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May 22nd, 2017, 11:45
In 1978 the Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia. The regime was brutal, many citizens died or left. The leader was a vicious and repugnant fat man who terrorised the population and even to this day many still recoil in horror at the memory of his short but horrific time in charge. Then the cavalry arrived in the shape of the Vietnamese, they got rid of the repugnant fat man (now dead) and took over the country. The Vietnamese still control Cambodia although it is with a very light touch. Some Cambodians would like a stronger presence but most are pretty happy with the way things are done now. There are other places they can go if they don't like the way Cambodia is run. They can go to Burma or Laos where the control and rules are very strict and very strongly enforced by a small hierarchy. The huge majority of Cambodians remember the repugnant fat man and although occasionally the Vietnamese annoy them they remember what the Vietnamese did and continue to do and that without them they would probably be gone.

May 22nd, 2017, 12:00
Yeah, was a pretty sad time in human history. They're still cleaning up the landmines.

I remember years ago I read an excellent book on the Khmer Rouge. It was written by a girl living in Phon Phem (sp) at the time, and her ordeal. She survived, eventually emigrated to the US, and wrote the book giving an account of what life was like under Pol Pot. Unfortunately, I can't remember the title, but was an excellent read, and I'm sure a quick Google / Amazon search will bring it up.

May 22nd, 2017, 12:21
The repugnant fat man has gone although rumours persist about the exact nature of his death. In fact, it's not entirely clear which country he was in when he died. After he was ousted the repugnant fat man spent time in Thailand but ill health plagued his final years.

May 22nd, 2017, 13:17
That murderous devil and his cohorts actually came to power a bit earlier in April 1975 when they marched into Phnom Penn and then emptied the cities. There are several excellent books on the horrors of the next 4 years. One that moved me to tears is "The Gate" by Francois Bizot who witnessed its start and came to know the Khmer Rouge commandant known as Comrade Duch. It took until 2012 before Duch was finally found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Matt may be thinking of the factual "First they killed my Father" or the equally horrific fictional novel "In the Shadow of the Banyan".

May 22nd, 2017, 13:31
Fountainhall. Yes. Do you know I knew that and actually I was in the killing fields and the horror prison (truly truly horrific. Almost still has blood on the walls.) in Phnom Penh less than 8 weeks ago. What an idiot I am. Surfcrest, please change the date on my post to 1975. Mea Culpa.

A few Cambodians did in fact go to Burma and Laos but found they missed Cambodia with it's free and easy way and came back. And Cambodia was very pleased to see them come back. All agreed that the fat repugnant man was totally fat and repugnant and in fact, the Vietnamese were pretty much good eggs.

Need I go on with this?

May 22nd, 2017, 13:47
If you want a deeper background, do read "Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia" by William Shawcriss who was one of the first journalists to return to Cambodia after the genicude. As a comment at the start of the amazon review states -

Shawcross's 1979 volume was powerful when first published and even more so today: Henry Kissinger in his last book spent nearly 100 pages attacking it. This revised edition includes another onslaught, by Kissinger aide Peter Rodman and Shawcross's rebuttal. Essential title. (Library Journal)

May 22nd, 2017, 13:56
The Killing Fields is a powerful and emotional movie. I never got used to a smiling Cambodian Tuk Tuk driver asking me if I wanted to go to the killing fields, it always made me feel out of sorts.

May 22nd, 2017, 16:27
...now remember arsenal...if u made an error..as in it was 1975...then as per the resident cockroach...better known as a447...u were never there...

May 22nd, 2017, 16:28
..and I dont understand this posts title...

May 22nd, 2017, 18:50
SDL wrote:
" ..and I dont understand this posts title..."

Quelle surprise.

May 22nd, 2017, 21:00
The thread's title has gone over my head as well.....

May 22nd, 2017, 21:39
Trust me. It's brilliant.

May 22nd, 2017, 22:02
The United States was not happy that their former foes NVA & VC later to become the army of a united Vietnam broke the grip of Pol Pot and the K. Rouge in Cambodia.
The US predicted that the Vietnamese, once inside Cambodia, would not withdraw.
They were mostly wrong about that-the Vietnamese military forces withdrew.
But Vietnam took control of much of Cambodia's money-earning sectors.
I've been told by some Cambodians that the Vietnamese control the biggest golden goose of all -Angor Wat Complex, taken as it is, on a cheap longterm lease. (Needs verification)
When you get to know the local people in Siem Reap you find out that they deeply resent the Vietnamese influence in the business and politics of their country.
What has this got to do with Anal sex? Well, that the Vietnamese came as simple cuddlers and kissers but ended up being anal rapists.

May 22nd, 2017, 22:08
Nice post FarangRuMak (awkward name) but sex has nothing to do with the title.

May 23rd, 2017, 00:57
And I thought my de-crypting was so cleverly worked out.
Never mind;
Freud who saw sex in almost everything said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

May 23rd, 2017, 01:38
Let's just say the KR were a bunch of delusional idiots. You only have to visit S21 and look at the pictures to imagine the sheer insanity of these people. Remember many ex KR are still in high positions in Cambodia, Hun Sen being the most prominent example.

May 23rd, 2017, 02:07
pol pot was educated (for want of a better word) in france...that lot that ran around like crazed banshees lopping the kings head off...what do u expect...

May 23rd, 2017, 07:08
Arsenal, I think the places that the other Cambodians went to are really North Korea and the USA. North Korea is ruled by a short fat man with a silly haircut. He likes the sound of his own voice and intimidates his people with the threat of his iron fist. The small population have become brainwashed into speaking highly of their leader, but they have little or no contact with the outside world. Most of the North Koreans never visit Cambodia, although the resident Ambassador behaves very differently when he is away from his homeland.

The USA is also ruled by a very fat man with a silly hair style. He was very wealthy before he became the leader and likes to tell stories reminding his people of his wealth. The people, including the refugees from Cambodia, think they are in the land of the free, but Big Brother is watching them and 30 day jail sentences are imposed when riots break out in the Deep South.

As for the for the vicious and repugnant ex-ruler of Cambodia, there is really only one man who still lives in fear and he likes to wear a skirt on occasions. The skirt-wearing man has only visited Cambodia once in the last decade but constantly chatters with the Cambodians and frequent visitors to Cambodia in order to ingratiate himself.

The Vietnamese are acknowledged as peace keepers in Cambodia but they have lost interest of late as they too have not visited Cambodia for many years since they took control - just like the regime who controlled the land prior to the vicious and repugnant fat man. But as we know, the Vietnamese are in turn controlled by the Russians who are the brains behind the leadership and it is rumored that they take over full control of Cambodia soon.

May 23rd, 2017, 07:23
Minimee: Genuinely. Well done. I think you fully got the analogy.

May 23rd, 2017, 16:52
Hey arsenal! Long time no see. :)

Interesting and thoughtful topic. So tell us what the significance of the title is. I googled furiously and couldn't come up with anything.

You know what words like "anal" do to us. Don't tease. :p

PS Oh okaaay, just read MiniMee's post. Still don't quite get it. Does this have to do with the mincing Cambodian k?

May 23rd, 2017, 19:53
So tell us what the significance of the title is. I googled furiously and couldn't come up with anything.

....... Still don't quite get it.

Aiyoh sglad! Even seow ah beng cannot act so damn blur like sotong. Cannot play-play li dat lah!

May 23rd, 2017, 19:58
Aiyoh sglad! Even seow ah beng cannot act so damn blur like sotong. Cannot play-play li dat lah!

555! That's pretty good, MiniMee! I'll translate:

Damn Sglad! Even a crazy (Chinese) ruffian (chav?) can't be as clueless as an octopus!. You can't fool around like that!

MiniMee was speaking in our local patois, in this instance a lower form of Singlish. In my opinion, there is lower form of Singlish and there is a higher form of Singlish, depending on speaker and context. And there's standard Singapore English.

By the way, I have never been called an Ah Beng in all my life. But some Ah Bengs are sexy fucks with their tough guy attitude.

May 24th, 2017, 06:32
MiniMee, I don't want to put too fine a point on it, but, by right, the correct slur is Chao Ah Beng, not Seow Ah Beng. Seow Ah Beng is not grammatically wrong in Hokkien ("Crazy Ah Beng") but that's not how we normally call Ah Bengs. Chao Ah Beng, Chao Ah Lian.

May 24th, 2017, 06:43
I stand corrected. Thank you for your insight.

May 24th, 2017, 12:03
We still have not been told the meaning this Post's Title.
But it has certainly gotten bizarre!!
And this is American English...

May 24th, 2017, 12:41
Minimee has told you.