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View Full Version : Qatar Airline Ban

June 6th, 2017, 16:23
Does this affect you?


June 6th, 2017, 23:12
Not since I dumped them last rear because of a 40% increase in fares.....

June 6th, 2017, 23:31
Personally I'm quite glad it's happened. They bribed their way to be awarded the 2022 World Cup and have a virtual slave labour force building their stadia. Also, the World Cup is supposed to be a festival, not just of football but of life and fun. How can you have a festival of life and fun with their attitudes to gays? Impossible. So fuck them.l

June 7th, 2017, 03:55
Exactly. If Qatar is supporting terrorism, bribed it's way to the world cup and is building the stadiums with slave labour, they should be told to naff off. Why do we want their damn planes flying here as well ?

June 7th, 2017, 05:46
slaves...really?!?!...looks like I need to go shopping

June 7th, 2017, 12:44
Exactly. If Qatar is supporting terrorism, bribed it's way to the world cup and is building the stadiums with slave labour, they should be told to naff off. Why do we want their damn planes flying here as well ?I guess you overlooked the fact that they host the largest US Air Force base in the region? An inconvenient truth? http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/05/middleeast/qatar-us-largest-base-in-mideast/

June 15th, 2017, 04:52
I'm booked with them in October. Currently there is no problem with the flight but I guess that might change between now and October.

June 15th, 2017, 14:02
I'm booked with them in October. Currently there is no problem with the flight but I guess that might change between now and October.No burning desire to come in the last week by any chance

June 19th, 2017, 04:41
May use them mid August for upcoming Vietnam/Hong Kong trip - purely based on price as I cannot see any of those 299 quid China Southern flights that Rabbi Poxxx uses.

Nirish guy
June 19th, 2017, 05:26
You may get picking a load of heather for all the pics of you holding a sprig in various locations that are no doubt going to be required to prove you're still not in a cafe in Govan using their free wifi whist eating a battered Mars bar and drinking 3 gallons of Iron Bru ! :-)

June 20th, 2017, 22:59
Well I have just booked EDI-SGN at 449 POUNDS with aforementioned Qatar (can't use pound sign anymore - try it - it deletes all subsequent text in your post).

Will spend a few days at the beginning and end of the trip in HCMC visiting various BF's relatives.

SGN to Hong Kong is a very attractive 90 DOLLARS (not taking any chances) per person - but I'm afraid those HK Hotel prices take the shine off everything. We intend to visit Disneyland but the resort hotel prices are eye-watering!

Any hints and tips for HK welcome.

Nirish guy
June 21st, 2017, 02:16
......can't use pound sign anymore - try it - it deletes all subsequent text in your post.

That'll be the start of the Brexit negotiations kicking in, the Brits have been on to Moses asking him to keep the Pound and he told them "bollicks, it's almost worthless these days so why bother!" :-)

I was in M&S changing a few quid earlier for pocket money on arrival in Bkk next week and received the lofty sum of 40.66 to the Pound ! i.e 1000 is costing twenty four pounds. fifty nine pence ! HOLY FUCK !!!!! Shocking altogether !!! ( and yes I see what you mean about the pound sign deleting your text........I'd of thought the DUP would have had that sorted for us to keep that sign available to us good Christians here in N.Ireland as part of their secret dirty deal with (not so) Mighty May !

June 21st, 2017, 14:54
The ever-decreasing sterling exchange rate is just airbrushed out of the news by a compliant MSM and state broadcaster and its role in contributing to a fall in the standard of living (inflation outstripping wage rises) is hardly mentioned. It is only when an individual like yourself is actually confronted with the reality that it hits home.

Soon we'll have to send away for a Visa to visit Europe and on arrival stand in the long "Other Passports" queue with our new retro blue passport.

These things will focus a few minds but of course it'll be too late by then and in the minds of many Brexiteers anything is worth it to "keep the Poles/Darkies/Gypsies out"

Never will so much have been sacrificed by so many simply to shore up the political fortunes of the Conservative Party (Falklands War excluded)

June 21st, 2017, 20:51
Scottish wrote:
"Never will so much have been sacrificed by so many simply to shore up the political fortunes of the Conservative Party."

Rather disingenuous. The mess Britain's in has largely been caused by the electorate. Hard for you to criticise the Conservative Party giving voters the chance to voice their opinion when one of those was the referendum in Scotland.

June 21st, 2017, 22:55
Oh please - Cameron's promise of an EU referendum was nothing to do with a desire for "giving voters the chance to voice an opinion".

It was everything to do with:
a) appeasing the Eurosceptic wing of the Conservative Party ("the bastards" as John Major called them) in the run up to an election and
b) spiking the guns of UKIP during the election

Total shock to him when he found he'd unexpectedly won the election with a majority and therefore actually had to deliver on it.

We're not fools you know.

June 21st, 2017, 23:38
I think b more than a. From what I've read I don't think they (Cameron's govt) really realised how strong the anti EU feelings were, hence the desperate attempt to recruit Boris to the remain campaign by offering him the foreign secretary job. Again a miscalculation by Cameron who probably didn't fully understand Johnson's deep resentment of him going back to their university days. However, it's ridiculous to blame Cameron/Osbourne etc for the result. The public decided.

June 22nd, 2017, 01:22
In my comments, where did I blame Cameron for the result?

I blame him for offering the Referendum for all the wrong reasons.

June 22nd, 2017, 10:39
Virtually all referenda are offered to the electorate for the same reason. The incumbent feels they have little or no choice. The three that Cameron held (voting system, independence and the EU) all fall into that category.

Now, Hong Kong. I don't know if you've been there before. Do visit The Peak for the worlds best city view. Do ride the cable car and watch the sea eagles swoop about. Ocean Park is definitely worth a visit. If you have time then a bus/taxi ride down to Repulse Bay for a lovely lunch overlooking the ocean is wonderful. Most of the saunas have a totally naked night where no clothing is allowed, even for a Loch Ness sized corset wearing man boobed guy such as yourself. Enjoy.

June 22nd, 2017, 14:27
Thanks for the HG suggestions and I shall do them all - except the naked sauna.

June 22nd, 2017, 15:24
Scottish wrote:
"Thanks for the HK suggestions and I shall do them all - except the naked sauna." Well some of those lovely Hong Kong boys are, well, lovely. Shame to miss out on the opportunity to scratch another nationality on the bed post. Hehe.

Nirish guy
June 22nd, 2017, 15:35
Ha yes perhaps but as SG has already told us that he'll be there with his young cute ( I assume) BF then he's perhaps more concerned at stopping farang like you ( and me) trying to score their bit of cute Vietnam ass off our score cards ! Ever think of that :)

June 22nd, 2017, 16:28
NIrish: I wasn't suggesting Scottish go there with his boyfriend. He should go there alone on some pretence or another. The best haggis museum in Asia, a specialist Hong Kong tartan shop or something like that. And my Vietnam score card has already been scratched. 6 times if my memory is right. Yippee.

June 22nd, 2017, 20:58
As NIrish said, I'll be there with BF so even if I wanted to visit the naked sauna (which I don't), it wouldn't be happening.

And yes, he's extremely cute.

Nirish guy
June 22nd, 2017, 22:44
Why thank you SG, I was expecting compliments, but still ok then if you insist ...... oh..... no, wait YOU were talking about your BF there actually weren't you ? DAMN IT !! :-)