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View Full Version : Getting two guys at massage

July 18th, 2017, 11:01
Has anyone asked for two guys at Banana Club? That was never offered but I am not sure if it is customary to ask. Any if I do get two gets, will I get a fours hands massage and then what afterward?

Any experience would be great.

July 18th, 2017, 15:41
That's too much maths.

July 18th, 2017, 22:56
Let's quantify:
You get 4 hands
2 appendages
And 4 useful orifices.
It's recommended that you choose 1 guy and let him choose the other.

July 18th, 2017, 23:55
If only it were that easy! One also gets three different opinions of what constitutes a successful session. It's not wise to be subtle about exactly what you'd like to see.

July 19th, 2017, 06:15
I had a 2 hands massage on my last trip.
Got them from Gayromeo and they came to my room.

I had already knew one of the masseurs so I knew he was ok.
I always like to stipulate Rules or the politically correct term "housekeeping ' before I commence anything.

Actually I have the massage session written in my 2016 diary so I remember the experience.

After the guys arrived as I said I like to stipulate the rules and conditions just to make sure my session goes ok and according to plan.

Being a Floor warden in my workplace I also like to show them the fire exits and assembly points.
This took 20 minutes on their last visit because some of the fire extinguishers were missing from their racks but I soon fixed that.

First they are NOT to talk to each other whilst massaging me !!! That is so annoying !
I always always agree on prices first ... but i pay a standard price plus tips for extra services ... if they are done correctly eg , extra 300 baht to play with my big sized nipples.extra 200 to give me a golden shower.Etc etc you get my point hopefully.. well some of you do.

I never ever pay a even amount for the standard service eg , I pay 359 baht for the massage only or 959 baht for a full service which I can includes tips.
That is just me and the way I like it and I make sure the boys have the coin change before they arrive at my room.!!
I make it clear that if they dont do the extras properly its either no tip or half tip .!

Im a strict bitch !!! And I want value for my hard earned dollar !

As I said before about my payment system , you dont have to do that but I am telling you what I do, After our toolbox talk on the rules, payments , tips dtc I usually make them sign the plan to say they understand, not always but most times and they have no problem with that and that plan or piece of paper goes into the diary.

I always make sure I carry a variety of massage oils myself and ask them use these rather than their cheap baby oil.
As I said good housekeeping means having the oils displayed and available along with towels pillows etc all ready before the boys arrive.

I am always showered and perfumed.

Having a 2 hands massage is a wonderful experience having your pussy and tits massaged at the same time by diffrent hands
Put some good music on Tantric indian type is my favourite and crank it up loud.

I also make sure both guys have water bottles before hand and have obviously showered but this comes into your housekeeping

I always expect at least 90 minutes service and this doesnt include the safety or Rule/toolbox talk beforehand.

I note the times in my diary , the boys names , times etc etc etc

9 times out of 10 the boys have exceeded their servicevlevels and value for money .
Blue House is my favourite but there are a lot out there you can choose from to come to your room.

Choose the right temp for the Air cond is so important I might add, otherwise if the boys have their t shirts off they will get cold if you have it below normal.

As I said atmosphere is the most important,good music , good room temperature, rules stipulated and what you want beforehand !!

That is the most important, stating what you want beforehand so your not disapointed.
My regular masseur began knowing what to do at certain times without his instructions but if yiu want certain parts massaged simultaneously by the 4 hands then write a plan and hold a toolbox talk before the massage to instruct them of your written plan .

For example , first 20 minutes masseur one massages your legs and back and on the 22nd minute massages your anal whilst number 2 masseur on the 22 minute massages your feet.

Thats just an example but you can write a detailed plan on this. Of course they wont understand your written plan thats why its vital to hold the toolbox meeting beforehand to discuss exactly what you want each hands to massage simultaneously.

I hope this helps

July 19th, 2017, 18:22
What a load of Tits&Bollocks.

July 20th, 2017, 08:42
What a load of Tits&Bollocks.

Yeah but it's funny and you know it's bollocks. :lol: This was my favourite line:

I always expect at least 90 minutes service and this doesnt include the safety or Rule/toolbox talk beforehand.

OTOH, when some people go into excruciating detail projecting their anal retentiveness and their inability to live and let live, it becomes quite scary that there are actually people like that out there. And they blame all their problems on the locals. Yet they stay in Thailand for years and years. Strangely, these people can't fit into their home societies either. But nooo, it's always somebody else's fault...

July 20th, 2017, 15:17
I had a 2 hands massage on my last trip.
Got them from Gayromeo and they came to my room.

I am always showered and perfumed.

Imagine walking into a hotel room, and seeing a wet great white whale on the bed, naked, soaked in Old Spice.. The massage guys must love it!

July 20th, 2017, 15:44
Whitemouse wrote:
"Imagine walking into a hotel room, and seeing a wet great white whale on the bed, naked, soaked in Old Spice."

You've met Scottish then.

July 20th, 2017, 19:54
Imagine walking into a hotel room, and seeing a wet great white whale on the bed, naked, soaked in Old Spice.. The massage guys must love it!

Not only would they love it but they'd have a whale of a time!

July 20th, 2017, 20:31
I hope Mickp gives us more of this.
He's a type of genius if you ask me and deserves to be more widely published.
There are numerous unforgettable cameos conjoured up.
He's obviously widely read in Walter Mitty, Damon Runyon, James Joyce, Groucho Marx et al.

July 20th, 2017, 20:36
Imagine walking into a hotel room, and seeing a wet great white whale on the bed, naked, soaked in Old Spice.. The massage guys must love it!

Wow you have my description down to a tee..It sounds like you have been in the room with me dear ;)

Next time let me know so I can sit my big fat ass cheeks on your face sweetie!

July 20th, 2017, 22:15
Nice to meet you, MikeP :)

Did you say you'll be visiting Pattaya in October? About a week ago you asked ChristianPFC if he wanted to meet up when you visit, so I'm not sure how fair it would be to Christian if you and I hook up. Maybe all 3 of us will take the new ferry to Hua Hin, I'm sure Smiles would be happy to host :)