View Full Version : Foreign guys in go-go bars in Bangkok

June 23rd, 2017, 13:59
What is the current situation regarding foreign guys working in the go-go bars in Bangkok?

Have the authorities clamped down and expelled guys from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar?

A couple of years ago, some of the most attractive guys in the Soi Twilight bars were from Vietnam and Cambodia.
Are the bars now hiring guys from other countries in Southeast Asia?

June 23rd, 2017, 14:59
There was a time when all the go go bars in Bangkok had all Thai guys....those days are long gone, now financial refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam proliferate the bars and go go bars....In Pattaya the Cambodians makeup a large degree of the boys.

June 23rd, 2017, 15:40
The Cambodians, Laoations, Vietnamese etc are a bit like the neighbours' kids calling around.
How far off do you think is the time when the bars will be full of gyrating Scottish, Northern Irish, Canadians and so on?
Real foreigners over here in other words.

June 23rd, 2017, 17:53
I have never seen Scots, Irish, or Canadians on the go-go floor, but I once saw an American women get on stage and briefly join the performance at Dream Boys. She was a bit drunk and edged on my her gay American friends. [Yes, I could tell that they were Americans. I was sitting near them and heard their distinct American accents.]

A few very good-looking Russian guys were available at some gay venues in Bangkok a few years ago, but I never saw them on stage. [I had a great time with one Russian mb for a night....]

June 23rd, 2017, 20:55
[Yes, I could tell that they were Americans. I was sitting near them and heard their distinct American accents.]

Which regional accents did they have?

June 23rd, 2017, 21:45
Just joking, we all know that Americans and Canadians(except Quebecois) don't have accents, it is just the rest of the world who speak English.

June 23rd, 2017, 22:17
....How far off do you think is the time when the bars will be full of gyrating Scottish, Northern Irish...

Well I'm game if he is!


June 23rd, 2017, 22:22
Do let us know when you two will be on stage. I will defy my doctor's orders and make the trip to Bangkok to see you, perhaps stuff a hundred baht note or two in your tighty whiteys.

June 23rd, 2017, 22:49
Back to the OP question - the Viets are back.

June 23rd, 2017, 22:54
Tighty whities. I think Scottish would insist on tartan baggies with a miniature Saltire covering his modesty. And Jomtien is full of Cambodians, many of them very handsome.

June 24th, 2017, 16:40
Just joking, we all know that Americans and Canadians(except Quebecois) don't have accents, it is just the rest of the world who speak English.
Not funny Francois! And you're "just joking" part is disingenuousness personified. I see right through your racism.
Have you never heard of a Canadian endangered species named 'Newfies'. Apparently the ocean will soon cover the small rock they live on. Trump doesn't believe it, but who's he?
Quebecois are 100% incomprehensible even in Paris and thus becoming so shy they will not speak a word to english-speakers unless they are picking apples in the Okanagan ... we 'real' Canadians call that "getting to the core of things".
In Tuktoyuktuk the natives there say "oi" a lot, instead of the proper pronunciation "eh" which all real hockey players say.
I could go on, but I hope you get the point and cease berating Canucks just to get a few cheap laffs.

June 24th, 2017, 22:12
Back to the OP question - the Viets are back.

Exactly, can't anyone have a serious conversation here any more.
If the Vietnamese are back, how many of them bottom, suck c*ck and have appropriate proof of age ?

June 24th, 2017, 22:37
There are Laos boys working too.

June 25th, 2017, 01:32
and dont forget the many Burmese!
And the many quotes here, that for a good acting guy from Laos/Camb etc you should not head to there, but remain in TH. During my last visit I had a funny conversation with indeed a very well performing Khmer guy, who said he was solicited to change his original job as ''yaam=security official at a deprtmt store'' for one massaging.
Different version for the VNese- they seem more apt at cheating.
It used to be the case and very, very occasionally it still seems the case, that some of the hi-so massageshops+more will also or even search for whitey farang young guys, always presented as exquisite premiums. Not to be kept on the premises, but to order before.

June 25th, 2017, 02:04
Exactly, can't anyone have a serious conversation here any more.
If the Vietnamese are back, how many of them bottom, suck c*ck and have appropriate proof of age ?
I graduated in the school of Twilight so I can answer that triad question:
None, None, Most.

June 25th, 2017, 05:19
One of the Cambodians I picked up in Jomtien did it all without any coaxing. Also the Laos lads were very accommodating.

June 25th, 2017, 06:54
Exactly, can't anyone have a serious conversation here any more.
If the Vietnamese are back, how many of them bottom, suck c*ck and have appropriate proof of age ?

One of the Cambodians I picked up in Jomtien did it all without any coaxing. Also the Laos lads were very accommodating.
I don't doubt you met accommodating guys from Lao and Cambodia in Jomtien and so have I.
The question referred to Vietnamese and I've only met them in Bangkok and never in Pattaya.
My experience has been that they don't bottom, if they smoke it's only cigarettes and most have passports which will get them into the gay hotels near Soi Twilight though the visas may not always be current.
PS they tend to be relatively expensive ie B2000-B1500 short time. But that's small change when paying for similar service in London or Paris.

June 25th, 2017, 07:07
I don't doubt you met accommodating guys from Lao and Cambodia in Jomtien and so have I.
The question referred to Vietnamese and I've only met them in Bangkok and never in Pattaya.
My experience has been that they don't bottom, if they smoke it's only cigarettes and most have passports which will get them into the gay hotels near Soi Twilight though the visas may not always be current.Utterly useless is my conclusion about the Vietnamese I've encountered in Bangkok

PS they tend to be relatively expensive ie B2000-B1500 short time. But that's small change when paying for similar service in London or Paris.Completely pointless comparison; we're not in Paris or London and the number of Vietnamese money boys in London is also infinitesimally small

June 25th, 2017, 08:19
The question referred to Vietnamese and I've only met them in Bangkok and never in Pattaya.

Actually the question by the OP referred to "foreign guys" not just Vietnamese although you are correct the OP did refer to Bangkok.

What is the current situation regarding foreign guys working in the go-go bars in Bangkok?

Have the authorities clamped down and expelled guys from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar?

June 25th, 2017, 18:47
Exactly, can't anyone have a serious conversation here any more.
If the Vietnamese are back, how many of them bottom, suck c*ck and have appropriate proof of age ?

I replied to the question above.

Prices in London etc have some relevance to those of us who have fun there as well as here. A little bit of relativity is not going to kill anyone.

June 25th, 2017, 19:55
A little bit of relativity is not going to kill anyone.

many queens do not believe in playing dice and are disturbed by the uncertainty of not being able to know both the speed and the location of a blow job being described in the posts here, let alone the price!


June 26th, 2017, 10:48
There are plenty of foreign money boys around. (First I thought you mean Whites/Caucausians, but I mean from SEA nations other than Thailand.)

My experiences with Myanmar, Lao and Cambodian boys are much better than with Thai boys and I finally found an explanation: those who come to Thailand are among the best of their home country (whereas every Thai village idiot can go on the stage of a gogo bar), have aspiration to better their situation and usually better English and more reliable/punctual. And they have to be good to send money back home, whereas a Thai boy who fails has his friends and family for support.

I had Thai boys telling me they don't know the way from Silom to Sathorn, or that it's too far from Silom to Sukhumvit, and we couldn't meet for that reason.

Vietnamese is a completely different story, tales of over priced and under performing abound, and are confirmed by the little experience I have with them.

June 26th, 2017, 14:11
Prices in London etc have some relevance to those of us who have fun there as well as here. A little bit of relativity is not going to kill anyone.OK so as a sex tourist (or as justaguy would have it, a "whoremonger") and you think "Thailand is cheaper than back home but I don't mind if I pay more than the going rate here because I'm on holiday and it's cheaper than back home". What you're doing is helping the boys come to the conclusion that all farang can afford to pay more. They don't distinguish between visitors and locals; nor should you. Or you're going to tell me that you voluntarily pay more for a McDonald's hamburger in Thailand because you're used to paying the UK price. It's all meat, after all - boys and hamburgers

June 26th, 2017, 16:26
Now u sound like me...

June 26th, 2017, 17:01
I must have struck a nerve :)

I can confirm there are loads of Lao and Cambodian boys in Bangkok. In fact I have lined up two Lao, one Cambodian and two Thai for my next trip.

Of course, none of them actually work in a bar to sell themselves. No off fees, short or long time fees needed. Yeah a bottle of Whishkey in one of those Issaan Luk Tung places is going to be required. Not that I complain of course, after all I get to drink part of it myself..

August 23rd, 2017, 14:27
Does anyone know if a customer were to get on stage and dance and maybe show off his goods, like strip down. Will the bar staff mind? Or is it something they would like?

August 23rd, 2017, 14:37
I have seen customers get up and dance clothed. That is acceptable with bemused tolerance.
Showing the goods may be pushing it.

August 23rd, 2017, 15:17
Does anyone know if a customer were to get on stage and dance and maybe show off his goods, like strip down. Will the bar staff mind? Or is it something they would like?
If it's your fantasy just do it. You might be kept on as a consultant gyrocologist. After all what's an expert except someone who comes from more than 100 miles away?

Nirish guy
August 23rd, 2017, 15:29
Do let us know when you two will be on stage. I will defy my doctor's orders and make the trip to Bangkok to see you, perhaps stuff a hundred baht note or two in your tighty whiteys.

You're all assuming of course that I haven't already made my dancing Debut, I have of course AND I was a GREAT successful I'll have you know - albeit I had to pay the guy I was with to reverse off me ! :-)

August 23rd, 2017, 16:43
If it's your fantasy just do it. You might be kept on as a consultant gyrocologist. After all what's an expert except someone who comes from more than 100 miles away?
Well I wouldn't call myself an expert. Perhaps the right word would be....hmmm....shameless?

August 23rd, 2017, 18:51
Customers getting on stage, unless invited by the management as part of some organised activity is simply very bad form.

August 23rd, 2017, 18:55
If you can combine shameless with shirtless you're half way to a new career.

August 24th, 2017, 12:30
all look and sound the same to me..Thai/Cambodian/Laos....most times I barely talk to them, they are there for one thing only...

August 25th, 2017, 02:13
I think the Cambodians are darker skinned????? I don't like it. Not that there's anything wrong, I myself am Latino with tan skin.

August 25th, 2017, 04:15
I think the Cambodians are darker skinned????? I don't like it. Not that there's anything wrong, I myself am Latino with tan skin.
Many Isaan boys don't like their tan skin colour.
I think it's because white=rich chinese/thais whereas brown= poor rice field worker; in their world.
They find it very hard to believe that I and many "Farangs" love brown skin.
They're relieved to hear this.
It's a trade-off for me because I'm delighted that they will go home with a geriatric who's
"Sick with desire and fastened to a dying animal"
(W B Yeats).

August 25th, 2017, 09:37
love the dark skinned guys...

August 25th, 2017, 15:30
Many Isaan boys don't like their tan skin colour.
I think it's because white=rich chinese/thais whereas brown= poor rice field worker; in their world.Precisely the point I made a few weeks ago, only to be howled down by the ignoranti. Yet here's a very recent article on how racist the Chinese are (https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/08/beyond-the-pale-chinas-cheerful-racists/) towards "darkies"

August 26th, 2017, 05:14
[QUOTE=frequent;221368]Precisely the point I made a few weeks ago, only to be howled down by the ignoranti. Yet here's a very recent article on how racist the Chinese are (https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/08/beyond-the-pale-chinas-cheerful-racists/) towards ...
There's a lot of snobbery between the different ethnicities in Asia in general and Thailand in particular.
Dark skinned Thais are rare among the students of Chualalonkorn University but they make up most, if not all of the ground staff, for instance.
I think not even a wolf could howl you down.
The least it would take is a Werewolf.

August 27th, 2017, 05:07
I knew a brown-skinned guy from Songkla who was attending Chula. Some students actually asked him what he was doing there despite his calculus and physics books. He really did grow up in the rice paddies. I'm sorry I lost contact with him when I had to go back to the US.

August 27th, 2017, 08:26
I knew a brown-skinned guy from Songkla who was attending Chula. Some students actually asked him what he was doing there despite his calculus and physics books. He really did grow up in the rice paddies. I'm sorry I lost contact with him when I had to go back to the US.
An American I know working in Bangkok brought his brown skinned partner into Siam Paragon store.
In the elevator a little old Chinese lady shook the keys of a fancy car in the boy's face and told him he shouldn't be in the building.
What shocked my friend was that the boy took the insult from the filthy hag without a word.

August 27th, 2017, 11:59
Oh dear all these brown people so desperate to take offense....like they need to be a victim...that sort of mentality doesn't breed success.

August 29th, 2017, 05:27
I agree that it does not breed success.
What was surprising was that this Isaan guy was normally pretty confident but in this particular situation he cow-towed.

August 29th, 2017, 10:27
Customers getting on stage, unless invited by the management as part of some organised activity is simply very bad form.

Having seen the size of some of these customers, it probably wouldn't be very good for the stage either.

August 29th, 2017, 12:43
Farangrumak...he needs to let his bitchy side out...he should be the 1st to sneer at those old chinese thai witches with big hair and a ton of make up...sneer and say something under his breath but loud enough like " so old..smells like death"