View Full Version : Any questions about being blind?

June 3rd, 2017, 21:04
Ok, getting a little tired of the constant smug remarks, implying that I'm lieing about going blind, because I can spell words like "geez" and "Krispies", or that I mentioned I paid for dinner at a restaurant, or that I made some typos, or whatever.

So thought I'd just do this instead, and maybe (hopefully) make the numb skulls shut up. Anyway, does anyone have any questions about conducting lfife in the dark? As long as you ask politely, I'll be happy to answer them. Obviously, I can only speak for myself, and not other blind folk. There's a few things I should work on more, instead of just relying on Leo (eg. organizing the spices so I can find them myself), but I think I have it pretty well figured out now.

June 3rd, 2017, 22:20
This is a troubling post. It suggests an addiction to squabbling with members about the nature of this blindness. It's almost as if you're missing a447 and his constant nitpicking and this is an attempt to encourage another member to pick up the cudgel. I'm sure I'm wrong.

Well anyway, here goes. You mentioned that you were interested in going to some 'blind school' and helping them out some time ago. I was wondering how you're getting on with that?

June 3rd, 2017, 23:06
Absolutely, a few questions.
What I'd like to know is this (along as how he brings it up): What is the name/diagnosis of a disease which causes a young man (I'm assuming that Cndmatt is somewhere between 25 and 45 ~ something like that, I could be wrong) to go completely blind literally overnight?

Cndmatt has been posting on Sawatdee for quite a long time now, yet total blindness never seemed to raise it's presence ... up until 1 or 2 years ago.
So what is it, the disease that is? What name or diagnosis has Cndmatt received for this disease? What sane person ~ once he's gone completely blind ~ does not immediately go back to his home country (in his case Canada) where the medical system will treat such a person for free? What kind of an halfwit, given the dire circumstances, chooses instead to live with a pack of dogs and a boyfriend and just carry's on as if total blindness is a normality?

The whole story is none of anyone's business, I totally get that.
But Cndmatt himself was the person who splashed the 'Blindness Thing' all over the WWW and this board specifically, then proceeds to get all worked up about those who raise rather skeptical, and reasonable questions. He is also the poster who inserts (sometimes slyly) in his numerous posts small reminders that he is blind ... for whatever reasons and for whatever needs.
And it's Cndmatt who now asks for 'questions'.

June 3rd, 2017, 23:08
This is a troubling post. It suggests an addiction to squabbling with members about the nature of this blindness. It's almost as if you're missing a447 and his constant nitpicking and this is an attempt to encourage another member to pick up the cudgel. I'm sure I'm wrong.

Yep, wrong. This one was actually sparked by a snide remark I read from Smiles this morning. I'm just tired of it now, so thought I'd open up the floor to questions. I figured learning and understanding is better than being cynical and sarcastic. I'm happy to answer questions, but getting replies like, "you can't be bline, because you're able to spell 'geez'" is just stupid.

Well anyway, here goes. You mentioned that you were interested in going to some 'blind school' and helping them out some time ago. I was wondering how you're getting on with that?

The blind school here in particular? Nope, not at all. They have a Christian School for the Blind here in Khon Kaen, but the head administrator there proceeded to tell me their institution can't be of assistance because I'm not Thai. Really pissed me off, because they knew I was happy to pay any fees, plus at the time I was just recently blind, and all I wanted help with was helping get back online. All I wanted was help just to do a simple Google Search, and read what came up, and I could gihure out the rest myself. Still pissed about that, and I should really send a message to the regional HQ in Australia.

But yes, it's always been an aspiration of mine to help others, and leave this world a better place than I found it. I help in the small personal ways I can, but same as everyone. For the most part, still stuck taking care of ourselves, and in that "get rich, or die trying" stage. If I can manage to make myself successful in that endeavour, without question we'll be helping others. I think every human has an intrinsic feeling to leave this world a better place than they found it.

June 3rd, 2017, 23:15
How do you process data? I'm a visual person, pictures (obviously), mathematical and chemical formula (and while it has been a while that I did programming, let's include code as well), while it can be spoken, I could not process it in audio form. Blindness would be the end of my job as a chemist because I can't process the data (and if I were a programmer, the same).

June 4th, 2017, 00:03
How do you process data? I'm a visual person, pictures (obviously), mathematical and chemical formula (and while it has been a while that I did programming, let's include code as well), while it can be spoken, I could not process it in audio form. Blindness would be the end of my job as a chemist because I can't process the data (and if I were a programmer, the same).

Good question. Best answer I have is us humans are very resilient creatures. We're the poorest evolving species on this planet, and by all accounts and measures should have been extinct long ago. However, we're also extremely adapative, and learn to adapt to our envrionment, hence why we're still kicking around on this planet. Best answer I can give.

Just think, if you lost your eyesight, you said yourself you'd be fucked for work, right? Then what would you do? You can't just quit, because human nature doesn't allow for that, so after an initial period of emotional shock, you would pick yourself up, and figure out a way to move forward, correct?

For example, you're a chemist, so being able to view diagrams of the makeup of a molecule would now be impossible. However, if it was absolutely required through necessity, with having an audio of the makeup of that makeup, you would be able to visualize it in your mind, correct? Remember, you're in a position where you either figure it out, or you go homeless. Take your pick.

Same as software development. I've been at this 16 years, and granted, not easy doing it blind. Especially debugging code, because instead of just a quick 5 second glance to see the problem, I'm now stuck spending a huge amount more time going through things character-by-character to find the bug. It's a total pain in the ass, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter. It's that, or go homeless in Thailand. Before I used to joke that other than software, the only thing I'm qualified for is stocking shelves in Walmart, and I'm not even qualified for that anymore, so I have no choice but to make software work.

Thankfully, going blind did give me a couple of the best business ideas I've ever had in my life, which I at least think have huge potential. Test pilot will be launching in Chiang Mai in the near future. If I do things correctly, I'll never have to type another line of code in my life within ~12 months. Time will tell. :)

June 4th, 2017, 00:23
A quote by Cndmatt: "But yes, it's always been an aspiration of mine to help others, and leave this world a better place than I found it."

OK, now I really must barf. Canadians rarely indulge in such treacley self-love. Last time I heard something along the same idea above was by a tearfull Tammy Fay Bakker crying for the little children in Sudan or somesuch. I really miss her.

June 4th, 2017, 00:59
Once again, quit being a smug asshole. Very un-Canadian of you. Do you pride yourself on it, or something.

No, same as nearly every parent out there wants to leave this world a better place for their children. It's a basic human instinct that has kept our species alive throughout the millenia. Just because I'm gay and don't have any kids doesn't prohibit me from having the same instinct.

June 4th, 2017, 05:26
What I'd like to know is this (along as how he brings it up): What is the name/diagnosis of a disease which causes a young man (I'm assuming that Cndmatt is somewhere between 25 and 45 ~ something like that, I could be wrong) to go completely blind literally overnight?.I'm guessing it's not one of these - http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/worm-eats-mans-retina-terrible-parasites/story?id=11700175

June 4th, 2017, 05:28
A quote by Cndmatt: "But yes, it's always been an aspiration of mine to help others, and leave this world a better place than I found it."

OK, now I really must barf. Canadians rarely indulge in such treacley self-love. Last time I heard something along the same idea above was by a tearfull Tammy Fay Bakker crying for the little children in Sudan or somesuch. I really miss her.It's a generational thing Smiles. cdnmatt belongs to the generation where it's all me me me - how I feel blah blah blah. You can see it in Prince Charles' sons. Another manifestation is selfies

Once again, quit being a smug asshole. Very un-Canadian of you.Really? Being a smug asshole is a racial/cultural characteristic that can be attributed only to residents of certain countries? I'd have thought we had to put up with post upon post upon post of you being a smug asshole before your relationship with your previous catamite turned to shit

June 4th, 2017, 06:02
Ohhh, sorry Smiles. Either you edited your post, or I just missed that part frequent quoted.

Anyway, it was simply due to lesions in the right optic nerve caused by head trauma. Last summer, I went out in the backyard to turn the water tank off so I could replace the bum guns, it was raining quite hard out so the tiles were slippery, I rushed to get out of the rain, took a good fall, and that's all it took. From there, the blood slowly leaked frin behind my eyes up through the lesions in my optic nerve, and 2 months later I was blind in both eyes.

My right eye went first, and about two weeks later my left eye went. From start of deterroriation (s) until blindness was about 3 days for each eye, as the blood drained.

@frequent -- don't bother. I don't have the patience to put up with some 60 year old emotionally immature man-child.

June 4th, 2017, 06:12
@frequent -- don't bother. I don't have the patience to put up with some 60 year old emotionally immature man-child.Evidently

June 5th, 2017, 00:33
Really? Being a smug asshole is a racial/cultural characteristic that can be attributed only to residents of certain countries? I'd have thought we had to put up with post upon post upon post of you being a smug asshole before your relationship with your previous catamite turned to shit

When I first read it I thought matt called Smiles a snug asshole!
I was horrified that Smiles may have been one of matt's catamites.

June 5th, 2017, 08:54
When I first read it I thought matt called Smiles a snug asshole!
I was horrified that Smiles may have been one of matt's catamites.
Have no fear Francois. As the world knows I'm constantly surrounded by catamites at all times, especially the 'snug' ones, my favourites.
But ... all of them are Asian, not pasty flabby white guys. Like Cndmatt?

Which brings me to a question for Cndmatt ... slightly round-a-bout I know, but what the 'H'.
And this question can be answered with just a few specific words.
Exactly what Visa are you staying in Thailand on?

June 5th, 2017, 09:17
That's my problem, not yours. I'll deal with it. Why do you think it cost me around 6,000,000 baht before we get settled into a new house in Chiang Mai?

June 5th, 2017, 11:09
That's my problem, not yours. I'll deal with it.
A question was asked, not a problem posed. An easy question in fact. Get your defences right.
But you're correct, it's your business.

June 5th, 2017, 13:44
Exactly what Visa are you staying in Thailand on?Thailand Elite's taking payment in Bitcoin these days Smiles - surely you knew that?
Why do you think it cost me around 6,000,000 baht before we get settled into a new house in Chiang Mai?So there'll be 5,000 left over to settle your bet with me then

June 5th, 2017, 20:23
Exactly what Visa are you staying in Thailand on?

My guess, a Retirement visa (extension to stay for retirement).

June 6th, 2017, 13:25
My guess, a Retirement visa (extension to stay for retirement).Like Patsy Stone (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patsy_Stone), I don't believe Matt admits to being older than 39. You have to be 50 to get a retirement visa

June 6th, 2017, 20:07
I'm 35., but according to Leo I look like I'm 40. He really doesn't know how to give compliments. :)

Same as a few days ago he said, "you are fat, but I still love you". Fuck sakes, I'm only 67kg, so I'm not that fat. Granted I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I'm fine.

June 6th, 2017, 22:43
Like Patsy Stone (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patsy_Stone), I don't believe Matt admits to being older than 39. You have to be 50 to get a retirement visa

So he says.

June 7th, 2017, 01:10
You didn't see an international hospital because of visa issues? That's sad... I know about a young man, just 20 yo, who gone blind (90-95 %) and was back in the office only 4 or 5 weeks after the incident. In the end most people just want to survive. Matt, do you still actually see your boyfriend and his young asian body?

June 7th, 2017, 04:54
Not sure what you mean. He went blind, then 4 - 5 weeks later regained his vision? Or went blind, and 5 weeks later was back working in the office blind? If so, quite admirable of him. Took me about 4 months to become confident being blind.

I can see a silhoutte of Leo, but can't see his facial features or anything. Nonetheless, doesn't matter any more. Sure, when I'm first looking for someone I want someone cute and good looking. We're well beyond that stage now, so he's welcome to get as old, fat and ugly as he wants, and I'll still love him just as much as I do today.

June 7th, 2017, 08:33
I'm 35.
OK ... you are 35 years old (wish I was). That means nada for a retirement visa. You live permanently in Thailand. So what visa are living in Thailand on?

Look, I'll tell you mine: I'm 69, living on a Retirement Visa (originally) which needs to be extended annually. Simple.

June 7th, 2017, 09:09
For fuck sakes Smiles, take a hint...

Why do you think it will cost me about 6,000,000 baht before we're settled into a new house in Chiang Mai? I don't know how much the "fine" is going to be, but I'm sure it's going to be a hell of a lot more than 20,000 baht.

Then once in Singapore, it's another 500,000 baht for a Thailand Elite card, giving me a 5 year VISA. I'm still debating whether or not to get one for Leo as well, and if so, that's 1 million baht for the two of us.

June 7th, 2017, 22:15
I assume you mean that the 20,000B is a fine from Immigration for over-staying whatever visa you were on (a long time ago I gather?). Correct me if I'm missing something.

Quite awhile ago I read somewhere that one of the requirements for receiving an Elite Visa is that the person applying must have no over-stays on their record.

June 7th, 2017, 22:59
Yes, a while back it was a simple 20,000 baht fine, and you could return the next day with a double entry tourist VISA. Now, it's a 10 year blacklisting, plus if they catch you before you hit the border, it's also 1 year in Thai prison. Considering I'm blind, that would be equivalent to a death sentence for me.

That's why I'm expecting my "fine" to be around 2 or 3 million baht, in order to get to Vientine (sp) without penalty.

You're right, you can not have a criminal record to get a Thailand Elite card, but overstay is not a criminal offence. It's against immigration law, but not against the criminal code. Besides, it's not going to show an overstay on my record, hence the 2 or 3 million baht "fine" to get across the border, and into Laos.

From there, we fly to Signapore, get a Thailand Elite card giving me a 5 year VISA, plus get a 2nd opinion on my eyes. Although I'm sure current diagnosis is correct, it's optic nerve damage, so not too anxious about a second opinion. From there up to Chiang Mai, find a house, back to Khon Kaen to pick up the dogs, then the 4 of us go start our new life in Chiang Mai.

Then we start the process of getting Leo a 6 month visitor VISA to Canada, because he really wants to go play in the snow, and I want to see my family again. I don't think he'll like the snow as much as he thinks he will, but we'll see. Throw him outside in Calgary in mid-January -- "ok honey, have fun in the snow!", hehe. :)

I'm pretty sure I can get him approved for a visitor VISA though. We've been taking timestamped photos for ages, can get letters from both our families, I can prove finances, I have a ltter from my eye specialist vouching that he's my care taker, plus when we get to Chiang Mai I'll ensure both of our names are on the lease, and we get a joing bank account for daily spending money. That should be enough to satisfy the Canadian government.

That's the plan at least. Who the fuck knows what will actually happen.

June 7th, 2017, 23:59
Matt wrote:
"That's the plan at least. Who the fuck knows what will actually happen."

Well I don't know either but your life reads like an episode of Little House on the Prairie.

June 8th, 2017, 07:34
From there, we fly to Signapore, get a Thailand Elite card giving me a 5 year VISA, plus get a 2nd opinion on my eyes. Although I'm sure current diagnosis is correct, it's optic nerve damage, so not too anxious about a second opinion. From there up to Chiang Mai, find a house, back to Khon Kaen to pick up the dogs, then the 4 of us go start our new life in Chiang Mai.

Fake news! :D

" ... and I want to see my family again ... "
Interesting choice of words.

June 8th, 2017, 23:58
Alternative facts!

heh, I wish that wasn't all true, but it is. I have until Dec 6th to be out of here, and somehow raise ~6 million baht in that time, as the owners will be returning from Germany and want to renovate the house. That, and the owners don't like us anyway. Little bit of homophobia going on there I think.

June 10th, 2017, 10:25
Can't wait for the next chapter to be written. This is better than the Harry Potter series.

June 10th, 2017, 10:47
Matt, I'm confused by your lack of knowledge with regards to immigration matters. From your Bitcoin battle with Bruce, I recall that you mentioned having a Thai Elite visa already back then. If that wasn't true, tell me why I should believe anything you write in this thread, or anything full stop?

There's indeed a ban for overstayers, but nobody who gets caught and who has the means to pay the fine gets imprisoned for one year. I have no idea where you get that nonsense from (cite a case!), and I would suspect that you would have done more thorough research if you were really in the situation you describe.

Lastly, I had said in another thread what Smiles raised here again - it's inconceivable that someone in the "going blind" process you describe doesn't head home for specialist treatment immediately. Who knows, Canadian doctors might be able to save at least the second eye in the scenario you describe. It's incredibly difficult for me to understand why any Westerner in that situation would take his chances with Thai quacks instead.

June 10th, 2017, 11:32
Then once in Singapore, it's another 500,000 baht for a Thailand Elite card, giving me a 5 year VISA. I'm still debating whether or not to get one for Leo as well, and if so, that's 1 million baht for the two of us.Or you could spend a million baht just on yourself and get a 20-year visa – the Elite Superiority Extension (http://www.thailandelite.com/#/at-your-service/card/elite-superiority-extension-membership)
That, and the owners don't like us anyway. Little bit of homophobia going on there I think.In the gay paradise that is Thailand? Surely not?!
Can't wait for the next chapter to be written. This is better than the Harry Potter series.And just as credible

June 11th, 2017, 08:47
I'd be interested in the mechanics of cdnmatt resolving his legal situation in Thailand. Will he just blindly attempt to bribe any official or pay a lawyer who says he can help? Surely that would be extremely foolish.

June 11th, 2017, 09:20
This is Issan, not Bangkok, I'm sure for the right amount of money it's possible to get someone to take me across the Laos border without blacklisting penalty. We're working on it.

Khor tose
June 11th, 2017, 10:02
That's my problem, not yours. I'll deal with it. Why do you think it cost me around 6,000,000 baht before we get settled into a new house in Chiang Mai?

Give me a break. Your move to Chiang Mai, is just about as true as your move to Doi Saket---that never happened. Blind maybe. A liar--without doubt. Now that surf has gone there is no one that can vouch that you actually exist as CDNmatt. Me, I have always thought you last acting stint on this site was as Ronthai and all of his different handles. Seems to fit your personality.

June 11th, 2017, 10:21
Me, I have always thought you last acting stint on this site was as Ronthai and all of his different handles. Seems to fit your personality.I really must protest, Khor tose. Everyone knows that cdnmatt is merely another of the many handles that I have used over the years. Just ask a447 - oh, sorry, he's another of my posting handles

June 11th, 2017, 17:17
Same as a few days ago he said, "you are fat, but I still love you". Fuck sakes, I'm only 67kg, so I'm not that fat. Granted I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I'm fine.
Weight without height is pointless. I had a boy telling me he is only 55 kg (at 165cm!) which is fat by my standards (I told him to either lose 5 kg or grow 5 cm in order to have a chance with me), whereas 55 kg and 175 cm would be fine.

...and I want to see my family again.
Figuratively, not literally.