Constitutional limitation on government, have been repeatedly undermined by interest that depend on creating chaos and mounting street demonstrations in Bangkok as a means to acquire political power that they cannot gain through winning elections. Having failed to provoke violence and disorder, my opponents are now attempting various extra Constitutional tactics to co-opt the will of the people. If our democratic institutions prove strong over the next several months, these too will be unsuccessful.

On April 2, my Party, Thai Rak Thai, won a convincing majority in countrywide elections. Having led Thailand's government for over five years and won decisive victories in two previous national elections, I was confident of strong popular support and the voters confirmed the view. My political opponents because they know they would again lose, boycotted the April elections and left the political situation in Thailand in deadlock. With the imminent celebration of the 60th Anniversary of our King's coronation, I would not responsibly allow this political stalemate the mar this historic occasion . In order to restore calm so that preparations for the royal celebration could proceed, I stopped aside to take a leave of absence, assigning my Deputy Prime Minister with acting executive responsibilities.

In keeping with their independent status, Thai courts have since annulled the April elections on technical considerations and ruled that a new national vote be scheduled, probably in mid October. Most objective observers believe that my Party will again receive the people's mandate to form a government. In the meantime, I could not allow my country to drift without leadership. Our ongoing war on terror must be prosecuted, our economy must be managed, and the basic functions of government must be carried out. For these reasons, I have heeded the calls of many Thais - both within my Party and among the oppositions as well - to resume an active role as caretaker Prime Minister.

During this period, I want to assure you that I will take steps to help got the country ready for free and fair elections, and to work to shift the national debate from one that is emotionally charged to one that reasonably discusses the central questions of Thailand's future, including whether the country's political governance will be decided through the ballot box or in the street. The answer to that question, Mr President, will have an important impact on the future course of democracy in Asia. I know that your agree with me that the rule of law and Constitutional order in Thailand and in Asia more broadly must prevail over demagoguery and mob action.

Finally, Mr President, please accept my enduring confidence that the relationship between Thailand and the United States, based on shared democratic values and vital national interests, will only grow in the months and years ahead.

Yours sincerely,

(Thaksin Shinawatra)

Prime Minister of Thailand

2. Letter from US President George W Bush to the Thai premier



July 3, 2006

His Excellency

Thaksin Shinawatra

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailnd


Mr. Prime Minister

Thank you for your letter, and your optimism about the road ahead in Thailand. The United States has watched events in your country with some concern, and as an ally and a friend it is my sincere hope that all parties can find a way forward that respects the great achievement of Thai democracy and sees a fully vested government up and running in Bangkok as soon as possible.

Our two nations' friendship remains strong, and I appreciate your assurance that our good cooperation on issues of vital importance to us both will continue, Free and open political systems can be unpredictable, but the Thai people are resilient and Thai democracy is strong, and I know that your country will emerge from the current situation with a renewed focus on that which makes Thailand great.


George W. Bush

Brad the Impala
July 13th, 2006, 19:06
I would imagine that this letter from Thaksin will do him no favours in Thailand, appearing as it does to curry favour with an outside country, and exposing his country's dirty linen to an outsider, if you will pardon the mixed metaphors.

July 13th, 2006, 19:27
I wonder how this letters get in the Nation and way ? That's the more interesting point !

July 13th, 2006, 20:04
I wonder how this letters get in the Nation and way ? That's the more interesting point !

Free speech?

Thaksin did allude to it (thinking it will help him, no doubt) and his FM defended it. But it could be a trick, I agree.

July 13th, 2006, 20:04
And I wonder what George W made of all those big words? Must have taken the writer hours to explain them to him.

July 13th, 2006, 20:13
" ... And I wonder what George W made of all those big words? Must have taken the writer hours to explain them to him...."
... and who is "Thailand". :scratch:

Cheers ...

July 14th, 2006, 07:38
Is the main problematic many of us may perceive in the state system in Thailand one of Democracy, Freedom or both? Is it possible that in terms of the evolutionary scale of political systems that Thailand is a hybrid in transition from 'kingdom' to 'modern political state'? Are there two sequential sentences in any single paragraph of the Constitution of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand that do not contradict one another?

July 14th, 2006, 07:58
Is the main problematic many of us may perceive in the state system in Thailand one of Democracy, Freedom or both? Is it possible that in terms of the evolutionary scale of political systems that Thailand is a hybrid in transition from 'kingdom' to 'modern political state'? Are there two sequential sentences in any single paragraph of the Constitution of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand that do not contradict one another?

I'll bite:

Section 12 []
The King selects and appoints qualified persons to be the President of the Privy Council and not more than eighteen Privy Councillors to constitute the Privy Council.
The Privy Council has a duty to render such advice to the King on all matters pertaining to His functions as He may consult, and has other duties as provided in this Constitution.
Section 13 []
The selection and appointment or the removal of a Privy Councillor shall depend entirely upon the King's pleasure.
The President of the National Assembly shall countersign the Royal Command appointing or removing the President of the Privy Council.
The President of the Privy council shall countersign the Royal Command appointing or removing other Privy Councillors.

July 14th, 2006, 08:30
Is the main problematic many of us may perceive in the state system in Thailand one of Democracy, Freedom or both? Is it possible that in terms of the evolutionary scale of political systems that Thailand is a hybrid in transition from 'kingdom' to 'modern political state'? Are there two sequential sentences in any single paragraph of the Constitution of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand that do not contradict one another?

Thailand is ULTRA LIBERAL !

I give a example !
One off the largest industries in Thailand are chickens !
What happens after the bird floe ?
Well, about 1.600.000 Small farmers had to kill there chickens on the countryside and loose there job. Did the bird floe hit big companies like CP in Thailand ? The answer is NO, the big chicken farms did take over the market from the small !
I remember Taskin eating chicken in front off wold wide TV stations ( during the bird floe in Thailand ) Well it was a CP chicken. Some reporter ask the president from CP " what is your advise for the 1.600.000 small farmers ? "," Time to chance the job", he said .

example 2

Where is all the money after tsunami in Phuket ? Don't ask the small fisherman they don't have seen any money !

ps. Any one notice way so many bars are for sale in soi Paradise ? Some off the big hotels try to stop bar live in Paradise driving there bus whit Japanese in that soi makes not good references. The bar owners no that it is getting warmer and warmer !

July 14th, 2006, 11:41
Yeah, if I were in the market for democracy and free & fair elections, Bush is definitely the one I'd write to. After all, we're done with those concepts here in US so might as well give them to Thailand.


July 14th, 2006, 14:31
One of the newspapers had an article saying that the letter may (will?) come back to haunt Toxin. Things like not referring to the country as "the Kingdom of Thailand" in such an official letter and referring to Thailand as "my country". Of course, such wording is probably quite inconsequential, but it feeds into the conspiratorial claims of the Finland pact to dethrone the monarchy and run the country as a dictator.