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July 7th, 2017, 19:55
And Buddhist Lent starts today (I think), and lasts for 90 days. Curious, are you guys giving up anything for lend? I'm personally not, because what the hell, I'm white and don't need to abide by Buddhist rules. :)

More to the point though, if you're currently in Thailand, would be great to see fellow farangs give a bit to the local templates in their area. Just some rice and some left over 20 baht notes is all it takes. Either that, or get out on the street at 6am when the monks do their rounds, and give some of those small, individual sized bags of uncooked rice, and maybe a couple 20 baht notes. It would be greatly recieved at this time of the year, as this is when all the young males go to be a novice monk, which is expected of every male to do once in their lives.

Short version -- the templates are full right now, and they need food and support. Don't be an ass, and go help.

July 8th, 2017, 04:41
What is Lend?
Werenyouminebriated when you,wrote that?

July 8th, 2017, 20:03
What is Lend?

so you managed to understand "the templates" OK, and are willing to overlook cdnmatt's confusion between Asahna Bucha and Khao Phansa and indeed the whole "vassa" v's "lent" discussion - I don't think you need a definition of "lend", you're post is a perfect example of "having a lend", which is handy because on Buddhist holidays it is probably an easy way of 'taking the piss"


July 8th, 2017, 23:16
"Taking the piss".... you got it in one.

July 8th, 2017, 23:24
What are you guys babbling about now? Yes, Buddhist Lent I think it's called by English speaking Westerners. This is the time when you're supposed to give up things like alcohol aned sex for 90 days. It's also the time when young males become a novice for the one time in their lives. In previous generations, you were expected to be a novice monk for the full 90 days, but in this modern age, many just go for a simple 7 days, and call it done.

Again, go give some rice and 20 baht notes to your local templates if you're in Thailand. They don't need it, but nonetheless, would be a nice gesture on the part of foreigners.

July 9th, 2017, 11:34
OK OK forget the "d" on the end (as opposed to a "t"), but what is all this about a "template"?
Obviously I could be generous and correct you to "temple", or ... perhaps "e1" ​?
Well, you know ...

But I have another, rather incoherent example of serious eyeball rolling (no pun intended):

First you write this (talking about babbling):

" ... And Buddhist Lent starts today (I think), and lasts for 90 days. Curious, are you guys giving up anything for lend? I'm personally not, because what the hell, I'm white and don't need to abide by Buddhist rules. ... "

And then, you write this:

" ... More to the point though, if you're currently in Thailand, would be great to see fellow farangs give a bit to the local templates (?) in their area. Just some rice and some left over 20 baht notes is all it takes. Either that, or get out on the street at 6am when the monks do their rounds, and give some of those small, individual sized bags of uncooked rice ... "

There's some serious wild conundrums running around there naked in the heat and humidity of Khon Kaen, headed by a pack of dogs.

July 9th, 2017, 14:24
Oh, I don't know, and just me being blind again obviously.

I've been writing a series of tutorials in software development lately, hence the word "template" is obviously ingrained into my mind a little too much.

July 9th, 2017, 16:44
I know it's Lend/Lent because Doi&Mai&Ton&Tik want me to lend them more at this time.

July 12th, 2017, 20:32
...get out on the street at 6am when the monks do their rounds...
You lost me here. Only once in my about 4 years in Thailand did I have the misfortune of not being in bed sleeping at 6 am.

July 12th, 2017, 20:41
>>>>>>>>>>Only once in my about 4 years in Thailand did I have the misfortune of not being in bed sleeping at 6 am.

It is nice experience. My photo from Thai village: