View Full Version : Ganja in Asia

July 9th, 2017, 12:53
I haven't had a smoke in three months but I am off to Sihanoukville in a few days and I am looking forward to breaking the drought.
Bali was the place thirty odd years ago but the word got around and setups became common and expensive.
Thailand was reasonably safe, dealing thru friends, till Taksin had his war on drugs.
I live in the Philippines and life was easy till Duterte was elected a year ago. I now have several friends in prison on drugs charges. I judge that the risk is too high.
Recreational use is becoming accepted in the US and I enjoyed a visit to Denver two years ago. SE Asia will probably follow this trend but I may not live long enough to experience it :-(

July 9th, 2017, 15:31
I dont want to be judgemental so I guess if you enjoy taking drugs and excited by it then I say have a good time.

Personally I believe all Countries should legalise it to stop the millions being made by crime.

I myself have never been into trying it , in fact I havent tried even a cigarette, but that doesnt mean I have the right to judge others.

Its your money and its your life and as long as you dont hurt others I say go for it and enjoy it !!!

July 9th, 2017, 17:50
" ... I myself have never been into trying it ... "
Why am I not surprised?

July 11th, 2017, 14:33
Don't know about Sihanoukville, but in Siem Reap the tuk-tuk touts shout across the street: "Hello Sir, what to you want: boy, girl, marihuana?".

In Pattaya it's a bit more subdued, but whenever I walk along Beach Road and make eye contact with a male there, he makes a fist and points his thumb to his mouth, and I don't think he is offering to suck my dick.

No personal experience, but I assume everything sold there is overpriced and poor quality, you can as well smoke a hemp rope.

July 13th, 2017, 17:02
Why am I not surprised?

Smiles = a despicable ass to the bloody end.

July 13th, 2017, 22:04
Smiles = a despicable ass to the bloody end.
Well well, look what the cat dragged in. :rolleyes:
And here I was thinking perhaps your 10-month sabbatical at 'Wat Praburi Khao Mun Gai Ratchasima Scratchmaiass' would have cooled you out a bit ... especially the part where you're required to hand in your underwear, and go hang out.
I guess not.
But welcome back. And always remember your claim to fame: i.e. that the board's average IQ plummets by 23% when you show up.

Marti, this is MickP ... MickP, this is Marti.

July 13th, 2017, 22:27
"Well well look what the Cat dragged in "

Lol thats funny !!! :lol:
I love you Smiles , this is the 3rd time this week you made me laugh :))

And hi Marti :air_kiss: Lol , I see you already met Smiles !

July 14th, 2017, 04:39
"Well well look what the Cat dragged in. "Lol thats funny !!! :lol: I love you Smiles , this is the 3rd time this week you made me laugh :))
I'm happy if you're happy.

July 14th, 2017, 23:27

July 14th, 2017, 23:51
I'm curious, what is the quality of weed like here? I've never smoked in Thailand, mainly because of such strict drug laws, plus society in general here seems to have a perception that weed is the same as heroin, which is obviously totally wrong.

I'm assuming it'd probably pretty low quality, and just gives you a mellow buzz? If so, that would be perfect for me. I never liked stuff like BC bud that was so high in THC content that a couple quick tokes, and you're basically immobile for about 5 hours.

July 15th, 2017, 15:38
plus society in general here seems to have a perception that weed is the same as heroin
On the contrary.

I have been asked for or invited by about 15-year-olds to "smoke weed". And I have witnessed such activities from a distance. Out of tourist areas, "smoke weed", "fuck you" and "good morning teacher" are the phrases I hear most often when I walk past Thai youth. "Fuck you" is not personal, it's just the only English they but don't understand, and are happy to show off their knowledge of English. This is proven by "good morning teacher" being used at any time of the day or night.

"Smoke weed" is widely accepted and practiced among lo-so Thais. But still, I can't advice the op about quality and prices.