View Full Version : cdnmatt has welshed on his 5,000 baht bet

June 15th, 2017, 13:46
Sadly I must report to members that cdnmatt has welshed on his 5,000 baht bet that Trump would resign before Comey gave evidence. His prognostications about world events are utterly worthless - unless you can find someone who will actually honour a bet, in which case you can bet against cdnmatt's opinions with confidence

June 15th, 2017, 14:02
Don't derail a thread like this.

I bet 5000 baht that I give better blow jobs than now. :)

June 15th, 2017, 14:04
I bet 5000 baht that I give better blow jobs than now. :)Typical nonsense. There's no such thing as an objective standard by which blow jobs might be measured. Whether Trump resigned or not can be proven objectively

June 15th, 2017, 14:15
Ok, then I bet you 5000 baht that my penis is smaller than yours, lol. :)

Seriously though, stop, and let arsenal have his thread. I gave my thoughts as to why I think China can now be considered the world's leading super power. Do you have any thoughts of your own on the matter?

June 15th, 2017, 15:02
Ok, then I bet you 5000 baht that my penis is smaller than yours, lol. :)These childish responses along with you welshing on a bet already have shown that you are not a man of honour, so taking a second bet from you in any circumstances would be foolhardy
Seriously though, stop, and let arsenal have his thread.arsenal's only interest in China is getting fucked by straight Chinese boys since, by his own admission, all the gay ones run in the opposite direction as soon as they see him
Do you have any thoughts of your own on the matter?Indeed I do; they are the same as Chou En Lai's response to Richard Nixon when asked about the impact of the French Revolution 200 years earlier - "Too early to say"

June 15th, 2017, 15:32
Despite once spending almost a year in Cardiff, I harbour no great affection for the Welsh.

However, in Frequent's latest posts (above) he has unfairly maligned them - as I can assure him the Welsh have nothing to do with Matt's failure to pay his alleged gambling debts.

The word is WELCH you fucking ignoramus!

June 15th, 2017, 15:39
I really don't know what the Welsh have done to deserve the opprobrium being heaped on them by Frequent - apart from producing Harry Secombe and Max Boyce of course

I always believed the correct term for reneging on a bet was Welch but when it comes to the English language it seems one can just suit oneself these days

June 15th, 2017, 16:16
I really don't know what the Welsh have done to deserve the opprobrium being heaped on them by Frequent - apart from producing Harry Secombe and Max Boyce of courseHaven't you forgotten every drag queen's favourite - Shirley Bassey?
I always believed the correct term for reneging on a bet was Welch but when it comes to the English language it seems one can just suit oneself these daysSadly you are wrong (again) http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/1/messages/2119.html you fucking ignoramus - but I'm still waiting for the posts to begin about La Sturgeon welshing on IndyRef2

June 15th, 2017, 16:33
The point is - Harry Secombe and Max Boyce represent crap whereas The Dame is a legend!

As for Ms Sturgeon - the last time I looked she retained a majority, quite unlike the hapless Mrs May who is now reduced to grovelling and pandering to the political wing of a terrorist organisation (UDA) in a pathetic attempt to cling to power.

If that's your benchmark of success - live with it.

June 15th, 2017, 20:35
The election was more about people saying no to things than saying yes.

Theresa May: Give me uncontrolled power to steamroller through anything I want. NO.
Nicola Sturgeon: Give me a mandate to push for yet another referendum. NO.
Hard Brexit. NO
Alex Salmond: Let me continue to represent you. NO.

June 15th, 2017, 20:39
In the past week two of the Western world's strongest countries went tits up. Canada is even seeing the opportunity here, and taking steps to step up and become more of a global leader, since obviously the US and UK can't do it anymore. Better Canada than China or Russia, that's for sure.

Interesting times we live in.

June 16th, 2017, 03:31
The election was more about people saying no to things than saying yes.

Theresa May: Give me uncontrolled power to steamroller through anything I want. NO.
Nicola Sturgeon: Give me a mandate to push for yet another referendum. NO.
Hard Brexit. NO
Alex Salmond: Let me continue to represent you. NO.

Missed one:

Tank Commander "No Surrender" Davidson: Give me a mandate to stop Indyref2. NO

June 17th, 2017, 04:43
Indyref2. Deader than a tin of salmond.

June 18th, 2017, 14:46
My advice would be for you to see a psychiatrist.

This SNP obsession whereby you are actively punting your views on 5 concurrent threads - either on the subject directly or where you have inserted it into another subject, may well be a sign of mental illness,

Get help before your hatred consumes you totally.

June 18th, 2017, 19:54
It's my personal campaign. And clearly it worked. My avatar won't need changing any time soon.

June 18th, 2017, 23:43
Yes, I'm sure votes changed hands because of the views you espouse on this website.

Is there no end to your self-delusion?

June 19th, 2017, 22:48
Type in "alex salmond third stint" and my post is top of the google page. Every little helps.