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July 12th, 2006, 18:20
................................. so I know its true but Im banned from saying any more?

Believe me with that standard of English you haven't said anything at all!

July 12th, 2006, 18:54
of some of your ramblings via expensive dinners and bottles of wine chosen by you followed by hours of entertaining large groups of go go dancers at JJ Pub didn't quite get the gist of that.

More please.

July 12th, 2006, 19:02
As I thought things here was getting a bit tame here again, I thought I would bring you some amazing Hot News,
you will not believe I can now tell you, but not allowed to tell you
the full details be hind it.

The Notorious Blue Sky Ba,r Ex Amigos Ex arrested poor stupid falang, in up stairs room and whos future is alleged to be from 600,000 and shipped out of the countrym to dead as some people have said.

Blue sky Pub Is Opening to night, I will only believe it when I see it, but I have it on very good authority, so

I know its true but Im banned from saying any more?

What did he say, what did he say, what did he say. Does he know cause we dont.

So pissed so early in the night. Lois Lane has done it again. Scooped Superman

July 12th, 2006, 21:41
A queens English. You are a charmer. Sorry I don't understand your 600 000 falang.....what!

July 12th, 2006, 23:33
LMTU....does a coherent thought exist in your head? And if not, try and let it stew awhile before you spew forth.

July 13th, 2006, 06:11
Now, I mean this very politely:

1) Would you do us a favor and either get rid of or shorten the lines of stuff you have at the end of each of your posts? My
forefinger is getting tired scrolling past that stuff posted time and time again.

2) Presuming you want others to read your posts (I don't know....just guessing that's what you're aiming for here), then why
don't you just try to shorten your sentences? I simply give up after the 3rd or 4th dangling clause (reminds me of Hawthorne which I was compelled at gunpoint to read in highschool). With simple, short sentences, Ernest Hemingway will love ya....

July 13th, 2006, 07:22
Hemingway, now there is a real incentive. If you get a barracuda save me some steaks won't you. For me and my six toed cat.
I love A queens English, like a word puzzle. I thought the 600 000 was the price for the prize go-go tart? Or the reward for being the first customer of the week not to catch crabs? Remind me what is that in proper money. Euros?

Let me tell you, your posts are a bit of an eye-full, but I enjoy the bit at the bottom especially. Will refreshing the page help? :ogre: :whdat: :druid: :whax: :lichmalignus: lively enough?

July 13th, 2006, 10:30
... for the info', but for the audience who does not know (me) what is so good about the Blue Sky Bar (ex-amigo's) and where is it. I have never heard of it. You sound very excited.

July 13th, 2006, 10:59
I have received some private messages accusing me of being less than kind when I make references to the village idiot but sometimes
you just hit the nail on the head...need I say more... :cat:

July 13th, 2006, 11:53

July 13th, 2006, 13:18
LMTU wrote: "Yes Once in a long while. Im coherent enough to know you have several handles and love to spew out all your poison when ever you can, if you could string a sentence together why dont you give the Interested Gay Public around the world something meaning full to make there mouth water, instead of your low self esteem, having to make me sound like an idiot, when we can see through you and know its really you trying to put me down to make your self feel big, well let me tell u, we can see through you, your convincing no one but yourself? ?"

LMTU...Well I for one would love for you to tell the board all the various handles you claim I use. In fact it will be quite a revelation to me as well, as I only ever use this name. Next you'll be claiming that I am the mother of all hydras. Really dear I fear you have been spending far too much time over at the blog. It's really quite laughable, but then I do understand that a strong offense is a good defense. I suppose one really should be flattered.

As for making you sound like an idiot, you do a perfectly stellar job of that yourself and anything I might attempt would surely be superflous.

How very odd though that when you post one of your breathless news reports you can't string enough words together to form a coherent and readable sentence, but when it comes to the slam your grammer, syntax and English is text book perfect. It does beggar belief.

Perhaps if you put the same time and attention into your news posts as you do into your attacks the rest of us would not have to ask what in the name of God you were on about.

And finally poodle, I don't put you down to make myself feel big...I put you down because that is what one does with yapping pests.

July 13th, 2006, 13:28
Has someone given this creature LMTU as bit of his own medicine. Why these village idiots go on incoherently is beyond me. Everyone knows this guy is a joke...why not just ignore him? It will make u feel better

July 13th, 2006, 14:04
...even I who have been the cause of some of your (LMTU) ramblings via expensive dinners and bottles of wine--Chosen by you--followed by hours of entertaining large groups of go go dancers at JJ Pub didn't quite get the gist of that.

Ohmygawd, it's finally happened! If you didn't get the gist you must be sober, Pearl!
How did that happen?... Is there a gin-strike? Have you the clap again and not mixing...medicines?
I hope you get back off the wagon soon; the world's a bad old place without assisted living.
Would you like my granny's recipe for gazpacho a la Gilby's? Or rum tort: a lawyers briefs soaked in rum.

Gazpacho a la Gilby's Aunt Lucy (Or Andalusian if you wan'na be piss-elegant.)
Makes about 6┬╜ cups. (For 7 or 8 Cups: add more gin.)
Lucy served it in clear glass (goldfish) bowls--Sometimes she forgot to remove the fish.

2 lg. Ripe Tomatoes--Peeled, seeded & chop medium-fine.
1 lg. Green Sweet Pepper--Seed & remove Membrane. Chop medium.
1 lg. jalape├▒o pepper--Minced. (Optional)
1. clove garlic (Peel & mince.)

Place all that garbage in a bowl & stir in:
┬╜ C. Extra Virgin Olive oil. (If you don't have an extra virgin use find an extra ho.)
3T. Lemon or Lime juice
1┬╜ C. each chilled consomm├й or light beef stock & Vegetable cocktail or Tomato juice.
1 Small sweet Spanish Onion--Sliced
1 Cucumber--Peeled, seeded and diced
1┬╜ tsp salt or seasoned salt.
┬╜ tsp. paprika.
Taste: You may wish to add (Up to) ┬╝ Cup white wine vinegar. (optional.)
Chill about 2 hours
Some people put this thru the blender. Don't: it looks scary.

To serve, place in each bowl.
2 ice cubes
1 T. chopped parsley or cilantro
1 shot of gin...please, not vodka--But if you insist.
Add the soup
Sprinkleover the top:
Dry bread cubes. (Some Spanish cooks put about 3 - 4 oz. of bread in at the start: with the tomatoes, etc.
1 finely chopped hard cooked egg (Optional.)

Message edited to add the recipe--For dear Pearl.

July 13th, 2006, 14:16
If you have the golden opportunity to seek out LMTU in Pattaya you will discover the most erudite, amusing and fascinating personalities in that town..until then you will have to put up with his writing style as he brings you the news straight off (or before) the presses.

(you may also consider that sometimes..your leg is being pulled !!)

"Would you like my granny's recipe for gazpacho a la Gilby's? "

absolutely my dearest Edith..sounds a wonderful idea to combine nourishment for body and brain . What wagon ?...there hasn't been a wagon yet that could hold me.

Brad the Impala
July 13th, 2006, 14:27
[quote="Pearl of the Orient"]If you have the golden opportunity to seek out LMTU in Pattaya you will discover the most erudite, amusing and fascinating personalities in that town..quote]

Is there more than one of him? Or more probably it's like the seven faces of Eve.

July 13th, 2006, 14:52
and his writing style could be evidence of it..but I assure..both of them are very pleasant !

July 13th, 2006, 15:05
No, that's just really a split infinitive--And I should certainly know, I do it actually all the time.
Better than split ends--But that depends upon which 'ends' you are speaking.

July 13th, 2006, 18:19
On the other hand I think it is a shame we have one old codger who can't string together a coherent sentence. I guess in your breathless rush to bring the latest goings on of a pedophile gogo joint you just got all in a tizzy. Seems like your little peanut was spinning at a hundred miles an hour and those poor little digits just couldn't keep up on the keyboard.

It's hard to know if what you write is boring or not as half the time it can not be understood. If it is your life's calling to bring all the latest news from Pattaya clearly it should be in at least one of the world's recognized languages.

And for the record I do not now, nor have in the past, posted under any other name than this. To suggest otherwise is laughable. I couldn't be bothered to spend the time or energy on this rag tag band of queens. Very easy to cry hydra when things aren't going your way though isn't it? Still if your's and Hedda's conspiracy is what keeps you warm at night far be it from me to rain on your parade.

July 13th, 2006, 19:40
It's hard to know if what you write is boring or not as half the time it can not be understood.

It seems that the people here who contribute the least - complain the most. I never really could understand that. Well, at least I can't understand it half the time. The other half of time time I spend reading things that are interesting and informative, as LMTU's posts always are.

What's boring to me (all the time) is listening to all the nit-picking complaints the non-contributors make. If you find it too challenging to understand the comments of a "contributor," why don't you try your hand at it.

July 13th, 2006, 20:05
I concur with what Dodger wrote. From my meetings with him, LMTU is a very nice guy and I enjoy his posts after filtering through the gin induced haze.

July 13th, 2006, 20:31
Maybe we should get LMTU a breathalizer device like they have for car ignitions: if he's tanked on gin, the keyboard locks. :drunken:

July 14th, 2006, 04:02
LMTU...I didn't say I didn't like your posts...I said I didn't understand them. There is a distinction there. If you choose to post in a writing style that is difficult if not impossible to understand then you have to be prepared to be called on it. If you think that is being bullied then dear you really need to develop a thicker skin. Apparently though, you are one of those who can dish it out but can't take it. One need only look to your constant negative posting regarding Niddy's Nook to see that.

Dodger....you quite rightly point out that I am not a frequent contributor. I didn't realize that one had to establish a long track record of postings before a negative comment could be made. Funny how that is not mentioned in the posting guidelines. Perhaps you need to take that up with Elephantspike.

July 14th, 2006, 04:20
. I didn't realize that one had to establish a long track record of postings before a negative comment could be made. Funny how that is not mentioned in the posting guidelines.

Your negative comment could be made " Once in a long while ", do we have to wait longer for your positive comment ? :drunken:

July 14th, 2006, 04:51
Can someone fill me in on this Hydra/hedda thing is all about?,I keep seeing these names bandied about constantly.Do they have multi-handles?

July 14th, 2006, 07:47
Can someone fill me in on this Hydra/hedda thing is all about?,I keep seeing these names bandied about constantly.Do they have multi-handles?

Didn't The Colonel write a book about the infamous Hydra Wars?

July 14th, 2006, 09:11
Dodger....you quite rightly point out that I am not a frequent contributor.

No, Once in a Long While, I'm afraid I didn't quite rightly point that out at all...I never even mentioned you.

July 14th, 2006, 11:43
The Blue Sky Bar is not the old diamond/ amigo bar. The sky bar is located opposite side of road and is just a beer bar.

July 15th, 2006, 02:44
LMTU writes: "Its most amazing you can not understand what I write, I write very clearly"

I present exhibit A:

"The Notorious Blue Sky Ba,r Ex Amigos Ex arrested poor stupid falang, in up stairs room and whos future is alleged to be from 600,000 and shipped out of the countrym to dead as some people have said."

As you say: "it takes a lot of intelligence to write something worth while", a trait you are clearly lacking.

But how clever and original of you to call me a blind, idiotic, stupid, bitter, twisted lush. Name calling is the classic last resort of the intellectually challenged.

July 15th, 2006, 06:40
The Blue Sky Bar is not the old diamond/ amigo bar. The sky bar is located opposite side of road and is just a beer bar.

Is that opposite Montys first bar, next to the pool?

July 15th, 2006, 08:15
I know how you feel...I was just recently accused by the used car salesman of not being sincere when I wrote that I couldn't understand
the village idiot's babblings and it was the same posting you highlited..I guess more than one poster can't read or understand lmbu's writing
but of course, he will attack me as a blind, stupid, idiotic, lush or whatever... I love it when he refers to himself as the "nice guy" and
he probably thinks this is true but that river in Egypt runs right thru that windbag ... :cat:

Brad the Impala
July 15th, 2006, 17:57
Let Me Throw Up: "The most interesting and one of my fans Hedda's:) Blog:- "

What the "fan" has to say about LMTU: "Sawatdee's own pulitzer prize winning know-it-all, LMTU, the man who refuses to concede that "there", their and "they're" are really three separate words, and whose only genuine punctuation and period come once a month, used the occasion to go TeePee one better, by announcing his selection of the five best restaurants in Pattaya.

I won't repeat LMTU's list here, because I suspect that the poor soul probably knows even less about fine dining than grammar or punctuation. Suffice to say, the three best restaurants in the City, in my opinion, didn't make the list, while three of very dubious merit did.

If what I hear about LMTU's normal eating haunts is anywhere accurate, I'm surprised that the Issan guy on the motorbike with the dangling pork sausages in Sunee didn't make his list."

He really adores you! Perhaps it's time to do a little pruning?

July 16th, 2006, 17:57
Is it not bad manners if not plain rude to be promoting Heddas blog as well as almost everything else in Pattaya, here.

Hedda only gets traffic if someone promotes her here.

But of course all those anon posts to her blog seem to have a familiar ring.

Oh well Joanne is alive and well. Dont understand the orange hair bit.

Is she related to Bonnie?????