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View Full Version : scottish guy's multiple anti-Semitic comments about latintopxxx

July 4th, 2017, 14:43
Don't be silly, Mickp; there's nothing offensive in your post and so no need to delete it.If Moses is going to let scottish guy's multiple anti-Semitic comments about latintopxxx stand I think we can assume offensiveness is here to stay. Besides, I'm not offended, I'm entertained. Perhaps Mickp finds that offensive

July 4th, 2017, 17:06
If Moses is going to let scottish guy's multiple anti-Semitic comments about latintopxxx stand I think we can assume offensiveness is here to stay. Besides, I'm not offended, I'm entertained. Perhaps Mickp finds that offensive

I just don't read every post here: if you will find any post offensive, then you will complain***. If you don't complain - then posts aren't offensive.

*** Reminder: easiest way to complain is to click red triangle right under any post on left.

July 4th, 2017, 19:39
....if Moses is going to let scottish guy's multiple anti-Semitic comments about latintopxxx stand I think we can assume offensiveness is here to stay...

If you would care to point out these multiple offensive remarks, I'd be interested to see on what basis they could possibly be considered "anti-Semitic"

All I have done is to question Poxxy's impartiality in the pro- Zionist and anti-Palestinian comments he regularly makes. Is it now regarded as being anti-Semitic to question if a person who is making derogatory comments about other ethnic groups has a vested interest? Further, why do Poxxy's derogatory comments not offend you - do you have some kind of selective sense of offence?

Or perhaps Frequent (who never offends anybody of course) finds it distasteful that In view of the above I occasionally (and humorously) refer to Poxxy as Rabbi Poxxx, but to deem that monicker "anti-Semitic" smacks of manufactured outrage to me.

Yet it seems he has no issue with the "Poxxxy" label - is that also "offensive"? Should I now expect to be served with a cease and desist notice on behalf of STD sufferers because of my "anti-Syphillis remarks"

Alternatively, Frequent might like to try lightening up and getting a life?

July 5th, 2017, 14:19
So.......despite moving the exchange, where are these supposedly grossly offensive comments of mine?

Still waiting.

But since these alleged comments don't actually exist I'll just paraphrase the accuser thus:

if the board management is going to allow Frequent's absurd accusations to stand then, I think we can assume caving-in to the board's #1 loudmouth bully-boy is here to stay
