View Full Version : Uploading photos

June 13th, 2017, 11:14
How do I do it?

June 17th, 2017, 06:04
Read the FAQs.
Or better yet, "Uploading photos" at the top of this page.

Nirish guy
June 17th, 2017, 06:20
Tool bar above the text box - select "insert Image", then "from computer" then select and add the image basically - or vaguely like that but that'll get you there hopefully.

June 18th, 2017, 11:21
Just another example of this boards predilection towards insisting that a simple task must be made not-simple.

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2017, 20:35
I agree Smiles - but always assumed it's just one of those things that comes with the prepackaged software and isn't something that Moses can alter / improve that much ? But to have a drop and drag type facility would be a HUGE improvement for sure and to have some way of the software NOT seemingly randomly turning your photos sideways / upside down would be a nice touch too. No doubt that is more something to do as to how I and others are saving / loading pics in the first place etc but in this day of drop and drag when unless it's simple people just bother it would I feel certainly encourage members to post MORE pics and not the very little that we currently see. For example on my recent post about sitges pride I had around 25 pics all selected and ready to post, then the upside down thing kicked in on several, then the photo size limit kicked in and then the number of pics in each post ( probably size related also) kicked in and in the end after about 30 minutes fucking about with it I said fuck it, posted half a dozen and moved on to something else just.

June 19th, 2017, 00:18
Number of pictures per post is increased to 20, limits of dimensions of pictures will be the same - to fit into design, while at time of composing you cannot upload more than 10 at once: it is limitation of engine: you may upload 10+10 at the same post...

And right: I cannot change interface and usability of posting interface, but at least here we can add many pictures at once, and don't have to "masturbate" "switch to advanced posting, then find button "attachment" then to attach file, then to add it to post" for every image we want to show. Here we can use bulk uploader right from "quick posting" and this uploader is most advanced from all known "our forums" while it looks quite ugly...

June 19th, 2017, 07:30
@ Nirish. #5

You are correct. The "sideways thing" comes about from the pix being that way on your computer.
You don't see that normally because your photo Viewer is smart enough to detect (mostly) the "right way up" and display it properly.

You can fix that if you are interested enough. Download and install something like IrfanView or any other good graphics manager. Then go through your pix, rotate them to the 'upright' position, flip them upside down and Save, then flip then upright and Save. That'll fix it. Then when you upload the pix they will display correctly.

Take care.