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View Full Version : Versatile, Needs Discussion & so on...

June 5th, 2017, 19:49
Among my rare on-line hookups I find "Versatile" not to be so very versatile.
"Top only"or "Bottom only" are more honest and reliable.
As for "Safe Sex -needs discussion" what do you think?

June 5th, 2017, 20:55
What do you think?

June 5th, 2017, 21:29
I already know what I think but I'd like to know what you think.

June 5th, 2017, 22:34
What do I think? I think if they say safer sex "needs discussion", then it's a good indicator that they're some disease ridden individual who hasn't been very safe in the past.

As for top / bottom / versatile, I could care less, and I don't do anal sex. :)

June 6th, 2017, 00:55
As for "Safe Sex -needs discussion" what do you think?

given some of the comments here and on the other forums on threads about for example oral sex and condom use peoples expectations obviously "needs discussion"

I always thought the scale was about "safer sex" anyway so options of "safe sex always", "safe sex never" and "safe sex needs discussion" are simplistic and worse than useless


June 6th, 2017, 06:23
What do I think? I think if they say safer sex "needs discussion", then it's a good indicator that they're some disease ridden individual who hasn't been very safe in the past.
As for top / bottom / versatile, I could care less, and I don't do anal sex. :)
Yes, they might be disease ridden but they could also be proven disease free individuals who with another of the same status could have safe unprotected sex.
"Versatile" on line reminds me of the "I can do everything" bar boys who loose all their skills by the time they get to your room.

June 6th, 2017, 07:14
That doesn't really add up though. If you're being careful and mindful not to get things like HIV, you're going to put "safer sex only" in your profile, right? You're not going to put "needs discussion" when it comes to meeting total strangers off the internet.

Generally, you'd only have bareback sex with someone when you know them enough to trust them with your own life, which is literally what you're doing anyway, right?

I don't know, and again, moot point for me as I don't do anal.

June 6th, 2017, 13:22
What do I think? I think if they say safer sex "needs discussion""Safer sex!? I've heard of "safe sex" but what is "safer sex"? Wearing a condom while masturbating?

June 6th, 2017, 19:01
It's always called "safer sex", isn't it? Simply means there's no such thing as 100% safe sex, as condoms do break, etc.

June 7th, 2017, 05:45
I assume that ALL my sexual partners ESPECIALLY money boys are positive. I don't worry about venereal diseases that can be picked up with oral as these can be cured easily. So I always fuck with a condom and I change it for a new one if Ive been at it for a while as I dont want it breaking.
And I get tested regularly as in every 3 months.
So loies like safe sex " needs discussion" doesnt really bother me as Im always careful. Now when it comes to versatile..that is important and I'll get totally annoyed if what was promised is not delivered...especially if its by a professional..as in a MB.

June 7th, 2017, 12:53
It's always called "safer sex", isn't it? No

June 8th, 2017, 11:04
I get tested every 3 months and I keep my test results.
Condoms can fail and I'm told that 2 condoms used together -to be doubly sure-is actually unsafe as they chaff and can rupture. I knew one guy who used 2 all the time.
It's bad enough getting HIV but to be blamed for giving it to another would be a bad situation made much worse so I think it's important to keep a record of one's (in my case so far negative status)

Re Versatile- It sounds great but often fails to deliver.
Excuses like mai sabai,jeb toot,condom mai me etc proves that versatility is often applies to the manufacture of get-out clauses esp from bottomphobians.
I have put up with a lot of this in the past but I'm learning however I doubt if I'll ever be a Latinpox.

June 8th, 2017, 12:27
I think that the positive people, who are on meds and who are undetectable are not the problem. The problem, are the folks that think they're fine...but aren't. Anyone that lists on their profile when they were tested last, if off my list...because I know what they expect once the clothes fall to the floor. Your test results expire with your first round of unprotected sex, no matter how healthy you thought that guy looked.

Most of the guys I know, from my generation that are positive caught it from their partners. They fooled each other into believing they were monogamous and had unprotected sex with each other, until one brought the infection home from one of their extracurricular activities.

Once someone is infected, the viral load in that person is at maximum levels for reinfection. It wouldn't take long after that for the person to become ill as their CD4 count falls and realize they've been infected. Hopefully, that's when they'd start antiviral medications or not...depending on circumstances or economics.


June 9th, 2017, 06:21
When I first visited Pattaya in 2002 and 2003 I had much unprotected anal sex, mainly top, with money boys from the Boystown and Sunee bars. The temptation allied to alcohol was just too great. I was very lucky I believe not to have been infected with HIV or other STD's. My checks were always negative thank god but I am always nervous before getting the result.
I have often shown bad judgement in other aspects of my life but now during my regular visits to Pattaya I take a sensible pill and make sure condoms are ready on the bedside table together with lube.
Before and after oral sex I mouthwash but am not sure if that does any good together with not bushing my teeth for a few hours after oral.
In discussion with other gays I am led to believe that bareback is more dangerous for the bottom.

June 10th, 2017, 03:05
Hmm, are we speaking here about what Thai guys choose at their PlanetRomeo accounts?
In this case, "farang think too much" - looks like most of them just don't understand what it is about, so "mai bpen rai" :)

June 10th, 2017, 16:47
Anyone that lists on their profile when they were tested last, if off my list...because I know what they expect once the clothes fall to the floor.
Interesting comment. What do they expect once the clothes fall to the floor?

(I ask because I have the date of my last test on my profile, simply because there is a field to put it in and an occasional message that reminds me to get tested again.)

June 23rd, 2017, 05:51
+Surf crest
I agree.
I would add that my negative result, welcome as it is, is a snapshot of my status c. 90 days ago -as far as I know.