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View Full Version : Viagra, kamagra, cialis under/over the counter.

July 16th, 2017, 10:59
Until I found a roving purveyor of these Meds it was always a problem.
Even in the regular pharmacies such as Fascino on South Pattaya you never know whether they have Viagra or not.
The pharmacy near Foodland in Jomtien charges B2000 for 4 100mg tabs.
A pharmacy opposite Tuk Com wanted B2400 and now they don't sell the stuff at all.
The French Doc on Theprassit won't give a prescription.
The Tai doctor near Foodland won't either.
I know 2 pharmacies where I can get kamagra @ a good price but they won't sell to walk-in strangers.
However I'm not sure if it's safe-I often feel very queasy after taking it.
All-in-all always a big deal.
What's your experience?

July 16th, 2017, 12:14
Almost any good Pharmacy sells Kamagra to any customer..you do not have to be "known" to them. The product is produced in Thailand and approved by the THAI government..SAME Sidentafil ingredients as Viagra..IT WORKS just fine...same as Viagra..Guess you must test the dosage you take..works different for everyone.

July 16th, 2017, 16:18
Thanks for reply.
Maybe my 2 locations are being dramatic for effect; in one he keeps them in a tin topped up with cotton balls under the counter and in the other only the elderly gent will serve me-his wife and daughter will deny they have them.

July 16th, 2017, 16:51
Thanks for reply.
Maybe my 2 locations are being dramatic for effect; in one he keeps them in a tin topped up with cotton balls under the counter and in the other only the elderly gent will serve me-his wife and daughter will deny they have them.Have you considered that they're exercising a duty of care, worrying that you might have a heart attack if you get it up and then get over-excited by the act? Alternatively they disapprove that someone of your advanced years is debauching Thai youth and are attempting to deprive you of the "pleasure"

July 16th, 2017, 18:17
Hmmmm...duty of care I don't think so. Both locations put them into nameless bags.
I cut such a manly figure they're convinced that they're enhancing the pleasure of a Thai lady or even multiple ladies.

July 16th, 2017, 19:35
Kamagra ... is produced in Thailand and approved by the THAI government

No - Kamagra is manufactured by an Indian company, Ajanta Pharma Limited I think (thought there are copies as well), and as far as I am aware it is not licensed for import or sale in Thailand

however the Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) manufactures a generic product under license from Pfizer distributed in Thailand under the name Sidegra, the list price is 100 Bht for 4x50mg tablets and 190 Bht for 4x100mg tablets, to the best of my knowledge the drug is prescription only but many pharmacies will dispense without a script

interestingly the patent on Viagra expires in 2020 but generics are expected to be legally available in the USA and other markets by the end of this year. After being a major supporter for 20 years Pfizer has therefore withdrawn Viagra ads from broadcast NFL games this season!


July 16th, 2017, 21:04
I like the B190 for 4 tablets.
I assume it's the same active ingredient so happy days.
Things are looking up!

July 16th, 2017, 21:10
Sorry I made a mistake...The Sildenafil, tablets manufactured in Thailand, approved by the govt', are named "SIDEGRA"..
no imitations
are sold at most pharmacies...cheap...work exactly the same as Viagra..I have taken them for a couple years. no problem
Please try them...Here is the website: IF this comes out...www.mims.com/thailand/drug/info/sidegra
OR just google SIDEGRA

July 16th, 2017, 21:17
If they work for you that's good enough for me.
They are sure to be a safer option as some kamagra may be low grade copies.
Kop khun Krap.

July 16th, 2017, 21:17
I once (Dec 2016) bought 4x100 mg Sidegra in a pharmacy near Malaysia hotel, no questions asked, 450 THB rather expensive compared to 180 THB recommended retail price (?). Ciprofloxacin the same, twice as expensive in central Bangkok than in outskirts or provinces.

July 17th, 2017, 00:10
I've found that (in Pattaya) for the less common antibiotics the price can double from one side of the street to the next.

Incidentally - whatever happened to that unhinged poster (can't remember his ID) who continually castigated me for taking antibiotics as a prophylaxis for STD's?

I don't wish anybody ill but it would be more than ironic if he's died of syphillis or something


Nirish guy
July 17th, 2017, 06:50
Well if he has just be sure it will all have been your fault to start with for taking those antibiotics of yours when you didn't need them, so, you'll be responsible for that, the death of all new born babies and basically the end of civilisation as we know it - and all just so that YOU could get your end away with no running cock to show for it at the end. Well, I hope you're satisfied with yourself NOW then EH !? :-)

July 17th, 2017, 07:38
I'm certain I'll get blasted for this, but don't any of you listen to your body? If you can't get hard naturally, isn't that your body telling you that you don't need sex, hence should maybe take a hint from your body?

Many times, on top of just age, it's also a simple diet problem. Eat better, and good chance your little man will pop up more frequently.

I don't know, but I'm the type who doesn't even like to take aspirin, let alone anything stronger. I can't gathom putting strong drugs into my body just so I can achieve a hard-on.

July 17th, 2017, 07:43
matt: you're 25-30 years too early with this kind of post. See how you feel when you're over 60. Till then, no need to instruct your elders. LOL

July 17th, 2017, 08:03
Yea Matt. Leave the wrinklies alone to enjoy some octogenarian nodgins before a cup of Horlicks and an early night. Hehehe.

July 17th, 2017, 08:10
No, but really, because I listen to my body quite intently. If I'm feeling a little down, I generally know exactly the problem, because my body tells me. Whether I haven't had enough fruit, maybe not enough grrens, meat, calcium, water, or whatever.

Same goes when I'm a bit sick / down for some reason, and my body says it doesn't want sex, hence doesn't get hard, then I listen as well.

I don't know, sorry and bad post to make. None of my business, and if it makes you happy, go for it! You're the one shoving drugs with many side-effects into your bodies, not me.

July 17th, 2017, 08:29
Side-effects? You think we ancients are concerned about side-effects? Wrong. We ingest whatever we wish, as frequently as we wish, knowing full well that there will not be any long term effects, because we are not long term !

And as for you, Mr. Arsenal, I haven't had a cup of Horlicks since I was a child. lol

July 17th, 2017, 09:37
...i believe mattyboy is trolling us...

July 17th, 2017, 09:39
No, not trolling. I just don't need drugs to get a hard-on, and hif / when I do, I'll probably just stop having sex and take up golf instead.

Nirish guy
July 17th, 2017, 10:03
Matt - by your own admission "you don't know" and also "it's none of your business" so why not just quit while not ahead and maybe mind your own business and let people older than you with possibly more experience of certainly their own lives just get on and make their own decisions based on their own choices, needs and bodies.

As a few have already said come back when you're older and then try and lecture older people with what they should and shouldn't be doing perhaps - many people have given you ( sound) advice about travelling to get your eyes looked at, you have decided not necessary, so let's assume if you can make a sweeping decision like that based on your limited ( non existent) medical knowledge that older people who have lived a bit can also decide to pop a pill and go fuck themselves stupid if they want to before they die without worrying too much.

Maybe you werent thinking so clearly before posting your original post, eat some fruit as I hear that helps !? ps maybe also just have a second thought the next time you're sending Leo out to buy your monthly alcohol supply as omg I can't imagine someone wanting to pour something so harmful and with such bad side effects into their livers just for the point of a quick short term pleasure, cause that would just be plain madness - wouldn't it !? :-)

July 17th, 2017, 10:11
I'm an Ovaltine man myself Bobsaigon. All that lovely maltiness.

July 17th, 2017, 10:30
Touche NIrsish, I'll take the queue, and shut the fuck up. :)

That, and my apologies to everyone. I was in the wrong, and have no problem admitting it. Your life, and whatever makes you happy, go for it. Live and let live, and all that.

I was honestly asking in a more polite way than it came off. For example, I can wake up and feel my body saying, "hey dude, I could use some vitamin C". Same goes for right now... Leo and myself don't have sex at all right now, but that's due to emotional stress and not physical inability. However, a while back I was unwell enough not to be able to get an erection, so I simply listened to my body, and didn't have sex.

I lost my track of thought. Basically, I was just curious if sex is so important to some of you, that even after your body stops naturally craving it, you're willing to induce drugs for the emotional fulfillment it provides? Or?

Anyway, doesn't matter. I'll take NIrish's implied, and shut the fuck up now. :)

Nirish guy
July 17th, 2017, 10:50
At the risk of prolonging this discussion can I suggest you do the exact OPPOSITE of your current thinking then Matt as it seemingly isn't working for you - so, go pop a pill and HAVE sex ! I'm guessing the release both physical and mental might just help ease the emotional stress you describe a bit - as Thai's might say in this situation "you think too much" - just go get laid and it'll all be fine I promise you - and if that doesn't work try some Prozac perhaps. :-)

July 17th, 2017, 12:17
I take it mainly when on a fuck holiday....when im in BKK or Pats ....its like I'm a dog in a forest...dont know what tree to piss on....kamagra enables me to just about be 18 again...u remember...a walking hard on.

July 17th, 2017, 12:17
...and phleease...no golden shower jokes....

July 17th, 2017, 14:18
I cut such a manly figure they're convinced that they're enhancing the pleasure of a Thai lady or even multiple ladies.I'd be fairly confident that (1) they would not believe that the Thai is gaining any physical pleasure at all, and (2) they'll know it's a prostitute, so definitely not a lady
For example, I can wake up and feel my body saying, "hey dude, I could use some vitamin C".Do we assume that you woke up one day and felt your body say "Hey dude, let yourself go blind"?

July 17th, 2017, 20:39
I'd be fairly confident that (1) they would not believe that the Thai is gaining any physical pleasure at all, and (2) they'll know it's a prostitute, so definitely not a ladyDo we assume that you woke up one day and felt your body say "Hey dude, let yourself go blind"?
Cod's Curse but ye give no quarter to any man at all on this here forum!

July 18th, 2017, 01:52
Hilarious. Even younger guys on here seem to be buying it. Lucky me, I don't need some chemical substance to get it up. If I ever do, I think I am going to bloody pass. I hate medicine.

July 18th, 2017, 06:44
I take it mainly when on a fuck holiday....when im in BKK or Pats ....its like I'm a dog in a forest...dont know what tree to piss on....kamagra enables me to just about be 18 again...u remember...a walking hard on.

Those were the days, when I worked in Tokyo. Catching the plane to Bangkok with a raging hard-on on the way to the airport.

July 18th, 2017, 09:23
Perhaps those interested could form a sub-group and pass on all the info about the latest medical 'pick-me-ups'. Haha. You can call yourselves The Floppywillies or something similar.

July 18th, 2017, 13:02
If you all became bottoms it would solve all your problems.

Its a wonder you havent thought of that Scottish having long pockets and all.:lol:

July 18th, 2017, 13:23
Just you wait Arsenal. The time will come.

July 18th, 2017, 13:56
Come on fools...off subject yet again going back and forth with banner of no value to anyone but the 2 or 3 of you...TIRED..moving on

July 18th, 2017, 15:34
Hate to go "off subject yet again going back and forth with banner of no value to anyone but the 2 or 3 of you"



You can call yourselves The Floppywillies or something similar.

How about the Wilted Dicks, which is the name of a small park in Lisbon where old men gather to pass the time.

If you're "TIRED" blueskytoday, why don't you just move on?

July 18th, 2017, 15:37
Come on fools...off subject yet again going back and forth with banner of no value to anyone but the 2 or 3 of you...TIRED..moving on

Bye Darl .. Dont let the door hit ya big bum on the way out Sweetheart !

July 18th, 2017, 15:49
Or perhaps The Hangdowners, reflecting not only the polar shift but also the propensity to start knocking back G & Ts at 5.00pm. ROFL.

July 21st, 2017, 22:02
...I prefer " the forever young club" myself....