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View Full Version : Who has used the Fast Track at the airport

July 11th, 2017, 12:27
This trip Im thinking of using the Bangkok Fast track at the airport on arrival.

It costs an arm and a leg but I just couldnt be bothered lining up again with the thousands of Chinese visitors like last time.Im a lazy bitch.:))

Has anyone used this service before?

I do fly Thai Business Class however they didnt give us a Fast Track card on departure but someone later told me I was entitled to this on arrival at the Airport ?

July 11th, 2017, 13:00
I use it. They should give you a card..ask for it....but no one ever checks or collects it when you get there.

I used one card for years!

If you are over 70 you can also use it.

July 11th, 2017, 13:29


July 11th, 2017, 13:46
OP, you asked about Fast Track. Geregan2 informed you, very clearly, that for business class passengers, the Fast Track card is available from Thai Airways on arrival, at no cost. Easy, isn't it?

So you proceed to post two websites that charge 1,000 Baht or more for Fast Track service. What, sir, is wrong with you?

July 11th, 2017, 15:58
No whats wrong with you?

Every thread you seem to be following me!
Every thread you write a nasty comment.

Do me a favour and mind your own business !
The links can be used for those who dont fly business class and even if you do you can still use those services.
The links were for anyone wanting info.

We all know you personally wont be using it so its got nothing to do with you at all has it?
Nothing at all !

Now up to this stage I have had pity and sympathy for you on probably your last year or so but you sound like a bitter jealous angry spiteful old guy.

I don't like talking nasty to people because my late father ( a bit older than you)had the same illness as you and died a horrid death towards the late stage,but for someone who is dying your a very very nasty man even at your age.,i guess your jealous.

With the limited time you have and you do go downhill fast , believe me,you'd think you would live it peacefully and nicely to others.

Never forget my Dad going downhill so fast then getting the pnemonia to go with it.
The hospital asked me if I wanted him resuscitatied when he started choking to death with all the phlegm in the lungs you get.
Terrible way to go choking to death.

Mind your own business and stay off my threads i dont want to see you reply to my threads again.
Hopefully it wont be much longer.

July 11th, 2017, 17:08
You have your seat card showing which class you are flying in. If you need show anything that is sufficient.
Still over 70 is a great bonus even in economy and there are several other places in the airport you can use that.

July 11th, 2017, 17:11

first of all: here is no "your" threads. All threads are forum's threads. Even when you started it, that doesn't means what you have rights to expel somebody from thread.

next: please respect other members: when you posting some links to other sites please write some short announce to where links will take members.

Thank you.

July 11th, 2017, 17:11
Can't believe what I'm reading at 10.26 above - if it's true it's a blatant attempt to terrify a dying man.

If Bob is lucky, Frequent might find it "grossly offensive" and complain.

Then, as Moses panders to any complaint Frequent makes (justified or not and without any evidence whatsoever) he'll move it.

That seems to be how things work around here these days


July 11th, 2017, 17:15
Oh I wasn't quick enough in posting - in the interim I see Moses has told MickP off......

.... not because of him trying to frighten Bob, but on account of his lack of posting etiquette!

Where's Frequent when you (don't) need him? Attending a sedir round at Rabbi Poxxy's place?


July 11th, 2017, 17:32
Mickp: Thanks so much for your post #5. It has been some time since this board was treated to such an amusing spectacle.

July 11th, 2017, 17:44
That would have to be the most vile post I've ever read on an internet forum.

I feel ill.

Is this what the board has come to?

July 11th, 2017, 17:47
No whats wrong with you?

Every thread you seem to be following me!
Every thread you write a nasty comment.

Do me a favour and mind your own business !
The links can be used for those who dont fly business class and even if you do you can still use those services.
The links were for anyone wanting info.

We all know you personally wont be using it so its got nothing to do with you at all has it?
Nothing at all !

Now up to this stage I have had pity and sympathy for you on probably your last year or so but you sound like a bitter jealous angry spiteful old guy.

I don't like talking nasty to people because my late father ( a bit older than you)had the same illness as you and died a horrid death towards the late stage,but for someone who is dying your a very very nasty man even at your age.,i guess your jealous.

With the limited time you have and you do go downhill fast , believe me,you'd think you would live it peacefully and nicely to others.

Never forget my Dad going downhill so fast then getting the pnemonia to go with it.
The hospital asked me if I wanted him resuscitatied when he started choking to death with all the phlegm in the lungs you get.
Terrible way to go choking to death.
Mind your own business and stay off my threads i dont want to see you reply to my threads again.
Hopefully it wont be much longer.
:D :crazy_mini: :aggressive: You're friggin' hilarious mate .... :dirol_mini: :devilsh: :mail:

July 11th, 2017, 17:52
Sorry Smiles maybe I was too hasty in writing it but he was constantly writing nasty comments after every thread and I tried to ignore it at first but he kept it up.

Why doesnt he just write nice things or not comment at all?

Sorry I had to tell him about his nastiness,why not be positive on life rather than be nasty?

July 11th, 2017, 20:45
Mickp wrote:
"Mind your own business and stay off my threads i dont want to see you reply to my threads again."

Reminds me of a policeman friend of mine who told me some shitbag council tenant had told him to "get off my land."
Priceless, I mean just fucking priceless.

July 11th, 2017, 21:45
I had a Gold card as a regular flier for about 5 years.
This entitled me to a fast-track pass on arrival at Bangkok which I used one time ONLY...because I was dealt with by a lone and bored female officer in a semi-private booth.
She had all the time in the world to ask me question after question on my lifestyle (99.99% not disclosed but she was still shocked), my finances, my travels in the region, my Thai friends, why my wife was non-existent and so on ad nauseum & ad excrementum.
Bye bye Fast-Track after that and welcome busy queue.

July 11th, 2017, 21:46
......why not be positive on life rather than be nasty?

To quote arsenal, "Priceless, I mean fucking priceless."

July 11th, 2017, 23:01
Actually, I was quite surprised. The last time I had such an offensive response was when I suggested to Latin that he might be better suited to intimacy with livestock.
Oh, there was also a strong reply from Beachlover when I questioned his authenticity. LOL

July 12th, 2017, 00:36
All the bitching gets in the way of a perfectly good topic.

So you pay 1000 baht, then get a fast track card, which they don't actually take off you ?
So this can be reused ?

So if immigration queues really are getting worse, this one time investment seems like a good idea.
For anyone who does not get one from their airline.

July 12th, 2017, 02:13
a447 stop being so precious...