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View Full Version : TAKE CARE!! July Quiz Night postponed one week

July 3rd, 2017, 10:06
TAKE CARE!! July Quiz Night postponed one week

Normally the monthly TAKE CARE!! Quiz Night is held on the second Sunday of the month at Man Bar in Jomtien Complex. This month – 9 July -- that coincides with a major Buddhist holyday and we are advised that most of the bars will be closed that night.

Thus, the July Quiz Night will be postponed one week and will be held on Sunday 16 July 2017 … same time, same place …. 9:00 pm at Man Bar in Jomtien Complex. Please spread the word to your teammates and friends.

See you there for another night of mind-bending fun.


July 7th, 2017, 07:36
Hope folks have a pleasant barless weekend .... see you at Quiz Night on the 16th.

July 7th, 2017, 09:38

July 7th, 2017, 12:54
With respect isnt this Take Care Charity a bit outdated?
Ironically in all the Sunee Bars I went into I have never been offered any of your condom packages

In fact some boys arrive condomless.
Shouldnt these packages be displayed. ??
Shouldnt you do an audit and ask why the bars are not giving them out to their boys?

Maybe if you gave the condom packages to the boys instead of the bars?

Are you prepared to say which bars you give these condom packages too so we can ask them why their not given to the boys?

I can assure you Sky Bar does not give them to boys on off.

Eden bar was the same

Your charity must of raised millions of baht.

The fact is there is now Prep anyway apart from that how about actually GIVING these condoms to the boys instead of the barowners you claim to give to.

I always remember Krazy Dragon refusing your charity nights i wonder why.

I apologize for being critical but when i constantly see these Take Care charity nights to raise money for more condoms i wonder whose wearing them?

I will also say in my opinion I dont believe that there are condoms being handed out and if you are they're not in most cases being given to the boys !!

Im sorry to say that but I believe its true and I personally wont be supporting your charity.

Then again one could argue thst either the bars boys or customers buy the condoms,why a Charity?

Your Charity was good during the heyday of Sunee Plaza when boys were more poor and uneducated street boys like ,now its all business and anyway how do you target the GRomeo boys to give the condoms to?
Shouldnt they be buying their own anyway?

I have had some of these guys turn up in nice cars asking about a parking spot so I imagine if they can afford a car they can affird condoms as part of their business.

But your NOT giving out to the boys on the apps because I have asked them , according to your website you are giving out condom packages to the bars?

Of course it seems a few bars have gave your Charity a brush off .

If you could tell me WHICH bars you are giving these condoms to?

July 7th, 2017, 21:07
Mickp, did some sort of bug crawl up your ass?

July 12th, 2017, 20:40
I apologize for being critical but when i constantly see these Take Care charity nights to raise money for more condoms i wonder whose wearing them?

Let me chime in: while the idea deserves praise, does it have a new topic for every charity night? Can't you (jvt22222) post them all in one thread?