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May 22nd, 2017, 12:05
I'm re-posting this due to unprecedented demand.

So many times I read about offs not living up to expectations. Here is a simple plan to ensure success.
1) Tell the boy what you are hoping for before you off him. Make it clear what you want.
2) If he says he doesn't............then don't pressure him either in the bar or the room.
3) Tell him how much you will tip him.
4) Unless you've stipulated he must come (see 1) then don't demand it and don't insult him if he doesn't. (I know for a fact many do.)
5) Do invite him to have a drink from the mini bar. He is your guest. (My rule is NO alcohol, not even beer if they're on a motorbike.)
6) Pay him nicely. Thank him for his time and assuming you've enjoyed your time with him tell him.
7) Give him a nice kiss goodbye, even if you drop him of right outside his bar. Gay or straight assuming you've followed the above rules he won't mind a bit.
8) Next time you go into the bar, if you don't off him again then give him 20/40 baht. It's nothing to you and shows you thought he was a good off. It also buys him dinner.

May 22nd, 2017, 16:49
...nah way too apologetically limp wristed begging attitude...
1) tell the Mb what u want....make sure he agrees on every point...like u do everything?right? bottom? suck? swallow?suck arse? using your index finger indicate and say u r a 1 /a man...and he is a o ..so not a man...a woman. Tell him " im boss...ok??...make sure he nods yes. Agree on a time frame...VERY important. U dont want to worry about lost keys..dead buffaloes or missing grand mother...all that matters is you and your full balls.
2)once in the room if he fails on any of the above points make a scene...give him the ugly stare...tell him off...
3) fully agree...i go further...I indicate what I will tip...and how much extra he will get if he makes me happy...
4)nonsense...ofcourse he must come...and he must do it whilst Im fucking him...love to watch the stupid fucking tugging away furiously while I slam into him
5)what is this?? a wedding?? Really a drink from my mini bar...like I even book hotels with mini bars...
6)I pay him...done...now go...why the hell must I be etxtra nice...job done...now grab your shit and go...gotta hop onto grindr and find another...like gum...once its chwed the taste is gone
7)KISS...REALLY...do u know where that mouth has been...drop him off????really??what am I uber??? geez...
8)if i see him in the next week or so will ignore him...like I've done it...move on
9) OK...this is an extra rule..always complain..even if whilst u r fucking his tight hole...complain...makes him try so much harder...

May 22nd, 2017, 17:24
Ignoring the red-neck wet dreams above, I differ only on one issue with Arsenal. My first offs were in 1995 and were guided by the excellent Gay Guide I bought in Foyles for a few pounds. The writer (his name was Michael (I think) Notcutt, advised us not to discuss payment before the deed. I never have, though if a guy asks me , I always tell him honestly. Only rarely has this happened. I always give the going rate, well-known to all of us and to the guys themselves, and then add a couple of hundred plus for taxi/ dinner.
The advice to give a small tip if you return to his bar is particularly apposite. The other guys will know that you offed him and ignoring him will result in his losing face.
Arsenal is right to emphasise the importance of respect. Not only is it right it improves performance....for both parties.. Enlightened self-interest, if you will.

May 23rd, 2017, 02:48
oh I will aknowledge him...as in nod his way...but am not gonna rush over to him and start showering him with baht notes like he was a pop star....certainly dont want him crowding me...or sitting with me..anyway its a bit of a moot point as I rarely off from bars...occasionally I'll see a grindr off out in public/sitting in front of a massage parlour/gogo bar...then I think its best to ignore him in case his boss starts complaining about lost bar fines.
...and oliver..u mention " wet dreams"....isnt that why one engages a whore...to get what u cant get at home?/ why do straight married men fuck around with other woman and frequent whores?? same same..but different...
Maybe your (and some other posters) kink is looking to MBs for love and affection and companionship...I've already got that by the bucket load...

May 23rd, 2017, 05:28
The writer (his name was Michael (I think) Notcutt, advised us not to discuss payment before the deed. I never have, though if a guy asks me , I always tell him honestly. Only rarely has this happened. I always give the going rate, well-known to all of us and to the guys themselves, and then add a couple of hundred plus for taxi/ dinner.

I think it's good advice from Arsenal in 7 of the 8 items. It may be 8 out of 8 for all I know.

I've tended not to raise the subject of money, but will give a minimum figure if they ask, making it clear it's more if they are good. I've always thought there should be some variation according to performance.

I'm interested to hear the argument in favour of fixing the tip in advance.

May 23rd, 2017, 09:05
Goji: I like to conduct all business in the bar. Then both parties can relax and have a nice time in the room.

May 23rd, 2017, 14:48
Notcutt's view (as I recall) was that the guys preferred not to put the commercial issue "up-front"..I can imagine some people mocking this but I can understand their point of view. in its social and religious context.
Perhaps had my first visit not been so heavily influenced by that gay guide, I may have done things differently.

May 23rd, 2017, 14:57
religious context...lol...

May 23rd, 2017, 15:23
I will only talk in the bar about the potential tip if the boy raises the subject.

Otherwise, after the deed, the going rate plus any performance bonus is secreted under a magazine or suchlike and whilst I conveniently visit the bathroom I indicate that there is something under the magazine for him.

When I emerge, the boy has already scooped up his wages of sin :p and is smiling - then both of us can proceed with our day without any inherent embarrassment over the physical handing over of cash.

I never pay less than the going rate. I've never had a boy try to leave after 10mins. Obviously some are much better than others and I increase the fee accordingly but I never reduce it.

If the boy was useless then I'd rather pay him and just not hire him again than risk creating a big scene over what (to most of us) is really not a great deal of money

May 23rd, 2017, 16:04
geeez...all this guilt...all this insinuation that sex is dirty and must be kept hidden...silly..actually feel sorry for u...pity... when r u gonna be free...be able to breathe deeply without any constraints..

May 23rd, 2017, 16:30
I will only talk in the bar about the potential tip if the boy raises the subject.

Otherwise, after the deed, the going rate plus any performance bonus is secreted under a magazine or suchlike and whilst I conveniently visit the bathroom I indicate that there is something under the magazine for him.

When I emerge, the boy has already scooped up his wages of sin :p and is smiling - then both of us can proceed with our day without any inherent embarrassment over the physical handing over of cash.

I never pay less than the going rate. I've never had a boy try to leave after 10mins. Obviously some are much better than others and I increase the fee accordingly but I never reduce it.

If the boy was useless then I'd rather pay him and just not hire him again than risk creating a big scene over what (to most of us) is really not a great deal of money

What is the going rate?

May 23rd, 2017, 16:50
Depends where you are and whether long time/short time.

There are umpteen threads discussing such matters

May 23rd, 2017, 17:33
It is extraordinary that anyone who has been to Thailand and-presumably- met Thais isn't aware of the importance of Buddhism in their everyday lives. The Thai guide (I think it was called Thai Scene- I remember its front cover of a cute guy in front of a Temple stupa)- was the advice it provided about the socio-religious issues that visitors need to remember in their dealings with Thais. Things like not touching heads without permission, or being careful where we put our feet. Basic stuff that "oils the wheels" of our meetings and encounters with Thais.
Comic to some; good manners to others. We are in their country ,after all. Arsenal's advice is respectful of our hosts who, in my experience- are usually profoundly gracious to visitors. Even, I suspect, to the yahoos who think that our Western way of life of life/culture is the only one worth preserving.

May 23rd, 2017, 17:45
...its confirmed..ollie is a self hating tree hugging whale saving cardigan wearing jew hating loonie greenie...

May 23rd, 2017, 20:53
Let me clarify a few things here. The guide is as much about selfish desires as anything else. Who here (except Rabbi Poxxy) doesn't want a nice, pleasant transaction that ends with all parties happy. I know of no other business where the amount to be paid is not clear from the beginning.

Hello Mr Wal-Mart. I'm going to take this food home and then pay you depending on how delicious it is!
Hello Mr Spielberg. I'm going to watch your movie and then pay you depending on how enjoyable it was!
Hello Mr Decorator. You can paint my house and then I'll pay you depending on how much I like it!

May 23rd, 2017, 21:43
?....... I know of no other business where the amount to be paid is not clear from the beginning.

Arsenal, its all very simple really and I am surprised that a man of your age and experience has yet failed to work it out.

Prostitution (to prostitution oneself) is illegal in Thailand, as it is in many other countries. However the services offered by Mr Wal-Mart, Mr Spielberg and Mr Decorator are not illegal. They have set prices for their services, they raise invoices, they issue receipts including applicable service taxes, they pay their corporation and income taxes and they have their accounts audited. Their businesses are legit.

However sexual favors provide by Thai bar boys are not legitimate and they cannot perform any of the above business procedures so must provide their services free of charge. All they can hope for is a tip.... a LARGE tip. If punters give tips to the boys for the 'free' sexual favors, then no laws are broken, no taxes are payable and there are no accounts to be filed or audited. Everyone is happy. TIT.

May 23rd, 2017, 21:53
Well then Minimee you must report me and dozens of naughty bar boys to the bib. Except that several massage places have menus that offer massage or massage with sex printed out and on display. So...this is a law that is not enforced, in exactly the same way that go go bars are, technically illegal. Experienced...yes but I'm still young and absolutely gorgeous. Fact.

May 23rd, 2017, 22:21
The suggestion that the police in any country are prevented from acting if a prostitute is given a "tip" instead of a "payment" displays a staggering degree of naivety - especially when you picked the boy up in a brothel under cover of a go go bar, run by a pimp under cover of a bar owner.


The reason these matters are not routinely pursued by the BIB has nothing to do with the euphemisms used or the easily proven illegality going on, and everything to do with the general ineffectiveness of the BIB combined with the amount of tea money collected

May 23rd, 2017, 22:28
The suggestion that the police in any country are prevented from acting if a prostitute is given a "tip" instead of a "payment" displays a staggering degree of naivety - especially when you picked the boy up in a brothel under cover of a go go bar, run by a pimp under cover of a bar owner.


The reason these matters are not routinely pursued by the BIB has nothing to do with the euphemisms used or the easily proven illegality going on, and everything to do with the general ineffectiveness of the BIB combined with the amount of tea money collected

Assuming that the police are not the owners of the bars themselves. :lol:

May 23rd, 2017, 22:32
SGlad wrote:
"Assuming that the police are not the owners of the bars themselves."

Absolutely, Absofuckinglutely, Welcome back by the way.

Nathan B
May 24th, 2017, 00:49
In 20 years I've never raised the subject of payment while in the bar. Very occasionally I'll be asked and it's generally not a good sign. I only ever had one problem, over 10 years ago, when an off in Bangkok was unhappy with 1500 Baht for short time. He wanted 1700. I refused and he sulked.

Having said that, my expectations of short time tips have had to be adjusted, having recently returned to Bangkok after a long absence. It's clear that the boys in the major bars expect 2000 Baht for short time.

May 24th, 2017, 02:54
...not a good day...find myself agreeing with both scotty and arsetroll...think I'll hop back into bed and pull the covers right over my head.

May 24th, 2017, 06:13
The suggestion that the police in any country are prevented from acting if a prostitute is given a "tip" instead of a "payment" displays a staggering degree of naivety.......
The reason these matters are not routinely pursued by the BIB has nothing to do with the euphemisms used or the easily proven illegality going on......

Spotty, in your case it is far more than naivety. It is plain ignorance. These words 'payment' and 'tip' are not merely euphemisms as you assume. They are prescribed terms in law and are used precisely so that laws are not broken. Of course everyone knows what is really going on, but the law is an ass and that's how everyone likes it. It is not that the BiB are prevented from taking action in cases of prostitution, it is just that they don't have to take any action if no laws are being broken.

The systems operated in GoGo Bars in Thailand have been long established to ensure that no action by the BiB is required. You pay the bar a fixed price to compensate for the time of their employee - no laws broken there. You have consensual sex with someone who has attained the age of majority in the privacy of your hotel room - no laws broken there. You offer a cash tip (a gift) to someone on a purely discretionary basis without any request for payment being made - up to you mister - no laws broken there.

Ahhh! Another quiet day at the police station, with no chasing around and no nasty paperwork to complete. Just the way we like it. Time to count the tea money....

sglad is quite correct to point out that the BiB are often in on the whole game with ownership of some of the bars. Again, no laws broken there, so all is at peace in the world. sglad also provides a link to a wiki page on John Burdett and his excellent series of novels based in Thailand and featuring Sonchai Jitpleecheep. Here's a quote from the wiki page:

The novels involve Thailand's sex industry (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_industry) and the red-light districts (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-light_districts) of Bangkok. Sexual matters are part of the narrative, including the juxtaposition of often conflicting Thai and Western norms (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norm_(sociology)) and mores (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mores). They have been widely praised for the breadth and depth of understanding of a number of different cultures. Apart from the Anglo-Saxon cultural traditions with which he was brought up, Burdett has shown considerable familiarity with Confucian, Buddhist, Latin and North African societies, due to his extensive travels.

In the absence of your own experience and understanding of Thai or Asian norms and mores, I highly recommend you read Burdett's novels, particularly the latest in the series The Bangkok Asset. They just get better and better.

May 24th, 2017, 14:35

If the BIB were in any way interested in prosecuting such behaviour the amateurish subterfuge of calling what is clearly a prostitution fee a "tip" would soon be demonstrated in Court for exactly what it is:

1. Boy is 18, Elderly Gay Desperado is around 60
2. Boy jiggles his bits on podium in effort to attract customers
3. EGD summons boy from podium
4. Boy joins EGD
5. EGD pays bar (known to BIB as a place where boys are on offer), a significant fee
6. Boy and EGD leave together
7. The duo arrive at hotel of EGD and the boy leaves his ID card at desk
8. At this point the boy has little to no money (easily established by interviewing co-workers)
9. Sometime later he leaves EGD hotel significantly richer with no plausible explanation of how he came by it (easily established by interviewing others or perhaps he even still has the money when questioned)

Sure, these would be circumstantial points of evidence - but not just the smoking gun but also the spent bullet will be when the boy readily incriminates EGD farang - because if you think said boy is going to risk a spell in the pokey in preference to cutting a deal with BIB which results in You taking his place then you are even more naive than I gave you credit for. If push comes to shove, the boy will stand in Court and sing like a canary about why you took him there, what you did to him (with graphic details), and how much you paid him for it.

No, MiniMee you wouldn't find yourself smirking at the Judge because you insist you only "tipped" the boy for his scintillating chat (despite the fact he can't speak English) and not for sex.

The reality is you'd already have been on the front page of PDN with the familiar tableau photo of said boy/s pointing at the miscreant, and you'd be well on your way to either a substantial fine or a short holiday courtesy of the Court.

So let's just enjoy the largesse of the BIB while it lasts and lets not think that the reason we can get away with it is because we are so much smarter than the Thai justice system in calling a payment for sex a "tip"

May 24th, 2017, 15:28
If the BIB were in any way interested in prosecuting such behaviour ...LOL. They all get kickbacks from the bars precisely so that no-one gets prosecuted. In fact their "territory" is well-defined. I was in Tawan Bar one night several years ago when some out-of-area plain-clothes police arrived and attempted a shakedown of the management. A quick phone call to Tawan's usual protection racketeers and the nearby station despatched the local cops who arrived to see the arrivistes on their way empty-handed

On the other hand the cops must hate Grindr & Co - no kickbacks from freelancers

May 24th, 2017, 16:22
I may be wrong here Scotty but my understanding is that only the prostitute is breaking the law, not the client.

Elderly gay desperadoes indeed. How dare you. How very very dare you.

May 24th, 2017, 19:46
If that's the case Arsenal (and it might or might not be) then why does the basic argument about "payment" V "tip" even exist?

If we assume that prostituition is a crime in Thailand (and I've read many very strident assertions both that it is, and somewhat fewer that it isn't) then it would seem logical that anyone who facilitates or encourages prostitution (be that a brothel keeper or a punter) might well come under some degree of judicial scrutiny, if anybody was remotely interested in testing the laws.

But as we well know, very little is logical !!

May 24th, 2017, 20:51
Well I've just looked it up and nothing is clear. But then in The UK we have a law against "disturbing the Queen's peace" which is prosecuteable even if she's reigning over her dominions in Australia at the time and sex between women was never illegal, only men. Bloody Queen Victoria.

May 24th, 2017, 20:53

Snotty, I do find your constant displays of abject ignorance highly amusing. However your consistent ability to misunderstand and misconstrue posts made by others is becoming worrisome.

We are not discussing whether prostitution is illegal or not in Thailand (it is) but you have shown (once again) that you don't know the meaning of the word in the context of Thai law, and that of most other countries (although there is a growing trend for a shift in the law in some countries now).

Arsenal is correct in that only the Prostitute could be prosecuted for engaging in prostitution under Thai law. The punter, the john, the EGD as you choose to portray yourself, commits no offense even if he was proven to be paying a published fee for the services provided. So the boy, in your scenario would only succeed in incriminating himself if he behaved as you suggest. Which of course he won't.

And that is really the point being discussed (which you failed to grasp): By forcing a boy to 'name his price', to agree to a fee in advance for services to be provided, as indeed many here advocate, you are forcing him (in the eyes of the law) to acknowledge that he is prostituting himself. This is where the clash of western vs Asian cultural norms and mores occurs. By attempting to agree a price in advance (rather than give a discretionary tip after the event) and thus forcing acknowledgement of prostitution, your are causing serious loss of face to the boy and bringing shame upon his family. Unthinkable.

The way things work in Asia, and the reason why this industry continues to exist, is that no loss of face is suffered and no laws are broken if young boys and girls choose to have sex with you, the EGD, purely because they find you to be a 'very handsome man' and they have decided that they 'love you long-time'. These words are not only designed to flatter, but they also serve to save face, as they maintain the pretense that this is not a commercial transaction. Of course these boys and girls live in the hope that you will prove to be generous and choose to give large tips, up to you of course, and they hope for that whilst maintaining the belief that they are not acting shamefully.

You can choose not to believe me, but it is a fact that what I have described is how the system works, and always has.

It's all perfectly logical. Try visiting Thailand again sometime to find out for yourself.

May 24th, 2017, 20:57
We all know the 'bait boys'. Those lookers who are outside but unavailable to be offed. Well, naming the price often magically makes them available. The good stuff costs more Rabbi Poxxy. Get over it.

May 24th, 2017, 21:56
The fact of the matter is that *all* on this forum are crossing their fingers and *hoping* to know what the law is on prostitution in Thailand. We are told above that "everybody knows" - actually the situation is that everybody *doesn't* know. Over the years on this forum alone there have been posters whose opinions I highly respect (unlike those of Rabbi Poxxy) who have argued *both* that prostitution is illegal in Thai law, and that it is *not*

The Rabbi has clearly now taken time off from studying the Torah to delve into Thai law using his impeccable command of the Thai language enabling him to know not only the letter of the Thai law but every nuance and every possibility arising from it.

We are now expected to believe that in addition to being an international forensic accountant who can be paid 3 Business Class air fares by 3 different Companies for the same Cargo class trip on China Southern, he is also a professor of Thai law.

The reality however is that opinions expressed on this forum in relation to Thai law are mostly based on what has been read elsewhere or what Jimmy in the pub happened to tell us 5yrs ago - so my opinion on whether it would be technically possible for a customer to be investigated or charged in relation to the facilitation of prostitution is just as valid as anybody else's.

The Rabbi may not be aware that the growing trend in the world is for the prostitute to be regarded in law as the "victim" and the customer as the person who commits the crime of solicitation. Whether this has or will ever reach Thailand is something that we can all spout an opinion on but on which I suspect nobody here is in the least qualified to comment upon in any definitive sense.

May 24th, 2017, 22:34
Scottish wrote:
"The Rabbi may not be aware that the growing trend in the world is for the prostitute to be regarded in law as the "victim" and the customer as the person who commits the crime of solicitation."

I absolutely agree with that. However I would suggest that this applies mainly to women and that the attitude to the use of legal, consenting money boys has softened to the point of acceptance. This has coincided with the increased profile of gays everywhere and the understanding amongst our unfortunate heteros' that sex, for us, is considered as just another branch of the entertainment industry.

May 25th, 2017, 04:40
The Rabbi may not be aware that the growing trend in the world is for the prostitute to be regarded in law as the "victim" and the customer as the person who commits the crime of solicitation.

Is this true in countries where prostitution is legal? I would have thought that in such countries, they would be treated as equal under the law. I understand that this in theory only; if anything, they would be treated as less than equal in the event of a dispute with, say, a teacher or a doctor. Prostitution was recently made legal in my country but perception towards sex workers is still very negative. Should they find themselves in a legal confrontation with a more "upstanding" member of society, IMHO a prostitute would, unfortunately, not only be seen as a sex worker but a whore. There are exceptions of course for eg if the sex worker was underaged and in such a case, she might be perceived as a victim. There was a recent case where an underaged girl slept with 48 men for money (not at the same time!), including prominent local and foreign members of society, one of whom was a school principal!. The men were hunted down one by one by the authorities and prosecuted and their stories splashed in the media.

May 25th, 2017, 05:36
Prostitution was recently made legal in my country...

Sorry, that should have read as "Prostitution is legal in my country but solicitation, pimping and running a brothel are not. So how do you figure that out?"

May 25th, 2017, 09:42
A good post, but can’t we just continue where you posted it first?

Otherwise, after the deed, the going rate plus any performance bonus is secreted under a magazine or suchlike and whilst I conveniently visit the bathroom I indicate that there is something under the magazine for him.
You're not peddling drugs, you are paying for a service! For me, no need to put the money under somewhere and indicate where it is. I open my wallet, give the boy 500/800/1000 (whatever I have agreed on before or deem appropriate). I pay money boys like I pay my barber!

I know of no other business where the amount to be paid is not clear from the beginning.
Hello Mr Wal-Mart. I'm going to take this food home and then pay you depending on how delicious it is!
Hello Mr Spielberg. I'm going to watch your movie and then pay you depending on how enjoyable it was!
Hello Mr Decorator. You can paint my house and then I'll pay you depending on how much I like it!
And here as well, the amount paid is clear from beginning, without need to talk about it: the going rate! Only if I plan to pay less than the going rate, I bring it up before taking the boy; and if the boy wants more than the going rate, he better bring it up before he goes with me, to prevent disappointment (on his side) and a scene later.

We all know the 'bait boys'. Those lookers who are outside but unavailable to be offed.
A practice I wholeheartedly despise.

May 25th, 2017, 13:30
Has it ever happened a farang was arrested because he paid a legal age boy for sex? If not then what we see in Thailand is what we see in many countries: some laws are not enforced. In some countries it is government policy to not enforce some laws, maybe in Thailand also, or the police is bribed. But we have nothing to fear, even when prostitution is illegal. Because we can point to the stituation that it is very very obvious that in Thailand this law is not being enforced.

You can not arrest people for breaking law X when in everyday live it is common knowledge law X is not enforced. Because when a government doesn't enforce a law it makes it de facto legal (while it isn't de jure). And I did not study law, but when something is common knowledge to be de facto legal, you can not arrest people for breaking it.

This can only be reversed by a public statement from government that from now on the policy changes, only then is an arrest possible.

May 25th, 2017, 14:07
Not necessary true. Maybe on a legal sense, police would not (Would not rather than cannot) arrest a farang for paid sex. However, police can still arrest or threaten arrest to that same farang. Maybe not ona legal sense but on a level of threats, black mail or generally causing problem.

May 28th, 2017, 01:09
Not on a legal sense but on a level of threats, black mail or generally causing problem farang can be arrested for everything in Thailand not especially for paying for sex to a boy, especially on a false accusation.

May 28th, 2017, 03:43
That's correct! For instance when they took an item out of the duty free shop at the airport, without paying for it, not because they wanted it, but because the staff packed it into their shopping bag as a "promotion" when they purchased something else...

May 28th, 2017, 05:08
Having said that, my expectations of short time tips have had to be adjusted, having recently returned to Bangkok after a long absence. It's clear that the boys in the major bars expect 2000 Baht for short time.

I think the minimum is about 1500. Whilst the boys in the Bangkok bars sometimes have the sense to ask for more, 1500~1700 is sufficient.
The only time I've paid 2000 short time was with a particularly good & persuasive Gay Romeo boy.

Incidentally, some of the bar boys seem to drop their prices on Gay Romeo. I had one quote me 3000 & countered with 1000, expecting to settle a little higher, but no he immediately agreed to 1000.
I though we're supposed to haggle, considering 3000 is not a serious Gay Romeo price.

Anyway, never mind the legalities & the tips. It would be very nice if this thread evolved back to the perfect off & how to ensure success.

Picking a bar boy who is actually on the stage, can smile & make eye contact is a good start.
Having one who commits to long time also helps, since if he knows he's not getting his full tip until the morning, there is no incentive to rush off.

May 28th, 2017, 08:27
That's correct! For instance when they took an item out of the duty free shop at the airport, without paying for it, not because they wanted it, but because the staff packed it into their shopping bag as a "promotion" when they purchased something else...

Tintin, I am not so sure if that is not an urban legion or what? Yes, I have read about it.

Nonetheless, I do like your avatar! Do you pronounce your name in the English manner or French manner?

May 28th, 2017, 09:08
I had one quote me 3000 & countered with 1000, expecting to settle a little higher, but no he immediately agreed to 1000. I though we're supposed to haggle, considering 3000 is not a serious Gay Romeo price.Standard Operating Procedure. I never go above 1500, 1000 or 1200 is more common. You can keep your self-respect (eg. fountainhall) by saying that it's not a payment for sex but a reimbursement of their taxi fare :D

May 28th, 2017, 16:15
Nonetheless, I do like your avatar! Do you pronounce your name in the English manner or French manner?
I'm a Swiss citizen und speak German. My screen name is a reference to the well known cartoon series "Les Aventures de Tintin" created by Belgian cartoonist Hergé (in French language). The series consisted of 24 albums and its hero is Tintin, a young Belgian reporter and adventurer.

My avatar, however, is borrowed from the largely unknown (undeservedly in my opinion) album Tintin in Thailand, a parody of the Tintin books by Hergé. It was written by a Belgian author who used the alias Bud E. Weyser, a name that is a play on the name of American beer, Budweiser.